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Robot only travels with permadeath on
oh my god the new games in the humble bundle aren't EU IV DLCs
> Ship Simulator Extremes
wtf is this shit
I want the trading DLC not a game about boats wtf
@AlexM. C'est la vie.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bad preconditions to hitchhike this galaxy.
Evening folks!
@AlexM. He won't be for a while
@AlexM. Boats are cool
@Jefffrey this is bartek when he finds out he came back and Lori left stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2465351/dmitri-o.gif
it's still afternoon here lol
@AlexM. lol
Bartek and lori had a fight which led bartek to leave the lounge?
when did bartek not have a fight with lori
@AlexM. Yeah. Somehow, we have to get them both to the unconference to see what happens:)
I'd expect them to act like friends or at least not talk to each other in an awkward way :P
@AlexM. That wouldn't be fun at all:(
Maybe if we get Basket drunk? No need to try with LRiO.
@AlexM. LRIO left?
@khajvah Suspended..
@πάνταῥεῖ sigh. You just have to know where your towel is.
I know where mine is.
Don't you try to out-H2G2 me.
@MartinJames lol whta did he do?
> Robustness is the ability of a system or system component to behave “reasonably” when it detects an anomaly.
> Take as example a telephone exchange control program. What should the control program do when a line fails?
Wipe the hard disk, of course.
@khajvah Same as all the other times - posted inappropriate content and got flaggerated.
Should've used an SSD.
@MartinJames Not that simple. He got flagged for no reason, but then he got angry, and that got flagged.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well I appreciate you're informed about H2G2, It's a pretty neat tool for doing a living ...
@EtiennedeMartel I was economical with the truth:)
@MartinJames Just like Thatcher.
Did all that happen in loung or in meta or something?
@EtiennedeMartel Sunmmat like that, yes.
@EtiennedeMartel That (wrinkled old lady, we a) ch (ieved) her?
@khajvah Lounge. There were some star links, IIRC.
I remember reading something about her in The Shock Doctrine, how she created a war with Argentina because she knew the Brits love "strong military leaders" and she could get reelected based on that.
> Now that Rust has been released and is on its way to becoming the de facto language for all serious development, what is going to happen to all of the programmers who only know other languages?
@EtiennedeMartel ^She needed her Falkland guys kept on her leash, or am I wrong with the historical context?
oh 4chan
I'm not very familiar with the whole historical context. All I know is going to war on the other side of an ocean over some islands nobody gives a shit about is a bit suspicious.
It's like claiming Iraq has WMDs.
Apparently it's easier for a Brit to get a visa for Argentina than for Chile
@EtiennedeMartel Of course all of that military action was quite suspicious. IIRC it all was during iron lady M.T.'s period of governance.
@EtiennedeMartel Oil again, basically. We had it, the Argentinians wanted it. They gambled on Thatcher not bothering, but did not take into account the 'needs votes' issue when doing the risk/reward assessment. Result - war.
@MartinJames Aaaah. So a little bit of both, then.
weird, Wikipedia tells me both Argentina and Chile are visa-free for EU passport holders
I'm starting to develop a calculator application using the WinAPI, if I create a Calculator class that, say, contain a button of type NumericButton, and that class NumericButton contains a Calculator object, is that a bug? Will it like, spawn infinite objects Calculator and NumericButton because each contain each other?
@πάνταῥεῖ I'll just say this. Dolphins
@EtiennedeMartel It helped that polls taken by the Islanders themselves showed that 99%+ wanted to remain British.
@AndreyErick Try and tell us what you'll get.
I know that's a weird question, but I don't know what would happen, so I'm asking lol
Someone told me they wanted to go to Chile but couldn't because it cost 700 pounds.
Dunno how true it is.
@R.MartinhoFernandes The plane ticket?
@EtiennedeMartel lol
Seriously. Crossing the Atlantic is expensive.
But if that's 700 pounds just for the visa...
Well, fuck that.
The plane ticket is probably cost another 700 at least.
The Falkland Islands are strategically important outposts to keep access to the antarctic (shelf) resources, and the point of the conflict with the interests of Argentina is pretty obvious. Of course the outpost is colonized by pro-british people :-P ..
