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@rubenvb oh, not just that. It's also so integrated with friggin' Xcode that if you try to update Xcode, you have to exit iTunes! (and vice versa)
I got nostalgia'd up
@BartekBanachewicz Pssst.
Need yo opinion.
@jalf Why is an IDE tightly integrated to a music player?
@jalf You're freaking kidding.
@Puppy I thought filter_iterator might do, but I need the ability to lookahead =/
hell, why is the OS and the music player tightly integrated?
@Puppy Because Apple
@Puppy Steve Jobs said it must be so.
I guess because iTunes is what you use to sync with iOS devices, and Xcode is capable of targeting those
Ready for some Clojure hentai?
Finagle fuck they're bad.
let's talk about something that isn't iTunes
@AlexM. that message sometimes even occurs if my program crashes during development
Anyone know the 2013 movie Ragnarok?
@Borgleader Then write a really simple lexer. Lexing comments is super simple.
@StackedCrooked w/e I've had enough of linux for now
the moment you tinker with it it assumes you love tinkering with it and gives you more situations in which to tinker with it through errors
@Puppy I guess I might have to do that, I was just hoping to be able to do std::string code(std::filter_istream_iterator<char>(file), (std::filter_istream_iterator<char>()))
@AlexM. Ubuntu (esp since Unity) isn't really for tinkerers.
i can only imagine how arch linux is in that case
Much better?
Not a steaming pile of unmentionables?
this reminds me
win 8 threw even less errors at me than win 7 did previously
actually, it threw none in <= 2 years
Well when you take away the ability to do anything from the user, the potential for them to break things reduces drastically
wow, didn't even notice
good job microsoft
@SwarthyMantooth I don't particularly feel like not being able to do anything
I can install software and run it
what more do you need?
@SwarthyMantooth I can do everything I want to on Windows.
My experience with Win8 has been disastrous
hell, a lot more than on Linux.
@Puppy But he can't do anything he wants
Win8 is a bit of a different beast.
I can do anything I want on Windows O_o
no question that Microsoft significantly simplified their interfaces for touch devices.
It wouldn't even allow me to use a virtual drive because of access permissions that I could not change
that's probably the problem of whoever set those permissions in the first place.
I don't even know what that is
I installed the OS from disk
don't get me wrong, the permissions shit is super fucking annoying.
The only way I could circumvent it was to disable UAC in the registry, which obviously fucks with things
but I found Linux to be worse in general than Windows.
Worse is relative
@Puppy lol, says the guys that couldn't run something because he didn't gave himself execute permissions.
I love Linux when I need to do programming. Windows has an awful interface for programmers
the keyboard is a great interface for programmers
Command prompt is an insult
@R.MartinhoFernandes I give myself all the permissions by default, since I own the machine.
@Puppy waaa
@SwarthyMantooth "Windows has an awful interface for programmers" wtf does that mean =/
Do you also want to accidentally fuck up the machine?
@Borgleader It means "Visual C++".
When I say interface I'm not referring to the GUI
@Ell it's improbable you're able to fuck up the machine
@AlexM. delete /bin or something? :P
you can't rm everything important on windows afaik
I mean interface in the same way an API provides acess to a library
@Ell If I say so.
No you can't
Well it wouldn't be accidental if you say so would it?
@SwarthyMantooth Yes, except those are two totally different things.
That's why you use sudo. ie, "saying so"
if you program against an API, then you are developing a program.
if you use a program, then you are using a program.
these are two totally and completely different things.
What? I was explaining my use of the word interface
I can't create a second root within a windows folder and treat it like its own separate environment
who the hell uses the win32 interfaces directly when there are so many wrappers available
for all languages
@Ell Yes, so you have to "say so" for everything, eternally re-enter my password to protect against absolutely nobody.
@Puppy well not for everything
@SwarthyMantooth That's what virtual machines are for.
Oh god no
@AlexM. teh tutorial said so
@Ell No, just nearly everything.
That is so wrong
Vmachines use a fuckton of system resources
@Puppy what do you do that requires passwords so often?
