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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

How to hide a process from task manager in the win32api?
you're welcome
I've got a question for any math affectionados: is there any actual difference between float acos(float x) and float acosf(float x)? Both accept and return float. Is abs(x) doing an implicit cast to double for processing?
sorry, acos(x)

_Check_return_ inline float acos(_In_ float _Xx) _NOEXCEPT
return (_CSTD acosf(_Xx));
oh so it uses the float avriant internally anyway
So in cmath on MSVC they seem to alias to the same thing.
perfect thank you
This one is a little more fun:
_Check_return_ __inline long double __CRTDECL acosl(_In_ long double _X)
return acos((double)_X);
RIP long double
I'm wrapping some native functions for a c# wrapper and want to pinvoke to the c runtimes float-specific functions for some.
sounds like a slow and complicated approach compared to just using C#
its actually pretty fast if you skip security checks. There's some functions that aren't exposed to c# and almost every System.Math function uses double instead.
So, many of these functions can be automatically substituted with vector intrinsics
not gonna lie, I don't know enough about simd, sse etc to attempt bringing that into .net
.net actually has accelerated vector type snow too but they aren't well suited for my needs :(
[Y'all might have competition as the best chatroom ever](chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/240/the-nineteenth-byte). Reasons: High activity, possibly less noise (from sample from last few transcript pages), and has its own meta; because its bound to it's own site.
Never heard of it
Yeah, typically each smaller site has its own chat room
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ T R A S H
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ eh
@набиячлэвэли ???
@Mikhail But this is as active as Lounge<C++>. Same # of users as Lounge<C++> now.
user image
that is one of my favorite "I give no fucks" images
There is also a recent thing where absolutely all noise was moved to Trash. Absolutely. All. Noise.
this room is mostly noise
My favourite:
also excellent
@Mikhail have seen that link
Also, a bit out-of-context, don't you think?
no, I think its on-point
Perhaps you could further explain. (I'm hinting at something here)
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ what's your opinion on this?
@jaggedSpire [much] tl;dr
You are trolling, then.
I wanted to be sure.
@jaggedSpire I'm not trolling, and I don't know why you believe me so. Or why the article you linked was correlated.
@Mikhail (there was a meta post that DID make that happen. Someone else posting "this room is mostly noise" is entirely a coincidence.)
we like to play with any toy that's thrown into the room
be thankful, the last one was treated much rougher than you
I'm not even going to react to the last two messages.
barely got out of here alive & never came back ...
Is there a way to flag a room? /s
consider contributing meaningfully to the discussion
@Mikhail *(nullptr) is undefined behavior
in other words, there was no discussion beforehand
@Mikhail that just confirms my statement
Also I don't that will compile because its a std::nullptr_t
Do you people like putting really short messages up to the interpretation for the viewer?
Wait, ninja'd by edit.
@Mikhail (obviously not, but NullPointerException at line 0 isn't fitting)
toys are never self aware while being played
@Telkitty good job on the being creepy front. 👍
#define repeat(count, variable) for (int variable = 0; variable < count; ++variable)
#define $ auto
I'll just leave you with those two macros.
@jaggedSpire Do not feed the trolls plz.
That I used.
Don't worry, it's not production.
@Borgleader honestly I'm just trying to encourage the familiar troll native to the room to drive off the invading troll
Better the telkitty you know
@jaggedSpire gets that hanged on wall
I'm glad you're treasuring my words as much as they should be treasured.
@jaggedSpire pleasure is all mine :p
opens issue titled "DoS vulnerability when visiting Lounge<C++>" on sarcasm-engine
Specifically, I want to flag as "Not A Room".
...are you saying that we should get a room?
