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> The new Apple TV can do a lot of things now that it runs full-fledged apps... and that includes 360-degree videos. The Disney-funded VR service Littlstar has launched an Apple TV app that lets you explore immersive clips from the likes of Disney (of course), Discovery, National Geographic and Red Bull from the comfort of your couch.
@ThePhD You've changed so much :D
wait, aren't you now trying to write your own HDR parser? ._.
@AlexM. I find this offensive.
don't worry noybel
you're not a master trole 2015
also no "man that's so last year" jokes seen today here
@AlexM. ...because they're so last year?
@melak47 ...or at least so yesterday.
@AlexM. gonna steal some
@melak47 Finished writing my own HDR parser*
And that's because there's no real "HDR RGBE" parsing library out there.
Red, Green, Blue, Exposure?
Exponent*, but yeah basically. The shit that comes with the Radiance ray tracing software suite of stuff.
@AlexM. I remember 2015 like it was yesterday.
@Borgleader Mmmn. Kinky.
@ThePhD hm, shared exponent. Guess that makes sense...over other formats, where it's just a bunch of separate floats or what?
@melak47 It's shared exponent but with 24-bits reserved for the RGB.
This made sense in 1992.
Around 2003ish? Is when ILM worked on OpenEXR, and it's mostly the same idea, except every float gets it own exponent and it goes ideally as low as only 16 bits per float (e.g., a half).
This offers a lot of precision and a greater dynamic range, at a storage cost that's really not too expensive.
It also employs encoding schemes that aren't fucking "Run-Length Encoding".
so why do you have to work with that ancient format :D
Because I got some images of it and not being able to load them drove me mad.
and you've written a converter...right? right? :D:D
this is the first time I see two floats compared like this
bool fequal(float x, float y) {
	constexpr float PRECISION = 10000000000;
	return int(x*PRECISION) == int(y*PRECISION);
any reason one would do this vs
bool AreSame(double a, double b)
    return fabs(a - b) < EPSILON;
... Are they... missing a decimal point in there or something....?
@AlexM. I don't get it. won't that just increase the exponent of both floats, and leave the significant bits alone?
I'm trying to understand why it's doing what it's doing
No, the exponent is binary
it's part of the test of that functional C++ lib
Yeah... so if it chops off top bits and then the exponents are equal, it'll be completely erroneous....
That makes no sense
If it's a github repo leaving a comment asking them why they're doing something that is quite frankly extraordinarily dumb.
I wouldn't do constant epsilons though
Hooray, new Humble Monthly Bundle contains Talos principle
The comparison function should take the epsilon value in. If you don't care, std::bind it
fequal(100000.f, 10000000.f) returns true
is this what you guys meant by the bit lingo
@milleniumbug default = std::numeric_limits<F>::epsilon() :)
I want a coding buddy at some point in my life.
And not to work on my code. To work on their code.
a what?
I want someone to give me a project that I can tear up.
That I can dig into.
That I can improve
I volunteer nooble
I guess what I'm saying is I miss Rapptz.
it doesn't appear to be used
@Borgleader this is amazing
@melak47 no, that would be quite dumb, this value is only meaningful on small subset of values
don't default it
And Spelunky. Again. Anyone wants to have a free* Spelunky code?
@milleniumbug ok :(
Just default it.
Or, provide 2 overloads.
One with that does direct ==, because why not.
One that takes an epsilon.
if I understand correctly, isn't a floating point number represented by a base and an exponent.. then shouldn't two floating point numbers be equal if their base and exponent is equal, what's the point of subtraction, abs, then comparison with epsilon?
because some operations can involve roundings
@ThePhD Do you think you can improve cpp-sort?
and (for example) 0.1 summed ten times is not equal to 1.0
@Morwenn Probably not, you're on a level of intellect that'd go right over my head.
Most I could do is interface considerations and template metamagic?
you must then use an epsilon based on the cumulative error to compare the summed value with 1.0 and have a correct result
@ThePhD That's almost the only level of intellect that is actually my work in the library. The rest consists of stolen code.
@milleniumbug I was asking about comparing two floating point numbers, no expressions, no rounding, just 2 plain numbers
@ThePhD I've got this old issue which is exactly template metamagic wankery, that I never managed to solve.
