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Code y u no work.
@CatPlusPlus drink some alcohol then everything becomes more interesting
Yeah, I'd also like my code to work and finally pay the rent for staying on my HDD all the time.
@Xeo That's a good one, kind ser!
Ask yourself what would Zoidberg do (the answer is start a new project)
@Telkitty It's not dumb at all, it's a simple evolutionary advantage.
it was attractive to be fat earlier in human history because that implied that you had more than enough food to care for your offspring.
and now it's attractive to be skinny because being fat implies a number of unfortunate medical concerns
except slightly more overweight people lives longer
And also being fat
which also explains why women statistically feel more body pressure than men- because offspring inherit more from their mothers than their fathers.
@Telkitty Nobody's "slightly" overweight.
BMI 25-30
which is like the average BMI of the developed countries
yes, but being "fat" is well over BMI 30.
And also, my penis doesn't do fat. The same is true for most of us here in the Lounge and on the planet. Hence, we are able to continue our species. And if that's a dumb reason for ~skinny, well...
Linking people in Lounge with continuing species is far-fetched theory
in any case
Also I have BMI 17 and a neckbeard
the features that people find attractive are easily explainable by a simple combination of the most desirable features for their potential offspring, and a simple randomisation factor (like every other trait).
Will I live shorter
@CatPlusPlus Well, I'm sure there's a pretty cat out there that would love you.
@CatPlusPlus statistics is not certainty for any individual in the population
You'll have better luck on that FTL theory~
@CatPlusPlus 17, damn
Yeah I'm basically skeleton jelly
Actually, the entire universe is quantum mechanical randomness masked by surface-level determinism and order. There's no such thing as certainty.
(And also retarded)
On the positive side you don't need to drink much in order to get drunk.
Macroscopical order is, quite literally, born of microscopical chaos.
That's not a positive side :<
$(this) y u no work stupid jQuery.
jQuery, that was written by that weird looking semi-adult-semi-fat-kid?
In semi-language
@Zoidberg y u jQuery
cat, you are young, you have years to get chubby :p
Because I really don't want to use the DOM API directly.
I just love how they fake code inclusion with require. xD
@Zoidberg DOMination.
John Resig is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur, best known as the creator and lead developer of the jQuery JavaScript library. Career John Resig currently works as an application developer at Khan Academy. He was a JavaScript tool developer for the Mozilla Corporation. For his work on jQuery he was inducted into the [http://www.rit.edu/alumni/ihf/inductee.php?inductee=10 Rochester Institute of Technology's Innovation Hall of Fame] on April 30, 2010. Additional projects Resig has also started or contributed to many other JavaScript libraries, including: * Processing.js, a ...
Seems like a busy person.
I somehow can't be impressed by JavaScript work. Good for him, but still.
more like a monkey
dude, that is wrong on so many levels - calling jscript developers monkeys
JavaScript ninja is like that movie with the fat guy trying to become a ninja.
fat ninja you say?
> The untold secrets of the elite JavaScript programmers
Oh gawd, calling themselves elite...
This movie?
@Xeo They'd run away screaming like little girls after five minutes with a serious C++ project.
@Borgleader That's it. Exactly the image in my head when I see that guy and JS.
I want to run away screaming like a little girl after five minutes with any c++ project
@CatPlusPlus How come you're still helping out @ThePhD, then?
@CatPlusPlus We all want to, but we hold our ground. That's why we're the Lounge mofos.
sup bitches!
I'm trying to help but I'll probably be useless
We're a bunch of screaming little girls.
sup, my nigga. Hopefully you're not black and don't find that offensive.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Little Girls Anonymous [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [no-helpdesk]
no I'm not black
Too bad, I love black people.
Is that racist?
I'm verging on complete burnout for several months now and during the semester it's double bad and I also have work and bleh
@CatPlusPlus Have some bro hugs :)
You need to slack more.
@CatPlusPlus Where do you work?
A hipster company you probably never heard of it
(You definitely never heard of it)
ohhh hipsters
ITT Cat is a hipster
I hate those hipster startups with their faggot/poser approaches to software development with 0 walls policy, everyone yelling around like a bunch of little bitches pretending to do relevant stuff.
you hate a lot of things, don't you?
