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8:00 PM
Find something better
you know well enough they all suck
hmm... I wish I could remember what 'site' I signed my email server as
on the plus side, turns out I did set it up correctly
bar that what ever it was
seems I can't play the game anymore because I changed the PC's timezone to what was right and the Ren'Py engine thinks I time traveled, and goes into an infinite loop
I wish programmers would just fucking write these basic unit tests to prevent shit like this from happening
it still doesn't compare to that Zune bug where the programmers forgot there's such a thing as leap years
and all Zunes went into infinite loops on new years' sometime ago
8:24 PM
Fuck you WebKit.
I win.
Fucking -webkit-datetime-edit-fields-wrapper having a one-pixel padding.
Because I write it myself, fool.
8:33 PM
I found other reset stylesheets to have either shortcomings or be over-featured.
For example, they don’t fix form field styles.
For example, they set fonts.
they set shit back to sensible defaults
@LightnessRacesinOrbit shit2, even better than the original?
8:34 PM
@thecoshman Sensible for application A, but not for application B.
And it happens that my application is application B.
sensible for generic shit where you don't want stupid brouser settings
you use CSS resets because browsers are fucking stupid and put there own crappy decisions on for everyone.
I know what CSS resets are for.
I only care about WebKit and Gecko and I need very specific and modular stuff.
you know what they are not for? using on there own. You should still follow up with rules for your own shit
what is not specific about shit like random padding being put on elements?
nobody wants that
you suck
8:38 PM
Well, for this specific case.
I have never found a CSS reset that reset the padding on input::-webkit-datetime-edit-fields-wrapper.
so? use them anyway. Just put your extra rules on top.
And removes the spinners (I still need to find something for that).
@thecoshman Never said I didn’t use one.
8:40 PM
stop complaining then?
@thecoshman google.com/…
@thecoshman You complained.
9 mins ago, by thecoshman
you complained I complained!
Is that a complaint?
8:44 PM
that is! stop it!
Is that a complaint?
no, order
Why would I obey you?
I've got a question to ask that I've formulated into a real question and viewed a lot of tutorials on, but I just can't seem to find a good, simple answer. Am I in the right place to ask?
8:46 PM
@user3308043 No. See Stack Overflow.
I did that.. no luck in making any sense of anything.
C++ question
Not our problem.
Can I give it a shot with you guys?
lol ok
8:50 PM
@rightfold your dates are wrong
There are no dates in there.
'mercan dates
Oh, the date formats.
yeah, they are wrong.
8:52 PM
Well, on my machine it shows it as the only decent format which is dd<separator>mm<separator>yyyy.
You just suck.
where is it deciding the format from?
@thecoshman From the settings on your computer.
8:54 PM
These are my settings.
Chrome happens to use the short format.
@rightfold strange...
Why is it strange?
You’d expect this behaviour; those settings aren’t there for nothing.
that it's using mm/dd/yyyy whilst nothing else on my computer does
8:56 PM
Chrome on your OS sucks.
Man. I don’t want to go on vacation in another country.
I always experience homesickness when I do.
where are you supposed to go?
If only I knew.
the hell is the high council of the lounge?
9:05 PM
Life Question #1.
lol inb4 north korea
I don't know why people that are not members of the High Council thought that they could take part in High Council discussions :P — R. Martinho Fernandes yesterday
@Jefffrey Not you :v
@CatPlusPlus not you either apparently
9:13 PM
@Jefffrey elitist jerks :P
Pfh, I'm the king
Kings have not much power.
We have minister presidents for that.
@rightfold how is it a vacation then? some sort of placement? also, grow the fuck up :P
I get very nervous when I’m not in the Netherlands or similar countries.
9:20 PM
Fuck everything about this shit: areaaperta.com/nicescroll
@CatPlusPlus Ugh, what the fuck.
Dat scrolling.
nice scroll my ass
Non-standard behaviour is fucking terrible.
I don’t understand why people don’t understand that.
9:22 PM
Oh you mean like Apple and their "natural scrolling" =/
@rightfold phf
Fuck Apple and goddamn hipsters who replicate that shit everywhere
@Borgleader that's standard behavior on OS systems?
How is Apple related to this?
> nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style.
9:24 PM
It’s the author who is a moron.
Apple can’t help he exists.
@Jefffrey No theirs is inverted, because youknow how on iPads you drag down to go up? Well on Mac OS (at least the ones we had in uni) if scroll wheeled down it would go up (as opposed to going down like on oh idk every OS ever)
did you say that TeamCity was in the middle of being upgraded or something?
YouTrack, TC is fine
Also it took like 2 minutes
9:25 PM
TC doesn't seem to be fine
won't pull Wide from bitbucket
Failed for the root 'Mainline' #9: 'hg --config ui.interactive=False pull bitbucket.org/DeadMG/wide'; command failed.
stderr: abort: error: _ssl.c:345: error:0B084009:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:PEM lib
I know little about certificates but I'm guessing this isn't an issue with me pushing bad code :P
Something is terribly fucked up with Ubuntu's SSL support
Should be fine now
yeah, there's a couple builds queued I see
you know, I was going to ask you about the VCS trigger not working
but I just saw an automatically added build when I pushed.
so never mind that
I can't stop sneezing
9:29 PM
which makes the muscles in my body contract
and in turn hurts me because of my leg
this sucks
Lounge<Pain> Being human sucks
I am going to sleep.
9:33 PM
@Borgleader yeah, but that's their standard behavior. The standard behavior for Mac OS.
You can configure it.
It’s in the mouse settings panel.
@Jefffrey It still goes against every thing else and honestly isn't better. (I know you can easily turn it off, but its a dumb default imo)
@Borgleader When you say that website X does not conform to the standard behavior you refer to the fact that they don't let the underlying operating system handle that.
Just pick the option you’re used to.
9:35 PM
OSes should be free to decide anything about scrolling, and web pages should adapt to that. Fuck any kind of custom scrolling in web pages one can think of.
9:57 PM
@DeadMG Says you, clearly having not written down the time of your appointment. I guess an electronic system is too advanced for a software developer.
actually, they write it down and give it to you in a slip... I'm just in the habit of throwing them away :(
not used to dealing with information about my life that I can't access from my desktop
Q: Dad jokingly told boss that I called him dumb to my shock

user2769651So I have a bit of a transportation problem and I work at a startup. It was a Saturday night and my dad came to pick me up but I had my phone on silent. So he came in and had some small talk with my boss and another one of his colleagues (They are close friends). Anyways while my boss, and I we...