@KhaledAKhunaifer doesn't matter, you have to get these numbers from somewhere
@melak47 :D
comparing 1.0 == 1.0 is always true
@Morwenn more of this work stealing :)
but if it's actually x == 1.0 then you must know how did you get the value of x
@набиячлэвэлиь When was your birthday and why didn't we celebrate.
did you get it by reading from a file? you're fine, 1.0 is an integer within the range of representable integers, so this is safe
aah it overflows
is it a calculation? see above about summing
with the precision set by the guy everything results in an overflow
Just compiled my brand new kernel. :3
@Elyse Ok @Ell.
@milleniumbug so a floating number that is already recorded in a register has to be rounded before equality comparison?
Oh. That reminds me.
I need to fucking gut my IO::stream abstraction.
It's garbage.
@KhaledAKhunaifer what do register have to do with what you did to that poor float
@melak47 variable**
@user3886129 Dec 2
@KhaledAKhunaifer 0.1 isn't representable as a floating point constant (it's infinitely repeating in binary), so it's rounded to the closest representable value
> Some tests may not pass due to slight differences in floating
point numbers. They seem to pass when compiled with gcc on
some systems, but not all. It may relate to the gcc version.
that's why the thing was introduced
lol single header library. requires qt
as wrong as it is it seems to fix some problem?
I wonder if it is actually badly flammable because of EU fire regulations. :)
@StackedCrooked lol, Qt as a dependency is way more annoying than Boost
@wilx I love the irony.
@Morwenn Indeed.
Hi everyone. This is the first time I'm using the chat and am relatively new with coding, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a certain graph problem I am stuck at. I could pm the problem.
stackoverflow doesn't have "PMs"
does it?
@Zeta that's not really private :p
I think we can chat on the site, sorry, I thought so :/
That's completely okay, I still find that slightly easier to use, that is if anyone would be available
@melak47 Yeah, just figured it out :D
Reveal your identity!
@melak47 Mods can make PMs
@user3886129 Again?
@someone1 you haven't even told us what graph problem you are working on.
well then a mod can help him with his graph problem :D
@Zeta he wants to date you
@Zeta I want to date you.
@user3886129 y doe
It is a little complicated to explain but okay. I have a grid with 0s and 1s. I can start from any cell in the grid, I can go up, down, left, right in 1 move. Such as a flow problem, I can access all the neighbors of the cell I start with. This way starting from either 0 or 1 I wish to calculate the number of moves to ensure I have covered all 1s.
@набиячлэвэлиь I need love.
@user3886129 Baby don't hurt me.
Defeat the Guid Patriarch
TIL Guids can reproduce
@Zeta Don't hurt me.
Sorry that was so long, I have thought of using adjacency matrix representation (undirected, unweighted graph) then using DFS/BFS and calculating the steps.
@user3886129 Flattered, but you don't. Trust me.
@user3886129 Didn't you, like, have a girlfriend (or, rather, vice versa)?
@набиячлэвэлиь I do :P
I was just kidding.
@user3886129 How dare you!
Toying with little Zeta's heart.
@Zeta I'm sorry :(
@user3886129 Maybe you're looking for that?
@user3886129 no youre not you evil koala =/
@someone1 This seems like a rather long problem, that probably ends in a question. Are you sure you don't want to post that on the main site?
@someone1 Post that problem on Stack Overflow
@someone1 The least amount of moves needed to cover all the ones, you mean?
@cad Hahaha.
I did, but I actually preferred if I could discuss it, because I have my own inputs, rather than just getting a solution or something, which is why I tried this.
Yes @user3886129.
@someone1 Well, we're not a C++ support room
Sorry, I had no idea! So sorry for bothering you guys.
@someone1 Post a well-versed question on Stack Overflow, politely post it here and we might help you
@someone1 Well I think you can use a pathfinding algorithm for this. Try googling A*.
Jul 6 '14 at 18:58, by Borgleader
@AaronKyleKilleen Public service announcement
@user3886129 "Try googling a pointer"
Wait. Did I just act like a gorilla?
@набиячлэвэлиь lol
@someone1 what does 1 and 0 mean in the grid?
Uhm, should I post the link to my post here, if that would be okay?
