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you're supposed to close the porn tab when it happens
who views porn at 8pm?
I don't think a book is necessary in this case lol i.imgur.com/87Vozzs.jpg
Error 43 error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler. D:\Boost\include\boost-1_56\boost\smart_ptr\detail\sp_counted_impl.hpp‌​ 143 1 Slim5 Once again I can't use a boost library
So Swift is breaking language rankings with its growth
@BartekBanachewicz you sound very experienced at porn viewing
@chmod711telkitty you sound very experienced at drawing false conclusions
:21036774 of course it is
Objective-C was Smalltalk + C
Swift is Haskell 0.5
so nobody knows how to write in it?
How does swift handle linking with other binaries?
@Mikhail no, why? Certainly it's a new language and it takes time for people to learn it...
@Mikhail IIRC it's ABI-compatible
good, maybe I will make an undergrad who is doing some realtime image processing switch to that...
unless he wants to develop in Apple ecosystem it's hardly a good idea
opensource swift works are still very limited
lol swift
@BartekBanachewicz What I wanted him to do was to do Qt C++ and target android and ios but he was confused. Have you ever tried using Qt for mobile?
@AlexM. swift is going to join the "mainstream" languages group quite soon, whether you like it or not
@Mikhail No.
whoah there bartek, don't get all fired up over nothing
> Swift’s meteoric growth notwithstanding, the high level takeaway from these rankings is stability. The inertia of the Top 10 remains substantial, and what change there is in the back half of the Top 20 or just outside of it – from Go to Swift – is both predictable and expected
I can definitely see my workplace switch to Swift in some 20 years
I don't know, I remain genuinely shocked by javascript as it is hard to write structured code but form a platform perspective it was inevitable
maybe 30
I wonder if apple will still be around
Samsung might release a language?
you can always use another language that's been there for 25 years, has been successfully used in various sectors, makes writing correct software easy and has a great optimizer
I'd rather wonder if your workplace was still around
@thecoshman "everyone so far has been working towards" as in "no one really cared".
> Warning: The IN-predicate on "categories.id" was invoked with an empty sequence. This results in a contradiction, which nonetheless can be expensive to evaluate. Consider alternative strategies for improved performance.
@thecoshman Because I'd rather have a date that everyone can attend than one that is a prime.
Wat. Why would this be slow.
@Xeo that's a fair point too
anyway, my point was
before everyone switches to swift like crazy
there's obj-c legacy code that needs maintaining
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes; completely agree, no questions there, but you seemed to have suggested it move, then people (ell and andy) started pointing out they couldn't make it.
I wonder if obj-c also has better performance due to a more mature compiler :-)
@thecoshman Nah, Ell had mentioned it earlier.
I'd be most surprised if x IN () would be any slower than 0 = 1 in any RDBMS other than MySQL.
how come cosh is organizing the next unconf, cat you lazy bxxxxxd!
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh right, well I know he said he might not be able to make that weekend.
@рытфолд "other than MySQL" is redundant.
@Ell mind say exactly when you are tired up with exams?
@thecoshman 18th.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hi ell
*sigh*. I thought that maybe Wikipedia list of langs might be a nice resource.

Then I've realized it lists Haskell as "functional", and Perl as "imperative, functional, procedural, object-oriented, generic"
javascript: typesafe : yes
welp, wikipedia is written by people
hmpfh. If this is something that's not yet decided, it shouldn't even be listed
the whole article on type safety lists that different people understand it differently
this list is of no value except of listing.
@chmod711telkitty you have serious issues
nom nom cake
and I have no idea how this cake is called in English
@sehe I wish you use that line as an answer to questions on Stackoverflow
@thecoshman I don't even know what I'm going to do in February. Why would people not be able to come on the 13th of June? That's still half an eternity away :)
@Xeo cheesecake?
"Russischer Zupfkuchen" is the German name
@Xeo omg that sounds delicious
@BartekBanachewicz Not quite. It's a mix of cheesecake + chocolate cake
> Russischer Zupfkuchen. The name might be translated as "Russian Chocolate-Cheesecake". This is a German recipe from the old cooking book of the Zein family.
> Translation Russian chocolate cheesecake
@FredOverflow so you're good for any time, great :D Ell has exams, andy said he can't make that time... not sure why
@AlexM. fuck you.
