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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

bad escaping
Oh nice. It contains a subtree. Maybe that will tell me what went wrong
@ratchetfreak Worse.
Bad escaping doesn't get you stderr in a variable
So, fucked up redirection and lack of error handling. At least.
"gethelp". I may just do that #FML :) https://t.co/Af4htwBMaj
@sehe #coreutils
I can pretty much spell what happened. Bound to be something like mkdir -pv "$(dirname "SOMETHINGWRONG")" but where does it happen (and why does dirname not signal an error and post Usage to stderr etc.)
@milleniumbug almost as bad as if(container is not empty){ for each ... }
My shell scripts are #!/bin/bash -e
> Categorists use the word ‘just’ the way lepidopterists use cyanide.
/cc @rightfold @Ell
new mac book pro is coming soon
@sehe what's the -e for?
@ProblemSlover what another one
meh, 32GB is hardly "new"
it's more like "uh guys we really fucked up so here's the 32GB model"
I doubt it will please the power users though
@BartekBanachewicz There's one every year, no?
@ProblemSlover no, it doesn't. It's aimed at 16yo "gamerz", not power users.
the new razer ultrabooks look promising though
@thecoshman Also:
   Subshells spawned to execute command substitutions inherit the value
of the '-e' option from the parent shell.  When not in POSIX mode, Bash
clears the '-e' option in such subshells.
@BartekBanachewicz lool..but agree such things are pushing innovation.
why would you want that? Some programs are going exit with non zero... that's not a problem...
oh wait, read it a bit more carefully
@ProblemSlover which ones? The huge laptops? Hardly
yeah... I guess I see why you would want that...
They're more of a dick show of computing power in a supposedly "mobile" package than anything
most of them is just meant to be what they appear to be - ridiculous gadgets
ergh... of course that makes it real easy to work out wtf is going on, just use Groovy to boot strap running a class
I think I would have liked Groovy if it weren't for the fact that nearly every example I come across is just fucking terrible
oh now really, a fucking script to manage branching
@thecoshman it's like a "strict" mode. Any unhandled error is reason to abort
@sehe yeah
probably something to start using
@ProblemSlover Is it heavier than military grade laptops?
@sehe: WTF? Where is your bear avatar?
@wilx Well this laptop is perfect for workouts in the morning if you buy 2 of them
@ProblemSlover :D
@wilx still here
2 hours ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
Seems there has been some glitch with gravatar?
Or maybe it's your European mindset.
@sehe I guess. I see small avatar the usual bear but big one is just a picture.
> just a picture
Screenshot time
That font.
@wilx Ah. Clearly a gravatar issue. Probably only cached the wrong pictogram for a specific size
@wilx get rid of potatos phone 2012
@ProblemSlover This is Windows 7 with Firefox.
@wilx Thanks but no thanks, I'm not at ease with that « a » D:
@wilx ... give me mailing address I will send you latest iPhone just as the gesture of solidarity
> bitset<9999999UL>& bitvector = *(new bitset<9999999UL>());
I shouldn't be looking at random GitHub repos.
look at my github repos instead.
@sehe it's not just an issue with your av
@Ven But most use languages I'm not fluent with D:
@Morwenn :(
I think my crappy 2-files utils.cpp is the only actual c++ repo i have
Excellent commit messages though.
@Morwenn That can be changed with CSS font-feature-settings with "litr" 0.
... nice irony.
So your oldest projects were old smallish JavaScript utils :p
@Morwenn no, they were php things :)
Oh, my bad then.
@Morwenn look at http instead, much better :D
PHP is among the things I haven't touched since school days.
@Morwenn be glad for it
@Ven Where you uploaded a whole project to try GH? :)
I need to start looking for a new helmet
@Morwenn pretty much :P
> Oh John, let's not park here.
Oh John, let's not park.
Oh John, let's not.
Oh John, let's.
Oh John.
btw @thecoshman how's your motorbike thing going; paused for the winter?
@thecoshman I still need to learn how to Rust.
@Morwenn You are rusting already!
@BartekBanachewicz :( money