@someone1 Sure.
@someone1 you should've done that from the beginning, instead of posting lengthy explanations
@someone1 Yes, if not during "rush hours"
You can say 0 is marked and 1 is not marked.
@someone1 It's fine. Just make sure to read the rules.
did the new year come with some newcomers?
Oh usually most sites don't like linking on chats.
@Mr.kbok Newcummers
@набиячлэвэлиь that was easy
@someone1 just paste the link from your browser
Q: Adjacency matrix neighbors

someone1I have a matrix with 0s and 1s. I can start from any cell. I want to know what is the minimum number of steps(up,down,left,right) required to cover all possible 1s. I can start from 0 or 1. Example: 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 Start from (2,2) within 1 step I can reach all the 1s. I relate this to an ...

       ---==/    \\
 ___  ___   |.    \|\
| __|| __|  |  )   \\\
| _| | _|   \_/ |  //|\\
|___||_|       /   \\\/\\
Poor kitty.
@someone1 I think that question might be too broad.
it's the new entityframework logo
@Mr.kbok ...a unicorn?
@user3886129 wtf...
yeah vOv
fkn idgits
EF = EisenFunk
@Borgleader yep
I thought of using BFS which is what I wanted to discuss, I'm very new to graphs, that's why. It's okay though, thank you for taking the time to read it :)
@Morwenn I prefer the analog one :)
@melak47 I won't force you to like industrial electro :p
@someone1 your solution can be something like this: Minimize { Manhattan Distance((x0,y0), p) } where p in the set of all cells marked 1
@Morwenn I'm glad.
Just look at them cybergoths dance though. It's priceless.
Has anyone a good name for ssize_t other than ssize_t? Like an alias? Like signed_size_t but shorter.
isize, usize :p
@melak47 Eisenfunk is an industrial electro band from the cybergoth wave. If you look at other videos, you can see cybergoth dancing the industrial dance.
> std::ptrdiff_t acts as the signed counterpart of std::size_t: it can store the size of the array of any type and is, on most platforms, synonymous with std::intptr_t.
do they dance like that
@Mr.kbok sugar rush
Not the best example, but it's fun to watch :p
@someone1 you can implement such a solution with a recursive function that forks toward the corners from the origin cell, visualized it should look like a tree like the alien tree in fez game
@Borgleader I'm tryna receive data and return the number of bytes received or a negative error code. Returning a std::ptrdiff_t looks like an implementation detail mistakenly exposed, so I still need an alias I think.
@cad What god forsaken application needs pointer arithmetic?
@Mikhail None. I'm not doing pointer arithmetic.
@Morwenn it's uh slow tecktonik?
Instead of an error code consider returning a pair<ptr,error_code>
@Borgleader wait, what? array size can be larger than ptrdiff_t max though :/
@Mr.kbok It's older, but the moves are close to Tecktonik, yeah.
@melak47 im just quoting the bible cppreference here
@Mikhail But that error-checking code would be pretty long I think.
@Borgleader cppreference is pretty much the bible.
@KhaledAKhunaifer should I go to each cell and then use BFS, mark the 1s, and see how many times it was used. Then calculate the minimum of that?
@Borgleader on the same page it says "If an array is so large (greater than PTRDIFF_MAX elements..." though
@Mikhail Uh, I'm talking C. Dammit, C isn't allowed here. -.-.
@Morwenn Good dancers. Maybe next time they can dance to actual music.
you conveniently left out the "For char arrays shorter than PTRDIFF_MAX, " bit in your quote :D
@cad No std for you
@melak47 Who has arrays that big? Seriously =/
@Borgleader it also says char array...I'm confus :D
@JerryCoffin You mean like psytrance, right?
@Borgleader On 32bit
@Borgleader What's the point of POSIX ssize_t then if there is ptrdiff_t?
@Morwenn Probably not.
@cad POSIX wants what POSIX wants
@JerryCoffin Then I fear I have to tell you this: you have no taste :(
@cad is std::size_t guaranteed to be the same as POSIX ssize_t? I think not
@Morwenn If he were a bee, he'd taste sweet.
He's a wasp though :c
@Borgleader I recall that ssize_t is defined to be capable of holding a size_t and negative values in addition.
