@StackedCrooked I would like to have OpenVPN, because this allows me to tunnel into work, and, e.g., look at the build server. Also, I want to get rid of a few ups that steal precious memory.
@StackedCrooked If I seem to recall that you couldn't make an android phone into a wifi access point without jailbreaking it, but that seems to have changed, or I was misinformed.
@StackedCrooked Because my computer isn't a laptop, but a mobile desktop, as big as a dishwasher, and hard to pull out on the train. Also, it eats more power than the common train recepticals officially provide.
@MooingDuck I have Android 2.3.5, and it's built-in.
Apparently Coldplay played a slow and quite cover version of "You gotta fight for your right to party" at a concert a few days ago. The radio is just playing the life version, and it's the first time I like the song. :)
Simple version: What is the difference between int a[5] and int (&a)[5]?
Complex version:
This question is about functions that take arrays of statically known size.
Take for example the following minimal program:
#include <iostream>
template<size_t N>
void arrfun_a(int a[N])...
template<typename T, size_t n>
size_t array_size(const T (&)[n])
return n;
The part that I don't get is the parameters for this template function. What happens with the array when I pass it through there that gives n as the number of elements in the array?
I've tried to set up a configuration for Goblin Camp — three independent forks, each built in 4 variants ({windows,linux}-{32,64}), and each variant should be delegated to a slave that can handle it.
And documentation isn't all that good in either Buildbot or Jenkins.
@MooingDuck You should strive for making full build as fast as possible, anyway. Incremental builds can fail in funny ways when a clean build is actually OK.
Very simplified version of my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main () {
string name;
cout << "Enter first and last name" << endl;
getline(cin, name);
return 0;
As you can see I want my user to type in their first and last name w...