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> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 122520 Oct 4 10:52 /usr/bin/htop
Also, does $ ps aux show every process?
Here it only shows processes from my user.
yeah, just my user
this is on my dedicated btw
and I really need to stop adding that 'a' into 'dedicated'
I don't know how to change this.
not too fussed
ps -ef? What OS? Linux?
Q: 'iostream' file not found error occur in xcode 4.5?

iHungryi m practising C++. i just add c++ files in XCode and write some string splitting functionality in it. After that i include that C++ file i.e. extension of .mm file in my AppDelegate file and call function from .h file of C++ class. But i found one static error in red line which is 'iostream' fil...

but seriously, in this day and age, why do we have to manually set up keep alive values to something that works? why is it not default?
still, time for some om-nom-noms
@iHungry You should probably fix your grammar mistakes. People downvote for that sometimes.
(but then they upvote whenever they see an image. That might cancel it out)
yeah its due to my poor english :( ... i accepted your comment as well
@thecoshman I never messed with that, and never had trouble.
@iHungry Hi.
Hello R
Boost.MP looks really cool. It has its own implementation, but it can also use GMP and other backends for speed and such if you are fine with the license.
GIMP -> GMP ->MP, what's next, M or P?
GIMP and GMP are unrelated.
@R.MartinhoFernandes They're both GNU!
Boost.MP is not GNU.
But it's multi precision!
GIMP is not multi precision!
(I can't do this all day)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Emotion chip plugged in?
@Pubby Hi, thanks for the comments
well, you solved it the other wya
@RolandSams Did you get it to work?
not yet
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mood swings! Better fine tune it.
@RolandSams Aww, I thought it would work eventually. Anyway, do you have one of these books? stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/…
> Fixed non-ASCII char in comment (#7781).
This is in the release notes.
They must be really proud
Also, fuck ASCII.
Chances are I will get it working but it may be ugly
@RolandSams A pretty solution is just avoid using globals in the first place
> Added no exception support for those willing to disable exceptions in their compilers.
Hmm you have a point
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd put that in my release notes and when people wonder where the option is I'd say "well, there is no support".
@R.MartinhoFernandes ASCII is just UTF-8 without all the cruft
@Pubby So what? Fuck it.
yawn mooorning
@R.MartinhoFernandes 8:::::D ( ( ascii|
I tried :(
Oh gawd, is that DongML?
Oh boy
I should have never shown you guys that.
@BartekBanachewicz I regret having ever mentioned it here, so I won't link you to it.
> Congrats, you've gained the privilege – trusted user
@R.MartinhoFernandes What the fuck did I just read.
phase 1 is now complete
Guys, let's downvote Pubby.
Duh, I remember when you did it to me when I hit 2k
@BartekBanachewicz You did this to yourself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Humans did it ... to other humans!
Also "LEGO Answers Meta"
This was suggested to me when creating the "Deathmatch Arena" room.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's the deathmatch room?
Why are you creating deatmach room?
in C#, 4 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes

