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7:00 PM
you massive faggot
it will work only with 1 star though
@Cicada it already exists and it is called Vim + Z shell + GCC or clang.
not it has 242 :P
7:00 PM
vim has autocompletion?
@Cicada Too late to apologize.
real autocompletion?
@CatPlusPlus Global, actually, it gets right.
By real autocompletion I mean something like actual type analysis and not just "pick from a list of known symbols"
7:01 PM
You can replace the autocompleter completely
There are plugins based on clang AFAIR
FYI Qt Creator has not switched to a Clang-based code model due to performance reasons.
@LuchianGrigore sehe did that before.
@Zoidberg that isn't an IDE
I doubt vim magically resolves Clang's performance problems.
7:03 PM
that's vim + z shell + gcc or clang
@Zoidberg smart guy
@Ell okay UDE whatever.
so just a DE? :P
Fun fact: Skyward Sword's theme, "Ballad of the Goddess", is actually "Zelda's Lullaby" in reverse.
My development environment is my bedroom.
7:04 PM
A real IDE would have pizza and bacon.
@EtiennedeMartel Wut.
@Zoidberg you've got a handful resources there, I guess
Also, I need to play that game, just for the sake of playing it. :(
Don't go there
It would be nice to have VS on linux
7:04 PM
But I got no Wii.
@Xeo Look it up. I'm serious.
@Cicada That is one of my latent dreams.
But alas, it'll take a long time before I'm skilled enough to get a VS or VS-like on Linux. =[
That and I'd have to deal with X11 windows. :3c
Mmm, X11.
I think 2005 works with Wine
Use Qt or KDE
FOR FUCKS SAKE how I download from google code?
I ain't installing another SCM client
7:06 PM
Touching X11 is something done very rarely
No one uses X11.
Not with Wayland coming.
"No one uses X11"
Qt/KDE or GTK.
Wayland is uh, X11 done right
Or an attempt at least
7:06 PM
Aa I said KDE
I meant GTK
@Cicada without networking.
there's no "remote X" with Wayland.
Remote X doesn't work anyway
that means I can't ssh -X anymore ?
7:07 PM
It's not in the project's scope, so they essentially pushed that to the compositors (like the future stuff in Qt and GTK)
@Cicada You can prolly ssh -X to an X11 server running on top of Wayland.
It's sooooo slow
Question, is it only me that feels GUI on Linux is just slower than Windows? Or does that stem from Linux being in a VM?
well if you need Xorg on top of Wayland that's ridiculous
I'd like to get Wayland working on my Pi.
7:08 PM
@Xeo VM
@Xeo Yes
@Cicada You can get a VNC or something
Buy faster computer problem solved.
X forwarding requires a local X server
yeah but vnc isn't ssh -x and it requires a running vnc server
@Xeo Xubuntu inside virtualbox is as fast as an Amiga. (that means fast)
7:09 PM
wayland y u do dis
Because it's obsolete thing
you will, don't worry
@Xeo Even when I booted Ubuntu and Fedora native, all GUIs felt sticky and slow. Probably because at the time I was using Eclipse and Netbeans, which are both java-based and warrgh.
You're in hell already
7:10 PM
100% of people who assign arrays to pointers die
It has been proven
So joke's on you
I didn't think remote x11 worked anyway?
ssh -x does
and it's hella useful
It works for raw value of "works"
7:11 PM
It's less usable than VNC and that's saying something
@EtiennedeMartel Image not found
I'm getting good with chopsticks
@Cicada For what
@CatPlusPlus Remote GUI testing?
Eh, quick and dirty testing maybe
It's too slow for anything real
My engine supports play-and-play for all controller devices!
7:14 PM
I prefer plug-and-plug
Reminds me of that one time I was working on a Qt app. We were targetting both Windows and Linux, but we only had one Linux box in the entire company and it was in the server room. So I just said "fuck it", and ssh'd to it.
Lol, plug and play*
I was so happy I double-typed.
In retrospect, a VM would have been a better idea.
Goddamnit fingers, obey me. :c
@CatPlusPlus Not on a local network.
7:15 PM
Train them fingers
Hah, fuck XInput and DInput
@CatPlusPlus This way I can use eclipse without having it on my PC
They offer so little more than just using joyGetPosEx
@Cicada I see you like waiting 10 minutes for UI to update after typing something
I use it on LAN and I have a good LAN
7:16 PM
Eclipse has problems rendering the UI on local computer :v:
I mean, XInput will get me microphones (xbox 360 ones only? Nice, XInput. Nice) and rumble (I don't need it), and DInput offers everything that JoyGetPosEx does and.. ... actually, I don't think it had any additional benefits, except maybe some special identifiers for certain joypads.
