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oh wait, it's 32k right?
Do you have a magic shovel of absurdity that can dig up random wrong numbers at will
Slow day.
@ParkYoung-Bae I try.
@DemCodeLines I think you are missing a detail there
You should ask Wolfram Alpha your philosophical questions.
Unless it's implicit where the point is.
I'm looking the largest number specifically in a 12-bit signed fixed-point real number in 6.6 format
I only know numbers in 13.9 format.
@DemCodeLines uh... isn't that just 011111.111111?
This code sucks.
Send help.
All code sucks
Buy whiskey
All whiskey sucks
Buy hookers
Time to go to sleep and wake up to shitstorm of "client says spec says"
You are losing it man
@Jefffrey Most hookers suck, etc
@Jefffrey Ah. Nice try for "All hookers suck".
@CatPlusPlus Client didn't specify what they meant by "Monday"
Client said 16th they meant 1916th
No that doesn't make sense
This thing compiles and links and I am not sure why
So it's probably true
@ParkYoung-Bae Ship it
1916th after or before Jesus
16th of May.
It's quantum mechanics
Game over
It seems November 16th, 2015 is also a Monday.
I have no idea what's going on
Nobody does, but everyone should
Welcome to IT projects
It's the Krusty Krab's eleventy-seventh birthday!
I feel like I'm reading /dev/urandom
Maybe I'm just tired
I don't understand anything
Oh hey I managed to make 37h last week
Is that a lot
That's almost 200% improvement from previous one
Or very low
Oh you mean productivity
That means I'm going to crash and burn
Time to give up honest work and start designing languages
Teacher wants me to multiply two 4.4 Fixed-Point Reals. oh boy.
Behold our experts Pantooppy
What work lets you go to work 3 hours a day and still be employed?
@DemCodeLines give up all hope
@Jefffrey Hooker.
@Jefffrey Politician
Asking for a friend
@Jefffrey That's not a job
It's not 3 hours a day
It's more of a rollercoaster ride
@ParkYoung-Bae can't. :(
Friend is asking what kind of programming job exactly. And where do I sign?
@Jefffrey ?
Okay I underestimated, I had 25h week before that
He was talking productivity not work hours (I guess)
So it's not 200%
Actually I get paid by the hour so p much the same thing
If you're talking work hours then I need to give up my current job (50-55)
Flexible hours the only sane kind of hours
Also I can work from home
Can I work at your company?
where do I apply
Tell them you need help for the next deadline
@CatPlusPlus No salary? RIP
Only Celery
Is fixed point multiplication just regular multiplication?
No, it's more like division
Just multiply the integral and fractional part separately
With some derivatives thrown in
A = -2.5, B = -1.75. Find Au.
Okay whatever time to face the Monday by going to sleep
Good night
And hopefully waking up on Tuesday
@CatPlusPlus Well... I kind of is like division
where the heck did u come from?
Periodic table
@DemCodeLines The alphabet.
Sure, but really though?
Night all
Whats a good phrase for indicating a single window application, like on a mobile device
Single Window Application On A Mobile Device
Sometimes referred to as GNU/Single Window Application
it needs to be concise its a #define macro
Macros are best concise when not used
Is that even a valid sentence
its just a compile time constant, not really a macro that does anything
Then use static const
its blanks out a bunch of code with #ifdefs tho
RIP whoever designed such horror
Idea: Game about a hacker that comes out of a coma and is kidnapped after he causes the fall of one of the biggest antimalware companies on the planet
Idea: no
@Cinch any movie or game about hackers is either 1) wrong, or 2) boring
@Blob mmm let's apply some quantum sensor magic and some super VR and instant cool hacker scenes
Now we have Matrix and Second Life in the same game woo
it's this problem: xkcd.com/683
@Blob my solution was to apply vr and tragedy
@ParkYoung-Bae Are you kidding me? There's no other way to do platform specific stuff and all
stop being so dogmatic, ifdefs are your friend
No and neither are you
9gag.com/gag/ay0Menp?ref=fb.s this should be in public restrooms
> g/ay0Men
I was typing that
Sorry, can't help but notice.
YESSSS I got $2k per semester in aid next year WOO!
So if I got this straight:
move was implemented so that we can make use of supposedly temporary resources and "steal" them?
@Cinch move semantics?
@Blob i suppose
welp, already 12
cya guys
@Blob wait so you were actually 11 before?