Nah, if you want real good dancers, you have to find electro swing dancers.
Hi everyone !
I have an array of N elements .
I need to ensure that the entries in the array are in non-decreasing order and their GCD is >1. For that I can increase the entries of the array . Every time I increase an entry by 1 it's counted as one move. I need to do this in minimum number of moves. Any insights ?
For example if the array is 11 13 15 (GCD is not >1) answer would be 3(increase every entry by 1)
@someone1 give me a minute to draw what I mean
@SarvagyaAgarwal Have you asked on SO?
@SarvagyaAgarwal can't we convert every element to an even number?
@cad that would mean that ssize_t has to be larger than size_t? I don't think that applies to std::ptrdiff_t
@cad Considering std::size_t can store the maximum size of a theoretically possible object of any type (including array I think not, since that would mean ssize_t is twice as big as the max representable size?
@someone1 you could but that would not always be the minimum answer
take 12 13 13 as an example answer would be 1
@Borgleader Uhm... yes? ^^ I'll take a look into my stddef.h.
@Borgleader Sounds completely rational to me.
Ohh right, that is a good question
@cad I haven't come up with an approach yet so thought of asking it here SO seems more useful when i have something to show otherwise people just downvote by calling it "homework" :P
@Morwenn People told me that in the late '70s too, because I despised Disco--but guess who's laughing now? Nobody has pictures of me in "double knit polyester"!
@Puppy so on a 64bit machine, if you want to offer a 64bit size_t, you must have a 128bit integer type on the platform if you want to be able to have ssize_t?
@JerryCoffin And thats a shame :(
@JerryCoffin Hey there's difference between listening to music and looking like people who usually listen to that music.
@melak47 Sounds totally doable. In fact, I think that MS offers as 128bit integer type even on x86.
@Borgleader I feel no shame about it at all.
yay I have a new project
@Morwenn Sorry, but you seem to be confused. This was disco, not music.
@user3886129 its time for a name change.
@JerryCoffin Do you ever? :P
@TonyTheLion I nominate "old bull".
@TonyTheLion 2 more weeks.
@JerryCoffin I will stubbornly stand on my position: it is music.
@user3886129 d'awww
@Borgleader Rarely.
@Borgleader I feel you are missing some of my love <3 <3 <3
@Morwenn You have just forfeited any ability to accuse others of lacking taste.
@JerryCoffin The hell is that.
@JerryCoffin You have just forfeited any ability to debate.
this kind of fabric
@TonyTheLion always <3 <3 <3
@Mr.kbok is that your weekend attire?
I would love pictures of Jerry in that
@Borgleader what do you think I am, a stripper?
maybe one of those sport women
@Mr.kbok Ohhh yeah strip those symbols hmm.
@Mr.kbok Yes.
@SarvagyaAgarwal have you not thought of anything for this question?
@Elyse did the old sell well?
@Mr.kbok A female cheerleader
@someone1 to be honest i too came up with "make all of them even" :P
@Mr.kbok I suppose that might be similar fabric, but I doubt it. In any case, what I had in mind was more like this:
Haha, maybe someone else could come up with something here.
@JerryCoffin did you take a look at (the start of) my paper?
@LucDanton I kinda doubt it.
better find a good lenny face for that one
@JerryCoffin What are those shoes.
Dear god.
@orlp No--I saw a notification mentioning it, but was on the phone at the time, so trying to read much wasn't (even close to) practical. If you could re-post the link, I might get a chance to look (but still have lots of visitors, so...)
@JerryCoffin lol, that look. Not surprised you don't miss this fad
keep in mind that this is only the first out of a couple sections
I'm boooooooored
@JerryCoffin ( ͠°╭͜ʖ╮ °)
@Mr.kbok I'm a but surprised though--the full uniform included a mood ring.
@R.MartinhoFernandes how is this possible
@R.MartinhoFernandes there are hundreds upon thousands of free pornographic videos available online
@orlp Brain as big as a planet, and...
@JerryCoffin what's a mood ring?
@Mr.kbok it's a ring for the penis that shows how much blood pressure flows through it
it shows how badly you are in the mood
@Mr.kbok a ring that changes color based on your "mood" iirc it was body temperature based
@Borgleader -.-
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey
whats been up with Robot?