Asker> how come my code does not compile sehe>you have serious issues
@chmod711telkitty sure. So, you're basically confirming "Talking from my ass is what I do". Seeing that this response basically means "oh there wasn't anything this time, but every *other* time it was XXX".
@thecoshman Any time except today and every day in the past.
Well, way to go to let bias obscure any observation. If you don't even click the damn link then, what the hell do feel the need to comment for?
@Xeo we're very loose on what counts as cheese cake
@chmod711telkitty I do. Well, not literally
@FredOverflow Our new intern brought that for his first day. :D
we have a new guy at work too
I'm having an appointment with the dentist today. If I don't survive, avenge my death. And keep my answers up to date!
Also breakfast from our boss.
@FredOverflow You'll be fine as long as they don't cut open your gums, as they did with mine...
@Xeo Did that happen by accident?
@FredOverflow acci-dent
great name for a metal band
great nickname for a sadistic dentist
oh great, those twats offer another option for the plink sound, but fail to fix that fact it's a stupid cookie based shite
@FredOverflow I put that in the ToC slide on my presentation about cookies at school.
Did people laugh?
I forgot.
They probably didn't get it.
But it's funny
There was only one guy who failed his presentation, lol.
His was about Oculus Rift.
I wonder if languages that are impure but immutable are really that much more productive
He had no idea what he was talking about.
@BartekBanachewicz Try them problem solved.
@рытфолд suggest one
Disregarding the process dictionary which nobody ever uses, Erlang.
@BartekBanachewicz opposed to impure and mutable?
@thecoshman opposed to pure and immutable, silly.
I find that I am most productive in the language I know best :(
@рытфолд What did he do? Play the South Park episode? :)
@AlexM. that probably means the difference in your knowing of other languages is quite substantial
@FredOverflow He got grounded for that
@FredOverflow He talked about randomly generated underwater worlds in some game but it seemed like he was just spewing some words without understanding them.
once you know more than one at more than beginner level, i.e. you're fluent in more than one, you start looking at things differently
@рытфолд sounds like the typical student to me...
@BartekBanachewicz likely
it's not like I feel really fluent in dozen of languages either
saw that.
saw your leg.
I think C++, Haskell, Lua and Javascript.
Nobody is fluent in JavaScript.
I don't feel really that well in Python because I don't use it very often. Same with C#.
For example: no matter how much you think typeof is broken, it's always more broken than you think it is.
@рытфолд What is the type of typeof X?
> typeof typeof x
@BartekBanachewicz well, people make useful things with Erlang :P
@thecoshman people make useful things in every language in "top 50"
@FredOverflow this is fun:
> typeof 'hi'
> typeof new String('hi')
I like this one as well:
> typeof null
> null()
TypeError: object is not a function
That's an implementation bug - they tried to fix it but it broke the internet
The top one is boxing, it's not a huge surprise and no one does new String anyway.
> typeof null
> Object.keys(null)
TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object
@BenjaminGruenbaum well it said "object", so you know it's not really quite an object :pp
it's an object in a sarcastic way
It's funny that fixing it breaks the internet, especially since typeof calls are like writing malloc in C++, there might be a use case for it but usually you just don't understand the language.
some people might argue it's already broken
considering that a social networking site uses more RAM than supercomputers not so long ago
or that social networking sites use supercomputers?
I wonder how much of that is images actually
where's the profiler when you need it
> This is a browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to copy and paste something here to enable a Facebook feature or "hack" someone's account, it is a scam and will give them access to your Facebook account.
@R.MartinhoFernandes MIIIINE
@BartekBanachewicz that's Chrome's fault, not JS's
Is chrome the one that stores all the javascript libraries locally?
spotify account administration is seriously retarded
worst UX ever
> Try Premium to get rid of ads!
> displayed on the ad
I don't even.
removed for safety
@BartekBanachewicz What's wrong with that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have the premium plan
Also haste-compiler can't install because network package is broken
haste job
@chmod711telkitty nice troll though
this needs stars
and saturn rings
and even more, if hellishly it's possible, Oatmeal applaud
Oh noez, Braket has more messages in this room than me
Mocking faith for laughs is really cheap and stopped being funny long before the Internet.
must be really great to be defeated by a recent intern
@R.MartinhoFernandes /faith/other people's opinions/s
@BartekBanachewicz It's just circlejerking.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it won't stop being funny as long as there are people taking Jibbers Jesus seriously
@Xeo thought that happened some time ago
@BartekBanachewicz What's wrong with taking Jesus seriously?
nothing more than in taking Jibbers seriously
and nothing less.
