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@LightnessRacesinOrbit NO WAY
@thecoshman that smiley is fabulous
@Jefffrey :P
Do strangers keep adding you guys as contacts on youtube?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit who the f puts the sparkly bjarnes there
@sehe who ever it was, they did it like a boss
Why am I keeping on receiving those recommanded videos from people I don't know on youtube?
@telkitty.exe impossible because that presumes I have an account. That's likely your mistake
I have a channal on youtube with various wildlife videos I took over the years, I have to have an account for it.
@sehe so many mistakes there. s/Tha/I/ and s/ur/u're a/
I am not upset, just curious about whether it is normal for this to happen ...
@Jefffrey it's ok in chrome, but it's crooked in Opera i.imgur.com/2MYTQsF.png
@telkitty.exe It is normal for you
@sehe what? has that made the one eye slightly different height to another?
Looks crooked to me
@thecoshman seems like it
that is such an odd thing to do :S
still, there was that funny Chrome was doing, slipping in narrow boxes when I type some funky characters
and the eyes of Jefffreys smiley have different height the other way
@ArneMertz ... maybe it's resetting it?
@thecoshman might be yes.
@ScottW yo
@sehe we need a screenie of these: ¬‿¬ ¬‿¬ '‿'
He used character: ‿ U+203F
Alias names:Greek enotikon
Block: General Punctuation
Unicode category: Punctuation, Connector
So, it's likely because it's a Connector punctuation thing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes WAY
That's hilarious.
@ScottW how could you have missed April fools day fun here ~_~
> enotikon
@Xeo :NO
@ArneMertz Maybe he wanted U+2323 SMILE
@sehe It's used in IPA.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That. I knew that.
@sehe thanks
@thecoshman no resetting it seems
@ScottW ooooh - that'll take off
@ScottW [skɔt]
what is my ipa? ;0
none given in wikipedia : (
@ScottW more strictly, I'm bartosz
ʂ is for "shh" sound?
> www.whatismyipa.com is unavailable or may not exist
@BartoszKP I didn't get Scott's from there. Wiktionary has no entries for proper names.
It's just how I pronounce it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit don't tell me you had to try that to find out
@BartoszKP Yeah.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit precious few fellars appeared to be interested...
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool. seems all right then! thanks
@Rapptz Oh, I'm blind.
yeah, saw it, good one : D
I've sent my resume already ;V
> type type type on computer.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I should probably start charging.
send pics when done ;0
people use the GPL for art?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I found GPLv3 for art and thought it was weird
http://isocpp.org working hard to establish a serious public image: @isocpp Surely this is a late April Fool :/ http://t.co/Zc5zxyQLPM
coding is art
@Rapptz I thought they had a specific license for art.
coding is garfunkel
@sehe the height of #nerdnotfunniness
pathetic, really
@sehe lol, sorry I clicked "flag media" to see what will happen (I don't have a twitter account) and it just said "flagged"
@sehe lol
@LightnessRacesinOrbit objective observation. And I'm serious. I don't think this intentional. I don't think it's a problem either. But I'm just observing. Note the smiley
@LightnessRacesinOrbit "zing"
either they are stupid to allow non registered users flag content, or they that smart to let them believe that they flagged something, and just ignore the flag ;0
@sehe It's actually the image of one of the linked articles (the iterator one by Pubby)
> I don't think this intentional. I don't think it's a problem either
Can I specialise a nested template outside of the containing class?
I'm just observing. I knew the reason for the sparklies
@R.MartinhoFernandes Think so
template<...> struct Outer::Inner<...>{ ... };
lol, I just got the "garfunkel" joke
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think I've done this for specific instance of the outer template. Not sure about template template (I think I remember my compiler refusing with the dreaded "extraneous template specifier" message?)
@BartoszKP teeedeeelee deetee - You can call me Al :)
@sehe Hm, yeah, can't seem to specialize for all outer template instantiations
Outer is not a template.
Oh, problem solved (nested template sort of implied outer was of the same kind. Yeah I know)
Still relevant though. I'm going to need the same for one that is contained in a template.
IOW here come the tricks.
Standard solution #1.
@presiuslitelsnoflek so funny :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes something like this?
narf. now...
Oh, it actually works then.
that syntax is so bad
at least gcc doesn't cry about it...
you compiled with clang though
@ArneMertz Try fully specializing Inner without fully specializing Outer
I can't get that to work
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:25:10: error: 'struct Outer<double, int>::Inner<char, double>' has no member named 'c'
   OdiIcd.c = 'z';
@R.MartinhoFernandes I got a few bookmarks with that link :/
hmm is that a gcc bug?