@jaggedSpire yes plz, lets do that <3
@Borgleader <3
> The pseudo-random generators of this chatroom should not be used for security purposes. Use os.urandom() or noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ if you require a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator.
forgive me if I don't consider you as good a source of cryptographic quality random numbers as /dev/urandom or CryptGenRandom
@jaggedSpire All numbers are public. That's why you shouldn't use the NIST Randomness Beacon for generating keys.
passive-aggressive mode engaged stackoverflow.com/posts/41667945/revisions
@sehe full sehe ahead
ey, it's Rapptz
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ Found a failure mode; It hates lines that double-back, like a Z
@jaggedSpire To err is human. To forgive...is not in accordance with Lounge policy.
a novice programmer would hardcode it an experienced programmer would make a general engine feature a veteran programmer would hardcode it
As a kitteh, I forget, I don't forgive
but then a lot of the times I can't be bothered to keep a grudge ...
Cliff Stoll is amazingly enthusiastic about Klein Bottles.
1 hour later…
What's up people?
Implementing a GPU algorithm from a research paper
Everything relies on mysterious CUDA memory pitching, which doesn't integrate well in thrust because there is no public API besides a malloc call, that tells you what the pitch should be.
I'm considering allocating the pitched memory, getting the pitch size, and then de-allocating.
@Mikhail Hm
Recorded problem using Problem Steps Recorder, learn to record video of iphone game using quick time. Now trying to find out why application uses the wrong screen size
I've discovered a lot of "advanced" GPU computing techniques that basically involve using textures to interpolate functions. These give you an order of magnitude speed improvement but FUCK, they take forever to write.
@Mikhail what kind of functions
For example, regularization in L1 deconvolution
@VermillionAzure here is one of the papers: cs.nyu.edu/~dilip/research/papers/fid_nips09.pdf
@Mikhail did... did you just say de-convolution
@Mikhail is... is that even possible
its 50% of what I do
its called division
which is actually multiplication
So you have the FT's already?
Or... yeah I'm sort of confused
I don't know how 2D+ FT's work
well fucking learn
also the dimensionality isn't relevant
@Mikhail But is that the general idea? FT and then divide?
Yeah, you signal was damaged by a convolution, now you deconvolve to restore it.
@Mikhail But how do you determine what that "noise system" is? What's the basic idea?
thats your physical model
for example, your instrument might give you the derivative of the signal, rather than the signal. In that case, its a multiplication by ik in k-space. Normal people might want the actual signal so they will divide by ik, to restore the original signal.
@Mikhail I meant the noise part.
If the image is assumed to be a statically process, certain noise categorizes directly translate to k-space filter functions
actually the linked paper talks about that
@Mikhail Unfortunately I can't read the abstract lol it's beyond me right now
I just have a passing interest right now since you brought it up
But cool! and thanks
aw, I was looking forward to a rant about how nothing real can be modeled as a linear system :-(
@Mikhail but you can make pretty straight lines.........
ah I see people don't like to chat
well I ll come back as long as this room is still alive last time nobody was here, lol, goodnight
@Mikhail I thought linearization is popular
because its easy
(and somewhat effective)
2 seemingly new trolls in 12 hours
@Telkitty and who might that be at this hour?
dunno, I am extremely bad at recognizing aliases
oh woe is me
lounge is dead
long live the lounge!
Hi lounge
^ I got to this screen by (probably) accidentally holding volume control buttons for longer period of time. WTH is this screen?
@wilx It's the screen to enable your phone to be flashed
If you do volume up, it will await to get ROM parts through usb
@wilx erm... yes? People have nominated places. I'll leave it up longer before we move onto voting
@fredoverflow thanks, I'll listen to that... at some point...
god damn magic stars are too tasty
Whats up
@sehe Yo polar bear, I remember you writing a parser program. Do you still have it?
@VermillionAzure a vector in the opposite direction to the prevailing pull of gravity
@thecoshman meh
I wonder if CPU ticks (rdtsc/rdtscp) can be used as a kind of monotonic clock.
@StackedCrooked Yes. That's how the OS implements high precision timers.
The only problem is that it can be skewed if you change the bus speed within the system.
That's generally only a problem for competitive overclocking.
@Mysticial Is it really that reliable?
Hm. I once did a test for skew of rtdsc against the system clock and it seemed to be a rather large skew.
Maybe it's caused by turbo boost.
Turbo boost doesn't change the clock.
