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@AlexM. It's ok really.
"Sending a fax" is slang for taking a dump, in Portugal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, that's the meaning I use it for.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OMG WHERE'S MINE
You already have one!
The last one didn't include a mug.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit if coffee overflows a stackoverflow mug... does it deserve it's own Area51 proposal?
You should be kept away from sharp things anyways. And that mug looks sufficiently close to "sharp"
such a large box
That's an interesting feed for sure :)
Oh yeah @R.MartinhoFernandes: blog.feabhas.com/2015/01/the-rule-of-zero
@R.MartinhoFernandes you didn't complain enough :P
@chmod711telkitty It had a metric ton of paper padding, too
To be fair, given that there's a mug in it, I'm okay with that
For a while though, while unpacking the box, I began to wonder whether it were literally just a box of paper. Like "fuck you we'll send you your swag when we damn well please"
@Abyx The source code looks blurred until you click on it.
Cos the paper never ended
anyway, sent my thank you email to SE and now I need lunch
@FredOverflow I wanted to use this API once: code.google.com/p/crawler4j
How do I get one?
2 mins ago, by Xeo
Oh yeah @R.MartinhoFernandes: https://blog.feabhas.com/2015/01/the-rule-of-zero/
So slow.
I gave up and decided to write my own crawler in Clojure.
The whole crawler was fewer LOC than the usage of the shitty crawling library.
Padding paper is nice. I have to ship my camera and can cannibalize that. Assuming it arrived.
@рытфолд visit method? Visitor Pattern?
@Jefffrey Are there really Kiwis in there, or do they just look like Kiwi?
I want pizza
or ramen
I'm not sure
@Xeo did they at least bother to rewrite their blatant rip-off?
@AlexM. Both.
they don't work together
and besides at least I want to try to look like I'm trying to lose weight
Ugh isocpp promoting people's course-selling articles.
@AlexM. How about Ramen pizza?
(What is Ramen?)
Nov 7 '14 at 20:39, by Alex M.
I love the ramen these guys make
@FredOverflow one message below
It's not like there's a shortage of free good material on the subject out there.
it's a japanese soup with stuff
@FredOverflow Noodles.
@AlexM. Oh man, that one looks good.
I don't have a ramen place close to me :<
And yes, that is real. I used to eat it a lot as a kid.
@Xeo it's shoyu ramen
I had a Japanese sushi restaurant in Berlin, not too far away. They had great udon soup.
@AlexM. Soy-sauce ramen, eh
with chicken and double mushrooms + triple eggs
I don't like anything else
@AlexM. Why did you link to the message above the pic?
when I get there I basically tell them to fill it up with mushrooms and eggs
Damn now I want ramen
@FredOverflow I thought the pic would onebox
Now I forgot my keys.
and didn't feel necessary
@AlexM. Is that forbidden?
Bartek, Bartek, Bartek
Leave them alone
I just never oneboxed the same pic twice
must be me
It does onebox, what do you know!
@PTwr Nope :)
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, yesterday, by Jan Dvorak
Why? The lounge is a bunch of foul-mouthed C-lovers anyways...
hey, I'm not a C-lover
now THAT is foul-mouthed
Sparkly Bjarne is one of the two gifs that are kosher..
@Nooble so you have not done anything with it... yet?
Jan is a moron
I've heard LRiO is a huge C-lover tho
he's the one going on downvoting sprees on answers to questions he doesn't like
@AlexM. I'm gonna be soon. I'm being moved on to C programming
Because I'm so good at C++ programming
@FredOverflow Dunno. But bartek is the one eating those things.
Doesn't seem quite fair somehow
hey, they arrested someone over the Sony and xBox hacks
They spoil all the fun
@Fred Jan was joking
He's one of the reasonable folks
Why don't they remove flags already
Beagle 2 intact on Mars (although I wouldn't say this is exactly damning evidence)
What flags now
Hm mobile interface doesnt show flags
@BartekBanachewicz SO.chat flags?
BTW @Jefffrey I scrapped half of the design yesterday
Your hypocrisy message is flagged (8 flags last time I checked)
Everything I have built collapsed under its own weigt
the attention and time you offer the people in java is baffling
at least to me
@LightnessRacesinOrbit now they should do like in Apollo 12.
