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@R.MartinhoFernandes i think the suspension of logic is a main issue, yes. the suspension of rational thinking.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf The tree of life had poisonous fruit.
which leads senatorial candidates in the us to proclaim insane things
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Without religion, they would still proclaim insane things.
@MartinJames not fatal though, would have solved a lot of problems.
well, maybe :)
Religion is not a brain disease that makes you irrational.
People are already irrational.
I don't think rational is the natural state of humans.
They're simply looking for excuses to support their beliefs. And when I say "they", I mean everyone, me included.
Humans are not logical. We are biaised, we got a lot of double standards, we ignore facts when they contradict our beliefs...
Why do you think advertising is so effective?
it's not effective on me
That's what everyone says.
I'm merely saying that not all humans are quite so susceptible
So much to read
But I have to finish UFO defense and the chat system first
I ignore ads, because brands that do large-scale ads are the most expensive ones typically, and I'm cheapass.
Anyway, what I'm saying is GOD IS TRUTH.
God is overrated.
I'm playing Cytus right now this game is very nice, you should get it too
@Cicada You're overrated.
(Note: both of those facts are true)
@Cicada Oh, like DDR but with fingers?
Sounds derivative.
Le Mans : son tram, ses rillettes, son lycra-man ailé entouré d'octogénaires http://youtu.be/xabyRtznFNk #unpapaunemaman #ecstasy
he he he
FORINNERS: It's about the anti gay marriage mobs all around France this week
Ah, Le Mans.
@kbok oh, I thought only the US had those problems still
@MooingDuck France has many idiots.
That's an understatement
Have you considered that idiots are all over the place?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep. They're quite vocal in France, though.
^ this pic is all over facebook right now
I like the outraged looks :)
@kbok lol
@kbok That's gross! you don't have a cream handbag with a black jacket!
What's a cream handbag?
A handbag out of cream.
@kbok Woa, they're hot. Oh, look, there are idiots behind them.
cream the color
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬
@kbok If I post that people are gonna think I'm lesbian or something
Oh, cream is a colour? Sorry, male here.
@EtiennedeMartel this
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@Cicada your a 'girl' on the internet, 'we' already 'think' that (excessive use of quote marks to imply sarcasm)
@Cicada What's the problem?
@thecoshman Really?
@EtiennedeMartel notsureifwant.jpg
je me suis précipité en parlant de mode , désolé si j'ai choqué, toujours est-il que je tolère que les homos se marries, ici on parle d'adoption d'enfant par les homos,cela je suis contre.
I thought the stereotypical male thought women on the Internet were straight.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, the stereotypical male thinks all girls are lesbians, they also confuse lesbians with bi-sexuals
Oh well. In 60 years we will look back and laugh, and laugh, at how stupid these people are.
sale pd de merde, dans ma région il un endrois qui accepte les pd malheureusement et quand j ai envie de boxé jy vais et le leur démonte la gueule meme si je me suis blaissé plusieurs fois c pas grave faut les tué ! et je suis sur iphone
But we already do?
et je suis sur iphone
et je suis sur iphone
that's why
@kbok Étrange.
@CatPlusPlus Not enough
I told you, Apple users are horrible people.
@user1693091 Without the built in function and without a loop? I don't understand the requirements. I can do it with the builtin function, standing and with one hand behind my back, but why would I? — R. Martinho Fernandes 30 secs ago
@MooingDuck Yeah, I know that.
Who in right mind knows what "magenta" is.
I call bullshit on that chart.
@CatPlusPlus #FF00FF
Also salmon what
Isn't that light pink? Like, the color of the flesh of a salmon?
@thecoshman You believe what you want, my age / gender / color / sexual orientation / origin are all utterly irrelevant on the internet
@Cicada You're not cream, are you?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm afraid I might be.
With -15% fat.
@Cicada indeed they are you 2000 year old, a-sexual, purple, self fornicating, blob from Jupiter!
