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The class is also a nice place to put the constants for the limits like BYTES and MAX_VALUE
Still worse than std::numeric_limits
I've always been sad that std::numeric_limits<float>:: doesn't have something that returns the negative largest number.
Oh wait it does
Also we need more boost::container::small_vector style vectors in GUI applications.
Also are MDI interfaces poor UX? Certainly, a program with this design would be criticized for being out-dated.
3 hours later…
Backyard wildlife update:
Also fuck Qt for not letting me use template functions as slots
Actually the limitation is more bullshit in the case of slots, and it appears the workaround is to put the declaration outside of "signal" region
Also I like how a substantial quantity of Qt's official QAbstractItemModel tutorials leak memory. To facilitate sharing of QAbstractItemModel, parents are not responsible for deleting their children. The user needs to manually called delete on the model pointer. No fucks given in the tutorials.
Some of the tutorials are for things like combo-boxes which mean there is memory leak every time the widget is shown.
I always suspect the person who use public chat to broadcast a message that should be private are just looking for attention.
As someone who receive excessive amount of spams (because my app biz contacts are public and can be easily scraped), I routine ignore anything that's directed to public.
Sometimes I shouldn't, my apps constantly stop working because I ignore almost all public messages (that outline API updates).
What happens when you are hungry and meat jog by ...
Dec 13 '18 at 20:11, by StackedCrooked
@nwp The worst thing about it is that it makes you think you never need to delete anything. But in some cases the user is responsible for deletion.
^ About Qt
Well, in this case QAbstractItemModel needs to have its parent set.
Anyways the worse problems with Qt deal with rendering, meta compilation, and how there are multiple ways to do the same thing.
For example, certain properties are hard coded in the dlls, overriding the internal CSS styling: bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-44056?attachmentViewMode=list .
Also the GUIs look like shit despite substantial time commitment.
6 hours later…
42 P1 issues in GCC9 T_T
probably won't be out before April or May
hello guys, could someone please help me? i just started with c++, followed exactly a tutorial (gcc compiler, codeLite IDE) but for my first hello world application i get the following error: "c:\mingw\include\stdio.h:788:34: error: '__off64_t' does not name a type; did you mean '__time64_t'?
In regards to branch prediction, branch prediction takes time. Compare to code that doesn't require branch prediction or branch prediction time is minimized. For example, a loop that is unrolled will execute faster because there are fewer needs for branch prediction. — Thomas Matthews 27 secs ago
fuck this guy is so off the rails
It's a know issue with MinGW when you use std::to_string IIRC, not sure whether there's a way around it
I so wish we could downvote comments.
and fucks like that write code that "work on medical devices"
I'm literally that bit much more scared for my life now
he even has 40k rep... almost all of it farmed on low-quality answers
@Morwenn was this an answer to my question, or anybody else?
thanks, but my code just have a std::cout
@Morwenn woah, really?
@Chris post the entire code and the exact compiler version
if the code is too big then post to a separate code posting site and share a link
possibly try on Coliru
code: pastebin.com/hX8VzB1i // gcc (MinGW.org GCC-8.2.0-1) 8.2.0
oh, MinGW isn't the best thing you can have, try MinGW-w64 instead (which has 32 and 64 bit versions, it's basically not the same thing than MinGW)
clearly it's an environment issue and not a code one
oh ok, thanks, will try that. but the 64bit should work fine, or should i use the 32bit on my 64bit machine?
my minGW version is actually 6
both the 32 and 64 bit versions of MinGW-w64 work fine with me, I haven't used MinGW in years
I generally just uncompress this zip file in C: and configure tools to find it if needed
ok thanks!
but tools tend to search for C:\mingw32 or C:\mingw64 so if you're lucky it should work
yea, i mean i can define the compiler in my IDE, this should be no problem
should be enough then :p
I linked you the 32-bit version but you should be able to find the 64-bit version somewhare in the same SourceForge repository
tbh just fetching the most downloaded files in the repository generally works x)
just downloaded win-builds.org/doku.php/download_and_installation_from_windows do you think it's the right one?
no idea v0v
:) ok
there are too many subtly different download links everywhere, I just know that the one I provided works x)
ok, just one last things. are there any issues or drawbacks if i just use the 32bit version?
some built-in functions here and there only work in 64-bit, but otherwise it's pretty much the same
Also memory limits
I tend to use the 32-bit one of my computer because it compiles faster for some reason (I don't know why, but I abuse templates everywhere so it could be anything)
oh right, memory limits
@Chris if you have to ask, you probably should go x64 by default
@Morwenn less registers to color?
k thanks guys. i must say, the beginning with java was a lil bit easier :P
it's generally a sane default
even if you get to like the language (and there are good reasons not to), C++ environment sucks
but seems like the cpp community doesn't sux :)
depends x)
this very chatroom could have sucked your soul in no time back then :p
but the oldest members died a long time ago
and the other ones left to a distant place
@Chris yeah, C++ is horrendous
@JerryCoffin hi hi hi
@BartekBanachewicz Hello!
