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Jonathan Blows
who is this... @Puppy ...?!
@Cicada :D
We are the people our parents warned us about.
I will warn my children about people like me.
I'll warn my children that they'll never be as awesome as me
I'll just clone myself & conquer the world ... no need to get another human to mess up the things ...
Only Kitty would consider having kids with her own clone
Because stringly-typed.
I'm watching a tennis anime. Many Japanese players apparently go to train in Florida.
Is there something about Florida and tennis?
So Hacker News and /r/programming now basically serve the same links.
You noticed this now?
It's been like that for eons.
Noticed for a while now, but it became too annoying when the top ~3 posts ends up being the same.
Literally eons.
Some even make it obvious.
"Show proggit" or something similar.
how long till cppcon stuff comes out?
28 hours
really? :D
no :)
unless that was a lucky guess :D
first you trick me with 400 euros, now this :(
To trick someone, always use a seemingly non-random number.
I only remember the last one.
oh btw, i started reading Concurrency in Action
Ah, cool.
That's a pretty good introduction.
Wait. The chat is actually improving... Pictures on @ messages! a;lsdfjla;sdjfals;dfj
@Borgleader Btw, are you up-to-date with HxH 2011?
I ended :(
It was awesome until the end.
is the manga still on hiatus?
@Borgleader It resumed a few months ago. But now it's on hiatus again.
But man. I've never seen an anime as good as HxH.
What am I supposed to watch now?
I need something to fill the gap :P
More like ScrapBooked
That sounds good.
@MarkGarcia woah
Nope, it's new.
@Mysticial Yep. You need to refresh your page to download it. :)
@MarkGarcia dammit, you beat me to saying that.
Maybe we should post to meta thanking this anonymous employee.
And then that employee will get flamed for not fixing other chat features. :)
Well that's one of the purposes in doing it. ;)
I probably mentioned this before. But:
@StackedCrooked HxH?
@Mysticial Hunter X Hunter
Hunter x Hunter
Watch it D:
It's in my top 1 of anime.
It's awesome. It's also shown on our local TV station dubbed, since ever.
I recently DL'ed the blurays for it. Just haven't gotten to it yet.
The first few episodes are nothing special.
It slowly gets better and better.
Until it ends.
At episode 148.
Is that why it took an entire week to DL?
Mysticial so silly, dls a series without checking how long it is
I didn't follow it. Is the cyber-game-thingy near the end?
@MarkGarcia Nope.
Are the blurays available in NA?
No spoilers im not up to date D::
@MarkGarcia Greed island is around the middle.
Greed Island == Cyber crime?
o.o wut
oh cyber game
why the fuck did i read cyber crime
@StackedCrooked Oh. Then I've missed so much. Now to find some decent connection to download from...
I assumed cyber-game-thingy referred to greed island.
it must have i dont see what else it could be
@StackedCrooked Those where they used cards right?
I almost entirely forgot the series. Except for a few memorable moments.
@MarkGarcia yep
The best arcs imo are YorkNew City and Chimera Ant arc.
The warship was the most memorable for me.
Wasn't that episode 2?
Theres also a filler ep with a ship IIRC
i wont mention where it is cuz @Mysticial hasnt seen it yet. I dont want to ruin my favorite series
@StackedCrooked Don't know. I watched it on local TV, which inexplicably kills then revives a series, without much hint on when will it end and start again. Better to rewatch the whole thing.
@MarkGarcia Thats pretty much what happened when I was watching DBZ as a kid
ive seen the beginning of the series a ton of times
@MarkGarcia Yes, you should do that. Please deliver a report after every arc.
If you feel like it :)
@Borgleader Also cut, non-full-length episodes to fit the timeslot. :(
When I was a kid I was not allowed to watch anything violent or "demonic".
That sucked.
I missed out on some good stuff.
whoami really comes in handy everytime I forget who I am.
I rarely have trouble with "who?". I often have trouble with "where?", though.
lol. Tried it on windows at it works.
Other times with "why?", "how?", and "when?", but mostly "where?".