@Cicada Please be :P
If I declare a vector that has elements that occupy 64K each, I should expect the theoretical limit of max size to be equal std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max() / 65536. Note: range divided by 65536. In such case using std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max() by itself, without dividing it by element size makes no sense whatsoever. — AndreyT 1 min ago
@Cicada you have negative fat? wow, you are skinny
@Griwes Haha, I read that question, thought "minefield", closed tab.
@thecoshman She's on a diet. Source: she's a girl.
@thecoshman It's like a vortex. Sluuurp.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I mean, I am stunned by the misconceptions made by 85k rep user (I don't think it's me who doesn't get some important thing, is it?).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Java objects are padded to 8 bytes, and then another 8 bytes get added, right?
Hint: rep means nothing.
@Griwes Rep != Actual knowledge
Source: myself
I know.
@Griwes Yes, I think he misunderstood something.
But 85k usually implies some knowledge.
@Griwes usually. There's a few users I won't name who are complete morons though, even with 10 times more rep than me.
Knowledge about repwhoring.
it implies nothing more then they are good at playing the game
read: exactly the same as degrees
@WTP'-- Java is free to put objects on the stack (see "escape analysis" optimization), the programmer just has no way to make sure it does.
@Cicada Haha, I'm not a moron :P (Proof: I don't have 10 times more rep than you)
@kbok I feel so much shame watching this video.
On my implementation size_t is infinite and memory is infinite and you can have infinite vectors and fuck you
@Cicada Repwhores can have huge amounts of rep but only know the basics.
@CatPlusPlus sizeof(size_t).
@thecoshman Are you telling me my 50k rep and my Diploma are worthless? :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes infinity, duh.
@FredOverflow Having arrays of values is more useful.
@FredOverflow Diploma with a capital D?
ugh stupid fangs -.- making me gag :'(
@FredOverflow no, I am saying it shows you know how to garner meaningless internet points and get through a university course
@DeadMG I agree.
@Ell Should've stayed away from them vampires
@thecoshman Imaginary Internet dollar points, please.
@EtiennedeMartel Is spell Diploma wit a capital D because it took me so fucking long to get it :)
"one size fits all" it said.
@FredOverflow do you sleep with it?
@FredOverflow Yes.
@FredOverflow Oh. Same problems everywhere, I see.
@thecoshman I sleep in the same room as my Diploma. Then again, I only have one room to myself, so... :)
@CatPlusPlus oh now, that's now way to belittle ones achievements
that's the problem with you @cat, you class
@EtiennedeMartel No problems, I just loved studying and didn't see any reason to rush it.
Congratulations, you were patient enough to deal with uni bullshit
And it only took twice as long as normal :)
Also, I know what that guy is talking about haha, you all suck
that said, being able to deal with uni bullshit does imply you might just be able to deal with work bullshit
Makes me wonder, is science advanced enough to make children out of 2 spermatozoids / ovules ?
Sure, just put 'em in a woman?
Betting on how long it will take to get closed as WONTFIX or BYDESIGN — DeadMG 37 secs ago
@Cicada Yes.
Wait, why does every Java object have a monitor? Isn't that wasteful? Oh wait, Java.
@Cicada We can put the two together, but we don't have the technology to actually develop the child in any non-crippling or completely fatal way.
They usually have to be fertilized and then by the end-of-blastocyst (sp?) stage they have to go in something, or they just die.
@Cicada you mean take the DNA from two eggs or two sperm and bring it to term? I believe so, though you still need an egg to carry it to term
@ThePhD Yes but assuming you put it in an host after that, it works, doesn't it?
Why are you asking? Afraid of giving birth yourself? ;)
@thecoshman Yes that's what I mean
@FredOverflow Wondering if a homosexual couple can get its own genetic descendance
Ah, I get it.
@Cicada Barely. If you look at the percentages of clinics who do in-vitro fertilization, they're normally around 50%, and that's only because they do pre-screening out the ass to make sure they keep their numbers at a respectable level.
This is weird. Medal of Honor: Warfighter came out yesterday and there are still no reviews on Metacritic, and only one on Gamerankings. Wikipedia also has nothing on "reception". It's like the game doesn't exist.
Wait, you're asking if you can combine two sperms to make one child?
@Rapptz Yes. or two ovules.