Not the system clock. But it might increase the speed of the CPU tick counters?
rdtsc used to be the CPU clock. Back then the CPU always ran at a constant frequency. So real-time applications started using it as a clock.
But once power throttling was implemented, it broke all those applications. So processors now redefine the rdtsc as the bus speed x default multiplier.
So it stays constant.
Unless you use an overclocking tool to change the bus speed within the system.
@Mysticial You sure know a lot about htis
In this test I periodically print system time and clock ticks. After a while you notice an increase in difference.
@VermillionAzure Because I've had to implement cheating detection for the purposes of competitive overclocking.
Oh wait.
Maybe that was because of inaccuracy in my CPU frequency estimation.
That's not a very large drift anyway.
Actually, proportionally, it's pretty large.
You're probably doing something wrong.
The CPU freq estimation resulted in 2.992 Ghz. That should probably 3 Ghz.
So that at least partially explains the skew.
Not necessarily. A lot of stock machines are slightly below the stock frequency.
Which pisses me off because I hate seeing 2993 or 3192 instead of 3000 and 3200.
Hm, the drift might also be explained by the floating point operations.
can you recommend any CI software?
soooo... let me just make sure I'm not being silly here. I have a set of VMs in cloud hosting and I want to be able to connect to a vpn to access some services in another area. The vpn connection is a silly thing that only lasts so long and is a pita to connect, so I'm going to use one machine to keep that vpn open as much as it can, and then run nginx to proxy all the services that I want to expose to my cloud hosted machines.
This would mean I only have one machine to worry about the vpn connection, the others just access a local network ip, and I can control exactly what services are exposed to my cloud machines, potentially controlling what machine has access to what
sensible enough?
@thecoshman yep
you want a continuous VPN connection?
@BartekBanachewicz effectively, yes...
@BartekBanachewicz jenkins :P
@thecoshman then yeah, those things are doable
@thecoshman I meant "recommend", not "recommend to avoid"
@BartekBanachewicz yeah, I just have to set up a cron job to check and connect if required to the vpn
as it times out every so often
@thecoshman we had a setup that linked together 3 offices into one network a my previous job
not sure how our admin did that, but he did and it worked pretty well
well, if you just wanted to link three lans into one, then VPN makes sense, but ideally at a lower level, so just being connected to one lan means you are connected to all
ours is a client based vpn solution ¬_¬
@thecoshman what do you mean?
@BartekBanachewicz each client has to log into the vpn itself, just being connected to our office lan doesn't grant access to other offices
it sort of makes sense, as most machines do not need access to other offices
@thecoshman anyway why are you doing this thing?
I'd just ask IT for help
because I am the IT for this sort of thing :|
@thecoshman how come?
what do you mean?
@thecoshman Is there anything more for the tweak/41-log-colour branch you want or not?
@набиячлэвэли not sure :P
Then become sure
I'd probably want to tweak it, but don't think it's much to do with the colouring, more to do with the log messages them selves
for one, I think we should have more a format like <timestamp> <client ip> <htttp action> <log message>
@BartekBanachewicz eyyyyyyyy
It's bartek
Also, I'm finding that BOOST IS AWESOME.
And that C++ is literally missing some really really basic stuff that's really ridiculous to get to work in terrible templates.
@thecoshman Right, but that can go into a separate issue called "Consistent log formatting"
(e.g. full-featured, out-of-the-box sum types)
@VermillionAzure What's a sum type
@набиячлэвэли Basically, a native variant.
so a Rust enum?
@набиячлэвэли exactly :P
@набиячлэвэли yeah.
Except... in C++, it's going to be either Boost.Variant or C++17. And the source code and hacks is absolutely horrible.
C++ is quickly becoming lower and lower on my language list...
@thecoshman So if you're satisfied with consistent colouring then it's time to merge tweak/41-log-colour in and accept #42 afterwards
OOH, and if you want RECURSIVE variants, Boost needs a freaking SPECIAL template wrapper just for it
@VermillionAzure Are you writing a parser?
@набиячлэвэли Absolutely. I think I'm going to give up writing one manually and just go with Qi/Karma already.
