@orlp I don't think that "protect children from bad parents" is a responsibility of school. The state could spend effort into a specialized field for that.
Also you misunderstood me. You still have school, but you don't have schools. You make your own school, by following your own courses.
The state can enforce a minimum number of courses you can attend to and that's it.
But things should be split into courses, not schools.
You go to the course you want to attend. You attend it and then you make an exam there. And they give you a score (let's say out of 30). If I took 15/30 and the course cost is €100, then I pay 100 - 100 * 15/30 = 100 - 100 * 1/2 = 100 - 50 = €50
@R.MartinhoFernandes You can go anywhere you want. More prestigious courses will of course be attended more therefore setting a higher level of quality.
@Jefffrey Did you mean "I got a statistically insignificant amount of arbitrarily rated employees from course X, annd wait why was I spending time and money on giving you this feedback?"
And this is what's wrong with privatizing education. It's bad for the economy. It's best for the economy if people have incentive to study that which is in demand with employers.
You have the state money backing you up, so you can just live forever as a state school. Private schools can't afford being terrible for a single year.