I get an error when trying to define the WinMain entry point inside a class
@sehe Is it what I find in my tuna can actually?
Can't wait to get somewhere where people speak German
@R.MartinhoFernandes Where are you now?
weird, in MFC the WinMain entry points seems to be inside a class, but searching on the internet, there's no way to do that
@AndreyErick Does this information help?
A: undefined reference to `WinMain@16'

Cheers and hth. - AlfConsider the following Windows API-level program: #define NOMINMAX #include <windows.h> int main() { MessageBox( 0, "Blah blah...", "My Windows app!", MB_SETFOREGROUND ); } Now let's build it using GNU toolchain (i.e. g++), no special options. Here gnuc is just a batch file that I use for...

thanks :) I think I know how I'll workaround with that
Hey deli pizza again? Looks yummy.
I have to start thinking about, what I should have this evening ...
@AndreyErick well, uh...duh?
hey don't bully me
@Etienne Czech Republic still.
@AndreyErick How do you consider that bullying? You drop getting an error here, what do you expect? Answers? Solutions that fix your code?
Well I won't let you treat me this way
You could treat me well, and say what I should do to get helpb
but instead you say this
I want lime
like, the second word of what I wanna tell you now is "off"
fuck off?
@AndreyErick turn off?
@AndreyErick Then it might be the best choice just to troll off from the c++-lounge, or read the rules first.
wank off?
Wtf, get your horses some water @Andrey.
@AndreyErick Calm down.
You're blowing I-don't-even-know-what out of proportion.
I've been bullied enough for all those years
I don't need someone who treats me like shit
Are you cinch?
are you trolling?
No one treated you like shit.
@khajvah Stop repeating what I say
Stop making nonsensical accusations or get out.
@Jefffrey I think he's lori
"uh... duh?" is not bullying, period.
And πάντα ῥεῖ gave you some help in the form of a link.
That's more than you can hope for in this room, on average
It's basically gold
You need to understand that communication by text loses a lot of things that help understand intention in other media. Keep that in mind next time you assume malice before misunderstanding.
[ tag : yourtag ]
It's . Learn your memes.
it werks
I helped a lady on a wheelchair today. I have some karma credit that I can use to bully someone if I want :D
@AndyProwl Still playing agar.io?
agario is on greenlight btw
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bully Tomalak when he comes back.
Wow, today I became a bully. The internet has really changed me.
@AlexM. Yeah, idgi.
> I have a game that runs in a web browser – can I submit it to [Steam Greenlight?](http://steamcommunity.com/greenlight/faq/)
Games distributed by Steam must be able to launch and run as stand-alone applications. If you have a browser-based game, you will need to create a version that can operate as a stand-alone executable and not require use of the customer's web browser.
Machinarium runs inside a wrapper on top of flash IIRC
@melak47 Don't worry. On the Internet, it's never the bully's fault. Only the bullied gets the blame.
Flash doesn't have to be hosted by a browser
@Jefffrey So, distribute a minibrowser with your game
It had standalone hosts forever
@Jefffrey And that is just "bundle Chromium", e.g. via Electron
Agar.io runs on JS, no?
yes it's html5 IIRC
It's not hard, it's been done to death
why do I keep using IIRC
@milleniumbug distribute an exe that ShellExecute's a local html file or something :p
@CatPlusPlus I see. IIRC
@melak47 That's crap
@melak47 Well yesterday I became a racist, sexist and whatnot. Ask @buttifulbuttefly (cicada) :-P ...
And still relies on system browser
no, really? :p
@melak47 the point is relying on browsers is not allowed
so don't tell anyone. launch it in private mode with bookmarks hidden :p
@melak47 I'm sure I'm none of those accused kinds. I can stand speaking freely ...
@Jefffrey Fun fact: Machinarium is made in Flash. It's on Steam.
sometimes I feel that I will accomplish nothing
@EtiennedeMartel fun fact
A lot of games are made in Flash
6 mins ago, by Alex M.