@Mr.kbok his explanation was actually legit though
oh yeah sure :D it just sounds like a stupid thing to own
@Mr.kbok It was what you wore will taking care of your pet rock.
@Mr.kbok stupid is part of life
@Mr.kbok They were the best thing in 5th grade.
@user3886129 ohhh nooblet
@SarvagyaAgarwal can we use the pm on the website? Please pm me, I would like to talk about the gcd question.
in 5th grade I had pokemon trade cards
@user3886129 user3886129 2016
Mood cat ears are so much better.
@someone1 you cannot pm
@Morwenn cat ears are better in general
@someone1 I can't i guess
@someone1 the recursive calls should be like this, the red lines is going down the recursive call tree,
the blue lines is going up. it's more like: f(x,y,steps){ m=max([x,y]?steps:0, f(x,y+1, steps+1)); }
@Morwenn How do these work.
@user3886129 Not sure, but here you go anyway.
How old are you when in 5th grade?
@TonyTheLion 7+SUCCESSOR(5) in my case
@TonyTheLion y u ignore me
@набиячлэвэлиь sorry bby
@TonyTheLion I was 10 or 11.
how do I try chattium-oxide?
@TonyTheLion You clone nabijaczleweli/chattium-oxide-client and/or nabijaczleweli/chattium-oxide-server
oh my
not gonna happen tonight
And download a BearLibTerminal DLL off of nabijaczleweli/BearLibTerminal.rs releases
@TonyTheLion this time of the month again?
@Mr.kbok lol
tonight .. we're gonna party tonight
them out of context stars
@набиячлэвэлиь You have turned to the dark side.
isn't everyone hungover?
Rust D:
@Mr.kbok Not me.
@user3886129 A C DLL, otherwise you'll hafta build it yerself
rusty D
@Mr.kbok no, since I had no alcohol last night
@Mr.kbok Not enough alcohol.
@Mr.kbok no, since I don't drink alchohol at all
@TonyTheLion yeah, me neither. I mean barely. but people who partied yesterday are probably not in the mood now.
@Mr.kbok ah yes
@KhaledAKhunaifer you can have hangover from lack of sleep and excessive eating actually. I get that sometimes. Yes, I'm like an old man.
@user3886129 Don't worry bb
@KhaledAKhunaifer another restriction!
@Mr.kbok if that is the case, then I'm always having a hangover
The effects of alcohol alone are not the cause of the hangover, actually you can get completely shitfaced and not get a hangover if you pay attention. Just fyi lol
drink more water
@KhaledAKhunaifer If that's really the case, you should see a doctor.
@Mr.kbok I'm a programmer, I don't think a doctor can fix this
you never sleep?
@Mr.kbok I do sleep but I have sleep deprivation, I drive my body off its limits, sometimes I have to stay awake working on something
@KhaledAKhunaifer It's actually your brain you're pushing to its limits. If you don't take care you could end up with tinnitus like Robot, or worse
@orlp girlfriend has arrived. Problem solved
Later, folks
oh cool, I can become a Robot!
or, become batshit insane
Dude, you don't want a tinnitus
@R.MartinhoFernandes what's that?
@KhaledAKhunaifer ringing in the ear(s)
> The language name was a pun based upon the programming language catchphrases of the time, because Mesa is a "high level" programming language.
dat pun
@TonyTheLion I have that when it's really quiet.
@TonyTheLion that happens from time to time
@Elyse idgi?
@Mr.kbok mesa
high level
@user3886129 yea but I think its only considered a problem when you have it all the time
@Elyse taking it to a new plateau
:D /cc @Borgleader @ElimGarak @TonyTheLion @ThePhD @WGhost @набиячлэвэлиь
@jaggedSpire d'awwww
@jaggedSpire awwwww :3
@TonyTheLion :3
@Borgleader :3
@TonyTheLion I daydream sex fantasies, is that also bad?
@KhaledAKhunaifer no, thats just part of being a man
@KhaledAKhunaifer that means you're not getting it enough
@jaggedSpire Can't stop smiling :D
@Morwenn :3
too bad they grow up to a point where you can't even lift them
@Mr.kbok not that I'm not getting it enough, I'm not getting anything in the first place
a new one

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