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hm, for a programmer I’m doing an awful lot of administrative work
don’t like it
writing emails, interacting with people …
hi :)
is win32 api still called win32 even on 64 bit systems?
@Ell Yes. I came into this room just to answer that for you.
@tommai78101 thank you :D
I don't understand why its called the win32 api? has the name just stuck?
It's been stuck for at least 20 years.
It's like the de facto standard for the WinAPI name.
ahh okay
@Ell Have you ever skipped lunch and dinner all day just so you can eat a lot at a buffet?
IIRC win32 is not the proper name for it, it's the name that every one uses for it
hahaha no, not really. But my stomach contains a black hole. I am never full.
@thecoshman is it just winapi?
@KonradRudolph me too. Been ages since I actually did some coding
@Ell I think so
@Ell How is it possible that you are never full?
though you never know, could be something really stupid
@thecoshman I don't know, I just seem to be able to eat an infinite amount of food :o
@Ell, learn to respond
@Ell I'm actually skipping breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 2 days just so that I can eat at a fancy buffet, 3 for 80 bucks.
@thecoshman oops sorry XD
@tommai78101 wow that is fancy :P
@Ell Yes, all for the glory of the Ways of the "Food" Fighters.
Me so hungry...
@tom_mai78101 though I think your stomach will start to shrink and reduce you capacity
@thecoshman Really? Doesn't it work the other way around?
@thecoshman Currently, I'm in a mini hunger strike. :/
@sbi hmm, my pc keeps getting stuck on some update too. Been struggling with it for the last 2-3 days. I wonder if it's the same one
@tom_mai78101 seriously? you think that not eating will result in the maximum capacity of your stomach increasing?
@thecoshman Well, honestly, yes. Why?
because your stomach will shrink, not expand
@DeadMG Fuck no!! I'm about to take in super-fancy buffet foods...
dude, it's the exact same principle as exercise
the body adapts to it's situation
since you've told it it's in a low-food environment, why would it increase it's capacity?
@tom_mai78101 if your stomach is empty for a prolonged time, it it will start to reduce it's maximum capacity and your body tune it self more towards storing energy
what a waste of energy
but what's infinitely more likely is that you haven't made a damn of difference in two days
@thecoshman Now what do I do?
arghhh im hungry. I'm having lasagna now! brb
your logic is along the lines of, if I want to get strong, I have to sit still and do nothing
@tom_mai78101 when is the buffet?
@tom_mai78101 Nothing. Just behave normally.
even if you wanted to, you couldn't do anything about it unless you had more like two years to go
@thecoshman Two days later. Me and two friends are to spend $80 per plate on the buffet.
@tom_mai78101 you can try to stretch out your stomach a bit by drinking lots and lots of water
don't just keep your self full though
@thecoshman Hm... great! At least I got a head start.
@thecoshman Got it!
drink till you can't drink no more, till you are nearly sick and try to hold it as long as possible
There's another thing in the future. If I were to eat an 80 oz. steak under 45 minutes for a free meal, what should I do?
be careful though, you could die from hypotention (I think it is that one)
@thecoshman ... Wait a minute...
before the meal, just relax and try not to eat, don't want to fill up on cheap food
so like the day of the meal, do nothing
during the meal, it slowly and steady
if you eat too fast, you will get stuck
You seemed like you have experiences in eating fancy food at restaurants. Wow.
don't try and screw with your eating habits
I have seen a Japanese hot dog eating contestant who ate hot dogs at a pretty fast rate.
that's speed eating though, you kind of have to be fast for that
@tom_mai78101 no, I just no biology to a basic level
Fast? As in quick? Or the hungry kind of fast?
@thecoshman Man, I shouldn't skipped out on a lot of classes.
@DeadMG he can use my advice any way he wants. I will not feel guilty if he ends up drowning him self trying to drink too much
@tom_mai78101 who said anything about school?
@thecoshman I knew it.
mmmm mi madres lasagna is to die for :D
F*** Y**, I'm hungry. >:O
then fuckin' eat something
For the Buffet! I must do some sacrificing... Ugh!
why is starving yourself a bad way to lose weight?
you won't do yourself a drop of good, you know
@Ell Because your body has a tendency to consume your muscles before your fat.
