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3 mins ago, by thecoshman
@FredOverflow not at all... though 2 is mostly good, mostly.
@thecoshman And what reference is that?
> They come mostly at night, mostly
Hey Scot.
@thecoshman Newt?
Hmm.. I can feel a strange tingling sensation and, if I close my eyes, I can see flashes of light. I suspect it's radiation from the three mails that have arrived in my inbox - they all have 'SAP' in the title:(
@FredOverflow ... mostly
@MartinJames Have you been bitten by radioactive spiders, lately?
@ScottW Next step: a Russian book. I recommend War and Peace (but you have to read it in Russian). That'll cure you of this reading stuff.
@JerryCoffin The Russians have a word for Peace?
@MartinJames We'll hold a memorial for you in Berlin if you disappear sometime until then.
@FredOverflow If you are referring to my German customer, then yes.
@FredOverflow Sure. Of course, the meaning is somewhat context-dependent. It can also mean "fiction" or "fantasy".
@MartinJames What if the mails are urgent, do they have "SAP: ASAP!" in the title? ;)
@FredOverflow LOL! If I open them, I'm pretty sure that's what lurks inside.
@ScottW I recommend that you do a heroine instead. If you can't fine a real heroine, at least somebody who looks like the heroine in a movie... :-)
> Asks for help about simple tasks that can be solved by looking at the docs, repeatedly rejects actual solutions, claims anyone trying to help them is stupid and has no idea what they're talking about. Also an incompetent idiot spewing crap about how he knows better because he EARNS SO MUCH MONEY (despite openly admitting that he's not even a programmer; what a hack). Ministry of Shame lol
@JerryCoffin Wait, so that Skunk Anansie song wasn't about drugs?
@FredOverflow I don't even know who Skunk Anansie was/is, not to mention the subject of any of his/her/their songs.
You have to remember: I'm an old fart. I haven't paid much attention to most new music since the '70's... :-)
She’s my heroin.
@FredOverflow Hmm...here I thought you were talking about music of some sort, but apparently not...
@JerryCoffin oh you
@StackedCrooked You don't like how I portray my own narrow-mindedness as if it were a simple fact? You're obviously intolerant and therefore evil!
Damn hiccups.
Die Antwoord is kinda interesting.
There's not really any pretense of music.
maybe I should play Dishonored again, but this time, butcher everyone in sight.
ok never mind that
unskippable cutscenes -> forget replay value.
that sucks
Are you sure?
I can skip them with the controller.
some are skippable
but not all.
the cutscenes are skippable, but some of the interactive elements aren't- for example, the scene when you very first load the game
which is technically interactive and therefore not a cutscene and totally not skippable.
that's the problem with cutscenes-as-gamplay-elements.
it's a lot easier to skip playing a video file
@ScottW hey <3
@StackedCrooked ..but it's shot in B&W, so it's clearly high art, and if you don't agree you're just too much of a cretin to understand... :-)
I'm alright. What about yourself?
End of March
oh, where you moving to?
@JerryCoffin i guess the mean faces help as well
ah right
@TonyTheLion End of Marge
I changed my mind.
I hate everyone, and I do not have a lot of money, so I’ll vote Labour Party instead of Party for Freedom.
@DeadMG cutscenes suck, period.
Cut scenes, on the other hand …
Wait, what other hand?
the invisible hand?
you know
I'm looking at a picture of the N64 controller, and who the fuck was that even designed for
a 3-handed person?
@JohanLarsson it disappeared in deep inside her cunt.
Shoulder deep.
did you see it?
@JohanLarsson It appeared in her mouth.
@DeadMG well... I do like the central and right part... that left side with the d-pad and shoulder button, ergh what a waste.
DualShock master race.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well done, aren't you a useful member of society.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's what I did too. It wasn't that bad I guess. Just the whole left part was almost completely wasted.
I find it quite ridiculous.
@DeadMG for nearly every game, that was the only way, unless you could remap
I had a friend who actually held it with his right hand in the middle, and his left hand wrapped around to the right vOv
@rightfold You know, I did actually own one of these devices Back In The Day™
I’ve had all of Nintento’s main consoles except for the Wii U and the N64.
