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Last VS I used was 2008 which was nice IMO. Too bad it will never work with C++11.
Not even in Nevada will VS2008 work with C++11.
At least the climate is nice in Nevada.
@StackedCrooked That depends on what you consider nice.
@sbi Low humidity.
@StackedCrooked You have low humidity in the Sahara desert.Yet, that alone doesn't make it a nice climate.
But in Nevada there is Las Vegas :D
Has anyone here ever bricked rooted an Android phone? I fail.
@sbi I really don't like that the window title bar is the same color as the menu backgrounds.
@MooingDuck I hadn't even looked at the link.
I have an iPhone and I never felt the need to jailbreak it. I guess I'm boring person.
I'm not sure I like the CAPS on the menu bar.
Feels like my menu is yelling at me.
I really don't UNDERSTAND the desire to USE ALL CAPS in spurious PLACES THROUGHOUT your product.
oh... they just switched casing in menu and window names (like solution explorer)
anyway, it's useless without complete C++11 and any WinXP support
@StackedCrooked I would like to have OpenVPN, because this allows me to tunnel into work, and, e.g., look at the build server. Also, I want to get rid of a few ups that steal precious memory.
Why do you want to do it with your phone?
@StackedCrooked If I seem to recall that you couldn't make an android phone into a wifi access point without jailbreaking it, but that seems to have changed, or I was misinformed.
@StackedCrooked Because my computer isn't a laptop, but a mobile desktop, as big as a dishwasher, and hard to pull out on the train. Also, it eats more power than the common train recepticals officially provide.
@MooingDuck I have Android 2.3.5, and it's built-in.
@sbi And why is that a problem?
@sbi it's built into my 2.3.4 as well. But a year ago, I remember trying to do that, and I gave up after a while
@StackedCrooked because he can't remote to work on the phone
@StackedCrooked I am exasperated. I recite a list of problems, and you ask why "that" is a problem. What am I to answer to that?
I like to ask nonsensical questions once in a while just to see how people respond to it.
@StackedCrooked anger usually. I don't recommend that.
Not really anger, more like irritation.
@sbi Should do this at work.
what is truly the negatives '/ positive over using Virtual_BOX or VMware to run Mac OS systems
@sanket Didn't you post the exact same thing a few hours ago?
Oh, apparently I need to unbrand the phone before I can root it. Does this make sense, or am I reading too much into this?
has anyone first hand experience or seen difference ?
@Riley Try superuser, or askdifferent.
superuser ?
thank for that.. but do they have a chat
@Riley I think the point is to ask on the main site. That's where you should be actually asking questions, after all.
.. i agree
Apparently Coldplay played a slow and quite cover version of "You gotta fight for your right to party" at a concert a few days ago. The radio is just playing the life version, and it's the first time I like the song. :)
Damn oneboxing stumbles over https.
@EtiennedeMartel No one helped me yet.
@sanket and if no one responded the first time, what makes you think this is the right place to ask?
@sanket you were flagged last time too. Slow learner?
Q: The difference between int a[5] and int (&a)[5]

dionadarSimple version: What is the difference between int a[5] and int (&a)[5]? Complex version: This question is about functions that take arrays of statically known size. Take for example the following minimal program: #include <iostream> template<size_t N> void arrfun_a(int a[N])...

is that a duplicate? I can't find it but I swear it is
@awoodland I think it is, but under many vastly different titles, mostly unsearchable.
I find lots of questions about pointers/references to arrays
@awoodland actually the question you linked revolves around template argument deduction, it might be a new question
We should get rep for edits somehow.
Q: Can someone explain this template code that gives me the size of an array?

marsol0xtemplate<typename T, size_t n> size_t array_size(const T (&)[n]) { return n; } The part that I don't get is the parameters for this template function. What happens with the array when I pass it through there that gives n as the number of elements in the array?