Deathmatch Arena

Fight to death here
@BartekBanachewicz So the C# fighters can fight there and not generate a zillion flags.
I don't want to know about their petty squabbles.
There is a way to create a pointer to an object on the stack? right?
@RolandSams & operator
MyClass myclass;
MyClass* myclassptr = &myclass;
is this a bad way of doing it?
What are you trying to do?
Why have a pointer?
@Pubby I want to referace a object from another class
@RolandSams So then use references instead of pointers.
in C#, 2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Yeah, I'm leaving. This is too childish for me. I am not a grown up.
You're not?
Oh, look, the C# room went full retard again.
@NolwennLeGuen They are always full retard, from what I gather.
@Pubby Referances are good but if there is a change to the object referanced will it update itself?
@R.MartinhoFernandes you've never had an ssh session disconnect due to being idle?
@RolandSams yes, of course.
@thecoshman Nope.
It wouldn't be a reference if that didn't happen
@thecoshman Btw, have you heard about screen?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ do you close your ssh sessions ASAP?
Thanks guys my problem has been solved
@thecoshman Sometimes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes, but that doesn't help you keep a window open so you can keep an eye on some task, nor save you from having to reconnect
@Pubby great tyvm I will delete my global variables, create all my objects in my main() function and use references to access them from out-of-scope
I don't really see a problem with having to reconnect, though. It's super fast, takes close to zero effort, and I lose nothing.
@RolandSams That sounds like a much better design.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it takes more effort and time then having the window there already connected
@thecoshman I honestly don't remember htop's session ever disconnecting, if that is what you mean by "keep an eye on some task".
@iHungry lol whatever
You only need keepalives if there is nothing being passed around the wires, right?
@R.MartinhoFernandes indeed
but if you are tailing a file that is not written that often, but want to see when it is, you will get DCed (potentially)
I've read terrible things yesterday, btw. Even more terrible than Dong.
class C { int v; public: C& operator++(int _v) { v+=v; return *this; }};
C c; c.operator++(5); C++ Primer, Y U do this to me
he he he
Some things should be buried in dusty volumenes, not shown to unsuspecting reader like this
are complaining about the fact that there is nothing stopping you from overloading operators so that they are no longer semantic?
@BartekBanachewicz OMG, I've been doing it wrong all this time * refactoring code *
Oh, haha, dongml dude had a bot that tweeted every one of my "FUCK YOU" commits into his twitter account. Fucking epic.
@AndreiTita But wait! There's more! I read this chapter yesterday, and the next one is about OOP.
@Pubby at the risk of sounding dull can you copy or create references to references?
@RolandSams no
@RolandSams you can use std::reference I think (very very good chance you shouldn't do this though)
A reference is the object.
They don't exist.
Reference must reference an object. Since reference isn't an object, reference cannot reference a reference.
@Pubby Wat.
I think you mean std::reference_wrapper, if anything.
Yeah. I got it confused.
ok cool ty guys
Hm. I renamed my external HDD, from "void" to "Mikoto" (the name of a (female) character). On my Debian box, I got a script "mount_void" ... should I really rename that?
@Xeo You have a script?
Why don't you just put an entry in the fstab?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's old, from when I didn't get my fstab to work properly.
Well... then ditch it?
A: OpenGL Rendering Modes

ZuttyDisplay lists are the fastest, but once you've created them they are fixed. VBOs are only slightly slower, but they can be modified after having been declared, so you can do stuff like animation. It would be ok to use display lists for static geometry like a skybox, but use VBOs for moving entit...

This is bullshit, right?
I've never heard of display lists
@R.MartinhoFernandes right
Java, C and C++ tags on the same question.
Somebody kill me.
@TonyTheLion Obsolete crap.
@TonyTheLion And you don't need to
A display list (or display file) is a series of graphics commands that define an output image. The image is created (rendered) by executing the commands. For a display device without a frame buffer, such as the old vector graphics displays, the commands were executed every fraction of a second to maintain and animate the output. In modern systems, the commands need only be executed when they have changed or in order to refresh the output (e.g., when restoring a minimized window). A display list can represent both two- and three-dimensional scenes. Systems that make use of a display list t...
I thought display lists were still faster on certain cards
@Pubby Please zomg. The guy wants to store vertex data in them -.-
@TonyTheLion they're that old
eventually :P
so Robot, how are you finding the process of adapting to living in a new country, new people etc?
hard, easy?
you thinking of joining him?
I'm merely curious
A: OpenGL Rendering Modes

Bartek BanachewiczThe best (and pretty much only) method of rendering now is to use general purpose buffors, AKA Vertex Buffer Objects. They are in core from 3.0, if I'm correct, but generally appeared as an extension in 1.5 (as ARB_vertex_buffer_object). They have hardware support, which means they can be and pro...

