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so I can just cycle until I reach N vOv
that being said, my gearbox isn't a common one
@thecoshman 1 and N are made to be reachable blind vOv.
@R.MartinhoFernandes his gears cycle
@R.MartinhoFernandes have you risked yourself on a bike?
May 26 at 13:24, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@BartekBanachewicz I've had an A license for a decade now.
@BartekBanachewicz oh
@thecoshman Not with me driving, no.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but you have a full A licence?
Comes for free with the B license. Makes no sense.
I half suspected some sort of 'you just get it' thing :P
pretty scary when you think about it
The UK used to (might still) allow you up to 125 with a car licence
@BartekBanachewicz I guess that's what they rely on
@thecoshman you still need the one-day course I think
the fear alone will stop him being stupid
@BartekBanachewicz I think now they are completely seperate
125 is okay for a beginner
I guess enough in the city
fairly sure the old B licence would allow you to just hop onto a small bike
@BartekBanachewicz you should have to have CBT first though
whilst small, still enough to really hurt someone if you don't know what you are doing
@thecoshman like a regular bicycle
@BartekBanachewicz yes... but worse
actually, on the road you're a threat more to yourself
pedal bike... 20kg? motorbike 20 tonnes (¬_¬ sarcasm btw before you get all stupid)
cyclists on pavements are much more dangerous to others than 125cc on the road
@BartekBanachewicz part of public safety is not subjecting others to having to deal with the fact they just killed some nut job who drove right under them
tell that to people running over roads
@BartekBanachewicz that's why they are only allowed on roads or cycle paths (well... that's where they are allowed)
you have to assume some minimal level of competence
otherwise the whole idea collapses anyway
@BartekBanachewicz you could always mandate that it is secured vOv
knowing traffic regulations is much more important than the technique
if you ride like you'd prolly like to, i.e. like a car, then you don't need much training
@BartekBanachewicz we are talking about licensed drivers starting on bikes, they know the roads, it's just mechanics of bikes they need
my point is that the mandatory course of bike mechanics is hardly helping anything IMHO
good technique is hundreds (thousands?) hours of practice
but it's most certainly not going to hurt
a reminder every 5 years of the road's laws wouldn't hurt
@thecoshman that's a slippery slope
but... it'd be a pita.
@FlorianMargaine Shouldn't be necessary if you actually drive.
how little training is the "basic"?
we are not talking about making sure they can master a tight turn at 100mph, we are talking about showing they know basic things like stopping distance.
how low on hours can you get
@R.MartinhoFernandes should be. Laws evolve. People forget.
and can actually do that
And I mean 'should' as "I don't want it to be necessary", not as "it prolly isn't necessary".
@R.MartinhoFernandes after 10 years, I don't know anyone who knows the law on how to drive a traffic circle
@R.MartinhoFernandes it shouldn't no, but it most certainly is.
@FlorianMargaine So you want to leave people up to five years to pick up on new rules?
@thecoshman Stopping distance on the course, on perfect surface?
Especially in Ireland, they went through a phase of just giving people licences...
because they do it "on the road", not how it should be done
@FlorianMargaine A roundabout?
what if it starts raining? What if it's uneven? What if they are caught off-guard
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, sorry.
@FlorianMargaine excuse me?
Most people didn't know it when they started.
Different matter.
same matter. If you had a reminder every 5 years, it wouldn't be an issue.
@BartekBanachewicz nah, try them on some wet, some gravel. Just make sure they can handle that shit. Make sure they are not going to go flying straight into some poor bystander
@FlorianMargaine It would because they never forgot it.
well, it would be less of an issue.
@thecoshman I am 99% sure the CBT doesn't do wet braking
It wouldn't be a reminder. Just a rehash of something they never learned.
@BartekBanachewicz probably not. But I don't see why you don't thin it a good idea to ensure that a beginner biker has done that course.
the easiest way to make sure of that is either a full, proper course, or just saying "don't be an idiot until you control the bike"
@thecoshman because in its form it might give a false sense of confidence.
