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@R.MartinhoFernandes what are you janitoring? Monic?
Yeah. Applying changes to the master, making announcements, etc.
@martinfernandes That's a little bit rude, isn't it? You don't like it? Don't use. You want new features? Fork it - it's Open Source.
Ah, the good ole "our users can finish our product" strategy.
@chmod711telkitty the semicolon? I dunno Java, so that's a real stab in the dark
I agree with MichaƂ Miszczyszyn.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know. I'd start taking my turn after Sam, so it's He who Judges if my actions are legal; for both considering me a player or not.
Even though his name is more unpronounceable than @BartekBanachewicz's.
@PolymorphicPotato I always pronounce him "Bananenwitz" (German for "banana joke") in my head.
@martinfernandes Fork it, improve, make a pull request. It's that simple, isn't it?
@sehe dunno, cool
@MMiszy @martinfernandes Only if people choose to dismiss it as "rude" and "useless". It might be provocative. Opinions can provoke thought.
@R.MartinhoFernandes sorry :S
Never apologize.
> This kind of criticism isn't helping anybody.
On the contrary, it helps people not use shitty software
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think you deffo overdid the irony in that last tweet. Not that I don't appreciate it, but the conversation partner made it amply clear that he will not be able to see it
>> Hello, I'd like to see what I got wrong/ok on the exam
> Sure, that's what this hour is for
>> -- looking for my exam paper
>> -- notice 0 on the answer
>> excuse me, but I got 0/10 here, could you tell me why is that?
> it's wrong.
>> Doesn't it work like I described?
> No.
>> Could you then tell me, in short, what the correct answer is?
> I'm not going to repeat the lecture.
>> I understand. Could you then point me to the section in the PDFs so I can find it myself?
> It's not in the PDFs. I said it on the lecture.
I think I'm quitting my uni.
@BartekBanachewicz jesus
I'm surprised he didn't answer "You come to the lectures" to the question "How am I supposed to learn this, then?".
it sounds to me like the lecturer doesn't have a clue themself :S
@BartekBanachewicz Wow.
@BartekBanachewicz Finally!
That's fairly typical experience
the exam is tomorrow
Bad luck, Bartek!
I have completely no idea what to do.
Do not attend.
Play games instead.
Much more fun.
@BartekBanachewicz ask classmates I guess/
@Ell I pretty much cited our community-based answer word-for-word
I thought it's just about memorizing everything.
Oh how wrong I was.
do you know the questions?
It is about memorising
maybe someone here might know the answer?
It's about memorising the offhand comment he made randomly in the lecture :v
I think I just made a poor choice of words
Just write on your exam said lecturer is a moron and why, hand that in and go home.
Whoo 48 likes on Facebook.
I have 4 hours to write another project for something else anyway
and of course I didn't get into dean's office today to get the paperwork done because the queue was like 15 meters long
15 metres? That sound short.
I wouldn't be able to get in today because they were closing in half an hour or something
@R.MartinhoFernandes how does it work? you type into VS "how do I whatever?", hit auto complete, and it pastes a random SO search result answer?
@melak47 StackApps link has screenshot.
ah shit
was getting a job really necessary?
Did they fire you?
no job no food, no food no life, so yes
just the usual cold feet really
Don't go out without shoes!
@Puppy wear socks
I am in fact wearing both socks and shoes, since my feet are both literally and figuratively cold.
Put them in an oven.
user image
I just added a C# desktop project in that web dev thingy
why the fuck is this even separate
@R.MartinhoFernandes @Puppy Whilst I may not be an active player... any objections to me voicing opinions [on proposals]?
@PolymorphicPotato Is that a new meme? Bad Luck Bartek?
@R.MartinhoFernandes He's polish, that's probably 200 people.
@Xeo My Love Xeo-senpai
@Puppy FYI, when you have a job, you have to be able to be polite.
yes, I got that part.
@Puppy (I'll just hint then that you should drop the costs, it discourages players from doing what you want them to do)
@PolymorphicPotato いやだ
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh come on
they're needed.
this is unfair
otherwise having in-flight proposals is strictly superior to not, because you get way more feedback and way more time to change your proposal to one that will be accepted.
What's unfair about not going out without shoes?
in fact, if anything, I'm concerned that they're too low.