What can I say, I'm a hateful person. Except you, guys. I'd do... Not much for you. But it's still something.
It's not a startup
@CatPlusPlus No, I wasn't talking about your specific situation, just something you reminded me off - I'm seeing a lot of it here in my country.
@CatPlusPlus Aw :(
A lot of incompetent people trying to rub off on the success stories of the West.
Lots of posing, suits, media coverage and 0 knowledge.
show them some love, and maybe they'll be less frightening to you
Makes me sick.
I'd love to read about DeadMG, or Cat++, or Zoidberg, or StackedC, or sehe, or the Sexual Lion. Too many people who don't deserve the spotlight end up in it.
And it is frustrating. I vent my frustration by being hateful. And then I feel better.
Life's a bitch, fuck it
@StackedCrooked I was thinking of something like this (not working yet; only HTML and CSS).
"Harlem shake" bookmarklet is kinda lame.
There is no "custom shell command" box yet, though. I'll add that in a moment.
Nah, life is fine - there are a lot of things to be loved. That is not to say there aren't many things to be hated. My policy is to distant myself from things I dislike/hate, and surround myself with many things I like/love. As soon as things I dislike/hate are out of the sight, they are out of my mind
@CatPlusPlus What kind of work do you do at that hipster company of yours? :D
Q: How can I prevent javascript code theft?

user2126306Actually I'm developing a Chrome extension and a jQuery plugin to upload it and sell it on Codecanyon. When I "Inspect source" of the page and I click on the "Resources" tab, the javascript file looks empty. How does Codecanyon do that? I want to have file theft prevention in my own website too, ...

Who'd ever want to steal JS code...
@Xeo Elite JavaScript ninjas?
There's a whole book about them, apparently.
@Zoidberg Cool.
I think the page would need to be hosted by the same domain due to cross-scripting constraints?
Yes. :P
But I'm still working on it.
@Xeo Disable right-click.
Disable JavaScript. :Đ
@StackedCrooked What was the URL of the source code on Google Code?
put a 1500-lines long copyright in each .js file
Damn, he's ugly. :D
@StackedCrooked the ex pope
@DomagojPandža He looks evil.
@TonyTheLion No it's the new emperor
@StackedCrooked The funny thing is, he's probably a sweet old man. Evil comes from where you least expect it and leaves you all wondering how the hell it could've been that sweet man you said hello to every day. :D
I nominate @Zoidberg for next pope.
@FredOverflow An atheist pope. Interesting.
You believe in Zoidlang, isn't that enough?
The pope of the atheists.
pope 53280, 0
Second time I've seen you post pictures of cats with wigs. I'm starting to find this trend disturbing.
yeah! it's half two and I able to comprehend the idea of going to shops! I wasn't too bad last night then
I find Telkitty disturbing.
Oh well, so much so for being different :D
Different does not imply disturbing.
different as in "retarded"?
No, that's being special
ah, I got it
I am not one to make fun of anyone, but Telkitty, there's something seriously wrong with you. Or you're just a good troll.
disturbing in that ways? that I do not discuss things geeks are interested in all the times?
cats in wigs for one
Weird barbie fetish for two
I am a chick I like barbies
So what?
@Telkitty no need to tell us that
@DomagojPandža I had her plonked for quite a while.
Honestly, I have that mum's basement 59 year old mentally disturbed man vibe coming from you, Telkitty. :P
well whatever
@Abyx she is female
@DomagojPandža Mum still alive?
This place is not for gossip. Stop this.
hm... that explains a lot
@DomagojPandža look at the website on her profile, you'll find pictures, which show that she is female
@FredOverflow I'd theorize she's in the fridge, in pieces.
search for cat in wigs, there are 8,670,000 results
Asian. That does explain quite a lot actually. :D
I have to think of a good UI for the custom command field.
Wait I know.
I don't know how you can be a geek without knowing how to search for peoples info on the internet, it is not that hard
@Telkitty We classify that as stalking. :$
No it is just doing the research
many HR search for someone's internet presence before a hiring decision is made
get used to it
My company doesn't have mindless HR drones.