I can't imagine why it'd fail
@Xeo neither can I...
the "natural" way should be `template <class O1, class O2>`
`template <>`
`struct Outer<O1, O2>::Inner<double, char> { int specializedForXeo; };`
format fail
otoh that one can be defined inside the general definition of Outer
I got this to work
template <class O1, class O2>
struct Outer {
  template <class I1, class I2, class = void>
  struct Inner { double d; };
  template<class Test>
  struct Inner<double, int, Test> { int x; };
yeah, tricking the compiler into "it's not really fully specialized..."
I am not sure why you would do that
(and no, the specialization can not be put into the definition of Outer)
@ScarletAmaranth do what?
@ArneMertz such template wankery :)
@ScarletAmaranth oh because wanking is fun? :P
apparently this is supposed to be allowed in C++14 from what I read in Total Retardation in C++: coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/1d2ac4b74b3db9e2
after almost one and a half year, my first gold badge is incoming at last...
@ScarletAmaranth Filthy heathen.
@ArneMertz Oh, my idea was a better trick.
when you guys see 3 download buttons
do you pick a random one?
whenever I look at the url when I hover they're always ajax
Sadly doesn't work too well if the outer has variadics.
@Rapptz how are they placed within the page? all in a row, 3 on three different rows? what size do they have?
it seems all 3 lead to the same page
generally I pick the middle one and/or the smallest
I tend to go with the one with the most modern look
@sehe Lambda the Ultimate is a circlejerk. I don't know what you expected.
@BartoszKP Ten days ago called
aaaaand repost
as always, Poland far behind :(
or it's just me? :V
Who's the moron who's been downvoted every answer on this question? (and probably the question itself too) — Arlaud Pierre 9 mins ago
IEEE Students: No three-month course can teach you how to code
no shit
> Organizations such as Codecademy, the Flatiron School, and General Assembly regularly get lauded for churning out legions of seemingly qualified engineers.
They do?
Is that how meaningless the word "engineer" has become?
most likely
some people also like to think coder = engineer
so yeah
To be honest I never saw Codecademy get lauded for that, and I never heard of the other two.
software engineer
I suspect observation bias either on my part or the author's part.
here in Romania you are only awarded a software engineer degree if you follow the polytechnic university
aside from CS it also includes some electronics and stuff
also physics
I do physic FFS
I went to a CS-only college so I'll only be a "programmer" once I get my degree
my most hated course
@AlexM. Pro. Alex sounds nice
@AlexM. That's what my degree looked like.
I do use Codeacademy on my Python courses for beginners
fortunately they do not seem to think they are now engineers
@R.MartinhoFernandes author probably
I visit learnprogramming everyday and I've never heard of the other two sites
> These functions have parentheses in odd places. This is because the Image: namespace is reserved in Mediawiki.
> Have Liberal Arts Degree, Will Code
@R.MartinhoFernandes Again, I was just observing. Yes I noticed LtU is less than interesting (at least in recent years)
> I am a .NET developer. I come from a humanities background (history/geography/psychology) and found that some of that experience definitely helped me get a grasp on the languages. If you really think about it, programming is really just writing a paper with a little more logic in there.
a little?
It's just typing!
oh neat, MIT has some free courses on electronic circuits
all this talk reminded me I'd like to meddle with some Arduinos later on
TIL round-robin fashion is not about fashion
lol : D
as if it wasn't slow enough :E
> Thanks for your hard work! Clippy has already saved me several picoseconds.
Clang can't even compile my code noticeably faster than GCC :S
It's all lies.
that surpriseth me not.
I thought Clang was hip and cool
That's what it is.
for me, the only real differentiation between Clang and GCC is that Clang is available as a library (and don't have a super shitty licence)
libgcc is coming in 2017!
you'll see
but it'll be pretty useless
and licensed as GPL
and therefore useless
There's a libgcc already.
you know what I meant!
comment callback of the day:
@MilesRout: Nobody said it was "needed". Fortunately, as human beings with souls, hearts and brains, we don't limit ourselves to only what is "needed". I can see that you appreciate this fundamental fact, judging by your decision to post that comment. — Lightness Races in Orbit Feb 11 at 11:52
depends on definition of "needed"
are you saying that a definition of "needed" is needed?