You know that, oil prices here are exploding upwards at incredible speeds? Here, in my local down, it was once 32 dollars a liter, and now it's like 50 something a liter.
@Ell your body responds to starvation by conserving reserves
@DeadMG really? it goes for muscle before fat? :O
wow I never knew that :O
your body needs protein more than it needs fat
@Ell Me either.
it's a good idea to cut the fat out of your diet, but you fundamentally need certain levels of all nutrients
@DeadMG No wonder why Bear Grylls always emphasize on proteins.
going below that level is bad for you no matter what you want to achieve
if you want to loose wait, you need to simple reduce your energy (read food) intake and increase the amount of energy used (read get of your fat arse)
@thecoshman That's hilariously wrong.
@DeadMG its crude, but effective
@thecoshman As hell.
yeah, it's effective
you can not simply stop eating
so effective we're facing an obesity epidemic
My BMI is 24.
@DeadMG I never said it was easy
you need to address the fundamental causes
Boo-yah! I beat about 12 million people in the US alone.
the amount people eat may be the direct cause of the obesity, but it's just a symptom and not a genuine cause
@DeadMG Or how unhealthy the produced food are.
there are feedback systems in the body which are supposed to regulate how much you eat, and obesity is a direct side effect of them being broken
your confusing matters @Dead, we where talking about loosing wait. not reasons why people are overweight in the first place
@thecoshman You can lose weight by not addressing the reasons you have too much weight?
@thecoshman Losing weight. spelling OCD getting me
if you want to lose weight, you have to A) understand why you weigh too much, and B) target that cause directly
eating too much is a symptom, not a cause
never thought about it like that
@DeadMG lipo. it fixes the immediate problem of being over weight, but like you say, does not solve the cause
Food Myths.
@thecoshman I guess that technically, you could do surgery :P
but as far as I know, people tend to just put it right back on afterwards, which is why it's rarely employed now
I agree that for a lot of people there is an underlying reason why they eat too much.
as far as I'm aware
I eat a rather large amount, but my problem is lack of excersize
also need to consider that, AFAIK, we can't tell how much energy we are eating, just the volume of it. Thus we can be filled with a load of water which provides no energy but feel hungry after chewing on a lump a pure fat
@Ell both are problems
although I am going to change that after the easter hollidays
it's a genetic condition, activated by poor nutrition or stress, which changes the brain chemistry
also, you can have defective hormones which make it impossible for you to know when to eat and when to stop
I am going to start walking to school :L I already walk home, which means 2 hours of excersize every day! plus 1.5 hours on a wednesday and tuesday
@Ell You need another 12 minutes standing by the bus stop everyday.
@DeadMG actually, there is very little evidence for genetics having anything to do with it. Some people do have problems, such as one condition preventing you from physically feeling full, but I believe for the most part it is learnt behaviour
@tommai78101 haha I dont take buses :D
@thecoshman Except for the whole "hereditary" thing
@DeadMG you mean "fat parents => fat kids"?
and how it often runs in families- even, for example, siblings who are separated at birth and given up for adoption
After having eaten a quarter of a lasagna, I dont feel full. Should I have another quarter? o.O
@thecoshman More like "fat parent's eating behavior => fat kids eating behavior"
@tom_mai78101 that's more my points
@Ell Depends on how big it was to begin with.
@thecoshman @tommai78101 agree
@Ell Yes
mmm cake
but that doesn't explain children who are more likely to become obese if their parents are obese even if they never lived with them.
@thecoshman Lies
Life is an illusion. So cake is at least something solid. (Stop the discussion around my name)
in any case, there's no reason to believe that genetic trait is only present in fat people
@DeadMG my mum is fat, very fat, yet my brother, sister and my self are all borderline under weight.
at current, the Science™ says it's like the psychopath gene, it has to be activated by external factors
else it's dormant
@imacake Oh... I didn't realize your name is a cake. I thought you're iMac Ake, a famous Japanese iMac goer
@thecoshman One example does not a trend make or break.
@DeadMG ¬_¬ wait... is that a rhetorical argument?