thank god the other guy deleted his answer
> buffors
damn polish
Should be bufforz.
even better
It's bufor in polish.
I sometimes mistype that
so you write buffer in Polish and buffor in English?
They are in core in 2.1, if it matters.
it matters
we're c++ devs, pedantic details are important
It's VAOs that are not in 2.1.
well, it's better to say too big than too small when talking about versions. Not certainly true about penises.
back to penises
Penises are dangling pointers.
And pointers are banned.
I asked a question. I think I will get the Tumbleweed badge.
I already have it, but I don't know if it can be awarded multiple times.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why are you posting it here? It's going to get too many views!
screen is a per user thing... there is no trivial way for two users to share a screen is there
@Pubby I didn't.
Q: Sharing a GNU Screen Session

ascagnelI have a meeting with a professor coming up shortly, but he won't be at school for a face-to-face meeting, but instead will meet with me via Skype and a SSH login. I'm a heavy user of GNU Screen, but I've never used its multiuser functionality before. How would I go about setting up multiuser c...

@R.MartinhoFernandes No tumbleweed for you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Clciking on that tag you posted brings it right up
@Xeo What do you mean?
I upvoted the question. :)
It's a terrible question!
Hear hear, the robot complaining about upvotes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I can vote it down if you want.
I also upvoted it to troll you.
Well, I have Tumbleweed already anyway.
Are those API docs available to everyone?
It was funny, because I posted a bounty on that question after I got Tumbleweed, and it produced an answer very fast after that.
@Zoidberg I think so.
I use a local copy, but I think they are online somewhere.
Ah okay. Then maybe you can get an answer. :P
@Zoidberg It's very dense. You have been warned.
The domain is extremely messy and huge and complicated.
oh, thanks robot
Google y u index SO so quickly.
Funny but sad.
This is a very wild guess but what about IFontInstance::GetGlyphID? Also, this is my last guess since I don't know shit about InDesign. xD
@Zoidberg That certainly won't work: it gives you the primary glyph.
Ah okay. :P
I.e., in the picture I posted, it would give me the one in blue (4), not the superscript one (1306).
Ah ye.
@Zoidberg probably has a dedicated crawler so it can ensure it has quality content indexed. Ranks calculated based on the votes here :P
That seems awfully complicated... I actually managed to solve it just now by using if (inventory[1][2] == false and inventory[2][2] == false and, etc, etc... Not the prettiest code, but it seems to work — Cleverbird 18 mins ago
why ask on SO then? -.-
The only remotely related things I can find are IGlyphUtils::GetGlyphHasAlternate and hla_CharacterStyle::GetGlyphForm (the latter returns "Alternate glyph standard choices." as an out parameter -_-').
I Googled "indesign sdk alternateglyph filetype:h". :P
by the way, my "awfully complicated code" used a for loop.
What a complication!
Use recursion.
@BartekBanachewicz No standard any_of?
man, this code is full of functions that return values and when they are called they do this (void) CallMyFunctionThatReturnsInt();
@Zoidberg I think I tried those before but I don't remember why I discarded them. Let me check.
why have it return a value in the first place then?
GetGlyphHasAlternate is for inspecting the font data (i.e. it knows nothing about what I put in the document).
@Xeo Lua standard is very narrow, I'd say. So I don't think so. But I might be wrong of course.
@BartekBanachewicz > Awfully complicated
I really don't get these guys. Can't they find link to tutorial page 2 or wut? It's everywhere. C++, Lua, name it, there's a guy who doesn't know what a loop is.
admit it
I refuse
your solution was awfully complicated
just admit it
Ooooooh, bigger displays.
It was idiomatic, not complicated.
when I'm chillin ^
@R.MartinhoFernandes how large/how many?
Wait, bigger? What about simply "more".
I think I can get some space in this desk for a third one.
Teachers using Dutch terminology is fucking confusing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I want 3rd one since I've learned Nvidia Surround requires three
Teachers y u no English terminology.
@BartekBanachewicz you call a for loop idiomatic? i call that unnecessary complexity
But first I need to test Zoidberg's help.
What you need a loop for?
To loop.
I don't like loops.

Robot does not like loops

Nov 15 '12 at 10:17, 24 minutes total – 135 messages, 11 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jan 10 at 21:15 by R. Martinho Fernandes

some people simply walk a lion

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