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Sorry, I've been told not to use the B word in this room.
@Filip avspark
yum hotdog
operation went fine, btw
@MartinJames Belgium?
@Puppy Nobody cares about your operation until full-time :)
@JohanLarsson watching the game now, thanks man!
You lost the game.
@FilipRoséen-refp ok /målservice
@rightfold I keep forgetting Lounge<C++> is a part of the Internet, hence; weird as fuck.
No excuses.
@rightfold this is the Internet, do you think I will just back out of a perfectly awesome argumentation opportunity?
@JohanLarsson kthx /gladkund
@JohanLarsson har det varit såhär intensivt tryck från Belgien hela matchen!?
Sep 12 '13 at 8:29, by sehe
... ok that's enough gibberish for now :)
@FilipRoséen-refp Yes.
@FilipRoséen-refp nä, helt sjukt nu. Tror Belgien vann skotten med 7-2 i första om jag räknade rätt.
Sep 1 '11 at 15:57, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Gibberish again!
@sehe learn it, don't be jealous.
Get a room.
why so grumpy?
Sehe is always grumpy
first time for me
lol I just noticed he binned your messages
not much content in them though
Still silly.
So much tripping
@Rapptz that was because he asked for it :)
I'm talking about the game
I'm still not done with yesterday's pizzas :\
this food takes long to eat
I'm hungry
@Rapptz Obviously :)
@Feeds ?
@sehe add yourself back imo
:D that's a nice idea
Do you think I'm here often enough?
enough for?
The question on everyone's mind right now...
Equirectangular projection pinched poles are a pain, but I wonder if you could point them at the point of interest and use the extra pixels.
The US goalie is surprisingly good
@Rapptz I know, right?
Still no goals!
And the offense is scary.
I'm no longer watching the game anymore.
Why's that
Have to go back to work. ._.
I'm reading Nicol Bolas' opengl tutorial
and he starts with teaching vectors lol
I already went to school for this :v
Dat math.
He spends a lot of time on the scalar operations
But glances over normalization which is arguably a little bit more complex than adding vectors.
I keep getting flyers with pizza offers in my mailbox
it's as if they're reading my mind
@Rapptz Not everyone has the same background, some people might not remember, some may be too young to have seen it yet.
Yeah I know.
I'm just poking fun.
don't all graphics tutorials start with vectors?
they're sort of essential and the theory is short enough to always "remind" the reader about it
at least for the parts required by graphics
i wouldnt be surprised if some assumed the math knowledge (at which point you look it up yourself if you need to)
which i can understand
Well it wasn't anything complex..
I read about quarternions today, not sure if they are much more difficult than vectors but it was not an easy read for me.
Quaternions are fucked up :(
like it wasn't stuff like dot/cross product
@Borgleader I appreciated that my 3D graphics book started with vectors and matrices, because it saved me the effort of having to put things together from other sources
but yeah, you can definitely find other sources by yourself
some screensavers in debian are weird as fuck
OpenGL is weird already.
@Rapptz teaching is often about instilling enough confidence in pupils to move forward :/
I'm sure there's some sort of mathematical concept behind this, but I can't tell what it is
it looks like some sort of occult shit to me
@Xeo So I think this covers every last case, ever: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/a6701d463181f63a
For the member variable pointer, I could create an overloaded functor which has a set/get function and then pass THAT down.
But, uh.
Yeah, that's everything!
dayum, they poked me full of holes.
I've got at least eight.
if i use strongly typed enums do i have to use the scope resolution operator every single time?
@zounds You say that like it's a bad thing.
is there a way to have the type implied by the context?
well like switch(enum_type)
@Puppy "OK, he's closed up and that's it for the day. Say - he's not gonna wake up for hours yet, anyone in theatre fancy a game of darts?"
Can you using MyEnum; inside the switch for that?
Q: Calculating the value of a string in c#

user3741080I need to calculate the value of a string ex. "10(3-1)+2/5*2" and get either a float or a double returned using c#. If the function could handle powers and square-roots and maybe even things like trigonometry that would help a great deal, though that's not necessary. Thanks in advanced and excu...

a pure "write my code for me" question in its natural habitat
I'm still waiting for someone to ask something like
> I need a function to do X. Thanks.
I find qauternions quite odd
Very difficult to imagine :S
I just consider it an expansion of complex numbers
That's all it is
I find it difficult to imagine 3d transformations
I guess the math is too difficult for ne
I've only ever done complex numbers
Not Hamiltonian space
And I've only watched videos, if I was taught it I'd hope that I'd understand it more
@Rapptz Can you expand (no pun intended) on that?
@Borgleader You intended it. Don't lie you... you pun harbringer!
@Borgleader in what sense?
'Tim Howard could have saved Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. What a performance!'.
@Rapptz I don't really see how Quaternions have to do with complex numbers =/
The American goalie is a pro.