Machinarium runs inside a wrapper on top of flash IIRC
It's also not very relevant
@AlexM. I'm working, I don't have time to read everything.
if only you were rightfold, missed opportunity :<
(That's a lie, I have plenty of time to read)
@CatPlusPlus Farmiville? That zynga Zoo (don't remember the name actually)?
@CatPlusPlus Hell, our engine targets Flash as one of its platform. We cross compile from C++ to AS3.
Can flash studio output js+html5 yet?
@AlexM. I for my preference like to keep leftfold ;-) ...
Câlisse de marde de tabarnack d'esti.
@EtiennedeMartel I see you're from Québec
My code is crashing.
"Québec code" likely seems to crash? Is that what we should deduce from this discussion?
I see now why C++ is so dangerous. It lets the user do what they want if the programmer isn't careful.
Woot, installed a light in my tent.
@R.MartinhoFernandes enjoy the moths
Tent has a net.
@DonLarynx I remember that kind of saying: While c allows you to shoot into your foot, c++ allows to blow your whole leg with a single shot.
Enjoy the mosquitoes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but do you?
It's a mosquito net.
Enjoy the inter.
You're just jealous.
Indeed we are.
yes, I'll go drench my jealousy in witcher 3 now
game is pretty fun yay
So Robot's good with macropathfinding between countries and towns, but bad with micropathfinding within his hometown?
@Jefffrey american soldiers would place porn posters on trees for vietnamese soldiers to find
@Xeo He's not trying to go anywhere in particular see
they'd also place mines underneath
@R.MartinhoFernandes But is it a moth net
I got lost on the way back from Kaufland :D
Wrong smiley. Cat's right; I'm using too many D-smileys.
@R.MartinhoFernandes did you try some cough medicine?
@R.MartinhoFernandes stop giving it the D
It's a supermarket
@Jefffrey "Sorry if we offended you". Ha. They're not sorry they posted bullshit, they're sorry someone was offended.
It's like punching someone in the face and then apologizing if the other is hurt.
"I'm sorry I have to respond to you"
I don't think they did anything wrong to be honest.
me neither
I enjoy looking at sexy women
@Jefffrey they did.
@thecoshman How so?
@Jefffrey What they did is stupid. Because 99% of their users are male, they figure that putting a picture of a naked woman is gonna attract sales. It's sexist, because it implies men are idiots who think with their penises.
"Oh, look, a hot chick, better buy that!"
if a woman doesn't want to be looked at like that she just has to not make a contract with the photo guys
Because it does
Er. It's not about the picture existing.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm not offended
> most of our customers are men, so here's a sexy lady who is worth nothing more than advertising because we'll reduce you the drooling stereotypical dogs we want to treat you like
@Alex so selfless.
if anything, it makes me feel special because I wouldn't buy despite the pic :P
We did a robot today - got lost on the way back from Chesterfield. The road was closed and we screwed up on the diversion. Even with the GPS on my phone, we circulated on single-track lanes for 30 minutes, searching for civilization:(
@EtiennedeMartel Many fall for that apparently, so it's a good strategy.
@EtiennedeMartel to be fair, statistics probably proves them correct
@Jefffrey Yeah, but how many? I know this is still the case in my demographics; that's why cars are advertised with hot chicks.
I like the way most people reaction to sexist/racist things is reason along the lines of "If a tree falls in the forest, but I don't care, did it even fall?"
They should have put a nice lady hugging one of those new shiny servers with lights everywhere.
@Mysticial Is it safe to call _mm_prefetch on nullptr?
But to assume that your market wants that just because it's male, that is sexist.
It's when you assume a specific behavior because of that person's sex. "All men want hot chicks".
Marketing 101: people are dumb
"Most men want hot chicks", not "all".
And that's the whole point of the ad.
@Jefffrey Maybe in Italy.
Evony ads were funnier anyway
Most men like to see attractive women
That is true ain't it?
@Jefffrey I gotta say it's a pretty crappy ad. I couldn't even tell what they're trying to sell me...
It is.
An old lady rang the doorbell. She had a duck doll with her. She referred to the doll as 'the girl'. Probably wrestling with a hard problem, hope she solves it.
If it didn't work they wouldn't do it.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm just satisfied with chicks at all, but I'm an old fart ...