@ThePhD From what I've heard, XInput is only recommended on the 360. Microsoft recommends the use of the good old message loop for input handling on Windows.
Yes, you have to disable the "modern UI" or whatever they call it
DirectInput is deprecated anway.
After that it just works
7:17 PM
DInput is dead
@EtiennedeMartel Joysticks don't send messages, I don't think.
@ThePhD Raw input
Raw input...?
I didn't see such messages while browsing MSDN.
@Cicada Eclipse? :<
Do I need to register for special thingymahbobbers?
7:17 PM
@BartekBanachewicz Yeah.
Well that shit sounds complicated.
@Cicada doesn't it, like, suck?
You can listen to any HID device with it AFAIK
7:18 PM
When working with CUDA you basically have three choices:
A) Visual Studio 2) Eclipse III) Get fucked
@ThePhD The processing is mostly boilerplate
And I worked on linux so the choice was Eclipse
@Cicada A) seems obvious
But I didn't want to install it on my PC so I just ran it remotely
@Cicada why did you work on linux?
7:18 PM
Because I had to do real work and not just giggles?
@CatPlusPlus This is useful information for when I begin my next project. Thank you!
Because the entire compute grid ran Linux
@Cicada that's nice. Pretty much whole Intel makes giggles instead of real work, then.
Technically I could have worked under windows
But that would've made my workflow more clunky
7:19 PM
This is keyboard/mouse but you get the gist
@BartekBanachewicz Yes
... whatever.
Btw I think something's wrong with your raycast
@CatPlusPlus Aww, thank you. <3
Right now I'm just juggling regular WM_MOUSEMOVE and such messages.
In this question, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4782757/rule-of-three-becomes-rule-of-five-with-c11 there's an answer saying
"a class with a explicitly declared destructor and implicitly defined copy constructor or implicitly defined copy assignment operator is considered deprecated"
7:22 PM
@Cicada hm? Have you been playing around with it?
Switching to RAW INPUT will probably be the next step.
what does that mean?
@JohanLundberg That means Rule of Three is enforced.
@JohanLundberg rule of 3
It's deprecated to only explicitly declare one of the three special members.
7:23 PM
if you need explicit one of those, you need explicit all 3
@BartekBanachewicz Chances are considerably high, atleast.
AFAIR there's no support for 4/5th button in normal mouse messages
@Xeo Ok... enforced how?
Since there are situations where you need to define operator= because you got a member reference.
@JohanLundberg It's deprecated to only explicitly declare one of them. This gives them freedom to make such code actually ill-formed next standard, and compilers are more encouraged to warn in those cases.
@CatPlusPlus There is. XButton, with WPARAM telling you if it's X1 or X2.
7:25 PM
@ThePhD yes and no. For RTS like-games, for example, microsoft suggests using normal WM_MOUSEMOVE
@BartekBanachewicz I wouldn't lose anything by changing the underlying system to RAWINPUT.
@Xeo All right, makes sense. Thanks
@ThePhD So maybe I went all because of keyboard
Best question text of the week
In fact, I'd probably gain some capabilities in the end.
7:26 PM
I don't remember really
@ThePhD I'm not so sure. Moving the cursor out of the window might be problematic
@BartekBanachewicz Meh, nothing a little math can't fix. :D
Ah dammit
@ThePhD I forgot you do things the hard stupid way
I've broken skin on my finger yesterday and now it's bleeding all over my chopstick
7:27 PM
Still, at the very least, it'll be good for multikeyboard and getting at rumble and stuff (hopefully) out of certain controllers.
Raw input will continue to give you messages after your mouse leaves the window
@AndyProwl that's an impressive piece of work for sure.
That's fine. It gives the position in Screen Coordinates, right?
@AndyProwl He even repeats the same nonsense twice for good measure!
I think it's relative to your window
7:30 PM
Lol, that's even better.
I don't even have to do any goddamn fancy math.
"Are your coordinates negative? DISCARD."
@Xeo Does it include the case where one of them is declared (defined?) as = default? Such as virtual ~MyClass() = default;
@JerryCoffin: Indeed. I was thinking of editing it but it's too beautiful to correct
@Praetorian: who??
Oh wait, I think you only get relative movements from RI
@CatPlusPlus Saves using Soy Sauce
@JohanLundberg Not sure.
7:31 PM
@CatPlusPlus Ooh, vary nice.
@Xeo I'll have a look.
That makes RawInput a million times superior.
Rather than measuring and providing my own deltas, I can just get it from RawInput
@AndyProwl I do a fair amount of editing, but I don't think I'd trust myself with that one. Would be like trying to edit somebody's poetry for them.
