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oh damn, already 2a.m. ... I think I'm off for today, g'night guys
man, my head hurts
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
Anybody there?
I almost switched phases today.
When that happens to me I feel terrible for half the day.
Usually starts with me oversleeping.
I switched by staying awake more :)
When I do that I tend to simply wake up at the same time, with less sleep.
Since that's not sustainable though at some point it just turns into an unpredictable mess, so I avoid that when I can.
I'm switching back to "normal", FWIW.
Do you 'lock' into any of those phases?
Usually yes. Until I push it for some reason or other (you know, like the "just one more level" effect :) and I switch.
Ah, I see. I usually take no solace into coming back into a diurnal phase since I'll drift forward sooner than later.
To me being active during the day usually means I can have more decent meals (more restaurants are open!), and I can walk outside without freezing and with much less fear for safety.
To enjoy cooking yourself, you must first start cooking.
I don't want to cook myself!
Solves both your 'problems' though!
Plus, you get to be the one who decides how much onion there is in your food.
I hate onions.
Ah well. I like onions and I learned how to chop them efficiently thanks to the Internet.
Yeah, I know should try it. I took a few tries a while back, and it didn't work very well.
I admit I started with a flatmate, which is always helpful.
I can grill pork in a way that I like it, but that's all. I tried to add rice twice, and I ended up eating the meat and leaving the rice in the trash.
I was introduced to the joys of the rice cooker by aforementioned flatmate.
What's a rice cooker? An appliance that does it for you?
Here in the Philippines a "rice cooker" is simply a normal pot... lol. But that's the way I've always done it anyway.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yes. Thanks to modern culinary technology, it also has other purposes (pasta, couscous).
Oh. But that sounds like cheating.
I can microwave food too.
Also, wouldn't std::make_love always call a constructor? That's undesirable.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's not a competition.
Also, you can't microwave rice.
Why not?
It boils the water.
I'm sure there's a way to make rice in the microwave, it's just impractically difficult. There is such a thing as microwave rice, anyway. Partially pre-boiled.
When I started cooking, my family's kitchen was a disaster with nothing but a microwave. I developed a technique of stacking plates to return steam back to the pot to avoid condensation spillage.
Wow! You're a cooking engineer!
A similar method and a low microwave setting could work for rice with minimal mess.
Well, that's smart. There are pots for steam cooking that deal with that.
Oh, I think I'm starting to see what I did wrong.
Apparently, all the water in the pot needs to go away for the rice to be decent.
That would not happen any time soon when the pot is full of it.
Most of it, yes.
Yeah, usually approximately 1:1 water to rice, and avoid draining anything.
You can taste check.
Better to add water than try to remove it, and if you do, stir it to the bottom.
@Potatoswatter Right, but I did maybe like, say, 5:1 water to rice :)
A lot of people have a habit of filling a pot with water, for pasta, corn, vegetables, etc. I always keep it to an absolute minimum, which gets it boiling faster.
So you see, you get a measuring cup with the rice cooker. You put say, two cups worth of rice into it, then fill with water to the 'two cups' mark. Then you set it on, and it'll stop cooking when it's done.
Screw it, I'm giving it another try today. Thanks for the encouragement :)
Making myself some rice atm :)
@Potatoswatter Yes, but that would be the constructor of std::love, not of std::baby.
@RMartinhoFernandes The one thing you need to enjoy chopping onions is a very sharp knife.
@sbi I don't like eating onions, so I don't even bother chopping them. Heck, I don't even bother buying them.
@RMartinhoFernandes Nobody I know likes eating onions. (Well, except that little girl I have hear, but she's weird anyway...) But most people like food with its taste improved by onions cooked with it. Onions are mostly a spice for me, although they are a spice which takes a lot of.
Well then, I'll rephrase it, I don't like onions in my food.
The things could not exist at all and I wouldn't miss them.
@RMartinhoFernandes I doubt you are aware of how much food has onions in it. And I doubt you'd like it better when it would miss them.
It onions all the way down.
> While I am the employ of A. Majors, I agree not use profane language, not to get drunk, not to gamble, not to treat animals cruelly and not to do anything else that is incompatible with the conduct of a gentleman. And I agree, if I violate any of the above conditions, to accept my discharge without any pay for my services. - The Pony Express Oath
You could not carry mail if you used profane language.
If I need a map based on two keys (int and string), is my best choice to make a map with a map as value or to make a map with a pair as key? Can't use C++11, boost is an option
Arrrgh, not having traits in C# sucks balls.
@sbi no offense to you, but man, german food stinks... ;)
@KillianDS Will you be doing searches based on a single key?