@thecoshman huh, which man?
well, there certainly is no counter-argument you can possibly make
@CheersandhthAlf Man, as in mankind.
statistically, one example is irrelevant, and that's a fact
@DeadMG oh, and that things about a paten not equalling a cause
@CheersandhthAlf that man... <shifty eyes>
@thecoshman Don't look at me.
either way, my point still stands that a reduction in food intake combined with an increase in energy used (if sufficient) will result in weight loss
@thecoshman That's not guaranteed at all either.
but like @dead said, you still need to look at why you got fat in the first place
@DeadMG so there are some freaks out there
the whole "obesity epidemic" thing
a few freaks, all it is, only 25% and more of the Western population
Counter-Thought: I need to gain more weight and muscular. Shall I eat bread and fish, to become like Jesus? Or shall I eat cake and candy, to become muscular with fat?
I get it, there are seriously fat people out there. if they reduced the amount they ate they WILL lose weight
To be or not to be, that's a hard question.
@tom_mai78101 muscular with fat?
you know what, I don't care. I'm having more lasagna
there's no reason to assume that's true at all
@thecoshman Don't muscles have proteins? Replace proteins with fat, and you shall see the irony in my sentence.
@Ell Touche`
@DeadMG no reason to believe that people who eat very little will start to use their body fat and lose weight?
if you did something very extreme, they just starve to death, or start to consume their muscles and organs
because fundamentally, fat is not the body's primary resources
you ever notice that the only people who get supper obese are those who get fed by others around them?
@thecoshman People who eat little will start to go into hibernation during winter, as evidenced by a news report that a Swedish man got trapped under snow in car for several months.
if you starve yourself, it's not the #1 place your body goes
Hibernation in spring, summer, and fall, is plausible...
@tom_mai78101 Not really. You need low temperatures to make something like that work.
@DeadMG I didn't say starve them, just reduce them to a very energy lacking diet. plenty of nutrients, just little calories
@DeadMG Climate's changing. I can't imagine what long winters we will have throughout the rest of this decade.
except your body needs energy to do things like beat your heart
@tom_mai78101 I missed that show :( but AFAIK humans do not (normally) hibernate in the true sense
@DeadMG which it will get from it's fat reserves
as I've just said
it won't do that at all
so, where does our fat go?
because fat is not actually that useful to the body and the body doesn't go to the fat reserves except in very dire situations
so all my life, I have never put on any fat? it's just the same amount I have always had?
you moron
didn't I just give you a line about how one example is irrelevant one way or another?
even if your weight went up and down like a bloody yo-yo whether you ate a tiny muffin or not is quite immaterial
sugars are stored as fat, normally we will not use fat, but if our sugar levels are low, it will convert fat back to sugar
glucose -> glucagon (glycogen)
or something
perhaps you are confusing your self with muscle waste? people who do very little tend to have the muscles waste away
@Ell something like that, yeah
that's atrophy, which is entirely different
Fats consist of a wide group of compounds that are generally soluble in organic solvents and generally insoluble in water. Chemically, fats are triglycerides, triesters of glycerol and any of several fatty acids. Fats may be either solid or liquid at room temperature, depending on their structure and composition. Although the words "oils", "fats", and "lipids" are all used to refer to fats, "oils" is usually used to refer to fats that are liquids at normal room temperature, while "fats" is usually used to refer to fats that are solids at normal room temperature. "Lipids" is used to refer...
> The glycerol can be converted to glucose by the liver and thus used as a source of energy
the important thing is that the only genuinely effective way to lose weight is to address the underlying cause, and just saying "eat less and exercise more" has been tremendously ineffective for several decades
and anyone still spouting that in 2012 deserves a slap
@Ell How many layers of lasagna did you make?
@tommai78101 its not very thick, two layers
@Ell Oh. Then how come I get this stereotypical image of lasagna with lots of layers?
@tommai78101 I think it usually has lots of layers, I'm not really sure tbh :P
@Ell Oh then. And I was worried that lasagna do not have that many layers.
@Ell It should be fun making lasagna. :D
reminds me of lasagna code
for fuck sake. Yes, there is a difference between the mechanics of how to lose weight and dealing with the course. But that does not change the fact that to lose wait, you need shift the balance to using more energy then you consume. If that is a case of getting your self moving more, or refraining from putting a pound of sugar on all your food it does not matter, just find a way to shift the balance
code with too many layers :P Then there is spaghetti code. And ravioli code
@Ell Ah, just when I was about to mention that.
