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the good thing about having a few computers/laptops ... or pi is that if one is busy updating/running some other programs, you can always use another one to waste your time ...
also current drone uses arduino inside, looks like I could potentially program it one day
Lab 4 - All About Inheritance (And Other Stuff Too)
[]() [[noreturn]] noexcept { throw; }() // who even needs to include <exception>
std::terminate() made easy
Spent an hour debugging a crash in NVIDIA's internal performance primitive's library . Their dll was throwing an exception on a specific function, but not other functions. Restarted the computer and the problem went away. FML.
the cosmos provides
What if we live in a world were good is constantly fighting evil?
I can’t reverse exec a test assertion failure because the assertion printing facilities use AVX instructions for blazing speed and GDB does not support that
it’s not even that, it’s regular std::string stuff
I guess I’m trying rr then
> You have a Ryzen CPU. The Ryzen retired-conditional-branches hardware performance counter is not accurate enough; rr will be unreliable.
oh good
@LucDanton no clue really
> [FATAL /build/source/src/ReplaySession.cc:940:check_ticks_consistency()]
Well. Perhaps the inline friend doesn't get "injected" into the enclosing namespace until the end of the class declaration.
But that makes little sense because moving no_bindings body outside the class declaration makes no difference.
isn’t this fun :)
Explicitly declaring the friend outside the class doesn't help (in fact makes the lookup ambiguous, as if two identical declaration could compete ...?!) and finally declaring the get<> outside as well as defining no_bindings outside does work
Does it have to do with the fact that the declaration is somehow multiple declaration what with the if constexpr?
@sehe normal out-of-class declaration is the usual fix (well, you can also introduce a dummy get into scope but that’s annoying)
Even reducing to template<int Offset> friend constexpr char const* get(scope const&) { return "hello"; } doesn't change the compiler's mind
@LucDanton Seriously, I remember noticing similar behaviour with ADL not picking up friends defined in-class. Is this somekind of special case? (Notice how the compiler bindings work fine)
@LucDanton Yup. I realized I had added some annoying-using-declarations in cases where ADL should have been okay, but I'm sure you already figured out why :hopeful face:
I don’t know, but friends are kinda annoying so I don’t really want to check
Gots to star that
I'm quite fond of in-class friend definitions (for grouping non-member interface with the class declaration)
@sehe the bindings don’t get any ambiguity by fiat :) much like how foo_type foo(args...); is always syntactically a function decl, even with an empty pack
People give me weird looks for that.
@sehe so am I, but we can’t do it this time around if we want to keep constexpr!
it’s a cascading failure
mmm wondering how constexpr plays into name lookup here
@sehe you can’t declare a constexpr function without defining it
A: Constexpr is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization?

Richard SmithGCC is wrong here. All references are to N4431, the latest C++ WD. [tl;dr: There's a difference between a function being inline (or more precisely, being an inline function, as defined in 7.1.2/2) and being declared with the inline specifier. The constexpr specifier makes a function inline, but...