@FredOverflow rather than taking an object of some interface, it expects a Class representing a class that implements that interface and which has a constructor that takes a single parameter of type Object which is like void* userdata in C.
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 27 minutes
> In November, a Toronto-based man took to Reddit to ask "Are you named Elizabeth Gallagher?"

Jordan Axani had purchased a non-refundable round-the-world trip with ex-girlfriend of the same name, and was looking for a travel companion.
Pretty bad-ass move
Deserved it, tbh. He was being a reyt twat in the Java twatroom
So I couldn't implement the interface in a capturing anonymous inner class, because that doesn't have such a constructor.
It's completely retarded for obvious reasons.
@sehe Did it work out?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah; send one of the other rovers on a looooong journey to visit Beagle and help it unfurl those panels!
yesterday, by sehe
What do you wish to over engineer today?
> Minister van Economische Zaken Henk Kamp wil dat zzp’ers in Groningen meer pensioen gaan opbouwen. Het gaat volgens de minister om een kwetsbare groep die de komende decennia te maken krijgt met extra hoge kosten voor de reparatie van hun huis.
@PTwr I've been running it as a Minecraft server for 2 days straight now to stress test it. Average temps are about at 41 degrees celsius, way below the 85 it needs to thermal throttle.
@JerryCoffin serendipity brought me this. I should just go ahead and do it, yes!
@рытфолд rofl rofl
@рытфолд That sounds overly complicated.
@FredOverflow It is.
@Jefffrey Je Suis Lounge
@Jefffrey Wow, the interface with flags are awesome. I wish I have it.
Je suis élongë
@Unihedro Welcome to the Lounge.
@Unihedro I hereby vest in you the sole ownership and fruits of all flags, current, past and future, ever to be bestowed upon the Community, insofar the laws of physics do so allow at any given time, to be effective retroactively. Amen
@FredOverflow Thanks. I'm revisiting again to admire the amazing quote in the room description. It wasn't here last time I was.
Last time wasn't 2015
that specific quote up today is quite a nice co-incidence
@Unihedro It changes quite frequently, every couple of days, once a week maybe.
I hope Java dies in 2015.
@рытфолд I wish for a server farm on next christmas.
@рытфолд Java has become 20. How long does the average programming language live?
@FredOverflow not at all.
Too much
There are incredibly many programming languages which nobody uses.
@Unihedro I wish for seven of them, each day until next Christmas #whysomodest
@рытфолд Such as Zoidlang, Wide, ...
@Jefffrey Then... How about a revamped, flawed-design-gone version of Java?
... LasagnaScript, ...
@рытфолд inb4 SPJ's hilarious PL diagram
@Unihedro You mean, C++?
@Unihedro You mean, not Java then?
Bartek got suspended?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hey, I like C++. Pointers and all. But C++ doesn't come with OOP.
I can picture Bartek at home right now bashing the shit out of his keyboard because SO won't let him comment on this discussion for another 21 minutes
@Unihedro lolwut
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 8 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
That flag was absolutely dumb. If anything, the original message should have been flagged in the first place
Or he could use the 21 minutes to prepare his rants in Vim. Or Emacs. Or whatever.
Wait, so if I get suspended in a room I get suspended in all rooms?
You didn't know that?
@Jefffrey Chat suspension is chat suspending.
We need to suspend Jefffrey more often
@Unihedro obvious troll is obvious
@Unihedro lol
@FredOverflow Irrelevant. To say "C++ doesn't come with OOP" is just clearly misinformation
> obivous
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Come on, he's clearly trolling. I found it somewhat amusing.
@FredOverflow Yes, I know. So did I. :)
@AbhishekGupta Hey, call it a social experiment instead. :P
@Jefffrey if you are suspended on a stackoverflow chat, you might be able to chat on stackexchange IIRC
Lack of OOP is a good thing.
@Unihedro Unfortunately all our tossers are out of the office right now. Can I take a message?
A: Why is C++ not an Object Oriented language?

JacobC++ is an object oriented language. The problem is that some language zealots have their own, sometimes conflicting definition of OOP. For example, some Java people say that C++ is not an OOP language because you can define functions outside of a class. Just ignore them.

> some Java people say that C++ is not an OOP language because you can define functions outside of a class.