So its sexist but true
Stereotypes exist for a reason vOv
@EtiennedeMartel Can this be considered "ad hominem"?
ad italien
I fail to see what's sexist about it.
@Jefffrey Sexism is when you assume something based on someone's sex.
Such an awful definition.
Then everyone is sexists pretty much every single time.
@Rapptz What's your definition?
@Jefffrey No. An ad hominem attack is basically saying a person's argument lacks credibility because s/he is an evil person. It can be somewhat indirect, but still comes down to that basic idea.
@Jefffrey It's objectifying women by using their sex and looks to aid sales.
How is showing a sexy girl in a sexy attitude "objectifying"?
@Jefffrey She's an object of desire.
@Rapptz It's doing a lot more to objectify men, assuming that the minute they see a picture of a (partly) nude woman, they'll quit thinking.
@EtiennedeMartel So?
When you look at that picture, you don't see a person. You see a bundle of sexiness.
@EtiennedeMartel Making judgement on a person (i.e. discriminate) based on sex alone.
@EtiennedeMartel How would you show a person on a picture exactly?
@Rapptz Your definition sounds like a better version of mine.
@EtiennedeMartel That's your personal POV, right?
Your definition makes it seem like someone is sexist for assuming males have penises.
Scala tools are so bad
finally some code
Can't find how to move target/ with SBT
@Rapptz Yeah, hmm. When I wrote that, I actually meant what you wrote.
I tend to assign a negative connotation to the word "assume".
That's dumb
@Rapptz Discrimination involves more than making an unsupported judgement--it involves the next step of taking some action based on that prejudice. For example, if I think somebody is better at some task because of their sex, that's prejudice. If I give that person a promotion on the basis of that unsupported belief, that's discrimination.
@EtiennedeMartel Wastn't there a recent discussion about LRiO's boobs on Meta SO, failing so miserably?
@JerryCoffin Yup. For most people the prejudice step alone is sexism/racism/etc.
I should have bought shampoo when I went to buy that towel.
> Most Haskellers don't sparkle.
You had to _buy_ one?
Woop woop woop
Discrimination by sex per se is not necessarily bad.
It's bad in context where it's irrelevant.
Duh. Stating idiotic platitudes ignoring context is not necessarily bad
I don't think you know what discrimination means
@R.MartinhoFernandes Or you could just borrow Andy's razor and shave your head...
yeah shave it
Just like discriminating on things that are not really relevant in general is "bad".
@Jefffrey The company argues it's relevant "because it sells".
@Jefffrey The definition of discrimination in a sociology context is always negative.
@Jefffrey Thankfully no so please don't make me start again
@Rapptz Is there discrimination in a non sociology context?
Yeah. Remove the human context.
> recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another
I'm using this definition by the way
@EtiennedeMartel Discriminated union!
Is it from reddit
Please tell me I'm a good programmer. I just crashed my machine three times and I need some self-confidence.
Good job
@sehe Woops.
My words mean different; your argument is invalid?
> treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit
> (Sociology) unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm just specifying what definition I'm referring to.
And that one is a valid definition.
It's a crappy definition literally nobody uses
@Jefffrey Yeah, but that's not what we're referring to, so how is that relevant?
> [success] Total time: 380 s, completed May 19, 2015 7:42:50 PM
scala is great
Can we not do the 'sexism' talk, again?
@thecoshman Too late to apologize.
@EtiennedeMartel It's relevant to understand my point of view, obviously.
@thecoshman I wish.
inb4 I don't care
@MarcoA. There's a good little programmer. Here's your bowl of kibbles keywords and bits...
@Jefffrey Yes, but that's a point of view on something that's not what we're talking about. It's like mentioning you like apples in a discussion about bridges.
(inb4 someone makes a tortuous link between the two)
@EtiennedeMartel That metaphor is so off I don't even.
Also what's "we"? Are you ganging up on me or something?
@Jefffrey Your point of view is ignore what everyone is talking about because you choose to redefine words to suit yourself
@CatPlusPlus Not at all.
Most people here seemed to be on the same page about the current subject. So I think it's fair to group us under "we" in this situation.