@Cicada though, obviously the XY chromosome things messes this up
@Cicada Oh, in that case. Uh. I don't think it works out quite so well?
two sperm could result in 'yy' ... no idea how that will play out, if at all
@thecoshman I'm assuming there must be some kind of "manual" selection of chromosomes by operators
Two sperm can be XX, XY, or YY.
@Cicada That's a level of precision that doesn't exist yet.
Aw, that's sad.
@thecoshman If sperm always contributes a Y, how are girls born?
@Cicada if such technology existed, it would be worring
@thecoshman hey, was that change you pushed to the master what you were talking about? did you get your glload linking stuff right?
Buy two women can only make more women.
@thecoshman Why?
@thecoshman It already does exist.
Female eggs are always 1 X.
@ThePhD That's why women are superior
It's the sperm that can be X or Y.
@Cicada I see.
how do you think we genetically engineer children without various genetic diseases from parents who have them?
That's an XY problem isn't it.
@thecoshman wait, nvm you just updated the wiki..?
@thecoshman yy? Superman!
@FredOverflow Impossible, because X has vital things that Y doesn't.
@thecoshman XYY happens due to genetic defects already. They tend to be super masculine, and in prison. I've heard.
@ThePhD Superman doesn't need those.
If you have YY and live, you'll be excessively retarded or excessively crippled or just not alive.
@DeadMG not to the level we can take a sperm and and egg and select exactly what chromosomes are used
Who do you think you are to say "impossible" to Superman?
I doubt we're ever going to get the technology to modify chromosomes like that.
@ThePhD How do you live without being alive?
XYY syndrome is an aneuploidy (abnormal number) of the sex chromosomes in which a human male receives an extra Y-chromosome, giving a total of 47 chromosomes instead of the more usual 46. This produces a 47,XYY karyotype, which occurs in 1 in 1,000 male births. Some medical geneticists question whether the term "syndrome" is appropriate for this condition because its clinical phenotype is normal and the vast majority (an estimated 97% in Britain) of 47,XYY males do not know their karyotype. Physical traits 47,XYY boys have an increased growth velocity from early childhood, with an avera...
@R.MartinhoFernandes True that. Superman can be YYY for all we know.
Now go cry yourself to death in a corner.
@MooingDuck yeah, but AFAIK you need an X chromosome
@ThePhD nonsense
@thecoshman yeah, all viable combinations have at least one X
any hoops, I'm off for a bit
@FredOverflow I don't know. haha.
@MooingDuck Yes. Because the female egg is always one X.
@Rapptz Also, lack of X chromosome leads to a non-viable being.
At this point, we don't even know how to screen individual sperm or individual eggs for their generic disorders. The way clinics do it to avoid genetic diseases is to literally shotgun-evaluate by taking a crapload fo sperm and a crapload of eggs and fertilizing a bunch, growing up the cells to 16-cell blastocysts and testing all of them for genetic defects.
When they find a good one, they implant it back in and hope it grows properly.
@thecoshman No, but you can get the same result.
Like I said earlier, I doubt we're going to get the technology to manipulate chromosomes like that. There's a bit more technicality to it though.
Is the static initialization order of integer types across translation units undefined?
@Rapptz I'm not sure. We do some amazing shit already, you know.
It's essentially just pre-birth screening by throwing away the 'junk' fertilized eggs.
Not to mention that technically speaking the egg does most of the work compared to the sperm.
@MooingDuck Wikipedia says their testosterone levels and sexual development is normal.
@Collin YES
@Collin I'm tempted to answer yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just read that. Apparently I've been misinformed.
sonofabitch. took too damn long to find that bug...
@Collin const or non-const? :)
@DeadMG well, we can extract certain genes and slip them into other stuff, but AFAIk we can't pull out the chromosomes. Consider that only when cells divide does the DNS actually form up into something close what you imagine as neat little chromosomes
Should the #include(s) with ".h" be done before or after #include(s) with <> ?
Shit. I wrote "they're" instead of "their". Please excuse me while I'll cry myself to death in a corner.