Virtual machines are great.
on Windows, you can download and execute a program, and it's as easy as "Click link; double click file."
Use them exuberantly.
I can literally just say chroot dir, copy my root into that folder, and have a second working environment with shared resources
on Linux it's a bunch of arsing around trying to figure out what magic string the package creator gave to the program you want to use.
@Puppy unlike on Linux or OSX or any other OS, you mean?
@Puppy Then uncheck "Ask this every time I run it" and click "Run".
Just because it's harder doesn't mean it's worse
Windows does not give you the freedoms that Linux does
@AlexM. whistles
In some cases that's a good thing
If you download a file, it gets tagged as "from the Internet", and you can't just double click it to run it.
In most of my specific cases, that's a bad thing
@SwarthyMantooth what freedom doesn't it give you, exactly?
@Puppy or you could find the program in the menu like you do on windows?
@jalf My experience of trying to download programs for Linux is that half the time they simply didn't offer a download for the distro I wanted, and the other half the time it was kernel scripts I was supposed to compile myself.
The ability to modify file permissions directly, the ability to access system files, to modify your kernel?
@R.MartinhoFernandes and if it's not signed by a valid certificate, you typically get another warning you have to click through as well :)
@SwarthyMantooth Uh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, and I told Firefox to download it.
well if half of the things you download are drivers, I feel sorry for you.
@Puppy And...? You still can't just double click it.
Those are just examples
@AlexM. Well, if you are writing a simple C++ program against POSIX and Win32, why not use them for what standard C++ is missing?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes, that being the problem.
That is by no means an exhaustive list
@Puppy No, I mean on Windows.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And fun fact I discovered recently. If you're on Win8, then depending on Microsoft's magic heuristic, it may or may not throw up a third full-screen modal warning, telling you that Microsoft has determined that this file might not be safe
Your description is inaccurate.
on Windows, I think that there is some warning prompt something I never read.
When I need to access a pinout on an MCU, linux allows me to treat the register as a file
requiring you to not just click "ok", but first "more info", and then the "just let me run the fucking program anyway" button appears
on Linux, it opened in a text editor.
I can't even use windows on those architectures
@Puppy it was a script, no?
I don't care, I'm a user, just execute the damn thing.
@jalf That heuristic consists of if (wasGivenByFriend()) {showExtraWarning();}
If it doesn't have execute permissions then it will open in a text editor
@chris no
@Puppy How does it know you want to execute rather than edit?
which is super dumb.
(hint because it doesn't have execute permissions)
if you want it to execute give it execute permissions
Basically what I'm hearing is a bunch of people who don't want to use linux arguing that windows is better for no discernable reason
@Ell No.
@Puppy YES
@SwarthyMantooth Fucking great comparison. "A allows me to this on this machine. B isn't available on this machine, but i'll still compare them" ಠ_ಠ
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fuck no.
then a handy little box will pop up saying "execute", "execute in terminal", "open in text editor", "cancel"
just have Firefox give it executable permissions.
@SwarthyMantooth And we have a room dedicated to that. I linked it above.
Fuck yes.
problem solved.
it consists of "how often have we seen software signed by this particular certificate, and how often have programs signed by this particular certificate been reported to be malware, and is it a special "extended validation" certificate" and a variety of other undocumented factors
Hey, you guys started the argument
I'm just rolling with it
ITT: Puppy knows absolutely nothing about Linux
He does not
why would I want "Open in a text editor" instead "Choose to open in a text editor OR execute"
it's basically a rep-whoring algorithm. Software signed by a new certificate is assumed to be unsafe, until the certificate has earned enough rep by people installing software that was signed by it
That’s not a fault of Linux.
especially given that there's a vastly higher probability that I want "Execute".
Because it might not be an executable.
Because executing random scripts from the internet is bad without first taking a look at what it does?
It’s the fault of the crappy file manager you chose to install.
Because you don't want to execute random shit from the Internet.
@jalf Yeah, I just never download anything that's completely unrecognized except things from friends.
You're saying the OS should guess what you want to do?