@JerryCoffin hehehe :D
@JerryCoffin I always find it awkward when the laughter is mistaken for hello but yeah
somehow in Polish that's what's used often
yea it works now, but what is kinda very strange... my code just works if i don't close the main method with '}' ?! wth
@Chris not probable
no joke, i could share my screen if you want to
@BartekBanachewicz But you forget. Even when the meaning is obvious, I'm the master of misinterpreting it! :-)
if i close the main method, i get the following error:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C ""C:/Program Files (x86)/mingw-w64/i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0/mingw32/bin/mingw32-make.exe" -j4 SHELL=cmd.exe -e -f Makefile"
"----------Building project:[ Test1 - Debug ]----------"
mingw32-make.exe[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Users/Christoph/Documents/CPP/Test1'
"C:/Program Files (x86)/mingw-w64/i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0/mingw32/bin/g++.exe" -c "C:/Users/Christoph/Documents/CPP/Test1/main.cpp" -g -O0 -Wall -o ./Debug/main.cpp.o -I. -I.
C:/Users/Christoph/Documents/CPP/Test1/main.cpp:8:1: error: expected declaration before '}' token
@Chris you have a stray } somewhere
@JerryCoffin that's because you choose to misiterpret it and then act as if it was genuine x)
I think that's what he meant
who knows
I'm the master of bovious
i may open a so question regarding this
I don't even
it's obviously got something to do with your working environment and not C++ itself anyway
@Chris Try pasting actual code to an online compiler.
yes i mean i know it normally shouldn't work, ofc a method block must be closed
but as you see lol. i just reinstall/reconfigure my IDE
@Chris Fair enough. Oh, but don't call a function a "method", or all the cool-kid C++ programmers will point and laugh at the new kid. :-)
oh damn, im not in the java environment, excuse me please, just used to it
@Morwenn My grandfather was a master of the bovinous (fortunately, my grandmother wasn't bovine at all).
in my elven realm we don't mention the dead
@Morwenn Good thing elves don't die of old age, I guess.
in the series of books I was making a reference to, it is thought that they can, but it takes a very long time and chances are they'll die another way sooner
alright, just fyi: i deleted my project, re-created it and selected THE CORRECT compiler (idk how my old project could even be compiled since i deleted my old compiler...) and not it works properly
dying of old age is only dying of one or several diseases anyway v0v
-not +now
@Chris editing posts is a thing, on the left of your post is a drop down arrow that allows you to edit for several minutes after the post is made.
k thanks, sry didnt knew
@Morwenn Well, sort of. It is usually some disease in the end, but in a lot of cases it's a disease you'd never get if you could still be active at all.
in the eye of modern science you could consider that aging is a disease
I mean, we have studies about how not to age
I can't watch videos, sorry
is it easy to find a remote job as cpp developer compared to other languages i.e. JS / java web dev? i guess not right? (if someone knows)
@Chris I think there are more remote jobs for things like front-end development.
yea thought so -_-
2 hours later…
in my country remote jobs are almost a myth
@Morwenn It's hard to strike if you're not in an office together. You'd have to slack your union rep to get permission to decamp to the couch.
Hey everyone. I usually develop in C# for my day job. Recently, I took an interest in this obscure open source application called "Sleepy Head" which displays charts and graphs of data generate by CPAP equipment, which is used in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.

I would like to be able to build the software on my machine and try tinkering with the source code, but it isn't clear to me what steps to follow to build it apart from the fact that I should be able to do it with Visual Studio Community Edition.
Has anyone read "Absolute C++" by Savitch? What did you think of it?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier exactly, that's why I was wondering if it's still worth a read
I learnt C++ in 2018 and have no regrets
@harisf The general intent is that the list is basically exhaustive. In other words, if it's not on the list, it's probably not worth much.
I suppose in fairness I should add a disclaimer: I've done some of the editing on the list, so it undoubtedly reflects my opinions to at least some degree.
thank you guys!
@fredoverflow Well played by MS. Now they can lure in all the closed sourced personal projects so they can mine/steal them.
@Mysticial Would the do that? ;(
// Quick quiz:
char x;
    int x = sizeof x;
    // Is x sizeof(char) or sizeof(int)? :)
"Embrace, extend, and extinguish", also known as "Embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S. Department of Justice found was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences to strongly disadvantage its competitors. == Origin == The strategy and phrase "embrace and extend" were first described outside Microsoft in a 1996 article in The New York Times titled "Tomorrow, the World Wide Web! Microsoft, the PC King, Wants to...
@Mysticial Are they really allowed to steal from my private repo?
@fredoverflow You can't stop them. Nor would be it feasible to prove it court. Sure if they take your code as is and use it, then that'll hold up in court. But if they steal your ideas/methods/algorithms, that's much harder to prove.
and depends on how they will change the Github ToS
@Mysticial They can't steal my idea, look:
$ cat .gitignore
/.idea/ <----------
until someone changes your .gitignore
So I'm getting a crash on comparing an iterator with the .end() iterator of a list
Says incompatible iterator types.
But it compared just fine in the previous iteration.
Does using list.erase(last_available_element_iterator) do some funny things?
oh duh, nvm
@fredoverflow I seriously doubt it. Such theft would have almost no potential upside (they have, literally, billions of dollars in cash to buy projects they find interesting) and a massive potential downside (if they were caught, it could cost them a lot directly, and render the money they spent on Github a completely loss, because nobody would use it any more).
Worse, sifting through a zillion crappy Github repos to find a few ideas to steal has too poor a signal to noise ratio to be worth the bother.
@fredoverflow fuck you and your difference between C and C++

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