@Borgleader surely you joke right?
@Borgleader you know how complex numbers are basically kind related to polar coordinates? now add another dimension for 3d, and another for...uh...idk...and there you go!
You know how complex numbers have a + bi?
and i * i = -1?
Same is true with Quaternions.
Except it's a + bi + cj + dk
The football and maths threads are getting tensor..
stahp it
@Borgleader Quaternions are complex numbers, just in more dimensions.
and i*i = j * j = k * k = i * j * k = -1
also shit they scored
I missed it by explaining this
damn after seeing the goalie performance I actually want US to win lol
I try not to try to understand quaternions. I just think of them as some odd angle-axis notation that allows some kind of multiplication. :D
Ohh, wait, yeah there was this explanation about how uh complex numbers were a rotation, so adding 2 more dimensions makes it a 3d rotation. I should look up that explanation again it probably would help
quaternions are a representation of the rotation group SU2
@Rapptz Wait, Not-USA is up? (I don't know hwo the opponent is)
Well, RIP in peace The Dream
They can be used to encode rotations in 3d space
equivalent to 2x2 matrices over the complex field
Barack is now calling for the other kind of football :)
american football? :p
@MartinJames What, the kind where the NSA embeds a tracker inside the ball?
nuclear soccer? :p
The nuclear football (also known as the atomic football, the president's emergency satchel, the button, the black box, or just the football) is a briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the President of the United States to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers, such as the White House Situation Room. It functions as a mobile hub in the strategic defense system of the United States. Contents According to a Washington Post article, the president is always accompanied by a military aide carrying a "football" with launch codes for nuclear weapons. Th...
@Puppy handegg
Any 2x2 matrix with complex elements can be written in terms quaternion unit
2x2 with complex elements? pls no why would you do that
because it can be used to do rotations in 3d space
In the study of the representation theory of Lie groups, the study of representations of SU(2) is fundamental to the study of representations of semisimple Lie groups. It is the first case of a Lie group that is both a compact group and a non-abelian group. The first condition implies the representation theory is discrete: representations are direct sums of a collection of basic irreducible representations (governed by the Peter–Weyl theorem). The second means that there will be irreducible representations in dimensions greater than 1. SU(2) is the universal covering group of SO(3), and s...
SU(2) is related to SO(3) which is the real 3d space rotation group
SO(3) is just literally x,y,z rotations
but to represent rotations for 3d space with real elements you need 3x3 matrices
Using complex elements you can use 2x2 matrices
which have trivial multiplication, diagonalization, etc.
much easier computationally
but it breaks my head so it's no good :p
quaternions are identical to pauli matrices
if you know your quantum physics
Another score for Belgium
spin 1/2 rotations are literally quaternions
and hamilton invented them over a hundred yearts before anyone even had a hint that quantum was something that existed
ahead of his time, brilliant man
@JohanLarsson shit vad bra Belgien spelar, woop-woo!
Also before algebra was invented, what a fucking genius
@JohanLarsson nu; åter till matchen!
2-1 now
Shit - it's turned into a game!
2 USA, 1 Belgium?
Err.. no.
other way
@crasic This isn't really an achievement, since quaternions do represent another thing that absolutely did exist at the time. The fact that they also happen to represent other things well is coincidental.
^ this
Not coincidence because he stumbled upon non-commutative groups by accident
I just don't believe this game. Non-USA struggling now!
It is literally the same structure
Different representation
it absolutely is coincidental that the laws of the Universe happen to be represented well by one particular mathematical concept as opposed to another.
Hamilton himself had no idea what spin rotations are, and never did, and they had absolutely no influence on him at all.
I never claimed he was
But claiming coincidence is the realm of philosophy
The connections I consider fascinating
no, it's the realm of basic statistics and logic.
@MartinJames it's insane!
No, its philosophy on the nature of the universe, if it is mathematical in nature then this is not coincidence, but inevitablity, if it is not mathematical then it is coincidence
really good game
Which side you fall on that divide is philosophy
@crasic It was inevitably a coincidence.
in order for it to not be a coincidence, Hamilton would have to have known in advance about spin rotations.
since we can reasonably state that he had no fucking idea what they were, we can reasonably state that they had no influence on his development of quaternions.
I'm not saying that he wasn't a smart guy or even a genius, I'm merely saying that it's pretty obvious to everyone that unknown uses of his mathematics do not enhance his understanding or intelligence.
this game is intense as hell
@Rapptz Felani is ugly like shit
@Rapptz I know, crasic is getting puppy'd up like hell
wait, you're talking about football, right?
@AlexM. right
I never said he was influenced by spin rotation... but he was thinking about concepts well ahead of his time
that was my whole point
prove it
Hamiltons formulation of classical mechanics
USA lost 2-1
I can't watch the game
was a very good game
it's over
RIP in peace The Dream
Football is the only thing more boring than waiting to be released from hospital
QM, our modern formulation of it at least, follows his derivation of classical mechanics almost exacltly
@ThePhD Rest in peace in peace?