@Blob just kidding, have a nice day
@Cinch Sort of. Again, "temporary" has a very specific definition in C++, and the way you're using it here doesn't follow that definition.
@JerryCoffin temporary = rvalue or something
I still don't get what an rvalue is supposed to be: a resource that is not bounded or "captured" by a variable, construct, objects, etc?
@Cinch "or something" covers a lot of ground...
An lvalue is something we can call and name from what i understand
@Cinch As originally defined, it's pretty simple: an rvalue is something that can appear on the right side of an assignment (and an lvalue is something that can appear on the left side). With rvalue references, however, this all got quite...tricky to pin down.
@JerryCoffin so constants you provide are rvalues
but this means that lvalues can also be rvalues
since int a = b if b is an int is valid
got upvoted, got the 500 rep review queue access, came to waste some time helping out. 0 posts needing review :|
oh well, back to sleep
@Cinch Yes, that's correct.
@JerryCoffin So rvalues basically contain everything.
It's converted to an rvalue
okay, so lambdas are rvalues
because they're "instantiated" supposedly
you can "capture" lambdas as a lvalue using std::function, correct?
@Cinch No. You could, at least arguably, think of an lvalue as a container, and the rvalue was what's stored in that container (but could also exist separately from the container).
@JerryCoffin Like how water can exist outside of a container but is often found in one
i.e a river, a bowl, a cup.
in this analogy, an rvalue might be water vapor
@Cinch It's probably best to leave lambdas out of it for now. A lambda is just a different syntax for creating a class and an object of that class, so once you understand those, lambdas come naturally.
@Cinch Let's leave it as liquid for now.
lambdas create pure rvalues
@JerryCoffin Ah, so lambdas are simply classes by another name to suit function objects better
and i don't think analogies help in this case
ok, time to really sleep
@Cinch Sort of, but mostly yes--a lambda expression is a way of defining a function object.
@JerryCoffin But lambdas are rvalues...
Interesting, so like a function constant?
@Cinch The function object created by the lambda expression is an rvalue.
@JerryCoffin Ah...
But what does this mean and why is this important.
@Cinch It's like the difference between 1+2 and 3. 1+2 is an expression. 3 is an rvalue. Evaluation of the expression 1+2 produces the rvalue 3, but the expression itself isn't an rvalue, it's an expression.
@JerryCoffin but lambdas are expressions.
they're functions
so lambadas create expression rvalues
@Cinch A lambda is an expression, not a function. It creates a prvalue that's an instance of some unnamed class. As I suggested before, however, it's probably better to leave lambda expressions alone for now though.
You're conflating the lambda expression and the lambda object yielded by the expression
On that note, I think I'm off to bed. Later all.
++x is a lvalue because it modifies the original
x++ is a rvalue because it returns a modified copy of the original
so... pass-by-value is rvalue and pass-by-reference is lvalue?
So..I need to learn this...
Pretty sure that's UB.
Welcome to C++.
@Rapptz UB?
Undefined behaviour.
Address of a temporary.
@Rapptz ??
You are taking the address of a temporary and that is undefined behaviour (read: that's bad, don't do it).
Is it possible to delete a statically-allocated object?
to call operator delete yeah
but why?
also I think it's UB because static destructors run
Now if I change this to an int array...
Oh god I suck.
Is there a class in the standard library which represents a multi-purpose stream?
That would be iostream, i suppose.
What is "multi-purpose stream"?
Can use it for more than 1 purpose
Right now I'm trying to map out the learning hierarchy of C++
It's... hard.
Is INVOKE(function) a macro?
What IS it?
It’s a fictional, notional, function-like invention.
@LucDanton I know that but how is it usually implemeted?
It is not implemented. See 'fictional' and 'notional'.
@LucDanton Okay, but I still don't understand the glue that holds std::function together
Where can I find the C++ headers online?
for the std library?
Eh, if you’re interested in INVOKE itself you don’t need to know about std::function. If it’s std::function you’re interested in, forget about INVOKE and pretend it’s all parens() calls.
@LucDanton I'm interested in how it works.
Nothing is magic in programming so I want to know.
How what works? INVOKE, or std::function?
I would recommend you start with reading lessons.
@LucDanton I am already but I want to read the implementation itself
How might I find that on Linux or online as code?
Nobody knows.
Pizza gonna be ready in 12 minutes. I love a good breakfast.
I wanted to try VS 13Nov CTP constexpr support: it ICEd right away. Sigh.

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