except when you can
well, I hope that’s what it means. I know it’s an answer by R. Smith and the question seems semi-relevant, so I say that’s good enough
I am thinking of hijacking the autonomous car group ... after 2 cancelled meetings
@LucDanton Well, they do if you do what I described‌​, see here but perhaps that's just a Clang bug then: wandbox.org/permlink/pvYK01h1ZYg6Xyza
@LucDanton oops ^
usually I only try to abducting the leadership when the other leader shows gross incompetency and I have 99+% confidence I would make a better leader
@sehe anyhoo I wanted to share this because I’m writing my first user-defined decomposition, and I was wondering how to make the boilerplate as concise as possible. and instead I got this exhausting marathon of figuring this stuff out—and I had been using ADL get<…> for ages :( not a fun process
I feel it. I might have had the same run-in just with not so much perseverance. I know when I tried my first user-defined bindings ("user-defined decomposition" is the term?) I had a lot of "sigh what else do I need to get right" moments.
Oh, and I'm pretty disappointed that get<N>(some_aggregate) isn't implemented just for consistency.
That would have been so useful.
@sehe I like to describe a type as decomposable if it supports structured bindings (which is the proper term), but I don’t know what the consensus will eventually land on :)
Where is Scott when we need him the most.
He was always the one to coin the "conventional" phrases (for better or for worse, cf. universal references)
since the constexpr friends require a forward declaration the std::tuple_{size,element} specs probably should appear before the class, too, so that it works for non-templates
which has the benefit of grouping the boilerplate in one place, at least
By the way has `template<typename A, typename B>
struct std::tuple_size<scope<A, B>>: integral_constant<size_t, 2> {};` style of specializing always been possible? I have somehow conditioned myself to always open the relevant namespace first
@sehe well spotted, I want to say it’s from C++17? in any case it really works well with C++17 namespace foo::bar::baz { definitions
Yeah. I'm particularly fond of the fact that it does behave as though the namespace was opened (I love the simplified look of unqualified base-class ids)
So, at least there's this that I'll carry with me to my coding cave. And of course the nagging feeling that I should use constexpr more often
And with that, I'm going to sleep. Night!
@LucDanton Yes, it's new in C++17.
@sehe Hibernate well...
@sehe nice!
Cheers. Now I'm really off :)
720+ breakpoints ._.
@sehe Glad I logged into the chat. Learned something new about specializations. :)
Histogram on 4 MP image takes 8 ms, need to get it to 4 ms. Take half of image. Performance problem solved, I'm getting good at this optimization thing.
this isn’t the gdb prompt
this firmware upgrader is the best I have seen so far
says what you have to do but only say half of the sentence
no error, just hangs
1 hour later…
> Les Brioche Pasquier refusent de se faire voler leur Pitch par les start-up
PC notices bad sectors
what's the best way to proceed?
nevermind ... doing chkdsk C:/r
2 hours later…
@LucDanton I guess with about 12 manually set, and the rest in instantiations?
just the one actually
that’s generic programming for ya: it was the plainest 'hey is this range conforming' test possible
@LucDanton By the way, during my - shortish - sleep realized that you can actually get away with one less moving part, I suppose: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/92a2245c425b023c
template<std::size_t Offset>
struct std::tuple_element<Offset, deep::ns::here::scope> {
    using type = decltype(get<Offset>(std::declval<deep::ns::here::scope>()));
I see a potential to write that generically, so it's let's annoying and it removes duplication of the type info
@sehe that’s kinda questionable, it all depends on what tuple_element_t is supposed to stand for (the Standard doesn’t say)
Mmm. What would be the difference? Decay?
e.g. the tuple_element_t<…> aliases of std::tuple<int, int&, int&&> are int, int&, and int&&
if you want to mimic that you have no choice but to list all the parts
I'm not sure what the standard even says, at all. I'm surprised if destructuring actually uses tuple_element_t
@sehe it is required
lel. But what for (so we can judge the consequence of interpreting it liberally).
I guess there will be pseudo-code like for ranged-for somewhere in the spec (I'll find it later)
that way if you get it wrong (or if you get get wrong) the compiler yells at you
@sehe yes, you have typename std::tuple_element_t<Offset, E> ref invented = get<Offset>(e); for each name, where ref is & or && as appropriate for the initializer
like a non-generic forwarding reference aka a non-generic auto&&
it boggles the mind really
@sehe I think I remember, auto [a, b] = init; and auto&& [a, b] = init; have some cleverness to them; I think it’s best explained by walking you through it gently cos what tuple_element_t solves is tricky
I guess it's a feat that they managed to get strucbindings in while making it seem intuitive.
@LucDanton Yeah, I fully expected auto&& all over, there
2 hours later…
Hi lounge
Hi Ven
@Mikhail that's a reply link
@Ven Jerry Coffin gives a Warning:'...so not read the rules especially if you're new around here!'... I love that ;-D
until today, I didn't know the full power of displaying the correct error messages
so I bought this drone, the drone, its transmitter and all software associated with it have no error display
when an error occurs, it either hangs or stops working altogether
What kind of errors
failing to arm
because of multiple warnings
like no GPS signal
when I was debugging it using another software, yes
Debugging what
why the drone doesn't arm/motor unlock
And you already crashed it hard enough to break the case?
Motor lock..wtf? Like a physical brake system, or cogging?
firmware level
Hmm. Does the manufacturer say "it won't fly without GPS signal, and/or ____other things?
Your chicken is a better flyer? :p
it has a setting to disable motor unlock when some of 10+ events happen, yes GPS is the first thing it checks
I don't have any chicken any more
plan to get some soon
And the other 10+ things are?
Aww :(
@TelautonomousKitty What has happened those you had?
died of old age?
that breed doesn't live long, I didn't know that when I got them
@TelautonomousKitty More like you ate them, you monster!
I will never eat my pet chickens ... besides, my chickens are for pat & squeeze ... have you squeezed a chicken today?
@TelautonomousKitty So you are saying you squeezed too hard too many times? :)
never too hard, my hands are weak and easily suffer fatigue if squeeze too hard for too many times
@TelautonomousKitty :D
Try rubbing instead.
Definitely a terrorist chick.
not hard working enough, more like a lazy bum
@TelautonomousKitty so you can disable all the checks (the default?): it still doesn't work?
If you disable the GPS check(s), does it tell you which other checks fail
And is this the same one you crashed before? ...any other bad events that might cause issues?
it works if I disable all the checks
@ABuckau I crashed 3 drones, which one are you talking about? :p
enable half the check and see if it work, if yes then the error is in one of the others if no then redisable half of the ones enables etc.
"Did you know you can find a specific error out of 1024 possible errors in only 10 steps? Amazing!"
@TelautonomousKitty the one that is malfunctioning :D
I could install it on my macbook and try to debug it outside ... or find out how to enable debug log
@ABuckau That doesn't narrow it down.
the software will display error messages, transmitter doesn't ... it's weird, I know
1 hour later…
9 messages moved to Trash
That was noisy
I apparently can't write "room" properly...
1 hour later…
Q: Suggest the given equation in any prefered Lang