@Collin Those aren't initialized at runtime, so static initialization order fiasco does not apply.
@VinayakGarg I always include my own header files first, so it will blow up more likely if I forget to put standard includes inside my own includes.
Putting the standard includes first tends to shadow forgotten includes.
In Alien 3, the prison where Ripley lands is full of XYY prisoners. <= implying XYY people are more subject to crime than others
@thecoshman DNS does not use cells. It uses nameservers.
@Cicada In Alien 3, there are aliens, does that mean those are real, too?
@FredOverflow Thanks :)
@FredOverflow The bible says nothing about aliens, you should ask Romney
@FredOverflow Yes.
@Cicada They probably just made that assumption because double y = double male = double aggression.
@Cicada What does the bible say about XYY? :)
@FredOverflow Don't go to LV-246.
The problem is that all men are evil.
@FredOverflow Oh, these ones might be... I'm using a const static int defined in one translation unit to initialize a const static int in another translation unit
I wonder if it implies two dicks?
@Collin ouch
Yeah, in hindsight I was really dumb
@ThePhD Actually the movie doesn't play on the agression part at all.
although this works great in Java
@FredOverflow The bible doesn't say anything about chromosomes. I can present to you the case of a woman who gets pregnant through magic no-touchy sex, though.
@ThePhD I was wondering the same thing :)
The inmates are rather calm (well, except when panicking).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Welp I've never watched so it was really just my best guess.
@Collin Arhem.
@Collin Initialization is much simpler in Java, yes.
@FredOverflow You guys wonder too much.
@EtiennedeMartel Ehh., cry about it. I wanted something that's simple for someone else to extend, and that I can compile and run on anything :-P
@Collin so you picked the shittiest language possible. i can see the logic
@Collin Scala
@FredOverflow I heard Scala is decent.
@ThePhD It's not like you missed much.
Part of the original motivation was to be able to use a gigantic library that was already written in Java, although I've replaced most of that at this point
Yeah, it's kind of clunky and annoying and strange, but at the end of the day, I get shit done with it, so whatever
Though, actually, a lot of people can live normally with double/triple X chromosomes and double-Y chromosomes, because cells have a way of using Inactivation on certain parts of DNA that are not needed. It's actually done to avoid genetic diseases in Woman, where if one part of the DNA on one X is fucked up, it's 'deactivated' and the other X's copy is used.
@Collin shit is the word
Men don't have that backup of their chromosome, so if they have a genetic defect on their Y it shows. Hard.
Yeah, women are awesome.
@EtiennedeMartel Scala is so expressive that it can simulate type classes without having them built-in. How awesome is that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes but they lack penises
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol, clearly my primary interest is not biology
@Cicada One word: boobs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes translationparty ensued
@Cicada clitoris
Focus on the Family (FOTF or FotF) is an tax-exempt non-profit organization founded in 1977 by psychologist James Dobson, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It is active in promoting an interdenominational effort toward its socially conservative views on public policy. Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s. Focus on the Family's stated mission is "nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide." Focus on the Family opposes abortion, divorce, ga...
I'm gonna celebrate this day by eating 6.25g of chocolate.
If that comma is a U.S. 'dot' for decimal, that's not really much of a celebration.
Maybe yesterday you could have celebrated by eating 6.02g of chocolate.
Unless you're like, going to boil it up in a cup of carnation milk and make some wicked-ass hot chocolate.
& is bitwise and. 1000 is 1111101000, while 1 is 1. 1111101000 & 1 is 0, so it's false. — Cubic 32 mins ago
@FredOverflow That's what, a Hershey Kiss?
*all numbers in that comment are in binary
@ThePhD Why do different countries use dot and comma for different purposes? It's so confusing :(
@MooingDuck Except maybe "1000"?
@FredOverflow Because fuck you (this is the actual reason)
nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide.
@FredOverflow Because all the other countries are wrong.
@EtiennedeMartel We have SO many of those organizations
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, that's also binary. The number in the question is decimal 8.
@EtiennedeMartel lol you should read their policies and advice. God awful.
@EtiennedeMartel I read two paragraphs, left annoyed.

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