The only month I change avatar in 2 years and you lend me the only chance of making a joke about my old avatar
@PolymorphicPotato That sounds like a good nickname 'Bad-luck Bartek' ;)
@PolymorphicPotato again?
why redneck
@PolymorphicPotato I got 'That didn't even make that much sense in English' :(
In flight proposals.
They're so cheesy
@PolymorphicPotato because XO
@sehe Get them at the airport.
@Puppy The aim of your proposal is to encourage players to have their proposal ready for voting earlier. Being able to get feedback from other players would be a good reason to do that, but you need to permit them to be talking about them. I do not see being able to talk about these reason enough to charge for it. After all, players do not need a reason to vote no. It can simply be for the sake of not letting the players earn points. I do think the slight charge to edit is a good idea...
It encourages players to have their proposal more fully fleshed out when they first present it.
it's not to encourage players to have their proposal ready for voting earlier
it's just to give players more stuff to do if they're waiting on someone
then it's pointless. Both myself and robot have like 5 at least ready, each.
you are not a player
and robot is just sitting around doing nothing legal with them
he can't do anything until it's his turn.
I was going to propose a rule change about having at most 1 proposal activate at a time per player.
You think I'm doing nothing.
I'm doing nasty things with them.
@Puppy and he can't really do anything with them with your proposal either, just waste points.
Also why are pinned posts on the bottom of the list?
he can have a perfectly sanctioned legal discussion about one of them, and iterate on it.
ok, feedback can be nice.
Meh, conspiring is allowed.
@Puppy he can, 210
As you are effectively playing a mail game, 210 mean nothings.
well it's true that in the computer Nomic, you can conspire, I guess
You mean you didn't do it already?
I think it defies the point of the game.
So really, you are just letting people pay two points to have a more official looking draft copy.
it's one thing for the rule banning it to be unenforcable and another for doing it to be a good idea.
@Puppy not at all. I'd be all over trying to convince one person I was going to make rules to help 'us' whilst really I was trying to just help myself.
discrap is so bad
it's telling me I things unread... but not sowing me anything unread
I think for a project worth 2% of the grade I've done more than enough :S
"A client able to dynamically choose WCF service"
I want a countertop made of inorite.
        if (serviceNum == "1")
            var client = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();
            return client.GetData(5);
        else if (serviceNum == "2")
            var client = new ServiceReference2.Service3Client();
            return client.GetData(7);
oh look tabs
> In PostgreSQL, the native INTERVAL type is used; for others, the value is stored as a date which is relative to the “epoch” (Jan. 1, 1970).
lol storing durations as dates
@Xeo the light speed toggle is the best
okay, so
Maybe it would be cooler if the author made it vertical.
@FredOverflow Don't be absurd. Are you going start tagging things , , , too? Who wants to search for questions about arrays?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit is it me you're looking for?
I'm going to go and read about everything now I suppose
@LightnessRacesinOrbit There are over 100,000 questions marked as . Are you gonna edit all of them? :)
@FredOverflow if he has to to win this argument he will :P
@LightnessRacesinOrbit how is u
u from where
@BartekBanachewicz "You need to take it up with Mr. Einstein" lol
disappointed ... no Dr Einstein?
cat, wtf are you doing
the more I listen to this track, the less I can believe it's 20 years old
list property on Saturday morning, have viewings on Saturday morning, let property on Saturday morning
@BartekBanachewicz what the hell
Leasing talk?
Hmm. Brno and back for £34.45. I could have some Czeck beer for a few days:) Unfortunately, from Stansted, so the diesel money for airport trip would cost more than the flights:(
@FredOverflow you can easily construct a bot to do that, except you will get banned.
@MartinJames ... then factor in the £10 you will spend getting wasted each night...
apparently Gameloft started some sushi workshop sessions with a local Japanese restaurant
maybe I should go too
then I'll be able to make sushi like a pro #ganbatte #banzai
@thecoshman There is that, but I'm spending more than that at home. I guess even the cheapest hotel would be biggest burden:(
@sehe I'm amazing at C# heh
> Start planning my “End of the Holocene” party.
It’s going to be epoch.
Sounds like something @Borgleader would say.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well...
'I dont have more time. plz correct em as soon as possible' - ugh! Gimme teh bugzfix.
This question appears to be off-topic because its title contains the word "urgent". — Griwes 21 secs ago
If anyone here knows swift, help would be appreciated although this is also valid for C++'s reservewhich takes an int and not an unsigned.