ShubhClick here here i have upload the image of equation and i need help to solve that equation in c# or javascript. so please suggest any code related equation double va; va = (((10 / 12) * 50182) / (1 - (Math.Pow((1 + (10 / 12)), -60))));

/cc @Mysticial @milleniumbug
@Borgleader TIL about idownvotedbecau.se/noattempt
@Borgleader in "any prefered Lang", as long as this Lang is or
I'm temped to reply in a golf lang.
@Ven I've seen that many times. I think it's great.
@Borgleader lolwtf
@Ven APL was priceless, if you wanted to respond with something more modern you could respond in K
@Mgetz Dyalog APL is modern enough.
@Ven I think they've mostly moved to K these days IIRC
@Mgetz For whichever value of "K", which doesn't comprise me.
@Ven the language derived from J
@Mgetz Sorry – for whichever value of they.
@Ven generally speaking finserv quants
@Mgetz I've met plenty of Dyalog APL users at the Paris Meetup last year ;-).
I'm a fan of the symbols anyway.
I'll learn K at some point later. Hopefully it does a better job of interfacing with the real world than J.
@Ven yeah I didn't think any of them were dead, when you have datasets that start in petabytes you need something good.
Plus Dyalog 16 added some really nice features.
Everybody should know vector isn't POD. (I'm not sure what po-faced means, but saying things like "I cannot imagine that using memcpy to copy a MyVector is going to work well" is downright confusing. Why do you answer if you don't know, when would it work well, and why? So, if "writing it po-faced" means being informative and clear, then yes, that's exactly what this site is about) — sehe 4 mins ago
Is it weird I don't find it constructive to hide factual information behind a guise of irony?
Don't say "I cannot imagine" if you really mean "Everybody should know that's illegal and leads to Undefined Behaviour" — sehe 6 hours ago
you forget to the UB
Actually the way I phrased it here was a lot clearer, so I replaced the comment.
People whomst’re bad at UB
@sehe and everybody should use a podness-asserting length-checking template wrapper around memcpy
And also memcpy_cast
> *Insel Games* CEO encouraged employees to write reviews for its own game."
@rightfold That's not a bad idea. I prefer std::copy because it generalizes to non-POD data
I thought boost had something like std::vector<int> vi = boost::copy_range<std::vector<int>>(/*some range with value_type=int*/);
But I can't find it anywhere.
Am I just remembering all wrong?
Like boost::push_back but where the output container is generated by the function instead of being passed in.
@caps It's in range, so yeah, just use it.
@sehe Where?
Am I just blind?
@sehe Dang, I knew it was there.
But I can't find it in the docs anywhere.
@sehe Thanks again!
2 hours later…
yay, I got Android 8.0 update
2 hours later…
Q: Overzealousness on subjective/too broad question

Francky_VSO, I think we need to talk. You became dogmatic. This reflection stems from this question onhold/closed: What is the best practice for breaking up a single python script into modules? However I have been thinking about that for some time. I feel that SO has become too dogmatic in closing/putti...

> SO, I think we need to talk.
Uh oh...
I can compete in the first sentence category:
Q: Publishing the QT Project

isrgannrMy question is interesting. I'm learning QT Framework with C++ but I wonder a topic. I'm writing a project and want to publish it under the GPL license. In this case, do I have to pay a fee for my QT? Please answer me. Thanks..

@Mysticial I don't get your comment.
@nwp It's intentionally pointless.
1 hour later…
Q: Did Human Verification Get Stricter?

seheA quick and easy question: Did something change w.r.t. robot captcha/human verification? I'm seeing this on a daily basis now: I think in the past I've seen that at most once in 3 months, and usually when I was doing something like pasting an answer I authored off-line at once. These times,...

Google just needs to train more neural nets.

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