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I love this damn thing so much. Civ <3
kaizoku means pirate in Japanese :)
Well, he did rip the song and publish it with no rights to YouTube, entirely in character. :D
@DomagojPandža You should get Calling All Dawns.
Damn, now I want SimCity, too. I spend way too much money on games.
Don't worry. Heart of the Swarm comes out next week.
Also, Tomb Raider came out.
@EtiennedeMartel You a fan?
HoTS beta wasn't bad
@DomagojPandža Not exactly. I'm probably gonna get it as soon as there's a Steam sale, though.
Is Boost.FileSystem really going to be part of the standard? I don't know why I'm sort of excited for it
Last chapter of Mass Effect 3 is coming out today.
Seems to be a cheerful goodbye to the cast, I'll enjoy it, I guess.
I switched to OS X, so I have no intention of playing it this month.
@Insilico Took 'em long enough.
Mmhm. That's where I read it.
@DomagojPandža The proposal is apparently from 2006 though.
So yeah it took them quite a bit of time. :-)
@DomagojPandža The ending killed any interest I had in the Mass Effect franchise. At least until I heard that Bioware Montreal would be making the sequel.
@EtiennedeMartel Same here, I am not giving them my money though. I'll go through more sinister channels this time around. $180 is all they got out of me.
Yeah, it's based on the Frostbite 2 engine also, quasidynamic diffuse radiosity - should be nice.
But I'll stay skeptical until I see how fucked up the storyline gets.
@DomagojPandža They got a little distracted with some minor details (chiefly C++11).
@DomagojPandža From what I've heard, they don't want to call it Mass Effect 4 because it has nothing to do with the other three games.
Some people thought fishing required patience, the C++ Standards Committee laughed at the notion.
So, we're gonna get the usual "new story in the same setting" treatment.
@DomagojPandža At least they think through the language and the implications of the changes they introduce, unlike some languages cough PHP cough
@EtiennedeMartel I guess that's why they made the convergence/your choices mean shit ending - a basis for the next Mass Effect which can then use the established lore. Hopefully they won't make a prequel to avoid the dilemma.
Speaking of EA Montreal studios, Visceral Games closed.
@DomagojPandža Oh, I'm pretty sure they did that whole bullshit because the lead writer left before the end, so they had to patch something.
@zneak WHAT?!
Yes. This sucks.
they were just done with Army of 2 3
@EtiennedeMartel And the story leak at the end of 2011, the first ending pitch.
(and dead space 3 obviously)
they had no other projects lined up
@zneak Not exactly.
Visceral Montreal, the guys behind Army of Two, closed.
That's different.
Dead Space was made by the other Visceral, in Redwood Shores.
yeah, you're right
Redwood Shores is still
live and kicking.
Seems like, even with the numerous tax breaks from the Quebec government, you still can't keep making crappy games all the time and expect to stay open.
Also, Jason West ( Call of Duty franchise, Infinity Ward ) left Respawn Entertainment.
sorry for the mini heart attack then, I heard from one of my friends who worked there that they at least had something to do with Dead Space too
@DomagojPandža Woooops.
I cannot even imagine how it feels to lose a multi-billion franchise to a bunch of white collar cocks.
Army of Two was crap anyway.
And then get driven away like you're the last pussy on this planet.
They showed off 7 minutes of The Devil's Cartel at the last IGDA Montreal demo night, and it was far from impressive.
but there were essentially no singletons in their codebase!!!!!!!!!
Sure, it looked good, but with a game running on Frostbite 2, that's kinda a given.
Nowadays, graphics are taken for granted. That's the way of the world. Regardless how complex it actually is, people really care about gaming experiences again.
@DomagojPandža Fucking finally.
@Mystical yeah I just read that
"They planned it in the C++ "Lounge" chat channel. Other clues led me to believe there was some behind the curtain conversation going on so I logged in to the chat and there it was."
I like to be a part of a conspiracy theory formed by a bunch of cunts on reddit.
I don't have a reddit account (shame on me?) but tell the guy that chat messages are archived forever and deleted messages are visible to moderators
@zneak Reading what he's saying, it seems like he has nothing backing his claims.
yes, that should shut him up.
I've also noticed a major increase in reddit topics targeting SO
and the Lounge.
A lot of SO links lately from the same user.
We have some disgruntled members.
> I greatly lament the loss of Usenet as a viable source of help and information. Newsgroups were by far the best format but the lack of available servers (used to be a basic service any ISP would have, and now hardly any do) and the popularity of silly places like Stack overflow have pretty much killed it.
Yeah, he's pissed.
@Mysticial No, not really. We have certainly voted down some of his questions, but it was because he asked crappy questions. We have upvoted some answers to the point that somebody got a reversal, but because it was a much better answer than the question deserved.
"It was better back in my days"
@JerryCoffin Who is it?
I don't recognize that reddit name.