@chmod711telkitty well, yes. I at least hope suspension is not cross site.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I need a cracker to make the Pentagon order me free pizza.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit what if they had suggest edit on chat posts as well ? , BOOM , no more stupid posts :P
OOP is like FP: ambiguous and retarded terminology.
which means you can go on to a meta chat to continue your troll :p
lol Bartek raging in the Tavern.
( Fri-12:36:34 ) ( tomalak ) { typedef int INT; 5 .INT::~INT(); }
( Fri-12:36:34 ) ( geordi ) <no output>
Thank You for the reply, I downloaded PugiXML Library for linux and I extracted it. I am using eclipse, and I am adding library path to the pugixml path, but eclipse is not able to detect the path, On searching in google, I am getting library settings for visual studio only not for eclipse, please share your words in this regards. — avinashse 51 mins ago
(Helplessness trigger suppressed) WOW Someone is taking the advice to use the proper tool
@FredOverflow Java is "OOPs"
@chmod711telkitty Stay tuned for more excerpts from telkitty's new book, "Diary of a Troll"
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Very nice
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The other fifteen episodes are to be released next Fall.
@рытфолд What's ambiguous about FP? FP is purity, HOFs and lambdas.
@FredOverflow Since that's not what "FP" means, I think the answer to your question is self-evident.
@FredOverflow No, it's just HOFs.
@FredOverflow No, it requires laziness as well.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You mean "Diarrhea of a Troll?"
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 31 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
I was writing a list of insults in vim
@FredOverflow :D :D :D
@FredOverflow No, it's just purity and laziness.
ahaha Jefffrey is relaying Bartek's disembodied voice as if Bartek were in jail and Jefffrey were his lawyer. "Get this note out to my family. Tell them I love them."
@FredOverflow No, it also forbids subtyping.
> social experiment (comes to he Lounge to conduct it?!)
"Mr Jefffrey, please don't tell my Bartek that I'm having an affair with the guy who put him in prison. Just let him live in blissful ignorance until his sentence is over."
(hi @Unihedro)
@sehe Oh, you didn't know? I torchure the residents of my room, and now they're exhausted, so here I am!
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Jefffrey
At least make suspensions non-cross rooms?
@рытфолд So Haskell
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That would be very soon.
21 minutes is not enough to learn Vim.
21 minutes is not enough to install Emacs.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Similar to walking dead isn't it?... hahahaha
if someone needs suspending then they need suspending. per-room suspensions makes no sense at all unless you treat suspensions as "we, this particular mob, just don't like your opinions" which is not what they are for
@Unihedro I'm sorry but misspellings don't count towards elite troll status
@sehe At least ultra? How far am I from +10?
@Unihedro 6 lightyears (approximate value)
@FredOverflow Just like with OOP, nobody agrees on what FP exactly is.
I know, I'll use regular expressions!
Oh, yeah. That reminds me.
There are many different definitions used by many different people.
I want my pizza.
Here's your definition for the "ambiguous" strong vs weak typing.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 50 secs ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
Well last time it was fair
@рытфолд Let's invent a new programming paradigm with only 1 core idea to resolve all terminological ambiguities.
19 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
Deserved it, tbh. He was being a reyt twat in the Java twatroom
What's "reyt"?
old English for right, bearing more meaning of "veritable"?
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
So typical java reaction
@R.MartinhoFernandes "right" / "proper" / "mad"
Man, I just read about Boko Haram.
= he was being, to a large degree, an unfriendly individual while present inside the Java chatroom on this the most recent occasion of the aforementioned circumstance
@Jefffrey I don't understand the first definition. Isn't a type error detected at run-time the same as a non-detected type error?
Oooh. Old English. I have The Little Prince in that.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Twat wiki
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 mins ago, by Unihedro
@FredOverflow Thread.sleep(036000000);
@Unihedro in C or C++ that constant is octal, therefore you would have introduced a bug :)
@AndyProwl no
@sehe In Java, it's also an octal literal.
Be þam lytlan æþelinge
Bartek will be allowed back in just 4 minutes. :( Can't we find something else to flag, and get that suspension extended? :)
I use this to trick my maintenance programmers. When they get rid of the zero, the magic number breaks.
WHo cares about Java
@sehe care bears we care
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's from a few northern English dialects
u is reyt 'ard u is
@Unihedro point conceded
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Bartek is family, whether you like it or not
@Nooble Meh, potato quality.