is the closest match I can find
@MooingDuck You do while you are on probation.
Each accepted edit suggestion nets you 2 rep, up to 2000.
I think I'm in love with Sublime Text.
A text editor you have to pay for? No, thanks.
what does it do that emacs doesn't? ;)
Our build server now generates these:
user image
Anyone who tries to check the help for our tool gets a "Y u no have help?" message.
@CatPlusPlus I was really averse to the idea, too. But dammit, it's so pretty....
Besides, registration isn't enforced.
It's a beta.
@RMartinhoFernandes Where the name is the last committer?
@awoodland Maybe it doesn't break your fingers, like Emacs.
@Maxpm Yeah.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's beautiful.
@Maxpm Meh, "pretty".
:3622958 Erm, it's a build server.
It's its job to know those things.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh, at my work we have too many checkins each day for that to be a reliable measure of who broke the build.
Pushing broken code is silly.
Oh wait, you probably use SVN.
@CatPlusPlus Me?
@CatPlusPlus we have enough interdependent projects that it's nontrivial to know if you broke the full build or not
@MooingDuck The server is set up to build anytime someone pushes, so it works fine.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh. Our builds take forever, far too long for that.
@MooingDuck You need sane API policy.
@CatPlusPlus we need to not have one C++ file used in four projects is what we need.
@MooingDuck Yeah, we're like, five guys.
@MooingDuck Incremental builds?
Also, Buildbot > Jenkins.
Does Buildbot have a memegenerator plugin? I rest my case.
@CatPlusPlus also we need faster buildtimes, though I'm not sure how we'd manage that exactly
You can write one.
It doesn't have XML configuration. I rest my case.
I don't have to see any XML.
I can configure the whole thing from the web interface.
Yeah, but that clicky UI is so painful.
GUIs can never match the paragon of enterprisey-ness that XML offers.
@CatPlusPlus Meh, I can live with that given how rarely we'll need to ever change the configuration.
I've tried to set up a configuration for Goblin Camp — three independent forks, each built in 4 variants ({windows,linux}-{32,64}), and each variant should be delegated to a slave that can handle it.
Clicking in Jenkins took like 5 hours.
oh, actually it looks like the build machine can build everything in 1.5 hours. I think incremental builds per checkin would be a great thing.
And then it didn't work like it should.
Configuration in Buildbot — ~40 lines of Python code.
Argument from familiarity?
I've never used Buildbot before that.
And documentation isn't all that good in either Buildbot or Jenkins.
@MooingDuck You should strive for making full build as fast as possible, anyway. Incremental builds can fail in funny ways when a clean build is actually OK.
@CatPlusPlus yeah, I've noticed that
@CatPlusPlus especially since our build process actually generates several cpp/java files.
Also, default Buildbot style is cleaner than Jenkins'.
I think I wasted more time shopping for silly plugins than configuring anything. Setting up Jenkins for Java (Android) builds is quite simple.
Sorry, but for whatever reason, I feel like complaining about a quiz on Object-oriented concepts. Would this be the place?
Yeah, I'd imagine it works better with Java projects than anything else.
If you want to complain about singletons, sure.
Now all that's left is to pick a meme for when someone fixes a broken build.
hmm, someone broke the voice recognition at work
@RMartinhoFernandes condensending willy wonka
Oooh wait, I can add more than one meme and it picks at random.
@MooingDuck Oh, success kid sounds like a good idea.
@RMartinhoFernandes awesome
per-pixel lighting y u no work.
Maybe the bulb's broken.
The normals aren't acting normal.
I'm exhausted and should go to sleep, but Steam finished downloading Portal 2 just now. This is not fair. :(
Meh, I've slept 18 hours and I'm still sleepy.
glAbnormalPointer. Might actually work. :p
@RMartinhoFernandes it will be here tomorrow
@CatPlusPlus Me OTOH, I've been awake since Sunday 19:00.
@MooingDuck But it is here now. That's the issue.
50 hours?
That's... bit long.
@RMartinhoFernandes Robots need no sleep, what have you been doing before?
You're not hallucinating yet?
I don't think I ever experienced that.
Anyway, I'm really going to sleep. I can't play like this even if I really want to.
There's a mark after which microsleep episodes start to happen, and then hallucinations and crap.
So, good night.
@CatPlusPlus Oh, I've had the microsleep thingies at lunch.
I'm too afraid to go beyond ~30 hour mark.
Q: Detect non alphabetic characters in a mixed string

blanksbyVery simplified version of my code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { string name; cout << "Enter first and last name" << endl; getline(cin, name); return 0; } As you can see I want my user to type in their first and last name w...

^ How difficult could it be to answer this (correctly)? Hm.
There's also a deleted TDWTF-answer he he. :-)
 bool AlphabetCharacter(char Char)
        String[] Alphabet = new String[26];
    Alphabet[0] = "A";
    Alphabet[1] = "B";
    Alphabet[2] = "C";
    Alphabet[3] = "D";
    Alphabet[4] = "E";
    Alphabet[5] = "F";
    Alphabet[6] = "G";
    Alphabet[7] = "H";
    Alphabet[8] = "I";
    Alphabet[9] = "J";
    Alphabet[10] = "K";
    Alphabet[11] = "L";
    Alphabet[12] = "M";
    Alphabet[13] = "N";
    Alphabet[14] = "O";
    Alphabet[15] = "P";
    Alphabet[16] = "Q";
    Alphabet[17] = "R";

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