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In the end, I've been listening to Asian music all day long ._____.
that's so racist dude
you suck
Not today.
oh man
i forgot i bought new strings
Are they mutable
@Morwenn Why the long face?
I guess that if I'm wearing gloves inside my flat, I should probably simply turn on the heating
@Borgleader Well, it's pretty rare. I tend to listen to more different things in one day.
@Puppy Heating costs money though.
Wearing gloves is free.
Bleh VirtualBox doesn't run on DO droplets
Fuckin nested virtualisation
<3 :) <3
@CatPlusPlus It seems it's not as trivial as you'd hope
@Elyse Cython or bust
@Puppy yeah, that's really going to mess with using the compooter
@ScottW Except that mix with a bug image, I don't know much about minimal.
Hi fellas!
I wrote my first C++ code answer in... well, a while...
A: Compile time error if brace-closed list is the wrong size for class constructor

rubenvbYou can make your constructor a variadic template so that any condition can be used: #include <array> #include <cstddef> template<typename T, std::size_t N> class vector { public: template<typename... U> vector(U&&... values) : data{static_cast<T>(values)...} { stati...

Feel free to bash me for it.
Oh wait, actualy I know more tha, just one mix.
@CatPlusPlus VMWare Workstation does nested VM. Unfortunately having Hyper-V installed borks all other VM software :(
@ScottW The world hasn't ended yet XD
As it stands, my answer is still the most elegant.
@ScottW Most unfortunate, indeed
@ScottW It sounds quite raw.
@ScottW Ever tried Arnaud Rebotini then?
@Morwenn I like metal :) black metal is rather nice
... that is not so nice
@thecoshman I like atmospheric black metal, folk/symphonic black metal and sometimes DSBM too.
@thecoshman That's not black metal, that's minimal electro xD
@Morwenn ah, the intro got my hopes up was all
@ScottW I'm not, I'm hating cose I don't like it
@thecoshman The video could be a black metal video though.
@Morwenn not so sure... looks too well made :P
Seriously, some kinds of black metal are really close to experimental electro.
It's possible.
@Elyse what's an atomic boolean and why should I care?
There are also some images from Gorgoroth.
Yep. In a minimal music video x)
ah, too many bands I now want to listen to
I can't go play them all at once... well... I could...
erm... darkthrone, let's play some darkthrone :D
@thecoshman Go listen to Gallowbraid instead.
@Morwenn link
o_- I don't think I've seen Darkthrone...
Vagrant is fucking annoying
You can't add local box with a version
Because of course why would that make sense
@Morwenn woah going from Darkthrone to that, it sounds so clean and poppy :P
So I, the builder of the goddamn box, have to upload it somewhere, add it to Atlas and then download it again
Just to satisfy the fucking version constraint
I've uploaded 1GB in 10 minutes and now I have to go through 2 hour download because this is normal
@thecoshman Quite good for a one-man band :p
@Morwenn Gallowbraid? It sounds alright
@CatPlusPlus ergh... why don't you just post a HDD, it'll be quiker
@ScottW Plastikman has a good sound but it's still a bit too minimalistic for my tastes :p
I guess so. I'm too used to music with either complex sounds or complex structure.
Back in time I only listened to classical/baroque music and the like :D
@ScottW I'll check for sure :)
omg they actually added that, you just have to create some additional JSON file that's described in one sentence in the docs somewhere
(I renamed the directory in the storage woop woop)
Software does things you expect it to! I'm shocked!
@Morwenn ... metal (cat face)
Atlas upload API still just makes some vague farting noise when I try to use it, even though I have full access to the thing I want to upload
@ScottW I only know a few band names in the mixtapes (Norkturnal Mortum, Carpathian Forest...). Otherwise, everything's uknown to me ^^"
@thecoshman Psytrance.
I can't use virtualenvwrapper with set -u because it uses unbound variables woo
@ScottW Too much at once though :(
@Morwenn ... metal :)
It indeed looks like some atmospheric black metal meets synths music.
@thecoshman Be careful, close-mindedness leads to hatred.
SO I have this programming assignment csiflabs.cs.ucdavis.edu/~ssdavis/60/prog5.pdf
@Morwenn perhaps closes-mindedness is dealing with hatred?
I was thinking of using Dijkstra's 10000 times, but that's slow. Is there another algorithm that will go faster than Dijkstra's algorithm for this problem?
and I don't just listen to metal... well, I do... but not because I don't want to listen to other genres.... well, I don't... but erm...
RinCity.cpp would be 100 times better than RunCity.cpp.
Life aims, get a house that one year I can get through winter without having to see my own breath condensate
@Morwenn what? I don't understand what you mean. RinCity.cpp is not even a file
@thecoshman Listen to Murmuüre then. Still metal x)
@Morwenn tell me that in the morning so I can stream it at work
> You may not use an optimization flag in your Makefile
wow fuck this uni
... I think that's the kettle boiled for washing up...
oh, there it is :D
@milleniumbug CXXFLAGS=-O3 make
@ScottW you're welcome
@thecoshman There's only one album, it's 30 minutes long, and there will never be another one.
guys, please don't flag shit
And it has been sold out for years :(
if the owners cleaned up shit it wouldn't be necessary to flag shit
it's not necessary anyway
What do you need me to bin?
by the way I'm glad you appeared because I wanted to inform you that I've resurrected the Wide CI
@Mysticial Andy.
It's hard to bin shit while I'm taking a shit.
@Puppy Good to hear
asking for help on an assignment ??? not even spammy?? you're going to flag that?
don't watch if you have a SENSITIVE STOMACH
@Mysticial Unless you're taking it in the bin.
thanks for the noise
last thing we need is to attract more mod attention
@rlemon #1 is spammy by definition
Hey guys I'm just asking for your suggestion on an algorithm. It's not like I am asking you to code it for me
Why flag?
@AndyProwl By what? Taking a shit in the bin?
no it isn't
@AndyProwl I did not realize that we had a particular problem with mod attention at this time
you're just being a grump
@Mysticial Flagging

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