I mean, I'm Agnostic and even if I wasn't I wouldn't be Christian. I just never saw the big problem with people who believed in religions. The religious institutions are problematic as institutions (just like all other closed "us vs them" groups) but an individual believing in a religion isn't inherently bad.
I mean sure, have faith if you want to.
@BartekBanachewicz he's implying that you talk too much, I would punch him with my paws if I were you
But we can still laugh at it
Yeah, all we're saying is that it's really cheap to laugh at it and there are tons of stuff we all believe in that's easy to mock.
@BartekBanachewicz Maybe. You're 4k in in front of me, though, and for some reason that's bugging me
At least I'm still 3rd place if we only consider owners
@Xeo I'm only 3k behind sehe
@Xeo that's low.
Hey, Robot is an owner, that makes 1st place impossible already, k?
Also, Cat is an owner.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nah. There are opinions that can be made fun of, as in, in actually funny ways. See also: milesmathis.com/pi3.html
@Xeo oh right, he is displayed on the bottom for me. And has like 160k so
So yeah. 3rd is pretty good I'd say!
ugh, I had a bad cheap pizza
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't see why mocking that is a bad idea. You mock Haskell all the time :P
I lost 1st place chat-wide to @rlemon some time ago.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, mathematical cranks are satan and deserve mocking :D
@BartekBanachewicz I'm just being a prude here I guess.
1st place at what?
Chat message count
@BartekBanachewicz It's really not funny. It's a dead horse. Just dead. Not undead. I don't understand how you can find the same mediocre-at-best joke repeated for the way-past-the-point-of-losing-count-th time still funny.
Wow, I never realised @BartekBanachewicz had so much more messages than me.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Lemon Demon, I love that guy
@R.MartinhoFernandes dunno, somehow Matt's able to find a new way I suppose.
A new way?
It's a rehash of FSM.
yeah all imaginary religions are reshashes of one another
so what
I mean, if that makes me laugh, is it so terrible?
No, they are not.
@BartekBanachewicz The joke is a rehash of FSM.
oh great, now Obama is in on the idiotic anti-encryption.
few things are as slow as ultravnc on me right now
@BartekBanachewicz It annoys me because I thought you smarter than that. It annoys me because it carries a holier-than-thou tone (quite ironic). It annoys me because alienating those people you think are so stupid draws them further into the safe world of their faith.
Hmm, lunch break
@R.MartinhoFernandes that
what should I eat
Not that I'm particularly hungry...
I can't hog the Zupfkuchen all for myself
I would too, if I could
but I think people would be mad at me
@Xeo Were your stomach full of Zupfkuchen, would you mind?
Kinda. I'm not a heartless plastic box like you. :P
but plastic box would not get fatter, just heavier but only right after a whole zupfkuchen is put inside
I would love to see a heartless plastic box getting fatter every time you put a whole zupfkuchen in it
@R.m whilst I get your point and partially agree, I think that radical creationists and opponents of evolution kinda deserve it
what did I miss?
well, at least there isn't hateful or anti-semitic jokes here.
@BartekBanachewicz how did you learn DirectX?
@edition I never did.
can you guys download boxes from the Vagrant catalog?
derp. Who's codinggirl on GH
I can browse it online but Vagrant can't connect when I try to use vagrant box add
lol found my old desdocs
> Dedicated item slots
Pro : no more 5xLongsword stacking on a fragile elf archer
Con : no more 5xLongsword stacking on a fragile elf archer
turning 18 soon, and I have no friends to invite. I'll be here instead.
is that your faith, @BartekBanachewicz?
My only faith is functional programming
ok, I want to kill that image now.
Meh, thread-local storage issues on Cygwin.
Anybdoy interested? :)
@thecoshman wait. where
2 messages moved to bin
Did I mention my strict no-pony policy before?
what about unicorns?
@Xeo actually I don't think so
> It would be funnier if it weren’t so true.
aptly stated.
holy shit that music
at 1:05 and on it goes crazy
@sehe the heck is "HBO GO"?