But more important, I don't want those people on the road for five years doing it wrong.
If they're not going to catch up, they shouldn't get a license to start with.
I think it's very personal.
I hate people who come to work while sick
@BartekBanachewicz opposed to treating bikes like they are so safe any one can just hop and drive with out a worry?
@AlexM. +1
Say, I don't think I'd need a course to jump on a 125cc now more than someone who had a B for 3 years.
Mandatory regular reminders develop a culture of negligence.
@thecoshman I haven't said that. It should be a personal choice on how many hours of training you need.
It is your duty to stay up-to-date, not the authorities' duty to force you to.
In Poland it's not mandatory, but a lot of people do 10 hours and more despite not having to
@BartekBanachewicz well of course, some one could have practice of road in a say a farm, for them, it's a formality
@BartekBanachewicz it's a day course to make sure you have at least the basic control over this big lump of metal
When people go to such a course voluntarily I think it makes a world of difference
@thecoshman You can't teach a total greenhorn how to ride a motorcycle in one day
if only because muscle memory takes more to form.
For people who already know how to ride (cue 50cc) it's neigh useless. For people who have never ridden, is much too little.
I don't see a point of enforcing such one-day course at all.
Mopeds are fun to drive
you really don't get it, CBT is meant to make sure that this person is at least half way safe to be out on the roads on their own. Don't forget UK don't limit bike learners to only driving with an instructor.
@BartekBanachewicz this is for people who have never driven, and to stop bullshitters everyone has to do it to ensure a level playing field.
"at least half-way safe to be on the roads"
see that's my point exactly
"After this course, the person will only half-way kill himself."
@BartekBanachewicz because we don't want people who have never touched a bike to think they can just let rip and end up ploughing through a crowd of people
@thecoshman you can still do that after the CBT
@BartekBanachewicz opposed to not even a clue on what does what on the bike
IDGI why do you assume this one-day course changes anything in this regard
@BartekBanachewicz and you can do it after driving for 30 years
@thecoshman this is personal.
@BartekBanachewicz because it enforces at least the most basic level of training
what is the most basic level
why is "half-ready to ride" a useful basic level
why not "quarter-ready to ride" then
@BartekBanachewicz you can fuck of if you think that public safety is just something we can someone's word on
@thecoshman OTOH letting people who are half-safe it's perfectly fine for public safety
"Oh don't worry about it, I totally know how to handle this bomb, it's fine"
maybe you meant public half-safety
@thecoshman I think I agree with him - one day is probably not enough, so it's half-way useless.
fuck this bull shit
@thecoshman good job on totally irrelevant analogies
@thecoshman good, mature reaction to someone disagreeing with you
@BartekBanachewicz I thought "bomb" was just slang for powerful bike.
@R.MartinhoFernandes no, it was a literalism
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, if it was, I didn't know that one.
FWIW, the CBT does indeed involve some sort of test
so for people who are ridiculously helpless, the might not get a certificate
so it might actually be seen as a few-hours long evaluation - which would be fine by me if it was expected for the people to learn and do some tryouts by themselves
@sbi Twas sarcasm. I don't have a girlfriend, btw. Or something.
Woo Flash has active 0days
Team hacker
should I post the image now
also Pretty Little Liars got so bad in the S04E14
Good job I'm not using flash
like, I've never seen anything like it
the episode basically looked like someone utilized unused sequences, glued them together in whatever random way, just to make an episode
it was terrible
@BartekBanachewicz Sounds like a lot of stuff these days.
I mean it's not like I expected top quality from a series targetted at 15yolds
but it was just so much worse than the typical episode
> Pretty Little Liars (often abbreviated as PLL) is an American teen drama mystery–thriller
You watch that?
"teen drama mystery thriller" is a good summary
And it went down in quality??? I'm shocked
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah
the name kinda gives it away doesn't it
@CatPlusPlus it went even more down
now that's shocking
it's not like they had a lot of quality to fall down from in the first place
so not quite shocking
I need to shave.