Or always on both?
just sayin'
@RMartinhoFernandes: good point, likely I'll need a search on a single key, got my answer, thanks :)
@KillianDS It's also a good idea to consider if you'll always look for the same one first, or if you might be looking for any of them alone.
In the latter case you may want something like Boost.MultiIndex.
What would you call a type that tracks undos and redos?
undo stack?
I don't like the fact that UndoStack has public members named UndoStack and RedoStack (readonly views, to display action names, for example) :(
Surely it doesn't need both. You just need a single stack (a deque, more likely), and an iterator or something pointing to your current position in it? Anything past the iterator are redo actions, and anything before it are undo's?
Right, but that's internal.
I expose two members to display the names on those menus that list the undo/redo actions.
why not just call those undos and redos or something? Since they're just views, they don't really have the stack structure
or undo_view and redo_view
or perhaps a pair of iters, first_undo, last_undo
Hmm. Good point.
and vice versa for redo
What's up?
nothing much here. Back at work after Qt dev days
1 hour later…
@RMartinhoFernandes I like the "not treat animals cruelly"-part.
@jalf You're into Qt?
@StackedCrooked Umm... We use it at work
but haven't used it outside that
got pretty mixed feelings on it, myself
some super nifty stuff, and some horrible C-with-classes yuck
have to say though, I'm super impressed with the qml/qtquick stuff for UI
@jalf How would you know? Didn't you say you were in Munich? That would be Bavarian food then.
@sbi :)
I was once offered Knoedel. Luckily, I survived.
@LucDanton Sadly, that was one of the culinary highlights of the trip
well, in fairness, their cake was fine :)
@LucDanton What's bad about dumplings? Not that I'd want to eat them seven days a week, but I like them once in a while.
@jalf But you have probably been eating at the hotel the conference was at, right? That's not the best setting for good food, as I remember well from when I was at a workshop with Scott Meyers in Stuttgart.
@sbi They look okay, they don't have a taste, and worst of all is how they're gooey.
@AlfPSteinbach I caught your thread on boost-dev (regarding std::fstream and wchar_t*). It just occured to me that a recent patch had been discussed in one of the GCC lists. As I understand it though, they didn't go forward with it. No idea if the patch was ported to MinGW/Cygwin GCC builds either.
@LucDanton You're just a xenophobe, that's all. I bet there's a lot of gooey stuff you like eating. :)
@sbi It's not the consistency alone. It's the whole size, no taste, gooey package. There is gooey stuff I like, yes.
@sbi yeah, no doubt we would've gotten decent enough food if we'd eaten elsewhere
but it was kind of amusing how it wasn't just bland catering food, but bland catering food based on german (ok ok, Bavarian) cooking
good morning
how are ya?
I'm doing fine.
I'm going to try cooking again today.
@LucDanton they did have the same thing i'm proposing in v2 of filesystem. i have to write up a "ticket" or whatever. then it will be ported to v3 (current). so it will be fixed. i was surprised at the noise level there, i thought boosters were more serious. happily dave and beman joined in, otherwise i would have thunk boost had devolved to something.
@RMartinhoFernandes you don't like cooking?
@TonyTheLion I don't know how to cook.
@RMartinhoFernandes same here
And so, I don't like cooking, because then I need to eat what I cooked.
yea true, that's mostly why you cook, so you can eat the result of the cooking
for me, the main problem with cooking is not the eating but the shopping in preparation, and the washing up dishes after
definitely the dishes
I find washing the dishes a relaxing activity.
I quite like the bin-packing problem inherent in cooking a meal
given N hobs and M tasks which require a hob schedule the M tasks
@RMartinhoFernandes What do you plan to cook?
@RMartinhoFernandes That would have made us quite a team, a decade ago: I like cooking, you like doing the dishes. :) (Now I have a machine to do the dishes.)
@sbi Some rice, and pork chops.
@RMartinhoFernandes So where do you think the difficulties are in that? (And what about vegetables?)
I had bad experiences with the rice before.
And, er... I'm not a big fan of vegetables...
@RMartinhoFernandes With rice? That is actually quite easy. (For just yourself, you plan a cup or a mug of rice, and 2.5 that volume of water. Bring the salted water to a boil, put in the rice, and a lid on the pot. When the water boils again, turn the heat down so it barely boils. When little water is left, you can turn off the heat, so you can't burn the rice. When the water is gone, the rice is done.)
@sbi Ah, see! They told me 1:1 this morning and now you tell me 2.5:1.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, but only protein, fat, and carbohydrates is missing some vital ingredients.