@StackedCrooked ./whoami
> will.i.am
Privilege Name                Description                          State
============================= ==================================== ========
SeUndockPrivilege             Remove computer from docking station Disabled
@R.MartinhoFernandes "When am I?"
never had that one myself
Iraq & Syria are so close to France & Germany
I imagine Windows saying "You don't have enough privilege to undock your computer." or maybe electrocuting me when I try to undock it.
If the fundamental terrorists took a hike, they could get to those two countries in a month
"Hentai" on url...
I always suspected ...
@StackedCrooked paste the wrong thing did you? :P
Oops, I meant to post about this anime named "wholesome".
but I guess "Hentai!" will do
(it's not a hentai anime)
@StackedCrooked sure and my porn folder is all discovery channel documentaries ;)
ok. it sucks.
@StackedCrooked Never asked "What time is it?"?
I actually did that a couple of times.
It's the same thing, only phrased in a non-awkward manner.
It's better suited for time travelers.
It would sound even more awkward in Dutch.
@MarkGarcia Like me.
Steam is recommending me Fallout 3. I'm like "er, I own that game". Turns out it's recommending me the low violence version.
@R.MartinhoFernandes haha wat
@StackedCrooked When I was 11 my grandma bought me Diablo 2 for my birthday
Hyrule Warriors is a pretty good Dynasty Warriors game I guess.
> Apple will become the phone of choice for the pedophile,” said John J. Escalante, chief of detectives for Chicago’s police department. “The average pedophile at this point is probably thinking, I’ve got to get an Apple phone.”
Nice quote.
@StackedCrooked wtf
^ Above statement was made by FBI director James Comey.
So it must be correct, right?
why would he say that
Because it now enables encryption by default.
It cannot be decrypted by Apple (at least that's what Apple claims).
@Borgleader At first I thought it was just as simple as s/pedophile/person/ not changing much.
lure em in with apple, then molest em ...
@CatPlusPlus thanks. The tricks are being exposed. Principally I have to look into rails and ngnix. We do have some shelly bits, but you'd have to be a logged in user...
@chmod711telkitty this is your typical friday night?
hi y'all, what's the story?
i probably should read back a bit?
wtf - "average pedophile" ?
@StackedCrooked links? how does he justify that? another journalistic assessment of the shellshock issue?
oh crap, Big Brother doesn't like us having too much privacy. Nice. If we want it, we must be pedo's
sorry, missed that ;-( reading the news
Fairy Tail's current ending song is rather nice.
hairy tail
why does icloud keeping on asking me to log in?
I don't even use it
hack attempts
I clicked on "cancel"
wait, why would someone want to hack an unemployed, black, 49 year old, 213 pound homeless woman?
Not that I am one
might be the FBI trying to get your passwd
FBI? freaking bloody idiots?
@chmod711telkitty well, if they can't crack the new apple security, ...
i'm sure some 16 year old in Phnom Penh will
There's more than a 100 sites. Keep going.
@Mysticial do you know java?
I met a guy called Java once. He slurred every word, almost like he was speaking in slow motion.
@Nican Enough with the "Java is slow" jokes already. Yes, it used to be true, but after years of development, its performance is now quite accep....well, I almost managed the whole thing with a straight face anyway.
guys i'm developing a virus that freeze your screen and animate a ghost with high volume ?
@getlost Freeze my screen? Does that make it run faster, like supercooling a CPU?
its just a bsod. 0% cpu usage after that.
no no it just avoid from move mouse and consume keypress
@roscoe_casita Blue Start Over Drive? Wow, that must be insanely fast!
lol... so many BSOD's lately... learning KMDF
Well, you have fun with that. I think I'm going to go get some sleep. TTYAL.
keep it easy
hey i'm a vegetarian boy ..
@getlost but you're missing out on so much
try also

$ who is god
So Puppy was here? He is alive I see.
@aclarke This is not the most appealing meat picture even for meat eater like me. :)
> They hit the dex limit, which means they had mroe than 65536 methods in their application. Hitting this limit is far from uncommon. So much so, in fact, that google is actively working to increase that limit. source
Java does not support more than 65,536 methods total???
@FredOverflow Android
Because someone had the great idea to use a 16-bit function index.
Because, "nobody will ever need more than 65,536 functions" right?
Every function also has a limit of 65,536 bytes, right? So no more than 4GB of code max :)
It's not even that. It's method references.
