Looks like Biden might become your new president. Not sure whether he is suitable, at least he deserves some recognition for trying to get elected for some 30 odd years.
A bit of a mess here, the OP initially posted the question saying they wanted help with a QListView, but it looks like later on they realized they actually meant QListWidget, one answer is about QListWidget and the other is about QListView
The OP edited the question to be about QListWidget but it got rolled back; really there should be 2 questions, one about QListWidget, one about QListView; I wasn't able to find any good C++ dupe targets (but there are Python dupe targets)
Hypothetically I'd say the solution would be to post a QListView question, migrate the QListView answer from here over to that one, then edit the question I posted to be about QListWidget as the OP initially intended, but that'd be an edit war because the OP's edit got rolled back.
ah, so by lip service I meant they advertised a platform that was the long tail of answers to attract skilled users but I don't think they ever really intended to make a site where it was easy to maintain content beyond a certain shallow level
SO did better than a lot of forums that can't be edited at all, but it's kinda falling apart and the whole UI is optimized for askers, not people trying to document stuff
IMO if SO was really trying to make a repository of programming language, search would have been at the forefront and they'd be investing in cutting edge algorithms that could beat Google's general text based search
They made big efforts to push people to moderate and maintain everything themselves through gamification, but even that has its limits and SO crumbles under the weight of its own success
It's not the best platform for documentation or for structuring information, but the help you can find for specific problems (by googling them and clicking SO links, haha) is really tremendous
If you want to parse templates you need a proper compiler haha
More than a compiler you'd need libclang, but even then all the snippets don't compile of their own and need contextual information so you can't really do much about them
also SO is okay for finding information but only at a basic level and generally the farther you get off the well beaten path the more vague the question titles get, the worse the answers get, and more dead links sneak in
@Morwenn I'm not saying it's easy, but considering all the effort people put into documenting stuff, surely somebody can put dev time into making sure people can find the docs?
What we need isn't algorithms to find through code automatically, it's people who write careful questions and careful answers we select words to ensure that Google search returns relevant results :p
But relevant results for complex C++ generally imply using specific standard wording because that's what people will use in answers to complex questions
Among all my engineer friends a whole bunch simply gave up asking or answering questions because they were always closed, while they still submit issues and PRs to OS projects
Attract niche early adopters with a specific goal to stand out, have the niche fans be your cheerleaders, attract attention from non-niche users who have nonspecific goals, suddenly nobody remembers what brought the early success, but it doesn't matter anymore because the inertia is strong, hmm
It's always.... tricky, when a company struggles in the late phase of that cycle
what success is due to just inertia from good things in the past (that a company may or may not be focusing on anymore) and what success comes from recent decisions can be hard for a company to evaluate (or be motivated to evaluate)
Attempting to speculate on SE's mindset for a bit (I could be wrong), their initial expert cheerleaders are now in the extreme minority, I'd guess they're optimizing for user growth and raw numbers. It might not even be their decision, but something they do under pressure. It's probably difficult to make the case that a tiny percentage of users is worth putting dev time into.
That's a very long way of saying "optimizing for money" is merely correlated with vague, safe goals. I think it's more complicated than that.
Back then I guess that the lounge had some kind of power because it hosted a bunch of users that actively contributed to the community, and banning would have likely made those users ragequit