And if you're using an EV certificate then you get enough free rep that your software probably won't be blocked .Probably. But no guarantees
@R.MartinhoFernandes That is exactly what I want to do.
also, what rightfold is saying
(MS agrees too, hence the series of dialogs you have to click through to run an executable that you got from the Internet)
well, on Windows, at least it actually offers me the dialog by default.
instead of silently pretending that I wanted to text edit it.
which I most certainly did not.
Most linux users don't even use the GUI
and almost never will.
You just suck.
@SwarthyMantooth Probably explains why it's shit.
@Puppy uh, that has nothing to do with security, or... anything else. That's just not knowing the OS you're on
On my work computer the default is to execute.
Which one?
Ubuntu is the worst linux distro I can think of
If I want to open it in an editor, I say editor file instead of file.
Someone clean this up =/
@SwarthyMantooth CentOS
Mother of christ
You're using CentOS?
I actually don't think I've ever had something I downloaded open on a text editor
@jalf Then why doesn't it execute stuff by default?
Lemme guess, you have KDE as an interface?
It would just tell me "permission denied" I think
@SwarthyMantooth what no of course not.
Where did the Linux hipsters come from
I’m not a fucking masochist.
@Puppy For the same reason Windows doesn't execute stuff by default. It depends on the OS knowing that the file is executable
Hahaha I was about to leave
@SwarthyMantooth I use i3, duh.
@jalf So we've moved to "The OS is so broken, it can't tell whether or not a file is supposed to be executable or not".
@Rapptz Probably some shell script, i.e., text.
not really a better position.
3 mins ago, by rightfold
That’s not a fault of Linux.
on Windows, that is determined by the file's extension. On Linux, it is determined by the file's permissions. Each file has an "executable" bit
@Puppy Windows can't tell either
@Puppy You can execute pretty much anything in Linux.
Unless, you know, you tell it by setting the file extension appropriately
@Puppy Does windows think "my_cv.exe" is executable?
cos for me it's just a text file.
Somebody has to tell it that it’s “supposed to be” executable.
@Rapptz I've had that happen =/
Otherwise it cannot possibly ever know.
Or by actually executing it.
> I have tried doing unsigned long long and unsigned long long long int
@Borgleader Must be some Ubuntu thing.
@Ell That's a ridiculous argument.
Uh, actually I'm pretty sure most Linux programs ignore file extensions
At least from my experience
@R.MartinhoFernandes Aww I feel sad now
I'm going to stop argueing
@jalf The difference is that Windows doesn't need a more explicit hint because the file is created with the right extension by programs that create executables, and downloaded with the right extension by default. Windows does not create executables with random extensions and then download them but strip the extension.
But I don't usually go around throwing .docx's at gcc
@Ell You should feel bad about yourself. Shame on you.
@Puppy Have fun downloading python scripts.
@Puppy No one stripped the extension. It wasn't there.
@Puppy yes it does. They're called screensaver viruses ;-)
Remember those?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Never had a need.
@rubenvb Nope.
Windows shouldn’t lack support for shebangs.
Those are the reasons deciding what to do based on a file extension is the worst idea ever.
Okay, how about this
@R.MartinhoFernandes Which, I believe, is the problem.
Ugh, so much stupid...
Anyone who hasn't used either OS for a year or more can't argue about its qualities
@Puppy In windows you have .exe in linux you have +x
If you make things executable, it can tell just fine how to do it without an extension.
@Puppy Linux obviously exists only for covering your needs.
ultimately it doesn't matter how the OS knows that it's executable, what matters is that when you download it, it is marked as executable if the site providing it wanted it to be.
Especially Linux, where it easily takes a year to learn how to use it
And here executable can means literally anything.
@Puppy everything?
Can we just assume for a second that maybe, not knowing how to use an OS does not automatically mean that it's shit? That applies for both Windows and Linux, btw.
@rubenvb simple is too little in a windows vs linux argument
I can't fly an airplane
@Ell Sure, but when you download an exe, it's still an exe.
Airplanes are shit
Puppy thinks everything he doesn't know how to use is shit
Airplanes are a great invention.
@jalf Good luck.
gdb, linux, etc.