It's possible exceed the limit in a single function if you want to be pathological.
with lambdas?
The limit is not for methods defined. It's for methods referenced.
It's way worse than you think.
Okay, so I could simply call 65,537 non-existing methods?
You could call the ones in the standard library.
lol, WTH?
WTF is wrong with IBM?! “JSONx is an IBM standard format to represent JSON as XML http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wsdatap/v6r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.dp.xm.doc%2Fjson_jsonx.html” http://t.co/P2xyAo4W2c
Nov 10 '13 at 17:05, by Griwes
ENTERPRISE, FUCK YEAH™ : "JSONx is an IBM® standard format to represent JSON as XML." I can't make this shit up, folks.
not exactly news
But the name is hilarious.
Sep 23 at 17:39, by nightcracker
JSONx - encode json as XML
I knew we discussed this a couple of days ago.
the concepts of Json & XML are similar
@FredOverflow Android's version of Java doesn't support lambdas
@VáclavZeman no - can't say I've ever sampled those delicacies - except, in a chinese restaurant, tripe cooked for about 6 weeks in a honey-based stock. That was yummy.
What's the point of WNOHANG option in waitpid?
From http://linux.die.net/man/3/waitpid
The waitpid() function shall not suspend execution of the calling thread if status is not immediately available for one of the child processes specified by pid.
So then what's the point of calling waitpid at all then?
In case it is immediately available.
What is meant by status?
The information in the out parameter of the same name.
@Celeritas it's a test for available process, but you don't get hung if there's nothing there - you see an error result instead and can proceed with something else that's useful. - Wait, this isn't homework, is it?
if you don't use WNOHANG, you could end up hung. Well-hung.
Right well I thought that was the main point of wait/waitpid
so the point of using WNOHANG is if you don't want to "wait" and still want to know the return status?
WTF SO logged me out overnight. I didn't notice and prepared a long comment to a question, tried to submit it and got a Kaspersky box about 'phishing URLs'. I lost my comment text:(
@Celeritas If the call immediately returns and succeeds, it still counts as having waited, e.g. for the purpose of collecting children.
Then that 'parse error' shit on chat:(
The moral is: never help anyone again on SO.
@Celeritas consider your much-beloved, recently maligned, shell. You can run programs in the background with thingy &, and you could do it with a few more. Ever noticed how the shell will tell you about it them terminating just as it's about to print a prompt? It is testing without waiting for the termination of a child process. You can do this too.
the call will always immediately return IF there's a zombie child waiting to be reaped. The benefit of WNOHANG is that you get an immediate return AS WELL if there is no zombie, suitably indicated by an error status instead of being stuck forever.
@Celeritas 'status' means the exit status (including the number of the signal that caused it if any) from the zombie child
WNOHANG would be a cryptic insider-joke tattoo to put somewhere special...
So if a process with waitpid with WNOHANG checks the first time and the child is still running, then the process keeps running and periodically checks to see if the child has terminated (or errored out) and if it has reads its exit status?
@Celeritas Bingo!
You can do that, yes.
Doing my best to annoy the mods by misuse of close-reasons: 'This question appears to be off-topic because it is about Australia'.
@MartinJames I hope that's after someone asked about famous southern hemisphere landmarks
Ok thanks
@FredOverflow 65536 methods ought to be enough for everyone.
Q: Not printing Correct Output

Dac AsfMy code works 90% but its not doing the calculations for some reason. Here is my code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define ROO_CONSTANT 1.47 int main(void) { float lengthOfSide; float lengthOfRoads; int numKangaroos; printf("Enter side of square in km :"); sc...

WTF. sometimes I'm embarrassed to be australian. Then I remember other places on the planet, and I don't feel quite so bad.
That's probably telkitty actually.
@aclarke :)
There's always the Middle East.
@rightfold and Europe; the americas, africa, asia wait, this joke went horribly wrong a few weeks ago...
@rightfold most of all!
If a parent does not care to know about the return status of a child process, then is there a point in calling wait() with the WNOHANG option? MUST it be read, otherwise the child process would be a zombie?
@aclarke ^
Sleep in day today.