@Mysticial He also goes (or used to -- may have ragequit) as crazy_eddie on SO.
We could destroy his reputation... hmm....
Crazy does him justice.
Anyway, I'm gonna get to sleep.
@JerryCoffin Was this before I joined the Lounge? Because I don't remember that name at all.
I was already tired, so tomorrow is gonna be a fucking coffee fest for me.
I definitely don't remember that person.
@Mysticial I think he must have just lurked (if he bothered checking anything at all).
20.8k, he wasted a lot of time into the place he calls silly.
I probably didn't exist yet.
Alright, which one of you hurt his feelings? :P
@DomagojPandža Well, it's like when the puppy says that a game he spent 150 hours on "sucks".
It doesn't really carry that much weight.
Addiction is a weird thing.
A superior species, yet I wanted to correct 90% of his stupid statements and ideas.
Dammit, BioWare, y u do this to me?
shit, it's 1:30.
But the awe effect and the music is just goddamn awesome.
Yeah, I really need to sleep.
Guys, stop being interesting.
If anything, I'd say at least some of his questions have unreasonably high scores. For example: stackoverflow.com/questions/3095664/…. Should almost have been closed as NaRQ -- no real details to go on about the problem or what might have caused it. Barely short of a "I think this sucks. Don' t you agree?"
Doing a quick check shows that (at least if we can trust the search engine) he's never posted anything here.
stupid java installer.
So, he's just a butthurt cunt troll?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Home of the MacArthur conspiracy [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
(He'll get it)
and its shitty "Do you want to install the Ask bar" option
I can't believe toolbars still exist
I can't believe people even make these toolbars.
Especially for such crap.
Why does every sci-fi story resolve to the same precursor crap?
@DomagojPandža Actually, doing some looking, about the only previous mention of Crazy Eddie that shows up is Fred pointing out what an ass he sounds like:
Aug 25 '12 at 11:00, by FredOverflow
Q: Comparing one's self to others during interviews

Crazy EddieI'm often asked at some point during the interview process to compare myself to my peers. For example, one of my first after-graduation jobs asked me to compare myself to my classmates. A job I recently interviewed for asked me to compare myself to my coworkers. I always play this down quite a...

Star Trek - the first species that spread life through the galaxy
Mass Effect - Leviathan "the apex species", creates trouble for everyone
Assassin's Creed - superior species, Juno and the others.
> I have seen it get to my head from time to time, and I try to avoid it, but in all honesty I'm just better than most.
@R.MartinhoFernandes AHAHAHAH
@JerryCoffin Interesting, isn't it usually Jalf who points out how much of an idiot people are?
They just need to be reminded how little they actually know.
In a very unpleasant manner, of course.
@JerryCoffin I didin't know people often asked to compare themselves to their peeps during interviews. Doh too long o replies, did anyone ever asked him which school did he go to?
> When I'm on the internet, talking to a worldwide populace of brilliant people I'm rather mediocre. I'm smart, excited, etc...I'm still very good but I'm much more able to see myself as a smaller fish in a larger ocean. Locally though, in personal real life experience....what I find easy others find hard even among what I'd call some of the best developers I've worked with.
@Mysticial Jalf, LRiO, Cicada, Alf, sometimes a few others...but I doubt Fred would except in a case like this where somebody really is acting like a monumentally arrogant ass.
^ I kind of relate. On the Internet I feel stupid.
> The difference between your answer and the OP's question is that the OP comes across as knowledgeable and arrogant where you come across as knowledgeable and helpful. That makes all the difference in the world. – sbi Jul 4 '11 at 16:36
Sbi, hitting the nail on the head as usual.
@StackedCrooked Personally, I consider all of you to be very good at what you do. And all of you have something interesting to say, which is why most of us return to this place.
well, it is the other way around for me. When I first started working at any places, there were always more knowledged people than me (they are not necessarily smarter). With that said, university was not that easy, probably because I was insane and trying to finish 2 degrees (3 years+4 years) in 4 years.
And in the end, being awesomediocre is not that bad. :P
@Mysticial The Lounge did not exist 3 years ago, did it?
> first message: 2010-10-15
I feel like SO didn't exist 3 years ago, let alone the Lounge. But I usually mix it up with Math.SE.
Wait, lemme check the old one.
this lounge is so time consuming
it is almost annoying :p
> 2010-10-26
No, that's not older.
Running through the reversal badge list, I can't really find anything...
@StackedCrooked He has a point to the extent that if you pick a small group of (even borderline) incompetents, it's not very hard to be better than them. If that happens very often, you're pretty clearly making some pretty crappy choices about where you work, study, etc. Based on his answers, he doesn't strike me as so great that he'd stick out as a lot better than others at most work places.
We just love to gossip here, don't we? :P
@DomagojPandža I believe SO went public about 4 years ago now.