10/10 perfect UI thanks jeff
Finally after almost 4 years of using stackoverflow I got sufficient amount of reputation to have fun here :D :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dunno about Swift, but in C++ foo.reserve(-1) is valid.
@R.MartinhoFernandes didn't know that. Why?
Also, reserve takes a size_type or something.. I mixed it with something else.
Because all values can be shoved into an unsigned type. They just modulo around.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Does it have underflow checks?
Does it have implicit signed => unsigned conversion?
If first is no and second is yes then safety
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also important: the function has no way to even assert against this, since some_unsigned >= 0 is a constant true.
@CatPlusPlus no, it doesn't. For both. An underflow is likely a SIGABRT if I recall correctly.
Also indexing might support negative indices
Yeah, in general subscript does, just not on arrays.
I.e. indexing from the end
Oh, maybe they have that, to be fair I didn't check
I use unsigned types mostly for bit fiddling and signed for everything else vOv
Honestly I do that often too, I'm just not sure why
@user2794306 Your dreams
enum != static int
it is but it is not
I don't use unsigned types since the languages I use don't have them.
I don't use unsigned types because yes I do
@BenjaminGruenbaum if I were to guess, either bad API design (it should take size_t) or they want to limit how much you can reserve to 2GiB
@Mgetz if I had to guess it's the fact it can be tedious because it has no implicit conversions. It's safer but more work. For example: var x = 15; myArr.reserveCapacity(size: x) is a compile time error.
can I make compiler using C++?
@Touhid yes
@Touhid no. You have to use Haskell.
Or Wide, that's your only other option
I wanna make Web Server and Own syntexed Language
@Touhid why would you not be able to do that?
that language can compile web server
like apache can compile php
my server can compile my own language
Come back to this in 5 years
@Touhid it will take a long time , may be a half of year + to implement that staff alone
I guess *
so that It can be super hack proof
@Touhid very interesting idea.
@Touhid what would the language look like :D?
like php but much different syntax
almost C++
@Touhid how different? Would it also be compiled by Apache?
> syntexed language
@Touhid lol
@Touhid lol
:D :D
@Bartek @Cat @Polymorphic stop killing the kek :/
Let the man speak.
No. He is clueless.
I for one am interested in hearing him out.
Okay I can use a bit of hilarity in my life
@Touhid don't need to hart pity C++ please :P
@Touhid you are permitted to speak
The council wishes to hear about your new language
I am beggining to malware analysis
Touhid is a very ambitious guy :P
@Touhid You mean begging or beginning?
I will write a compiler in C++ in the very near future.
@Touhid Wow, I always wanted to learn how to do that.
:) @ProblemSolver3000
@Touhid So, why should your language be more "hack-proof" than PHP or C++
I am detecting file by fille md5 and sha1 and etc hash
Anybody wants to congratulate me on "
Finally after almost 4 years of using stackoverflow I got sufficient amount of reputation to have fun here" ? :P
which file?
bcz no one will know my own language :D
any file
What kind of user am I? lol
@Touhid Don't you think it's just "security through obscurity"?
In security engineering, security through obscurity is the use of secrecy of design or implementation to provide security. Security through obscurity is discouraged and not recommended by standards bodies. A system relying on security through obscurity may have theoretical or actual security vulnerabilities, but its owners or designers believe that if the flaws are not known, then attackers will be unlikely to find them. A system may use security through obscurity as a defense in depth measure; while all known security vulnerabilities would be mitigated through other measures, public disclosure...
@BartekBanachewicz ah awesome, I think obscure languages are very interesting. Sounds like @Touhid is on to something. Go on @Touhid
@BartekBanachewicz If it's like PHP but with C++ syntax, I'm pretty sure it's obscure enough to be fully secure.
right :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum Since I'm studying for my security exam, I am very interested in that part
out of all the things in C++, why would you want to imitate one of the worst aspects
I am interested to make cloud security
Oh, so the language would be web scale?
bcz today people depends on cloud
Guys how about to create a C++ Interpreter and call it CPHP :P
Hey Bartek there's an API to run Lua bytecode, right?
yes web based
Use malbolge if you want security through obscurity
@Touhid Security and OOP share a common problem: nobody seems to agree what it means, exactly.
But good luck writing it
@Touhid Very good idea. You should definitely make a language like PHP but with more C++ syntax (like the amazing string handling) and put it on the web. Making it obscure for security is a bonus.
if the compiler possible with C it will not be problem to me
Ah, lua_load. Neat.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You mean amazing string handling like printf("hello" " " "world");?