@Rapptz sleeping in is good, if you get in the habit of taking naps, your doomed
You must use wait or waitpid in order to prevent child processes from becoming zombies.
The man page clearly says so.
Also don't use these low-level APIs.
@rightfold good to know. I'm confused because I was initially taught to use wait/waitpid() for blocking parent process for child process.
If you don't want to block, wait in a different thread.
Easiest solution and works totally fine.
I don't know how to use std::promise/std::future
Wish I did.
@Celeritas Yeah - short sleep loops are an anti-pattern:)
Guess what I linked.
the url was weird
Oh wait are there two Boost.Processes?
the old one is unmaintained
TIL: Generating labyrinths is a lot harder than generating mazes
(Labyrinths have no dead ends.)
Brute-forcing a 6x6 labyrinth can be done in a second, 7x7 is almost unfeasible.
And I need 10x10 :)
Karel the Robot with restricted movement sounds like a nightmare to program in.
I generate the labyrinth in Scala, not in Karel ;)
By detecting (potential) dead ends early, I managed to shrink the number of backtrackings from 100% down to 2%.
labyrinths end up in the centre
mazes don't
it has nothing to do with dead ends
Parallelise it.
Q: Algorithm for maze generation with no dead ends?

FejutoI'm looking for a maze generation algorithm that can generate mazes with no dead ends but only a start and end. Like this: Image from http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/maze/unicursl.gif Where do I find or go about constructing such a maze generation algorithm?

Why would the center matter?
@FredOverflow I love the "like this"
'cause that's how it is
everyday English makes no distinction from maze and labyrinth anyway
@Rapptz I’m doing ASCII art!
> In colloquial English, labyrinth is generally synonymous with maze, but many contemporary scholars observe a distinction between the two: maze refers to a complex branching (multicursal) puzzle with choices of path and direction; while a single-path (unicursal) labyrinth has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center.
@Rapptz Ok fine. I want a maze with no dead ends. Happy now?
It seems we were both right
fine with me
Crap, 7x7 still freezes my computer for several seconds even with early dead end detection :(
@LucDanton For what?!
@Rapptz srs bsns
I could cheat and create the 10x10 labyrinth from 4 connected 5x5 labyrinths...
@FredOverflow As you go along, just transform every |_|-like structure to | | (in all rotations).
I also want no loops in the labyrinth.
@LucDanton I can't tell what concept failed :<
@rightfold Clearly different from "alabyrinthing", showing that common English really does distinguish between the two.
@Rapptz Instantiation stacks read from top to bottom.
at first glance I mean
you should do typename Concept = ...
It’s the very first line after the compiler invocation (on my end, just the first one in the paste).
on the bottom I mean
Which instantiation?
line #4
That would prevent some overloads, and that’s a constraint, not a concept.
Lemme pull up the code that generates the errors, that would make more sense.
@Rapptz Pseudocode-ish, e.g. the actual namespace as seen in the errors is annex::concepts.
const l-value?
Replacing concepts::diagnose(4) with just 4 yields a ‘no overload found’ error.
@Rapptz Yes.
how do you refine?
I just reached the point where I am minutes ago, so there’s still much ahead :)
Also I wanted opinions on cool looking ASCII banners. Priorities you know.
void really fucks things up
All that expression SFINAE kinda prevents detailed diagnostics, other than ‘that one concept failed’.
I think that's fine
@Celeritas yes, unless you've indicated you don't want to reap children. That is left as an exercise for the reader
I was actually trying to check if web.checkNotModified(lastModifiedTime) would be true at any point. In that case, it wouldnt display anything. But apparently it never turned true. I am not sure what option should i have instead of null. Could you please enlighten me ?? or can you please share a sample code. — optimus 23 mins ago
Ugh, what a moron.
I said "Option" not "a different option."
Also Spring and Bjarne case. All hope is lost. Exterminate OP.
@Sofffia static local, string literal, global, mmap, etcetera.
why do you have to embarrass me like that?
I like to reply to old messages I find in the transcript.
@Sofffia it's ok, nobody went to look at the original question about non-malloc
fuck ya all
You can also use realloc or calloc instead of malloc.
see, it was a reasonable question.
Or zmalloc.
see also _sbrk

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