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2 hours later…
Many of us carry smart phones around and many of those phones use lithium batteries. How can we make sure that those battery are not mini bombs that can be activated by some hackers (who possibly also altered the batteries and their wirings)?
@TelKitty Not being an international terrorist would be a good start.
@TelKitty batteries don't explode, they burn extremely rapidly. I know that sounds like a minor thing but it has huge differences in actual practical concerns.
What happened was Hezbollah pissed off Mossad
pissing off Mossad is not a great way to stay alive
2 hours later…
don't use devices that a targetted group is using (they used pagers to avoid the gps tracking inherent in smartphones)
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
posted on September 20, 2024 by Blog Staff

JSON is a widely-used format for data exchange, but in C++, handling JSON efficiently can be challenging. While current solutions like simdjson offer high-speed processing, upcoming features in C++26, such as powerful reflection, promise to simplify and accelerate the serialization and deserialization of JSON, making it both faster and more convenient for developers. Reflection-based J


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