@JerryCoffin: Exactly. And I would also point out the very relevant tag "object"
7:34 PM
Eh.. how do I get VsVim to install itself to VS2012? :|
@AndyProwl I believe that's as in "I object to adding a proper tag to this question your honor."
@CatPlusPlus Eww.. a WndProc on a Tuesday night at 19:30. Should leave such things till after the watershed.
@JerryCoffin: That makes sense :D (unlike the rest)
Should I report Controller Axes from -1.0 to 1.0, or 0.0 to 1.0 ?
-1 to 1 sounds better
7:37 PM
-1.0 to 1.0 for stick, 0.0 to 0.1 for left and right trigger if available (X360 controller).
isn't -1 to 1 more precise?
@Ell Natively, I get all unsigned numbers.
So 0.0 to 1.0 requires less processing.
I also encountered -2^16 to 2^16 - 1
But 0.5 or 32678 is the 'neutral' or 'middle' position, which just seems misleading.
yeah -1 to 1
7:38 PM
Why FP for this shit?
@Xeo I would think I would get that too, but the structure currently is all unsigned.
@MartinJames it's more natural, and you can automatically do * accel or whatever
No, I meant that's another option. May be wiser, since I think that gives greater precision over -1 to +1
And maybe provide a simple mapping function if people want -1 to +1
RawAxis1 <--- gives signed -2^16 to 2^16 | Axis1 <--- gives float ?
I'm fairly sure that int32 or int64 position values can be differentiated as well.
7:41 PM
@ThePhD Eh, I'd name it "Axis1" and NormalizedAxis1.
Ah, Normalized does make more sense.
"The latter case is deprecated if the class has
a user-declared copy assignment operator or a user-declared destructor." I take it that user-declared includes declaring = default. The term 'user-declared' is not defined...
So int16 then
Though, quick question.
Or make it accessors int16_t x_axis() and float x_axis(normalized_t).
a float has enough bits in its mantissa
to properly represent OHW AIT
Nevermind my question is dumb.
7:42 PM
I'm back biznatches
@DeadMG Welcome back babycakes <3
@JohanLundberg Ah, = default is a definition, though, so it's not just declared.
And that doesn't count as a user-defined special member.
Aww, wait...
... Wait...
Ffff What is a DWORD?
7:44 PM
32 bit unsigned integer.
uint32_t, IIRC.
Oh, whew.
It looks like it was signed for a second
Really, talking in bitcounts is much nicer.
and I was panicking because FUCK if it was signed i'd have to like
check tos ee what the min and max for the range was and then normalize and then bring into the -1.0 to +1.0 range and blarghaghagah.
I know you are, but what am I?
7:47 PM
@ThePhD what are you writing?
@Ell Just making sure my Stick API is worth using for Controllers
what is your Stick API part of?
7:49 PM
My Controller APi.
Which is part of MyAPI
it's part of the Hurt API
composed of the Sticks API and the Stones API
The Pain & Suffering API.
Bleh. The range of values for raw input is not gaurunteed to be 0 to 32678 or 0 to 65535
It could go all the way to the max value of a uint32...
So I can't fully gauruntee +/- 2^16 without some finagling anyways.
@Xeo Hmm.. I thought definitions were implicitly declarations... The term they use is user-declared, not user-defined. Still confused.
I'm gonna eat some döner kebab in an hour. :3
Arsenil behind after 7 min - Kroos. Brilliant!
7:53 PM
I haven't eaten anything for a whole day.
I've been so engrossed in input I forgot to eat.
Holy shit. @__@
I just discovered awesome library
hmm. My friend wants a gaming pc
to build or not to build?
BTW @Cicada thanks for "your raycast is bugged" and disappearing -.-
if he wants to spend around 400?
7:54 PM
don't build
depends on whether he has any re-usable components from an existing PC.
you can get several of the core components for that much, but not all of them.
400€ ? OK, that's the case, mobo and power supply. Then what?
@MartinJames 400£, and my brother just bought case, mobo, cpu, ram, hdd, ssd, os for that much.
atm I have everything but gpu for £330
7:57 PM
@Ell Screens?
including hdd & OS
@Xeo, I was about to post a question but it already exists. stackoverflow.com/questions/12073556/…
Oh he doesn't need a screen
and I think I can scavenge a mouse and keyboard from somewhere
@ThePhD does it implement klingon pain sticks? :)
those are cheap as fuck anyways
7:58 PM
@melak47 Planned for a Future Release (TM)
the main thing is to make sure you have enough GPU, RAM, CPU
Wheee it worksssss
@melak47 i just found something better mate
@BartekBanachewicz ?
7:59 PM
@melak47 do you know librocket?
@melak47 so sit tight, hold on
take a sip of vodka first

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