@sbi I'm eating fruit afterwards :) An apple maybe.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah. Seems well enough for me then.
@RMartinhoFernandes If you are using plain rice, 1:1 is definitely wrong. I usually see 2:1, but have better experiences myself with 2.5:1. But then I'm cooking whole grain rice, which might require more. (If for no other reason, then because it cooks so long, with more opportunity for the water to turn into steam.)
Ok, I have no idea what kind of rice I'm using.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, you will have to know about that. Definitely. If you cook other forms of rice (par-boiled and whatnot, I don't know most of these), the numbers will differ. The pack of rice you bought would usually come with a description telling you this.
Oh, I feel silly for not thinking of looking at the pack.
@RMartinhoFernandes :)
aaargh, my head no worky
stupid crappy immune system
Oh crap, apparently this rice is some Portuguese variant of asian rice that requires more care when cooking.
@RMartinhoFernandes What kind of care would that be?
You have to pet each individual rice piece? :P
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, I bet the package doesn't just say "needs special care".
Probably just more attention.
@sbi Oh, no, it describes a similar method.
@RMartinhoFernandes Sigh. This is tiring. Similar to what?
Similar to what you described.
But when I googled it, I learned that it's harder to cook than other asian rice.
I have no idea why.
I never saw my mother do anything special to it.
Just drop it in water.
when we do something like ofstream& foo= output_fstream_object; and then foo<<"some data"; , so the op "<<" is virtual ?
or should i ask how above thing works?
@RMartinhoFernandes please help with above thing?
come on ... no one willing to help idiots these days? :(
I believe operator << isn't virtual, but it calls things on a streambuf which are
@MrAnubis Why? If you have two int&, and add those integers, would you expect that addition operator to be virtual, too? FWIW, operator<<(const char*) is implemented in std::ostream, a base class of std::ofstream.
wtf, the gcc docs seem to have a mistake: "rdbuf(), which is non-virtual for hysterical raisins"
@sbi no , but i want to know how this thing is working inside
@awoodland That smells suspiciously string like a deliberate misspelling.
@MrAnubis "This thing" being what?
@sbi yes , std::ostream's operator<<(const char*) , does the right thing behind the scenes?
@MrAnubis I'm not sure what you are asking about. Why "behind the scene"? And what would be "the right thing" except outputting the string? (Which it does, unless your implementation has a glaringly stupid bug.)
@awoodland "but it calls things on a streambuf which are" , so after writing the data the data to streambuf , what happens next?
Is your problem with foo being a reference? If so, remember that a reference is an alias for an existing object. In other words, foo is just another name for output_fstream_object.
@MrAnubis The stream buffer buffers the data until the buffer overflows, it then writes to the device it is connected to. (Well, that's true for many stream buffers. A string stream buffer will never write anywhere, though.)
@sbi yes , but it points to the ostream part of ofstream object , right?
@MrAnubis It's an ofstream&, so its static type is ofstream, not ostream.
@MrAnubis - I'm not particularly familiar with the internals of iostreams/streambufs, but I believe the operator << will eventually end up calling something like put which is virtual and implemented by the streambuf of the fstream object's choosing
@MrAnubis you should better ask how it works, yes
@sbi ostream& foo= output_fstream_object; , and this?
@awoodland yes
@awoodland now that makes sense to me , thanks
@MrAnubis Oh, I think I understand what your problem is. Most of the streams functionality (converting between data types) is implemented in std::istream, std::ostream, and their base classes. Classes like std::i/o/fstream are just empty shells adding nothing but a constructor that creates a different stream buffer and passes that to the base class. (The actual reading and writing is implemented in those buffers.)
So in order to invoke operator<<(), no call into any derived class is ever needed, which is why those operators aren't implemented as virtual members.
@awoodland put isn't virtual , see this -> cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/ostream/put
@sbi aah , now i got it , thanks a lot :)
@sbi This is true ? -> cin's buffer (derived from streambuf. libc++ calls it "stdinbuf") is often just one char wide
I just noticed that if I start typing "why" into Google it suggests: "why are Belgians so". What's up with that?
@StackedCrooked - I don't get that, so it's probably a localised thing
I get "why do men cheat", "why is the sky blue"
(and some stuff about cats and dogs)
wow if I type "what" it shows me my public ip address
"who unfollowed me"
OMG this is actually edible!
lol, google
yo momma's so fat, when you google her, it crashes the Internet
She's named "Google"?
yo mamma so fat I had to change my compiler to LLP64 to address her completely
(possibly the nerdiest "yo mamma" joke I know)
what's LLP64?
looks like some numpty at EA failed to code their release check properly
mmm... BF3
This is an asshole. (See the comment he added.)