@JerryCoffin Yeah, something like that.
gossip: gnu open source software intellectual property
it is very strange when you get the urge to make acronyms
@Mysticial There was practically a reversal badge earlier today with the bananas
@Pubby I saw that. :)
@JerryCoffin I have four yearling badges, so it cannot be much more than that.
@DomagojPandža Doing a little better check: the beta apparently started 4 years and 7 months ago, and it apparently went public around 4 years and 5 months ago.
@Pubby Especially ones with both "gnu" and "intellectual property" in them.
Isn't it cool how supposedly 50% of developers use SO as documentation?
@Rapptz Not when you consider that 49% of them are asking stupid questions
Doing a search for "reversal", I did come up with a reference to this answer:
Johannes' comment on it was:
Jan 10 '11 at 4:16, by Johannes Schaub - litb
lol "Why don't you link to the chat room where you and your buddies ganged up and decided to close that question and help yourselves to a "reversal badge"? "
I haven't been able to find what he's referring to though -- if it happened at all, I think it must have been in some other chat room. But CE answered the question, not asked it. so the downvotes on his answer wouldn't have helped anybody else get a Reversal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm looking at it too. But it wasn't closed. Just deleted by Jeff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's a radial range?
Jan 7 '11 at 1:03, by Charles Bailey
@JamesMcNellis Cool, I'm going for the reversal badge... not sure I understand the question enough for it, though.
I guess this is what he is on about.
@Rapptz I'm tempted to respond to him with these:
Just went to the store and bought five sausages.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I s'pose it's possible, but he just seems to be saying: "I decided to post the best answer I could to an obviously crappy question, hoping it might lead to a Reversal badge."
Oh. I did walk through the iteration, didn't 'think outside the range' to see the pattern.
So then you're not supposed to pass a custom start? It's much less radial imo.
@LucDanton Meh, I don't even know what this is useful for.
I just saw it in the D lib, and thought it would be fun to implement.
Oh, god, some stupid bitch just claimed that hydrogen is readily available in our atmosphere.
Turned out to be rather simple.
@Mysticial I can if you want
or you could idrc
@DomagojPandža For sufficiently loose definitions of "readily"...
I'll stay out of Reddit for now. But add these links:
Tell him that we found his "evidence".
I'm tempted to crib your stuff to get rid of all the Boost.Fusion stuff and replace it with my tuple thingies.
Go ahead.
It's CC0 for a reason.
I dunno, that seems gratuitous.
@Rapptz Maybe I should hide my name from those screenies.
Well, it's getting pretty late here. I think I'm going to go sleep for a while.
@JerryCoffin night
Hm.. you should redo it then
He seems pretty pissed off right now. I'm don't exactly want him to take it out on me.
because i.stack.imgur.com has no compression
Gimme me a sec to hide them and imgur.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The more I look at D-ranges, the more appealing they are. Only a matter of time before the lack of <algorithm> won't hold me back.
I'll just cut off the top bar.
@JerryCoffin Heh, in sufficiently precise terms of "readily", we'd all burn. :D
@Rapptz Here we go:
Chat Message:

Relevant Questions (with screeshots):
@Mysticial LOLZORZ
What silliness.
I would be vindicated if that guy was the author of Crazy Eddie's GUI, because that library looks like a horrible mess. :D
Try writing a looknfeel file
Then you will really hate xml
I already hate XML.
@Rapptz why?
because it's an ass to parse
you going to hate today's technology a lot then
Android uses it, Window's phone uses it (called it another name), silverlight uses it, web server uses it a lot (JSon) which is XML like
If I wanted to have a command and/or binding in Vim to transform e.g. foo under my cursor to std::forward<Foo>(foo), how would I go about doing that? I thought of :s at first but that would work on the whole line. Can I do better?
Why do I care what uses it?
@thephd in cegui, just open one of the looknfeel files
Because your workplace might be using it, and then you have to put up with something you hate with a passion :x
Just do what I do: mother fuckin' reinvent that shit. :D
> First notes, CEGUI uses a number of Singleton classes. These, if not experienced with singletons, allow global access to a Class globally in the code, while ensuring only a 'single'ton instance is ever created. The following are the Singletons we will be using in this example.
Except, better.
@Telkitty I work in medicine -- I am not a Comp Sci grad.
@LucDanton qqyiwbistd::forward<^[p~ea>(^[ea)^[q?
@R.MartinhoFernandes o_O
Holy jeeus fuck, what template magic is that?
it's vim
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have something with ciw actually. b after yiw would go back the previous word if at the start of the word, no?
Oooh, now I see the commands.
@LucDanton Hmm, yeah.
Good point.
Do you mention ^[ seriously, as in you use that?
Oh, tty stuff right?
@Rapptz lol what are you doing here then?
Programming is my hobby.
@Rapptz Hobby is my dog
@Rapptz Hey, mine too! Hmm. :/
Appears to be working like a charm.
Same here, hobby.

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