I know many companies here do at least the facebook search. I suspect major IT/internet companies do more than that
Even if we become bigger in the future, I'll rather ask one of the programmers to take the dude out for a drink and tell me what they think of him/her. After all, they will be working together indefinitely.
I have heard stories
Hell, I'll go with them if I can spare the time.
@StackedCrooked I added the custom command box and the switches and select boxes manipulate it. fiddle.jshell.net/g4YZW/35/show
Hmm wait. :L
You shouldn't be able to use valgrind when -fsyntax-only is on nor should it run anything but the compiler. :P
I'm so damn pissed off.
Damn I missed the train
Too bad
Welp, last time I was late on the train the one I missed crashed and 3 people died
So I guess I shouldn't complain
@DomagojPandža it's not stalking
@thecoshman Whatever helps you sleep at night. :Đ
5 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@MartinJames I mean, I have 3 terabyte disks of satellite photos of her, but she might have changed gender ever since
@CatPlusPlus aye, can you make a dump of all you are running for kyrostat and email me it or something.
mmmmm chocolate chip cookies
Now the editor. No syntax highlighting = meh.
What's up with stuck up superficial chicks and BMWs?
It's like, genetic.
Possibly driving a BMW makes a chic think that she can be stuck up?
I could eliminate such people with so little remorse it frightens me.
@Zoidberg When I click "run" nothing happened.
That's because that part is not yet implemented.
I blame the parents.
you suck.
the "run" part is the important part
@DeadMG Ahahahah, just gold.
@DomagojPandža Unfortunately, gold is not Internets-transmissible, and I also don't produce it by speaking.
if I did I'd be a rich man.
as opposed to penniless
Thug life, yo.
I didn't choose the thug life
as I don't live the thug life.
I'm so goddamn enraged right now and I have no idea why.
obviously, it's your deep compassion and understanding as to how the price of beer in my local shop has gone up a smidge.
a smidge?
lol, i never heard that word before
I used to pay £5.49 for 1.333l, now I have to pay £4.80 for 1l.
it's the unfortunate suck.
Oh, yeah, a $6000 computer has informed me that the BIOS/UEFI has been restored to defaults and that I should press F1 and not fucking murder someone.
Goddamn CMOS.
@DeadMG That's freakin expensive.
@StackedCrooked It's the local shop. You expect that.
Here in the night shop it's 1 EUR for 0.33L.
also, yes, I've blown way too much moneys on that.
@StackedCrooked Depends on which beer, one presumes.
@DeadMG Dead pixels in the upper corner of your left display be damned? :P
@DomagojPandža All they cover is the "Exit" button and I already know what's there :P
what I'm trying to grip right now is how basically every action I do in LLVM will require stack allocation.
fuck you, SSA.
There, CMOS ROM battery changed. Also, it was somehow related to the damn mouse.
@DomagojPandža Sometimes web, sometimes games (Unity), sometimes mobile
But it decided that the mouse is bothering it three months into its arrival.
@thecoshman Buildbot config is in the repo
It's always reassuring to see Clr CMOS glowing red on an expensive machine. Jesus.
TBH I don't know if forum dump is worth anything
I hate entropy. I hate computers. I hate programming. I hate myself for hating everything.
I need to chill otherwise I'm going to give myself a fucking ulcer.
@DomagojPandža :hfive:
try hopping in a freezer
just make sure that it's not one of those self-latching ones where you couldn't get out again on your own.
@CatPlusPlus are all the do-dads for it as well?
@CatPlusPlus nice to keep it
I'm #13768 in line for a MYO from @thalmic! http://getmyo.com #getmyo
13768 is a nice number
Shot some pidgeons around my house.
Feeling better now.
@BartekBanachewicz an MYO?
@thecoshman I only have raw PostgreSQL instance data folder though
@thecoshman what?
@thecoshman oh, it's a pregenerated tweet :)
@CatPlusPlus they will start to ship "at the end of 2013" probably
anyway, 160 bucks for it is damn cheap; I want to try this baby
Yeah they'll ship out alright
That Myo looks like a fail.

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