: D
not exactly, I didn't mean the word "needed", but arbitrary decision on what things are needed
for example: typedefs can be seen as not needed, but if you want better readability, then they are needed
so, yeah definition of "needed" is not an issue. The issue is what you need
and what you need is what is needed for you
and this depends on how you define "needed"?
seems I have a little problem here
Well that was my point
hmm I haven't posted an SO question for a few hours
I understood it as that you say, that because humans have souls they do sometimes things that are not needed
@BartoszKP the other half of it is that since we have brains we are aware that we might want to do things that are not "needed" anyway, which is your thing
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah, these "things" might be "needed" or no. We can say, that if people do them, then for some reason they are needed
@BartoszKP shrug I suppose
even if they were only needed to satisfy someone's itch or curiosity
I needed to post an April Fools' question yesterday because, if I hadn't, I would have been slightly sad.
yup : D
do we need to?
so this was the joke for this year
you expected everyone to skeet
and they didnt!
how cool is that?
Can you not use that as a verb?
dunno, I just used it referencing Scott. What's wrong with that? ;0
so is it valid to say that you people skeeted (on) Jon Skeet last year? :O
wtf my mouse pad is all wonky
it kept skipping the mouse cursor and click random shit, and on urbandictionary it selected all the text on the page =/ seems fixed now but that was weird
@BartekBanachewicz Comparison of nearest-neighbor-search strategies and implementations for efficient shape registration You might find this interesting - some NN libs compared in 3D
The source of the source of the infamous table (click on "or generate JS comparison table)
I didn't know : D
@ThePhD how did you implement shadows for directional lights? do you consider the origin of a directional light somewhere very far to the side where it's coming from? (as of current, I have no notion of "origin" for directional lights)
the origin is wherever you want the origin
so get a notion
Assuming struct { int a; int b; } , is the compiler allowed to add padding between a and b?
@ScarletAmaranth Directional lights use a different kind of projection that do not require an origin, only a direction.
@presiuslitelsnoflek Of course it is.
Why is everybody so concerned about padding?
@DeadMG oh; I have them working; I just can't figure out how to cast shadows based on them
> Is it possible to write own steam fusion in library in Haskell?
@ScarletAmaranth That's where the "different kind of projection" comes in.
depending on your shadow technique, I guess.
I'm actually only familiar with shadow mapping
@Jefffrey these programmers, they are control-freaks you know ;u
for each relevant point shoot a ray towards every light source and see if it's obscured; sort of thing
@BartoszKP ^^
(I don't speak the actual terminology for that, I've devised everything I've coded myself)
so for every relevant point, shoot a ray to the edge of your scene in the direction the light is coming from, see if it's obscured.
aaa, alright, that sounds like a plan, thanks @DeadMG
(I was thinking of shooting towards some infinite point someplace and consider it "origin")
waste of time
yeah, your idea is more refined :)
omg, reading publications is so exhausting. after reading the abstract I'm already sleepy :X
I farted
not loud enough, I'm still sleepy
"Hey boss, can you come over to the whiteboard to discuss some implementation issues I ran into?" "Sure." twenty minutes later "Oh, it is trivial."
The hard part was figuring out it was trivial. cries in a corner
@R.MartinhoFernandes Your boss said it was trivial or you did ?
Or are you the boss?
@Borgleader We figured it out together.
Ok, he did.
So, one of our games got nominated at the Canadian Videogame Awards. Normally I wouldn't care, but it's also nominated for "Best Technology".
There, submitted two ideas for lightning talks for the C++ UG.
@EtiennedeMartel congrats
Fucking accent.
posted on April 02, 2014

Wasn't C compatibility a major reason that C++ was designed the way it was? If so, why not write that desire into the standard?

@EtiennedeMartel Oh gawd. Canadians are just as dumb as other Americans!
on ne parle pas le francais monsieur.
T'es qui toi?
offended? haha
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't think this guy knows me.
Facebook to acquire OpenGameArt.org for, like, a gazillion dollars opengameart.org/content/…
very original april fools joke
so basically nothing is even marginally safe on the internet unless we are using certificates and SSL
> Ahmed Hassan ([email protected])
Please respond to my private e-mail address ([email protected])
Spam mails are so unoriginal and derpy...
> Heute geht of this Grün direkt in our Portemonnaies!
At least it's somewhat funny how bad they are
@EtiennedeMartel Et l'espace avant le point d'interrogation ?
@EtiennedeMartel Je vois que c'est pas mieux chez vous que chez nous :D
@Feeds C compatibility != binary compatibility
instance Ord Bool -- Defined in `GHC.Classes'
What about it?
Prelude> (True > False)
what's the sense behind that?
It's just the default ordering.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, but why would booleans be sortable? was it decided randomly that True is > than `False?
@Jefffrey Because then a && b == min(a, b) and a || b == max(a, b). Isn't that awesome?
@FredOverflow mind blowing
You can extend that to multi-valued boolean logics.
Like 0 = false, 0.5 = maybe, 1 = true.
min and max will continue to work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes comparing > compare `on`
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see
@FredOverflow It only works for some. Some use multiplication and addition instead.

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