Fuck airplanes, if they were any good like CARS they'd have a steering wheel instead of a dumb joystick. The plane should know that I want to rotate a wheel
@Rapptz Non-C++-like languages :P
technical superiority is irrelevant if the user can't find the feature.
@Puppy Yes, and I am pretty sure the site fucked up there.
Well, to be honest, isn't there a binary/executable mime type on the web?
And why doesn't it just always go on autopilot? Why would I want to fly my own plane?
@StackedCrooked I wanted to find a cuter character to counter yours but I can't think of any right now
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hardly impossible, I guess.
Also why the hell is my BASH script throwing CMake errors on a variable assignment?
@rubenvb The case the puppy witnessed was not a binary, though.
@Puppy I think I'm beginning to see the argument here
I spent more time trying to figure out what the fuck the magic apt-get string was.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, true.
It's a binary!
@Puppy it's just the name of the executable
2 mins ago, by jalf
Can we just assume for a second that maybe, not knowing how to use an OS does not automatically mean that it's shit? That applies for both Windows and Linux, btw.
Everything is a binary!
@Ell That is terribly unhelpful.
you can find the executable in your file manager if you want
If you run it, it's a script or a binary
just like you do in windows
I wonder how much time I've spent over the year puzzling over how to use various aspects of Windows. It's probably a lot of time. Just like with Linux. Fancy that
The system path specifies what directories to look for the binaries in
@Ell not always
it's just in /usr/bin
or if you downloaded a .tar.gz it's where you unpacked it
@Ell Not for packages I haven't installed yet because I can't figure out what the magic apt-get string is.
Oh whoops
@Puppy I'm pretty sure people have told you how to not need to deal with that before.
@Puppy then you search for the package?
You just make a fool of yourself by continuously ignoring that advice.
On Windows, everything ending in .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC counts as an executable everywhere.
Could it be that operating systems are just kind of complex? Gosh, why had that never occurred to me before. I do believe that just might explain why learning to use a new OS is a nontrivial affair
@R.MartinhoFernandes Something about tab autocompleting.
Which is terribly silly.
@Puppy apt-get is a binary package in usr/bin which interfaces with a repository
@Ell Yeah, but Google is a vastly superior search engine.
@jalf Same here. Most of my issues on Windows stem from the CLI too :s
Oh my god he just said that
Last time I checked there were several interfaces to the package manager that have search and stuff like that.
@Puppy Not for this domain.
Like packages.ubuntu.com
@Puppy then search with google?
just google for site:packages.ubuntu.com packagename
I'm pretty sure he's just being a troll
apt-cache search name
@SwarthyMantooth I'm pretty sure he's not.
no shit. Puppy is trollborn. Problem is, he doesn't know it yet :-P
There's no way anyone would ever say that google is a better alternative to the Linux repos
That doesn't even make sense
that reminds me of old mute from hate plus
$ apt-get purge puppy
most badass female char in any game
well, female AI
@SwarthyMantooth there kind of is. If you're looking for software to solve task X, and you don't know the name of any software which does that, the package manager is bloody useless. But Google might turn up something useful
Right, but that's not the function of apt-get
> So I decided to record a C++11 tutorial on range-based for loops. Let me know what you think! - [34:00]
And actually you can use apt-cache search
34 minute tutorial for range-based for?
It searches package descriptors as well
why does my transmission web interface always timeout?
Damn piece of crap
so it can turn up even more results that are maybe vaguely related at best?
@Rapptz they first have to teach how to malloc
I should've just gone with Deluge
@Rapptz You are surprised that people that make video tutorials are terrible?
it's a C++ tutorial, after all
@SwarthyMantooth And are you seriously arguing that that provides a better search engine than Google?
@jalf No, I'm arguing that apt-get is not even intended as a search function
Why is it that these retarded OS wars always have stupid people on both sides?
I could never follow video tutorials, I'd rather have text
I was just stating that apt-cache search provides base functionality
@SwarthyMantooth You were responding to @Puppy saying that Google is a better search engine, weren't you? Then you said that "well you can just use apt-cache to search"
@AlexM. hehe
@jalf Yes?
rolls eyes
@jalf I think using apt-cache search is better than using Google for searching for packages by name.