A: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

KevinPython #!/usr/bin/python lizt = ["SPOI", "LERS: Lo", "st begins with ", "a plane crash on", "a desert island and end", "s with its viewers stuck in limbo forever." ] while(True): for item in lizt: print len(item) Edit: As per nneonne...

not bad
@DeadMG Yes, so when you get home, enter it into your electronic calendar.
Fuck, this isn't rocket science.
And you're blaming the government for the exact same thing.
Everybody luuuuurves to blame the government.
@Rapptz heh
the Java entry is fairly inventive, too
it is pretty cool
a lot of the answers are actually neat
he needs to go deeper
A 4 star programmer?
Unlike restaurants, the quality of the code is not proportional to the amount of stars in it. — Borgleader 5 secs ago
number of stars.
how do you get to the 4 star level?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Tbh that code is fubar
I wish there was a "code is fubar" close reason
there are a lot of obvious questions in the hot question list
like the "why is (x - y)/y the same as x/y - 1" or the definition of a half life
@Rapptz When I think of Half-life I always remember this comic (its a French comic but you should get the joke just from the illustrations)
harder than you think man.
@Borgleader is that the turtle vs athlete sophism?
or something like that
what was that guy's name
this guy:
Zeno's paradoxes are a set of philosophical problems generally thought to have been devised by Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea (ca. 490–430 BC) to support Parmenides's doctrine that contrary to the evidence of one's senses, the belief in plurality and change is mistaken, and in particular that motion is nothing but an illusion. It is usually assumed, based on Plato's Parmenides (128a-d), that Zeno took on the project of creating these paradoxes because other philosophers had created paradoxes against Parmenides's view. Thus Plato has Zeno say the purpose of the paradoxes "is to show tha...
it's the first paradox, Achilles vs the turtle
for those who don't want to bother clicking the link but would rather read it all here
> In the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, Achilles is in a footrace with the tortoise. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 metres, for example. If we suppose that each racer starts running at some constant speed (one very fast and one very slow), then after some finite time, Achilles will have run 100 metres, bringing him to the tortoise's starting point.
> During this time, the tortoise has run a much shorter distance, say, 10 metres. It will then take Achilles some further time to run that distance, by which time the tortoise will have advanced farther; and then more time still to reach this third point, while the tortoise moves ahead.
> Thus, whenever Achilles reaches somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has farther to go. Therefore, because there are an infinite number of points Achilles must reach where the tortoise has already been, he can never overtake the tortoise.
I always thought that Paradox was retarded
10:35 PM
@AlexM. No I think its the Dichotomy paradox
theyre basically saying the arrow didnt reach you because it would have to travel half the distance, then another half, then another, etc... and the remainder is always non-zero
yeah now that you mention it it does make more sense
tbh all of those paradoxes can be solved with basic calculus :v
party pooper :P
Achilles vs the turtle one in particular can be solved with basic algebra
the paradoxes wouldn't make sense to anyone today, not even kids I think
which is sort of a nice proof we did evolve, even if a bit, as humans
the keyboard decides to lag like hell every random interval, brb throwing this shit away, wireless keyboard, never again
10:38 PM
I think Zeno was just retarded
bad thing is I gotta restart the PC :( I hate that
I've never restarted my PC to plug in a USB wired keyboard :v
my wired keyboard is not using USB slots
it's one of those old PS/2 things I think
it's almost 6 or 7 years old now
it's not broken but I wanted to try out wireless keyboards so I kinda replaced it for a while
10:54 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit, thanks for the edit buddy
@Jefffrey no problem pal
I am not a pink elephant with psoriasis.
@melak47 ah, yeah I know there's the problem with the ball disappearing
I didn't have time to fix it
(it's in the bug list on github)
lol, here's a term: Résumé-driven-design
when you try to use all sorts of new software for a particular problem just for the experience, regardless of whether or not the software is necessary
Compulsive Variability
.. trust me, it was funny.
11:28 PM
@AndyProwl I need to install a redistributable for this? I'm disappointed in you.
Wait. The debug runtime? What the fuck.
I'm sure it's not outrageous for a bunch of developers to have the Visual Studio runtime
But I so wanted to play Shit 2!
@Rapptz The Visual Studio 2013 debug runtime? Yes.
not really
Because I don't have VS2013.
I have VS2012.
11:34 PM
you're going to run across something that will need it anyway :v
maybe not debug
Usually, people build their stuff in release when they want to release it.
It's not the "having to install a redist" that bugs me. It's the "debug" part.
@Rapptz Windows developers, maybe
thanks for pointing out the obvious!
help me, I mean you say me how to realize it correctly. — user3425832 32 mins ago
TIL you can have explicit conversion operators as in explicit operator int()
11:54 PM
@LightnessRacesinOrbit interesting find (the (B)a) and that both gcc and clang accepts it
@Jefffrey C++11 feature.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Have you ever encountered two headers that could not live in the same translation unit?
Er any headers that define the same things?

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