@thecoshman bummer. Used 125 ain't that expensive though, are they?
ergh, I'm just trying to work out how I want to go forwards money wise
ultimately, buying a place is the way to go, as mortgage would be so much less than what I pay for rent
but getting enough for deposit is :(
@Morwenn it's just that I like to go back to project regularly. ideas-luminus started in 2014, Sprockets-PHP in 2012, gol 2014, bow 2013, RPG 2014, sprockets-pl 2014, bdiscuss 2013.
@thecoshman I see
And I worked on all of those in late 2016
I'm basically a rightfold that doesn't drop projects but instead works on them over time :P.
well I'm glad I won't have to concern myself with that for the next few years
RIP tactics
@Morwenn however I am very tidy and keep track of everything I do :P.
@Ven Wow, indeed :o
(this is me admitting I'm lost in my own github, though)
perfect-forwarding variadic template parameters through a lambda is surprisingly easy
@nwp ;__;
I never though it would be so hard to work out where an ip is configured :(
well that's fucking useful ¬_¬ a full year's worth of shitty log just saying what was done with this shitty crappy tool
The French are all wimps.
@EtiennedeMartel different countries, different habits ;-)
our cars aren't ready for snow
Ce mot de jeu
@EtiennedeMartel what's that say
@Ven wat
wat wat?
if my Golf is ready for snow, everything is
#drift #frontdrive
@BartekBanachewicz "great cold warning" or something. Basically, for them, -10 C is FRIGID WINTER
lel noobz
it was -17 here recently and nobody panicked
I'm sure the number of accidents on my fav highway actually dropped from the usual
@BartekBanachewicz there's "snow" like we get here in Paris, and "snow" like you get in Montréal
because people actually slowed down
@Ven doesn't really matter if it's 30cm or 3m if the road is completely covered, does it?
btw engine folks
this is completely new to me. Sounds interesting
@EtiennedeMartel those that weren't wimps moved to Quebec
@BartekBanachewicz the time it takes to melt changes a lot
@EtiennedeMartel So they've decided the Paris accords are nonsense, and a little more global warming would be a good thing. What of it?
@BartekBanachewicz Actually, yes--there's a big difference between "tires touching snow", and "whole undercarriage of car dragging in snow", and "car completely buried in snow".
well I was assuming it's like, hard and already ridden over
@BartekBanachewicz In that case, I'd agree--it doesn't make much difference how thick of a layer it is (except how long it takes to melt).
Well, at least until/unless snow gets so deep you can't see road signs any more. Most places, road signs are something like 2 meters off the ground. In some of the mountain passes in Colorado, they put them more like 4 meters up...
@BartekBanachewicz I actually played with that once. Some people had a bike that sounded wrong or something and the cylinder (?) had a small access hole that you could attach a tube to and that was fed into a raspberry pi air pressure meter so we could plot the pressure. In other words this is somewhat DIY.
@nwp you're talking about compression, not valve timing
int a, b, c, d, na, nb, nc, nd; sigh
@Borgleader What's wrong? That code is...wondrous. Leaves me wondering, anyway... :-)
@BartekBanachewicz Not exactly the same, but certainly no surprise considering their history with VTEC/iVTEC/...
@JerryCoffin but vtec works evenly across all cylinders, no?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes (at least AFAIK). I wasn't trying to say the two are the same--only that Honda has a pretty long history of unconventional thinking/designs with respect to valve timing and how to manipulate it to get a lot of power when you need it, and still drive nicely the rest of the time.
My next bike might be the VFR800X, that one has VTEC. And it's delightfully oversized in the Honda manner.
I'm really eager to give the NC a few dozen kkm first though
@JerryCoffin Hah! Yes, definitely wonderous.
@Borgleader Sadly, it's now gone. I'l have to try to find something else to enlighten my day now...
it was perfectly formatted as well...
@nwp Ah, now I can take comfort.
Q: Segmentation Fault in function, can't seem to find the error