It's too much cruft that I don't want to deal with because there's a hell of a lot more important stuff we need to do this semester than deal with the grammar and then not finish
And I really like Qi. It has correspondence with parsing theory and is elegant in the way it's designed.
@набиячлэвэли i guess you're not interested anymore
oh well
pls respond
@VermillionAzure I'm reading but I've no experience with porsiang in C++ other than bears streams
@LucDanton WHAT
@набиячлэвэли TBH polar bear is also a fan of qi and karma
I do remember talking to him about this awhile back
Good afternoon everybody
@VermillionAzure (not being able to finish is actually very important you should go to the doctor)
@VermillionAzure I know
@набиячлэвэли What are you interested in coding, again?
I am currently working on c++ and wanted to ask how to return the output of a method to the console (I am using Visual studio)
@VermillionAzure Was I ever not?
@набиячлэвэли You didn't get that
@набиячлэвэли I meant what types of programs were you interested in creating?
@JohnDoe2 Nobody gives a fuck. Now we will give a fuck less.
@JohnDoe2 needs more detail
@JohnDoe2 that's really vague
@JohnDoe2 what's the return type?
@VermillionAzure Is that a jok? Cause I deffo didn't get it
@набиячлэвэли It was not a joke.
@Ven ooh new idea
@VermillionAzure Right now I'm doing http with Pir@
But en general any and every thing in Rast
@набиячлэвэли googleable/10
Wow, you wrote a manpage. I guess things are getting serious.
@Ven I always do v0v if my crates have execs
It seems very fitting to have a commit "Correct @thecoshman's typos" :D
@набиячлэвэли I guess I can see why you've switched over
@VermillionAzure I'ven't switched
I'm just doing this, now
@набиячлэвэли Sounds like you've gone full-Rust to me
@набиячлэвэли don't argue with the cinch
arguing with cinch is the only less productive thing than trying to argue with rightfold
@VermillionAzure Are you my mother you keep speaking in severe extremes
@набиячлэвэли And haven't you heard about "going full-Cinch?" Because this is similar. kappa
and refuse to accept anything inbetween
except cinching means to be retarded when rusting is the smart move
@VermillionAzure is this twitch chat or did I miss sth
@VermillionAzure this is the function virtual bool_t encode(const char_t* input, const char_t* output) = 0;
@набиячлэвэли loooool you're so triggered right now ok i'll stop now
@JohnDoe2 then just use std::cout then?
I'm definitely not writing an HTTP server in C++ I'll tell you that much
@набиячлэвэли don't argue with cinch
@VermillionAzure Ah, you're trying to trogger me
@набиячлэвэли Ya, you know, I'm probably going to learn Rust too.
I can't be troggered
I'm kind of fed up with C++ and it's syntax and it's 6+ myriad sub paradigms and ways of using it
C, C with classes, proper C++03, C++11, C++17/20, template meta-programming, programming with Boost, exceptionless-C++
@VermillionAzure hmm where excatly do I have to std::cout sorry I am really new to c+
@JohnDoe2 Why not go to learncpp.com?
Because it's shit by defiiiiiiiniiitiooon
@набиячлэвэли Shh. There's literally 0 good resources on the free web so I'll recommend the best one and NOT my own.
@JohnDoe2 Boi use cppreference it's got a seatch
use it
then go away to the C++ help room
@набиячлэвэли isn't there already a pr for that? a pr that is failing in travis?
@набиячлэвэли Jesus.
@набиячлэвэли Do you recommend the dictionary to ESL readers as learning material?
@thecoshman Yes #42 is alive it just needs tweak/41-log-colour to be inside
@VermillionAzure Yes
@набиячлэвэли Hooray we have reached the lowest tier of educational methodologies
@VermillionAzure I've read The International Standard cover-to-cover for crying out loud, they can read a non-formal reference/interpretation
@набиячлэвэли whatever that is (ambiguous)
@VermillionAzure Whatever waht is
@набиячлэвэли it's a reference, not a tutorial ¬_¬
@thecoshman agreed
like vermin said, you don't learn something by just looking at a dictionary
Of course it's a goddamn reference you know there are no acceptable tutorials in the internet
@thecoshman OOH am I being upgraded to "vermin" from "Cinch"?