@FredOverflow OOP is just the notion of looking at data + behavior as objects. What languages did with that is another story :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought OOP was about sending messages?
@FredOverflow Not enough $
@FredOverflow * and polymorphism
@FredOverflow sending messages is a direct result of treating data + behavior as objects.
Once the behavior and data are thought of as one entity. Entities communicating through messages rather than directly is a very natural abstraction. (Not talking about what most people consider OOP today though, and well aware of it)
Method calls through vtables are one way to achieve that. Threads and message queues are another way to achieve that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum What do most people consider OOP today?
@FredOverflow What
@FredOverflow class based programming.
A lot of people consider OOP execution in the kingdom of nouns. Also, lots of abstractions, also, design patterns.
Object Oriented Programming
Also, TDD, people consider lots of stuff OOP
A: What is the difference between "extends" and "implements" in java with respect to performance and memory,etc

ApprenticeHacker During a memorable Q&A session, someone asked James Gosling (Java's inventor): If you could do Java over again, what would you change? . I'd leave out classes, he replied Java does not allow you to extend multiple classes. This avoids some problems related to multiple inheritance. However yo...

@PolymorphicPotato yes
Encapsulation of data in an object IMO, with ideas such as inheritance attached to it.
I love how people think overloading is specific to OOP.
Oh no not OOP purity thread
@Touhid what have you done so far?
@FredOverflow pfft java
@FredOverflow I saw that Q&A. I have no doubt Gosling understands OOP better today. He's not really in charge though :P
@PolymorphicPotato Member function overloading is, isn't it?
@PolymorphicPotato A lot of people confuse overloading with overriding.
@MartinJames "X is a Foo" and "all Foo are X" are very different.
@FredOverflow Use Scala and all your problems are gone, for it has no implements!
@FredOverflow Not me - Delphi has explicit keywords for both, (and 'reintroduce' to remove 'method hidden' warnings. Using the wrong one generally fucks up:(
@FredOverflow then again there are people who can't tell the difference between java & javascript
Delphi is pretty dead though.
I love how people think SRP is specific to OOP as well.
@PolymorphicPotato lol
It's fucking hilarious how clueless and dumb people are.
Welcome to the internet @PolymorphicPotato
@PolymorphicPotato it's not when they are in charge
@PolymorphicPotato I love how people can't tell the difference between a type and a class.
They don't even just think nominal typing is the only way, they actually think that int is not a type.
lol what
May 25 at 9:19, by FredOverflow
I think I'm gonna put "ANT/ANTLR experience" on my next CV and see if anybody notices it :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum ... really?
@OMGtechy what's its class in Java?
@chmod711telkitty I can't tell the difference unders sodium lamps: everything is shit-coloured.
Now Integer is a type, int is a primitive, so it's not a type - Java logic.
Mother of god.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Pray tell
Gay away the pray.
Whenever I see Java I normally run at it shouting "KILL IT WITH FIRE"
@BenjaminGruenbaum Those are probably the same people who think that Java primitives are passed by value and objects by reference.
Java platform is fine.
im psyducking here youre triggering me
@CatPlusPlus I heard that in an "Introduction to OOP" class at a very respectable university.
You know what, I don't care, I'm leaving this shitty thread
Chats have no threads.
@CatPlusPlus you shouldn't feel offended by retards being retards elsewhere.
Cats have no treads.
There are plenty of us retards here to go around :D
nor threads
But they do have claws.
@BartekBanachewicz Catgut :)
@BartekBanachewicz They sure have threads:
@BartekBanachewicz what does C# have to do with that? It's just bad naming, bad style and, hence, bad code.
What's the point of java able to implement large set of interfaces when a user still have to implement all those functions? It is like a user was given the drawings of the wheels and was told that making a carriage was easier because look 'those are the drawings of the wheels'
inb4 it's not haskell so i cannot write good code in it
Can i choose to be gay because i want to have sex with men? I want to be gay so i can have sex with men and stuff. So how do ibecome gay?
@sehe Of course it is. I need 1.25% of my grade.
I think it's worth more or less that much
Give me full functioning wheels would make my life easy not giving me drawings of the full functioning wheels!
@PolymorphicPotato If you are female, that woud be a really bad plan.
@ThePhD Nah, I'm not that clever

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