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2:25 AM
Any geek priest around? I want to confess I never read the C++ Bible.
2:52 AM
Not sure if this could realy be qualified as a sin...
@Drahakar well, I confess I avoid exceptions as much as possible too. That's a sin.
is it?
I think exception are for exceptionnal case (hard drive fail, out of memory)
@Drahakar how do you fail on a constructor without using exceptions?
Doesn't this leave you object constructed but in an "undefined" state?
@jweyrich nah that's the way to do it (parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/exceptions.html#faq-17.8)
3:09 AM
@Drahakar yes, that's the problem. You can't reliably destruct it as you can't distinguish between what has been correctly initialized and what not. The only way is by setting a flag and checking it afterwards (argh!).
Even so, you can't reliably destruct the object.
So for all of you kids at home, do not construct object with wrong parameter.
gtg, cya jweyrich.
@Drahakar ok, cya
1 hour later…
4:29 AM
Well, this is boring...
4:53 AM
Why isn't the upvotes updating my overall score today? Whom do I contact?
2 hours later…
6:41 AM
oops :]
@Chubsdad Did you hit the rep limit?
7:26 AM
GMan sorry didn't know that there is a chat.. thanks for the link :D
obviously too late :/
8:02 AM
So there is a chat now ?!
8:53 AM
2 hours later…
11:11 AM
@GMan: Nope buddy, Have not hit the daily limit yet. :) Looks like there was some delay. Seems to be OK now. Thanks.
This chat is cool!.
Eh, it works.
Well, sometimes; doesn't crash Chrome for me anymore. :)
7 hours later…
6:23 PM
sups all
2 hours later…
7:58 PM
mannnn, more people need to join
8:55 PM
c++ rocks - sorry but it does
2 hours later…
11:14 PM
Whoa, 6 people. That must be a record.

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