@VictorLopez I thought about it and I remain by my stance that many of the designs that I come up with are inherently flawed and will cause refactoring.
(With type erasure, I mean hiding some or all of the type information regarding a class, somewhat like Boost.Any.)
I want to get a hold of type erasure techniques, while also sharing those, which I know of. My hope is kinda to find some crazy technique that somebody thought of in his/her darkest ...
Mmh is there a recipe for mixing explicit specializations (e.g. std::hash spec.) and SFINAE (e.g. do_hash function template that 'does the right thing')?
But what are your final data structures? For handling a buffer object, fine, for handling a data type that can be integer, float, double, really fine, but in the big picture, what will they achieve?
And what if we want to apply the heat levels in the environment? Say I want a spell to absorb heat from the environment to counter cold or to store and release it as necessary to increase the heat levels of others?
When Sonic hits something else you can A: let sonic decide what to do with colliding object or B: let colliding object decide what to do if it gets hit by sonic.
And those are rules.
One by one, and it is upon you to decide which rules will you apply.
There is no God algorithm and you have to decide those rules. We all would love it to be an all in one solution for everything but the sad truth is that every object will be bound to strict rules.
well installing CDT, restarting eclipse and going straight to create project of type titled "C++ HelloWorld Project" should run printing Hello World?? without needing explicit configuration?