@Abyx HBO internet streaming
ah, an iptv thingy
@AlexM. nothing too interesting
I find it pretty annoying that my government publishes my email address
gah crap. I had this problem where the window title turned into random japanese characters...and I figured it out. and now I don't remember! :(
is sleep deprivation bad?
ack fucking Vagrant
it can't find VirtualBox but I have an active machine backed by VirtualBox.
@edition yes, very bad
well, I have no life. SO is my life.
@melak47 That means you fucked up the encoding.
probably tried to reinterpret a UTF-8/ASCII string as UTF-16
it does the same shit with CreateWindowA and SetWindowTextA
that just means that the string is probably busted before it reaches the Windows API.
it's a literal :S
shit hackage fails at life again\
compiler option is set to unicode, unicode macro thingy is defined, I wouldn't even know how to mess with the locale/???
what is the literal and I assume you used L"" with CreateWindowW and SetWindowTextW?
"TEST" and L"TEST" :/
isn't 'W' the unicode version, and 'A' the ascii version of the respective functions?
L is universal
TEXT("") is "universal"
hey, how does L"" actually work?
well fuck winapi
MSVC magic :D
I actually looked for #define L ....
It's neither magic nor MSVC
ah, yay, figured it out...I think
seriously show a sscce, it should not be hard to produce one
noobs itt =\
mismatched A/W on RegisterClassEx* and CreateWindowEx*
no seriously fucking shit
although with both on A it still gives me crap. whatever :D
yeah, how does L"" actually work?
@melak47 That's why you don't use A/W directly.
gtfo. read a textbook
@Puppy but I didn't wanna use W :D
that's why you don't use WinAPI directly jesus
then don't bitch when things are going wrong.
it's a C API with 20-yo traditions
if you don't have a solid grasp of what A/W are and how to handle them then just use W always on Windows.
what could possibly go wrong
fucking vagrant
I reinstalled you and I reinstalled vbox and you have an active vbox vm, how can you not find vbox.
fucking stupid magic environment variable global crap.
computers are annoying yes
today I'm not even going to argue with you
My program builds like 2x faster when I put main() into stdafx.cpp
precompiled headers
@Mikhail that's not how you're supposed to use PCH
@Puppy Jesus because it's not omniscient, set PATH properly
@Mikhail You're not supposed to put anything into stdafx.cpp...
@CatPlusPlus Nothing to do with that; path was set completely correctly.
Can you run VBoxManage manually?
No? PATH is not set properly
it seems that sometimes Vagrant is case-sensitive and sometimes it's not case sensitive, so if you ask for VirtualBox you can make the machine but then it will complain that VirtualBox is not virtualbox.
my haskell dependencies are a fucking mess
@CatPlusPlus Yes.
Then it's not a problem with not finding Virtualbox
that's what vagrant up was saying.
If you used VirtualBox as provider name then you're terrible at reading documentation
vagrant up didn't seem to particularly care.
Except for the part where it's not working right
only after vagrant up didn't care and happily made the VM
it's only subsequent commands that failed.
Use 'ghc-pkg recache' to fix.
ghc-pkg.exe: unregistering network would break the following packages: HTTP-4000.2.19 websockets- (use --force to override)

Bartek@Bartek-PC /cygdrive/c/projects/hastetest
$ cabal sandbox hc-pkg unregister network --force
cabal.exe: unrecognized 'sandbox' option `--force'
give me a fucking hammer
Installed haste-compiler-
it ONLY needed a manual setup of a core package to work! (tm)
WTB 1000 contributors to hackage/cabal willing to work for free to fix this mess
@BartekBanachewicz be the first
@Xeo I'm still learning. I'm too bad at this yet.
My plan is to start contributing for realz in 2016
I still write terrible code, I still have to touch more of the "real-life" parts
but yeah, ultimately that's what I want to do. Because building a better haskell infrastructure is what I want and need. And more people are getting used to the idea that they might actually develop software in haskell.
If strict-by-default extension makes it to GHC that'll be even better for real-world code IMHO
I have never used haskell before.
lucky you
how's your pattern matching tagged union deconstruction implementation going @Puppy?
ok, its 1:55AM, i'll leave now...
@FilipRoséen-refp hi to you too :P
@AlexM. greetings
I've spent the weekend running around on catwalks (and rushing to flights), now I need to correct about 60 exams - but I'm dead tired
life is hell, segfaults are the root of all evil, etc.
hastec works
yes, I'm miserable - and I'm running out of smokes

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