Evin WatsonSo I am writing a function in C++ that mimics the Java toUpperCase() and for some reason I keep getting a segmentation fault but I can't find the memory error anywhere. Can someone point out the problem here? I am also using the stringEqual function in toUpperCase(). Thanks, Evin //Global Variab...

Anything that has:
bool stringEqual(string x, string y)
if((x.compare(y) == true))
    return true;
    return false;
Not just once, but twice in succession is truly beautiful.
Wait, did the OP just copy-paste it?
@Mysticial It's there twice in the middle of other code, so it's not just a matter of accidentally pasting the code in twice, if that's what you're asking.
@JerryCoffin extraordinarily buttiful
Hi folks, can somebody recommend a good book (ideally available in PDF format) for coding standards in C++? I haven't touched C++ in the last decade and that was a homework for college. I've been writing code since (Java, Ruby, Clojure) and I need to quickly get up to speed. Thanks!
Q: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

grepsedawkThis question attempts to collect the few pearls among the dozens of bad C++ books that are published every year. Unlike many other programming languages, which are often picked up on the go from tutorials found on the Internet, few are able to quickly pick up C++ without studying a well-written...

Now go away
Thank you, I guess.
Excellent guess.
poor guy
@JerryCoffin lol every1 nose u should of written true = x.compare(y) dude, yoda 4 the win!
@JerryCoffin My best guess is OP thought x==y compared references, coming from a Java background...
@Xeo You can build a huge bridge and walk to the space station :D
@fredoverflow Probably. And he thought he thought he needed (x.compare(y) == true) because of his background with the department of redundancy department.
@Ven Nice :P I don't understand all of this
I got to "Refunctor your Bifactor" :P
the pun density is very high in that thing
o_0 well balls... I have no idea what the password is for my nas
I took an exam today. One of the tasks was to write a Markov algorithm that would enter an infinite loop if a certain condition was met. I could have made the algorithm just sit there doing nothing, but instead I decided it would be more fun to make it write DEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEADBEEF... Don't know it the exterminator got the reference but I did get "excellent" for the exam.
Who are you? :o
Hi. I'm not a robot.
What exactly do you mean?
> exterminator
I'm not sure that's the right word there.
Probably the automatic spelling correction.
Can you be a good programmer if you don't have a strong logical mind?
@АндрейБеньковский Probably received marks for succeeding and showing that you succeeded. Easy to grade, and programmers worth their salt know it's a reference, though not always to what.
@Perfect_Comment I don't know. Give it a shot and tell us how it goes.
Will do
I will report back in about 5 years
If I knew how long it would take, I'd have solved the halting problem xD Good luck, and may your dreams come true.
Thank you
lol someone asked the same question two years apart
Q: GetUserNameW as wstring

tmightyI would like to know how to get the currenty logged on user's name as a wstring. I only found LPWSTR examples like that: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <Lmcons.h> using namespace std; int main() { wchar_t name[UNLEN+1]; DWORD size = UNLEN + 1; if (GetUserNameW(...

Can someone please help me to get through this code? We could, but there isn't any code — SingerOfTheFall 16 hours ago
awe, my baby snake is just shy of two foot (60cm) long
are you a bigfoot?
not really... fairly normal sized feet for my height I think
why do you ask?
30cm for a foot seems big to me
How can I have so many vga cables in this house and yet have no idea where a single one is :\
@nwp a foot is a spot more than than 30cm
I am of course coming from a point of view where I don't have my head up my arse and can comprehend units of various sizes and not get caught up on their apparently silly yet undeniably relatable origins
Are people that pass const int rather than just int broken?
? You mean void f(const int x) { /* something */ }?
it's perfectly fine
@Mikhail I would suggest asking their psychiatrist, but I was just reminded that humor is not my strong suit.
Hi, I had a small question: I know that Rule 90: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_90 for cellular automation is simply an XOR of the neighbors, but what is rule 110? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_110 is there a simple mathematical operator for it as well?
¬_¬ if I do get this nas working again, new less noisy cooling is first thing on shopping list
@Link draw a kmap
Anyways, cellular automata is useless as the systems can't be inverted.
@Mikhail easier said than done; you have to have the knack of the kmap!
It is worth noting that had the question been about a C++ implementation, it would have been flagged.
The implementation is the easy part :)
Just having trouble figuring out the pattern
Xor of center with right works for all except 011. Though you could just make a lookup table and not care about the pattern.
The kmap really helped
@Mysticial lol!
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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