Pasta code, we could invent a new, novel way of programming.
there is no such way, in the general case, as of yet, and simply trying to willpower yourself to it is notoriously worthless as a tactic
so the idea of simply moving more or eating less, there's absolutely nothing "simple" about it whatsoever
it's like suggesting that all I'd need to do to fly is flap my arms really really fast
I never claimed it was simple to do, just that the what you need to do is nothing mystical. There is not secret to loosing weight. For the most part, it is just willpower, for a lot of people that comes from support groups. There are some people though who eat too much for reasons such as depression. In such cases, you (usually) need to treat the depression first.
But it is a complex issue, like you said, people are not over weight simple because they are, there is often a reason
A lot of people eat unhealthy food because they do not know any better. Teach them how to cook, and they can cook healthy food and return to a health weight
22 hours ago, by user1220811
sigh I will keep pulling late hours trying to beat this dead horse until I am sure there is nothing that can be done and strip the SSL
@sehe o_0
@user1220811 I've just answered your question
Question to @sehe: How do you pronounce your username? SE-Hay?
@tom_mai78101 more or less. I don't pronounce it. It is the internets, after all
@sehe where is it from, your name
@sehe Thank you. We learn to socialize by remembering how their names are pronounced.
how do I ignore the second parameter of SetWindowPos? msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms633545(v=vs.85).aspx
is that the same as nullptr?
@Ell strictly speaking, no. NULL != nullptr
NULL is a macro for 0
nullptr is a keyword or 'magic value'
okay, I will use NULL then
oh wait, it's for a win32 thing isn't it
@thecoshman mostly from my thumb. However
Jan 12 at 23:51, by sehe
That happened to be the naming convention for users at my first job, and it kind of stuck. I'm still employed at the same company, though I'm now proudly known as She12345 (digits fictitious)
Jan 12 at 23:53, by sehe
You can see why I stick with sehe. It is short, and I am lazy.
you probably will need to pass NULL, but I suggest you store what ever data it is using nullptr and using something like value == nullptr ? NULL : value
@sehe the start of two of your names?
@Ell it really depends on what you are suing this value for though, and how safe you want to be
Sherlock? RLOCK = 12345...
Numbers being replaced with the letters.
what is it with OS's these days? they seem determined to break with convention for the hell of it
@thecoshman well Its just an optional parameter that I don't need, so I guess just using NULL should be enough?
@Ell oh then yeah
if it where a pointer that where storing, then I would suggest using the snippet I put earlier
@thecoshman This is why we're moving to Windows 8. New API, new NET Framework, etc.
@thecoshman erm. yeah.
@sehe Trying to think if your name has more or less thought put into it then mine
@thecoshman There is no real innovation (look at how many actual features new versions of Office implement) so there is a need for fashion
@tom_mai78101 actually, It was win8 I had in mind when I moaned
@thecoshman Oh... :P
In this time, the new fashion is gleaned from tablet / smart devices and everything should follow suit
@thecoshman Less. You are spending more time in that one chat message
@sehe Sehe = Sea. H is silent.
years trying to make the computing experience softer on the eyes and then BAM! windows 8 comes along with a look so jaring the 80's would be put off
I object. I'll have nothing to do with MS or Skype. I should flag that
@sehe I see what you did there ¬_¬
@thecoshman Yeah, I typed a message. Why?
@sehe shut up Skype Event Handler Example
@sehe is it a language thing, or are you deliberately awkward?
@thecoshman Erm. You're being way more awkward.
2 mins ago, by thecoshman
@sehe I see what you did there ¬_¬
^^ doesn't mean anything. Suggestive nonetheless
2 mins ago, by thecoshman
@sehe shut up Skype Event Handler Example
^^ Awkward
Did I perhaps read too much into what you said? In which case, what you said was nonsense to me
@thecoshman That would be about right then. See above
@sehe well then, I shall retract my statement and ask what this means
Ok here goes:
8 mins ago, by thecoshman
@sehe Trying to think if your name has more or less thought put into it then mine
Answer: my name definitely has less thought put into it than yours
Because, no thought at all has been put into mine.
Any thought put into thinking about any user name would be more than the amount of thought put into thinking about mine
Ergo: the time spent typing any chat message exceeds that amount of time too.

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