I just specified what I was referring to when I was talking about discrimination. So that hopefully it makes more sense.
I'm not ignoring anybody, as the transcript clearly shows.
we get it, we get it, some people don't give a fuck about other human beings. can we move on already?
Then I fail to see what's discriminative (with the connotation that everybody uses except me) about that pic.
Try explaining why they have a picture of a woman, without generalising based on sex.
Picture is objectification not discrimination
@MarcoA. You're awesome. Mediocre programmers don't crash their machines so prodigiously
The dictionary game.
I have +1 to words
@Jefffrey mmm
@R.MartinhoFernandes p. boring
@R.MartinhoFernandes So, what are you doing in Eastern Beer Land? Camping?
@Etienne I like turtles
I'm cycling back to Berlin.
@Jefffrey because it's blatant sexism, puts women down, implies that women will never be in a position to buy these products etc.
@thecoshman It attracts most (by far) of their audience. v0v
@R.MartinhoFernandes Me too. I remember the time where I saved one who was slowly crossing the road. It smelled like shit because it just went through a swamp.
@sehe What? How did you got all that from that picture?
Likewise it's implying the "buyer males" cannot help but think with their dicks, hence: it's a good choice of ad
How does it implies women will never be in a position to buy those.
@Jefffrey How did you not
@Jefffrey nice generalisation there
oh geez
@thecoshman What?
I leave for lunch and interesting shit happens
@Jefffrey Because clearly then the ad doesn't work, or works counter-productively
How can you not generalize when targetting millions of people?
> It attracts most (by far) of their audience.
@sehe It's not designed to put women down. It's design to attract the opposite sex.
@Jefffrey They're not targetting millions of people. Their transgression isn't "generalization" either
@Jefffrey Well. Fuck that. You nailed it.
> It's designed to attract the opposite sex.
I'm bored
> the opposite sex
@sehe Ads for stuff meant for women consumers have pretty similar pics btw.
no product.
Interesting enough, int switch_ = 0; bool switch_ = false; is allowed in C++ but not java.
@sehe Yes, their audience is prevalently male, so what's the problem?
@DonLarynx bool type doesn't exist in Java
@Jefffrey It assumes something based on them being male.
@milleniumbug doesn't work with boolean
You keep hitting all the right issues but you can't seem to get the fucking point.
It assumes biology :)
@DonLarynx Because C++ is dumb
@EtiennedeMartel Are you using "assume" the correct way now?
It's like you don't want to understand.
@DonLarynx redefinition is a compile time error
I'll defer this for people who care enough. Soon Jefff will be raving about this girl he knows that loves sharing ads that show women in lingerie.
@EtiennedeMartel He thinks, because "it's nature" everything must be fine. I guess. Women will understand.
you need a different scope for it to work
@Jefffrey Frankly, if you thought I would buy your shit just because there's a hot chick on it, I would find it pretty insulting.
@Rapptz like I said, not a compile-time error in C++.
your compiler sucks
@DonLarynx SSCCE or get out
@EtiennedeMartel Ok, you find it insulting. I get it. I can see that. But you are not their average audience.
@Rapptz VC++ sucks ok
@EtiennedeMartel Precisely:
4 mins ago, by sehe
Likewise it's implying the "buyer males" cannot help but think with their dicks, hence: it's a good choice of ad
@DonLarynx Yeah, it does.
Their intention is to maximize their profit, not to have some weird sexist agenda.
Its not about buying because there is a sexy woman
It's about getting attention
@Jefffrey So. F. What. You keep removing the issue by marginalizing everyone who sees a problem with it.
@Jefffrey Prove it
Are they doing good about it? Probably not, given the response (or maybe yes, who knows).
@Rapptz that's my point, even with a different scope, doesnt work in java
@sehe lolwat
I'm just saying they are not the people they are targetting.
You don't need a sexist agenda to be sexist. You just need to be sexist. Hth
It's basically a compliment in this context.
@Jefffrey Soooooooooooooo then it's fine? If you're not trying to support your point with it, why is worth mentioning?
@sehe Because Etienne repeated that "It's pretty insulting" phrase 3 times now.

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