Minimization of action
Yeah. Extra peace.
@Rapptz There's the EURO in 2 years :P
@crasic So... his ideas were firmly placed in his time, then.
@crasic you can't really win with your claims
In that he placed them there
unless you prove Hamilton was seeing the future somehow
congrulations to Hamilton, but that clearly marks his ideas in his time.
He was missing key facts about the nature of the universe, but he invented QM as we know it mathematically
you can only have ideas ahead of your time if you have ideas that you cannot prove or nobody believes which later turn out to be correct.
@crasic So.. he invented a general mathematical thing that just happens to be useful for QM.
Well, quaternions, non abelian groups etc, where considered just pointless curiosities by his contemporaries
that is not unprovable or incorrect.
that Greek guy who came up with atoms a few thousand years ago, he was ahead of his time.
No arguments there
@crasic Please no cursing in the lounge
@crasic What does this even mean?
correct me if I'm wrong, but Hamilton lived in what, 1700, 1800?
basic algebra as we know it has been around for thousands of years.
hell, Pythagoras used it to prove his Theorem.
what was that star wars game for N64/Gamecube where you fly spaceships?
@Rapptz Algebra refers to more than school algebra
where you fly spaceships is a bit redundant for Star Wars games.
Your statement doesn't make sense no matter in what context I put it in.
Abstract algebra would be more specific
did I mention that I'm full of holes?
@Crow Rogue Squadron? (tbf, i googled xwing n64)
eight of them, to be exact.
@crasic That is just a bad bad and untrue representation of history.
@Puppy but like. It was almost exclusively flying spaceships, so I don't think it was battlefront
The generalized concept of algebra is a discovery of the late 19th century. Obviously people have been dancing around the concepts of fields and groups in the form of polynomials for eons.
but... if he came up with things that contributed to our modern science
isn't it more logical to say he contributed to the formation of the modern science
instead of saying he came up with those things before said modern science was invented?
Hamilton invented quantum mechanics in the same way that... Euclid invented classical mechanics?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hamilton, why Hamilton?
This shit doesn't spring out of thin air :v
@CaptainGiraffe How do you figure. Schroedingers equation can be derived from first principles only through Hamiltons formalization of action
I never claimed he invented QM, I said he was ahead of his time in that his ideas didnt see their full potential for over a century
that is nothing like what "ahead of his time" means.
9 mins ago, by crasic
He was missing key facts about the nature of the universe, but he invented QM as we know it mathematically
Key word
Just like Euclid!
@crasic Ah, first principles. Any wave equation, imaginary or not is that key. First principles are just plain ridiculous.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I won't contest that
But surely you'll realise the futility of your statement.
@CaptainGiraffe First principles means a minimal set of assumptions
(Though to be fair, Newton did come with derivatives himself.)
For instance, you don't need to assume properties of certain spin operators
Newton was a champ
That minimal set of assumptions is a huge part of our progress.
He's my favourite mathematician.
they can be derived from rotational symmetry and time evolution of the hamiltonian
@crasic Any spin operators in particular
Hey @Puppy! How did it go?
many holes.
Angular momentum is a derived concept, although it is usually taught as a given
I was poked full of many holes
@Puppy Is that good or bad?
well I'd rather have a few less holes but the extras aren't serious
Or rather, the non-commutative nature of angular momentum operators
honestly I won't know how it went for about four weeks.
@crasic No not in the last 35 years. I was taught it as a mathematical feature with a measurable property
@Puppy oh ok. Well at least this part is now over, which was probably the most annoying part.
I spent most of the time waiting
only about 1h 30 in surgery and about another 1h after waking up that I really needed to recover
the rest of the time was mostly wasted waiting
Yep, I know the feeling
How come I commented in favor of goto and nobody cut me a new one? stackoverflow.com/questions/24516691/…
@Puppy What did they do? Remove something?
cut me open in four places and stuck a camera around and sampled some lymph nodces
@CaptainGiraffe Which is certainly useful, but fundamentally it is essentially the expression of rotational symmetry
and can be derived assuming only rotational symmetry
@Puppy I hear Nymphs (no lodes) are entirely superior!
@CaptainGiraffe *I hear loads of nymphs are entirely superior!
so yes
today, tomorrow, and probably day after, I have officially off from Life, the Universe, and Everything.
> How to get pussy

- closed as primarily opinion-based
@chris lolwut
Hello, World!
that would be on topic for tony.stackexchange.com
It's gone now
user image
I love that close reason
@chris I like how this was closed as Primarily opinion based (which is true :P) as opposed to Off-topic for SO.
I love goto
I'll die a viring.
Duh, robots can't have sex.

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