Which reminds me that I left all my shaving stuff at my old place.
I've had that can of shaving foam for three years. Can't lose it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes awesome
@BartekBanachewicz that'll teach you not to stretch your ssd over extended weekends
@AlexM. I've noticed to fret this situation a lot :/
$17.18 worth of awesomeness (for a mug)
> Hello We are a group with a programmer-oriented entrepreneurial programmer ?? I believe the future will come ???? currently doing a programmer inn http:??? //proginn.com Kind of a project???.
We hope to create a personal home in the inn for you ?? and ?? You measure? Use? Give our treasure? Italian?.
I uh
I just got an email in chinese
> I believe the future will come
I believe so too
> Italian?
there's more of it
> Our site aims? Exchange? Programmers for programmers service. Currently in first? Paragraph? More solid achievements to show good programmer? From work? Professional community influence? And personalized publicity? Peer programmer ???? swing? ?? Fuller resume Bureau show? Hexyl a? force? get more revenue and people? opportunities.
also the italian treasure must be jefffrey's favorite
original text?
sausaggio pizza with ketchup
this is the weirdest spam in a while for sure
@BartekBanachewicz does it beat mine
user image
@R.MartinhoFernandes woah... that's impressive in so many ways...
I don't shave often.
but to not have lost it in all that time. I mean sure, normally, no big deal, but you :P
@thecoshman It stays in the bathroom cupboard...
Hard to lose it there.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Bathroom Cupboard.
I've never taken to wet shaving... unlike the robot I don't feel comfortable taking a few blades and running them over my neck like that... that said, I have no problem with spinning a load of sharp shards of metal right over my neck...
@R.MartinhoFernandes hard to do a lot of things you do :P
compliment or insult, you decide :D
@AlexM. Sir Alex
@R.MartinhoFernandes Are you sure you want to do that?
@Xeo oh I say, very well done.
@thecoshman use one-blade razor thingies vOv
@AlexM. I wander if any one has pointed out to them that 'sir' actually means something... and that using it as a general 'mark of respect' like that is just odd these days.
I mean, he complains about looking like a 14yo after shaving
damnit my neck muscles ache
I need a massage
@Xeo looks like a hobo if he doesn't shave though
tough choice
14yo or hobo
maybe go for 14yo and get kids discounts
sooo ordered the oil, ordered the new micrometer
what else.
for some places, even 14 is 'adult' enough to not get discounts.
shave then rent yourself out as bait for 65+ yo pedophile grannies
visual basic at the bottom :)
@thecoshman I assumed he recognized me as his sovereign
because c was too short
@AlexM. maybe
c# should be read 'c hash'
c has h
.c .h ... c has h, makes a little sense
@nabijaczleweli is that a unicode poo?
@thecoshman It's DAGGER KNIFE 'cause it's sharp
CC makes it so hard to find plain-text versions that you basically have to use Google.
> Donate $75 and receive a free CC t-shirt!
hmm so many people recommending bike cameras
That's because there's so many Russians.
scary stories about people calling friends as false witnesses
Donate at least €10 to me, and I'll give you some free money, at least €1 for every donation!!!
@thecoshman Not in India.
@BartekBanachewicz Calipers?
@R.MartinhoFernandes sigh, does England need to go invade them again? Maybe this time we can bring back curries that don't taste like generic shite :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Calipos?
@R.MartinhoFernandes apparently it's called a feeler
that feel when
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, that.
I got one with 0.05mm and 0.1mm
I need 0.05, 0.06, 0.07 and 0.08
at least they're fairly cheap
Micrometers are usually calipers with verniers.
@rightfold I flew Paris when I knew @buttifulbuttefly was going to be around
Jun 29 at 10:55, by chmod 711 telkitty
France is a bit screwed though - after accidentally opened the gate to potential terrorists
told ya so
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah I didn't know the right term
it's for valve adjustment ofc
@Mr.kbok "fled"
@R.MartinhoFernandes right, sorry
apparently the guy who sent me a package sent two by mistake
@R.MartinhoFernandes nono, he entered Paris' cockpit and flew the whole city away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, I didn't know that dial had a name :D
heh, read an interesting opinion on YT
@thecoshman What?