@jalf What are you talking about
@SwarthyMantooth Then it's totally useless because I could just download the package from the website when I used Google to find the thing that I wanted. Or use some kind of package link, like Magnet link for torrents.
Oh okay, sure
That way you can easily and quickly know if it can be added to your system.
Because google totally has a built in package handler
Have fun installing the .deb when you don't even know what a binary is
here, I will fight your cute with this 0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/a/image/1374/34/…
@AlexM. dat eyes
This whole conversation is p dumb hth I'm going back to drinking
Cat let’s go to a pizzeria together.
I need alcohol
I'm having alcohol right now
This is the most depressing argument I've ever had
and I didn't even join an argument
in PHP, 1 min ago, by Krazii KiiD
im very good in c#, but php is x_x
lol this guy is hilarious
that's because he's krazii
> php is x_x
Yesterday he wanted that to convert "c3" to 0xc3 but not to 195 in C#.
And he didn’t understand that 0xc3 and 195 are the same thing, and that the string representation is lost during parsing.
@rubenvb No, don't
It's over
but that never really took off I think.
Let it die
lol sorry for lagging behind 2 seconds.
@rightfold A significant part of the population can't tell numbers from their representations.
But I sure believe him when he says that he is “very good in c#.”
I'm already preparing the eulogy
@rubenvb Good start.
or attempt, or idea, anyway.
lol. Not really. Everything is moving to the centralized "store" concept.
their existing userbase probably just don't know what "user-friendly" is.
Apple, Microsoft, oh and guess what? Linux already had that since like... FOREVER!
I'll get an oven soon and I want to try some pizza recipes
not a fan of the dedicated "Store" idea myself.
and I thought I'd follow !Romanian recipes and go for Italian recipes for a change
I always saw it as just vendor lock-in.
@Puppy Yeah, it's probably too hard for you to use
It's a lot more user-friendly.
@Puppy No kidding. I couldn't have guessed.
I already have a perfectly good Store, it's called Google.
Win means win.
Puppy I think your fundamental issue is comparing wrongly. It's like saying "Why isn't Linux Windows?" and then arguing about it. It just looks bad.
You don't need to look stuff up in websites.
No one could have guessed.
also shit too much alcohol I'm already dizzy
@AlexM. I have no idea how to cook pizza.
didn't eat enough maybe
k those are my two cents
I get less drunk after eating a lot
@Rapptz More like, "Why isn't Linux as user-friendly as Windows?".
@AlexM Cooking and alcohol never went well for me
The only thing I know about cooking pizza is that wooden over is much better (and you can feel the difference) from other ovens.
Someone hates me.
"The first time I installed Windows, it took me two hours to learn you don't set execute permissions on files."
@StackedCrooked hi, I'm the guy behind codepad.org
None of your arguments have persuaded me that the UX of Linux is worse than Windows.
hello @sah
@Puppy You seem like the kind of guy who uses Outlook and has to call someone when you "can't find the Internet"
@sah Heyo.
@Jefffrey well I won't be having a wood oven until I move to an actual house, but I'll at least use a pizza stone
@sah oh hey
I've heard its use is that it drains wet shit from the pizza dough and makes it more crispy
coliru.com is not my doing. Assuming you folks are also not behind it, I can only guess it's some kind of attempt to make that domain more valuable
@AlexM. Worth trying. Lemme know.
@sah Ok. I always considered the possibility that it may not have been your doing.
@sah I say fuck the guy who created coliru.
not sure what we can do about it, but I have no interest in hurting coliru; I'm happy to see new projects working on the kind of thing I was doing with codepad
codepad 4 life yo
I don't feel like like it's a very big problem.
I heard the guy behind Coliru had actually created it to hurt codepad; he's kind of an ass
Coliru is just a hobby project for me.
lol wtf guys. Serious convo happening. Shut up for a minute.
@StackedCrooked oh come on stack, you ruined it
@ScarletAmaranth He's right behind you! Careful!