Every family has a black sheep.
@Jefffrey Yeah I guess he's kind of like the annoying cousin that you have to buy Christmas presents for but are secretly glad when he can't make it that year
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Wait, that's not you?
@Xeo Awww I'm family?! <3 <3
you are the cousin
Family with Bartek
I guess we have a few cousins
And plottwist: you're both the cousins
At least we can all agree that telkitty is the racist, sexist, homophobic, near-senile grandma, yeah?
@Xeo Well, it does show what is practically the edge of the observable universe. Every speck of light you see is a galaxy.
and Robot is the family robot
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fat obsessed
@Nooble meh, Hubble. Cassini <3
@Jefffrey bwok bwok
we're at T_Bartek - 1 minute and counting
come on cuz you can make it!
make what
COME ON TARS, I want my pizza.
make it to here
Cooper I need 15 seconds starboard
And we are....
hello tars
Flags are fucking bullshit
I present you...
Aww, two seconds late.
@Unihedro good job
I'm going to walk away and cry in a corner now.
@Unihedro Seriously dude. Don't flag, it's annoying.
@Jefffrey I didn't flag. I'm 200% sincere right now.
@Jefffrey I have to admit, that one was me. I knew it wouldn't "take" and the joke was too good to resist.
I'd need to see it too
Plus, I didn't really find it insulting at all.
You do see flags on your own posts
has no idea why the message got flagged
Also fuckers why didn't you invalidate that flag
How could you
I did
28 mins ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
Deserved it, tbh. He was being a reyt twat in the Java twatroom
I only have 1krep
I can't do shit
I know you did Jeff, you're cool
I validated it
Busy waiting for pizza.
I couldn't even see it
And look at the joy and entertainment my actions have wrought!
No time to invalidate flags.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thank you god of joy and entertainment!
@Unihedro You are welcome, dark prince of Java.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Busy waiting" is a CS term, isn't it? Active polling?
Next time LRiO gets flagged I'll gladly send him to join Vlad in bannedland
@FredOverflow yes
@BartekBanachewicz :(
FWIW I don't think there's anything stopping Vlad from chatting
You caught me. I admit. I'm a robot.
Oh oh oh bartek is declaring war!
oh, except your rep gets castrated doesn't it
Oh! Place your bets!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit 1 rep
guys, calm down
Don't tell me to calm down.
I want my pizza.
remember these nuggets of wisdom
I will give you pizza.
there are no problems if you ignore them
I do not have pizza, but I will acquire pizza, and then you can have it.
@Alex that's what I do when I'm sick.
busy waiting?
robot busy waits when he's got a bug
makes sense
That said, tinnitus is down to ok levels.
If ten unique different person gives a point on why Java sucks, I will write a phone validator regex.
I'll order pizza once I get out of here
Pizza is an open-source superset of the Java programming language with the following new features: Generics Function pointers Case classes and pattern matching (a.k.a. Algebraic types) In August 2001, the developers made a compiler capable of working with Java. Most Pizza applications can run in a Java environment, but certain cases will cause problems. Work on Pizza has more or less stopped since 2002. Its main developers have concentrated instead on the Generic Java project, another attempt to add generics to Java which was eventually adopted into the official language version 1.5. The pattern...
I'll get ramen tomorrow or the day after
The only annoyance now is that I cannot experience silence.
@AlexM. Actual ramen or the one with packets?
"Ramen" is Dutch for "Windows"
@Unihedro this ramen
Nov 7 '14 at 20:39, by Alex M.
user image
Also there's no way to get unihedro's iditiotic rambling out of my screen
English... hard
For god's sake at least opensource the fucking chat client
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm so sorry Robot :(
@AlexM. yum
@AlexM. lol at the casual egg in there
It's so dysfunctional
@BartekBanachewicz "ignore this user"
@BartekBanachewicz too embarrasing
@BartekBanachewicz You can always wish for it to happen next Christmas.
@Unihedro You can, but that would be incredibly stupid and gullible.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit the whole point if this bullshit was that I was on my mobile phone
@LightnessRacesinOrbit omg I can't mute myself 1/10
How about that
@BartekBanachewicz What will I get in return?
Why don't you two lovebirds just get a room and flag each other to death in there?

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