A dial is a dial.
A vernier is a vernier.
a guy recommended watching motorcycle crashes, because a) you get the real feel for the dangers (duh) b) you see a lot of potentially dangerous situations and you can relate to them on the road
b) is especially interesting
I saw a small accident not so long ago, like a meter from me
a motorcyclist was standing next to a car on red light, and well, the unwritten law is that the motorcyclist should go first
but they guy in BMW either didn't know that or felt that his car is powerful enough to get him to the front
Wait what
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait... so which part if the vernier?
How do they even crash anyway?
@R.MartinhoFernandes formally, I'd say it was the motorcyclist fault. He started moving to the center of the lane and I think didn't expect the car to be there
@thecoshman It's the secondary scale.
so he like leaned against him. It was at low speed, so no one was hurt, I think the car might have received a few minor scratches at worst
@BartekBanachewicz Woah, that's so stupid.
yeah I turn my head all the time when I merge in like that
You can't just turn left (I assume that was the goal) like that.
to ensure the car leaves me enough space
@R.MartinhoFernandes he was next to him and was going to continue straight in front of the car
the motorcyclist should either accelerate faster or just look at the car and ensure he has enough space
well, scratch that, he should look anyway
@AlexM. why don't you buy one as well :D
I have more urgent things to buy
a place to live in, a new pc
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, I didn't know that sort of secondary dial had a name
Welsh is Klingon.
@thecoshman It doesn't have to be a dial.
I have a horror story
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, it's just the second scale part that is the vernier bit?
I was riding a moped in Spain on the wrong side of the road for about 10 minutes
@thecoshman Yes.
@Ell Is it a splatter?
Actually it was way less than 10
It's not a horror story at all
@thecoshman Oh wait, does a dial have to be circular?
But it could have been had I not realised vOv
@Ell British cunts.
A dial is circular yes
A knob is also circular usually
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wouldn't say so
@Ell no...
you get linear dials
@rightfold ... why am I still sorry for stupid people
> Jemmaroid Von Laalaa
@Columbo because why shouldn't you be able to use a ... pretend name (shut up with your spellings and stuff)
@thecoshman Monika?
@Columbo fine, I'll try... pysudonym vOv that's my best effort...
I'm spelling correction would get me there eventually.. maybe
pysudonym is a Python library for dealing with pseudonyms.
python is psuedocode
> I'm spelling correction — thecoshman, 2015
> I know I've been a completely moron, but Facebook are being ridiculous.
Man ... there's just something deeply disturbing about changing your name to get into a facebook account
@R.MartinhoFernandes ¬_¬ there's got to be something medically wrong with me, I don't just miss spell, I full on drop words without realising it.
Also why is facebook's id verification so stupid? Why not just send a timestamped picture of yourself that they can compare to the account
@Prismatic timestamps mean nothing
@thecoshman why not
"Oh, sorry, can't do any more, all out of disk space see" ".... carry on" "oooh, what's this? disk space! away I go"
@Prismatic ... as trust-able as a fat man in a cake shop.
vOv trustworthy, what ever
@thecoshman Try homing spells.
right now I find no appeal in facebook other than using it to talk to mom
"Hi facebook I lost my log in info"
I really don't use it for anything else
I don't use it at all
@Xeo o_0 is that trying to be funny or genuine advice?
I plonked all of my classmates because I got tired of their retarded selfies and posts about parties
Fuck Z shell.
I want a magic conch shell.
"Okay ____, send us a picture of yourself with the date and time of today's email written on your hand in blue pen"
so all I see is PC Gamer, Bill Gates's latest attempts at killing fuck knows what intergalactic virus and some other shit
Every so often I stumble of facecrap for some group or something, everytime I get surprised by ho weven less functional it appears to be.