@ScarletAmaranth you!
@rubenvb We know it's serious. Why do you think this is happening?
@StackedCrooked what's been up yo; any new anime recommendation :P? (HxH still rather interesting even after the arc end)
We all know @rightfold did it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because coliru.com happened? I gather from two lines of text in the most random chat room on the internet.
@StackedCrooked did what?
okay. let me know if you think of anything I can do to help
codepad 503's now
@rubenvb No, I mean the jokes.
How come codepad.org is down?
@ScarletAmaranth Akame ga kill.
oh hey, it is down!
@rubenvb Stacked DDOSed it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because.... oh. Gotcha.
wtf. thanks for the heads up.
some serious admining right there
Hehe. This is kind of awkward.
btw why does codepad run ancient GCC?
@rightfold don't forget our deal
@Rapptz ping @sah.
don't tell anyone I'm behind coliru.com
@rubenvb well, now you did so I don't have to
I’d have registered coliru.sexy.
We should all bring pitchforks to Whois Agent's place and burn the thing down.
the plot just thickened
@sah How come codepad doesn't allow you to modify the command it runs?
@StackedCrooked alright the premise couldn't sound more generic ^^
I wonder if ideone is any good still
it's not
@Rapptz Fuckers killed most of my old links.
Yeah I hate that
@R.MartinhoFernandes for what reason?
but nothing is worse than LWS
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a serious question. Coliru is the only usable online code demonstration tool because of that feature. And the fact it actually has Boost, and a range of useful compilers.
those guys took the whole thing down
It would be cool to be able to run cl.exe on coliru.
@Jefffrey Dunno. They changed the interface, and everything was gone.
@ScarletAmaranth Only 4 eps have aired yet. It got really good fighting scenes.
@StackedCrooked I watched some bleach almost exclusively for some fight scenes :)
@rubenvb At least the server would not run out of memory.
oh awesome, someone DOSed me and filled the hard drive on this VM
3 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@rubenvb Stacked DDOSed it.
Called it.
permanent links to source code is the only thing you should always guarantee when running this things, someone they were able to screw that up
@sah Filled the hard drive?
That's nasty.
with porn
who the heck is so bored as to randomly DOS people; shees
@Jefffrey I write my porn in Clojure.
(defn tentacle-piece [index]
    (zero? index) " /\\"
    (odd? index) "/o/"
    (even? index) "\\ \\"))
(defn tentacle [length]
  (clojure.string/join "\n" (map tentacle-piece (range length))))
(println (tentacle 16))
I know you do
@ScarletAmaranth Esp sites like codepad.
@sah I feel sorry for you. That sounds like it sucks ass to clean up :-/
I should actually write some code now.
fuck it's already 10.
Now I don't know what I was going to do today :-o
I was in the middle of testing my Bluetooth radio. About four hours ago.
@StackedCrooked assholes gonna asshole
It was raining earlier, and now it's hot.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How fascinating.
How fascisating.
it's been raining every 24 hours for at least a month now
I've lost all faith in nature
@StackedCrooked Guess what I'm wearing.
An umbrella?
@R.MartinhoFernandes A shiny metal ass.
Oh you can't wear that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm going to guess but first let me catch NullReferenceExceptions
@StackedCrooked I don't believe in those.
ba dum tschh
@R.MartinhoFernandes lemme guess.. nothing?
If it's raining, either I don't get out, or I get soaked.
I never use an umbrella. I can't walk fast with them.
Umbrellas are for wusses.
people use umbrellas even if there's like a drizzle.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Pretty much the same.
Although I got this rain pants recently.
But I forget to wear them.
What is that? Part of the rain dance uniform?
It's like a pants that you can wear over your pants.
I guess handy things when you bike in the rain
and rain proof
just wear a rain coat if you're going that route
@rubenvb we so Belgian
am I the only guy here using an umbrella? :\
@Rapptz coat does not keep the pants dry
@StackedCrooked I once tried to partially bike to uni. I gave up first time it rained.
Car ftw :-p
Me so terrible.
1h15 is just too long on the bus.

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