@набиячлэвэли HAHAHAHAHAHA
reserves the privilege to respond with HAHAHAHHAHAHAH to anything else
Learning requires progression. I don't really see so much progression or flow to cppreference.com. So I don't consider it good beginner material -- it's probably negative impact because it'll just scare people away
Even learncpp.com's guidance and progression is better than nothing.
I know it helped me at the early stages
@набиячлэвэли What's "early" for you?
And there's a difference between reference material and tutorial material
combined with googling "thing C++" and looking at Stack Overflow for what to do C++Ref told me how to do it
@VermillionAzure When I was learning the language
(nota bene: C++ is my first formal language)
A: Parse XML in Haskell

Mike MenzelEven if you use someone else's library, I think it's really valuable to learn about parsing. The Dragon Book's treatment of parsing is superb. Try to get the first edition if you can.

what a retard
@набиячлэвэли What parts of it?
@VermillionAzure Everything
@набиячлэвэли So specific.
You learn languages in parts?
@набиячлэвэли It's like... do you even know how learning works?
There's sort of a hierarchy, strict or loose, whatever it is
@VermillionAzure are you drunk
You don't jump into template metaprogramming... if you don't know what templates are. So what part?
@VermillionAzure I'm proficient in about 3 concrete languages, and in 2 general families (that means I can learn to use languages in those families in under 3 days)
@Ven I don't drink.
@VermillionAzure oh
so what's going on?
you're even more annoying than usual.
he's dehydrated
@Ven In what way? Because I'd like to know
@VermillionAzure E V E R Y T H I N G
Welp here I am getting trolled -_-
If you're drunk sober up, if you're sober drink
anyway go for a walk now
@VermillionAzure you've been acting like an ass for the past ~30minutes. Inserting yourself into conversations, disrespecting people, acting all high and mighty
stop doing that.
If you want to discuss something, use arguments, not "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW LEARNING WORKS???"
@Ven I don't like when Americans tell me something about learning lanugages
@Ven I'm sorry, I think I'm just agitated. It's 2:05am.
I'm probably just tired.
@набиячлэвэли Sorry.
Cause their opinions are disconnected from reality and therefore shit
@VermillionAzure why are you up that late during the week?
@Ven It's Martin Luther King Day so no school for me
I have to prep for my project
@набиячлэвэли But seriously, my bad. Sorry. I've been acting like an idiot and a jerk.
> To err is human. To forgive... is not in accordance with Lounge policy.
Hello, shiny happy people
Oh hey.
Damn Boost.Qi is exactly what I need.
Yes. Damn it!
@thecoshman So is the colours in tweak/41-log-colour are alright
@thecoshman isn't your job a developer
@VermillionAzure do you
also it's been a while
(this time with actual gears)
where are the gears?
@JohanLarsson on the timing rod
ok, fair enough :)
there's also one in the oil pump visible, but I'm not sure if it classifies as a gear
A sprocket or sprocket-wheel is a profiled wheel with teeth, cogs, or even sprockets that mesh with a chain, track or other perforated or indented material. The name 'sprocket' applies generally to any wheel upon which radial projections engage a chain passing over it. It is distinguished from a gear in that sprockets are never meshed together directly, and differs from a pulley in that sprockets have teeth and pulleys are smooth. Sprockets are used in bicycles, motorcycles, cars, tracked vehicles, and other machinery either to transmit rotary motion between two shafts where gears are unsuitable...
but I think it qualifies as a gear
it's a decent looking engine
I ran dumpbin.exe to have a look at a .lib file and I got this output:
Dump of file C:\Users\Kevin\Desktop\Sdk\derx64Demo\lib\Builder.lib

File Type: LIBRARY


D2 .debug$S
14 .idata$2
14 .idata$3
8 .idata$4
8 .idata$5
12 .idata$6
What does this mean?
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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