@Xeo I was thinking of Mister Spell.
replace date and time with keyword of choice in email
@Prismatic ITT top quality security
@Prismatic That only proves the person on the other side of the email is the same person wanting access to the account.
@MarcoA. LOL
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? No, you look at the pictures in that person's facebook account and see if its the same person
@MarcoA. I wrote "Hooray, not an asshole!"
@MarcoA. 棒极啦!Spectacular!
> many people use this for running large Python scripts and the inteface makes this incredibly cumbersome.
Its more secure than having to submit a photo of a physical id which is easily stolen by someone tangibly before its sent and its a security risk sending some company your god damn passport or whatever
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol :D
I should also write sth like "The lack of COBOL in coliru is baffling. StackedCrooked, please fix."
> LOL this feedback system is so FUN
> Hey thanks for actually looking at this page. This blog is just about my daily life and i hope that i can at least slightly amuse you with the stuff i am writing. so sit down and just read for a little while.
> Hey, I'm looking to get a similar service to yours up and running as part of my M.S. thesis project
hello every body whats up its me sawq you this is my first post and i intend to do many more. so since i don’t really have anything to post tonight i will be seeing you tomorrow morning bright and early, lets go on my sisters clock bright and early is at about 2:00 i know that’s ridiculously early so how about about three?(you do know i am talking pm right?)
I was curious how C++ Vim environment looks in live. Personally I am using MSVC and Emacs. Emacs has a lot of cool powerful features and plugins, it is easily extensible, but out of box text editor (key bindings) is not great. I like Vim's modal editing and conception of operators/motions/text objects, but never tried it deeply.
Regarding changing style of your content - it depends on what you want, and how much of time-budget/energy you can afford to invest. I imagine that shorter pre-planned videos, focused on some specific issues, posted on youtube would result in higher views count.
Thanks Lounge, "see full text" doesn't reveal one more character
@Columbo thank jeff
@Griwes Fuck you Jeff
@Columbo well come to chat where the features are not mostly broken ish
@thecoshman well come, my friend, well come
@R.MartinhoFernandes ganz geil mr. sexy robot.
@Columbo that reads so oddly...
it's like it's wrong some how... it's not... but, woah.
@rightfold Er ist so scheiße geil, ich würde ihn am liebsten irgendwo vernaschen und stundenlang seinen Reisegeschichten lauschen
> scheiße geil
Google Translate not too bad
Google Translate not noun capitalisation.
@rightfold *capitalization
Fuck British spelling
British English, you fool.
I try to only use American spelling in code and documentation.
@Columbo 'capitalisation' you savage
@rightfold rightfool
@rightfold not even then :P
Google translator sucked at translating my German DSL contract. The bold parts were: "Congratulations! You can now surf internet at high speed and no masturbate"
@MarcoA. lol
@Columbo Sorry, there's only one male I'd want to make out with.
I didn't know there were those strict policies in Germany. That's why I came back to Italy
@R.MartinhoFernandes @sehes wife?
@CatPlusPlus His wife is an Asian guy
@EvgenyPanasyuk yeah. That's not my goal. The goal was merely to have "accidental" added value (I'm going through these steps anyways when informally handling SO questions, so people can "eaves drop" on that in a way)
@EvgenyPanasyuk Thanks for watching!
Xeo ich möchte ihre Bratwurst saugen bitte.
I hate having to look at legacy code, it just makes me angry that people can get way with being so bad
@Columbo Future me.
@Columbo that was robot's friend IRC
inb4 shipping it via Deutsche Post
@sehe Yes, I understood this.
foo(T t){ T semanticName; if(T==null){ return; /* cool so far */} else { semanticName = t; /* oh now WTF!!! */ } ... }
¬_¬ I'll forgive the lack of optional
Feb 14 at 11:00, by Columbo
@sehe What you never knew is that I'm your wife.
:D :D :D
@thecoshman compile error

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