@RMartinhoFernandes Congrats!
> I personally know many programmers who aren't in their right mind.
I don't have a left mind.
@RMartinhoFernandes You don't have a mind left?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Home of animals and robots with no left mind left . [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
@sbi Typical help vampire.
You don't really have a left mind, right?
@StackedCrooked No, I don't have a left mind right, I have my left mind left. That's why it's called a left mind after all, right?
A mind is not a brain (and neither is it a brain lobe).
A robot is not a plant (and neither is it a leaf).
A human is not a plant either!
So what was your statement all about, really?
WTF is a left mind then?
I guess, psychologists talk about the left and right side of the brain, maybe that's what is being referred to
@RMartinhoFernandes One that sympathizes with politically left ideas?
oh lol
politics eh
and everything went quiet
Q: Simplified AES encryption (S-AES) Source Code C , C++ , C# , Java

user1016323I need S-AES encryption source code in any language.please send me link.

Crappy questions galore today.
@RMartinhoFernandes A mind that has left
... also, you're dead drunk.
@RMartinhoFernandes Sometimes I'm thinking the general topic of SO is being ignored. "... for professional and enthusiast programmers"
@Xeo What do you mean?
yea, I think is SO is becoming a Noob heaven that turns away real programmers
many of the newer questions are just plain not professional (so are their questioneers) and they show no real enthusiasm. The worst thing however... we actually answer their questions. :/
Well, "we" in a broader sense
Maybe we should downvote answers on crappy questions?
Downvote all the questions!!!
@TonyTheLion That's already being done
I already refrain from upvoting answers on questions that we don't want on the site, but someone else votes them up.
I mean, I got no problem helping out a newbie, but please not on SO. Maybe we need a new site for that?
I don't really browse SO for questions to answer anymore
@Xeo - there can be good newbie questions
I browse it for questions I find interesting
@awoodland Of course, but those are rather the exception.
the tag is pretty good still
@awoodland Yeah, but only because the newbies don't really know about that new stuff
@TonyTheLion - I'd add northerngasheating.com to that as well
I think that might be a British slang thing though
@awoodland There was a recent influx of good questions, too. Which I couldn't help but notice were submitted when I was asleep.
Hm. 10 rep away from 200. It's been a looong time since that last happened oO
Okay, who just gave me that upvote?
Wow, that seems to work rather well. Ok then, I'll have a go, too:
Just 180 rep away from 200 rep today.
lol, nice try
What? Nothing at all? What's wrong with you? Why does @Xeo get upvotes, but I don't?
I am grumpy now.
@sbi Aren't you always grumpy?
Also, boobie bonus. :P
a grumpy bonobo
What's a boobie bonus?
@RMartinhoFernandes Nvm that, just said that because @sbi always pictures me as a girl
See, she just admitted it.
But she never showed me her boobies!
( . Y . )
oh boobies
I knew, talk about boobies and tony suddenly appears
Oops. Has one of you just upvoted this old answer of mine?
you still got +20 rep today
@sbi no, didn't upvote a thing today
@sbi I did. But only because you helped me with my meal. Not because you begged.
@RMartinhoFernandes LOL!
May I ask why you picked that question?
Hmm. I have already upvoted a lot of your top answers, so I grabbed one from a bit below. That one seemed nice, so +1.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, yeah, that makes sense.
Hey, I see a deal coming up, @RMartinho: I help you every day with something I like very much (cooking), and you upvote one answer of mine in return. What do you think? :D
> Nobody remains virgin. Life fucks everyone.
@sbi I'm in! But I need to go shopping to cook other things :)
@awoodland why not ask the downvoter to leave a comment?
with the possibility that he won't notice it
Won't it create a temporary string?
substr will.
@RMartinhoFernandes - yes, but that's got to be better than calling find and checking it for 0
awoodland: std::mismatch(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin()) == a.end() when a is the shortest of the two strings.
oh actually this is already another answer
std::string can have embedded nulls right?
I preferred James Kanze's answer to the std::mismatch one, since it doesn't depend on a.size() < b.size()
@awoodland you can just swap the arguments if a.size() > b.size()
@codemaker Yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, that's how cooking usually works: 1) You pick something you want to cook. 2) You go shopping for the ingredients. 3) You cook it. 4) It gets eaten. 5) You clean dishes. (For this to become a deal, however, you need to run by #1 with me. Not everything is as easy as cooking rice.)
Advanced cooks might switch #1 and #2, BTW, lazy cooks skip #3. :)

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