NES broke.
SNES is still fun.
@rightfold The best controller I've used so far is the Xbox 360 controller.
@EtiennedeMartel I never really liked it.
which game did you spent most hours on?
The battery pack always fell out of it. :|
@EtiennedeMartel yeah that's ok
@rightfold Well, your hands suck.
But hey, they’re free, so good enough!
@EtiennedeMartel My penis disagrees.
I actually prefered the original xbox controller over the smaller version, but then I don't have tiny hands
@StackedCrooked Donkey Kong Country, Modern Warfare 2 and Minecraft, in that order.
Probably also OoT somewhere in the top five.
@rightfold That happens when you break it, yes.
@rightfold DKC2 was better.
@rightfold Not keen on Mario games?
Super Mario Bros. and Super Paper Mario were great video games.
Speaking of video games, I should add multiplayer to mine.
I still like the Mario game that came with the SNES. The one where eating feathers gives you a cape for some reason.
@rightfold Most Mario titles were great.
Anyone pick up a new laptop recently that they like? In the market for a new one and having trouble making a decision.
Exceptions would be Mario Paint and Mario Teaches Typing (not the "strong typing vs weak typing" typing).
@SamDeHaan Do you play games?
@FredOverflow I do, but that would not be a primary use of the laptop. Would like support for simple games, but would probably be happy with integrated graphics
In that case, I always recommend buying second hand Thinkpads.
Yeah, I've been looking at thinkpads. Been looking at new ones, more than second hand. But in part that's because I'm being taken in by the 'look, shiny!' of the new haswells.
Do Haswells still have heat issues?
@SamDeHaan I bought a Lenovo carbon a while ago, it is ok.
@FredOverflow from what I've read, no. IIRC that was just one of the desktop chips that had that issue
@JohanLarsson been drooling at the x1 carbon with haswell that just came out a week or two ago, but not sure I want to drop the money on it.
I don't know much about cpus, how is haswell better?
@JohanLarsson mostly battery life
@JohanLarsson It's only one letter away from Haskell.
@ScottW And the RPGs. And the _Mario Kart_s.
battery life is pretty important
battery life probably means silent and cool computer also
back, but with less hair
@R.MartinhoFernandes What do you mean? linalg matrices usually don't need sorting...
@JohanLarsson usually.
Hi everyone is there a better way to write this code in c
short month_length(int year, int month)
int l = {31, !(year % 4)? 28 : 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
return l[month];
@rubenvb why not? you usually sort the equations in a linear system before you solve it to get sparsity
@YoussefBouhjira Your leap year logic is over-simplified.
For example, 1900 was not a leap year.
i don't do dates, they suck
I will use for years from 1901 to 2099
Why do you return a short? :)
it takes less memory :p
ints take just as much memory as shorts do.
Registers don't care.
?? the cpu converts them to 32 bit at least anyways
They are both completely optimised out!
@YoussefBouhjira Yeah, by taking into account the actual rules of leap years. It’s not just % 4.
For example, 2000 was a leap year, but 1900 wasn’t.
@rightfold Keep reading.
@rightfold 1000 is not in [1901, 2099]
auto is_leap_year = year % 400 == 0 || (year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0);
@YoussefBouhjira 1000 is irrelevant.
int month_length(int year, int month)
    switch (month)
    case 0:
    case 2:
    case 4:
    case 6:
    case 7:
    case 9:
    case 11: return 31;

    case 3:
    case 5:
    case 8:
    case 10: return 30;

    case 2: return 28 + (year % 4 == 0);

    default: exit(0xdeadbeef);
@rightfold 1901 and 2099 are not, though.
@FredOverflow Use GNU extensions, noob.
@FredOverflow I'm using C (throw 0xdeadbeef!!)
phew, that was close!
FFS don't exit.
@FredOverflow you have case 2 twice?
Fuck, that second one should be case 1 for February :)
I'd say close enough to ship
Too close. Ship will sink.
@JohanLarsson 93%-ish chance to not exit. I'll take it
@SamDeHaan Duplicate cases are a compiler error, are they not?
what about assert(month >= 1 && month <= 12 );
@YoussefBouhjira Your array code looked like you wanted 0..11
@FredOverflow in C# they are
And in C++ not?
no idea
@FredOverflow that's an error :D
@FredOverflow Gosh, don't do it like Java.
ok I changed it to this any other suggestions ?
int month_length(int year, int month)
assert(1 <= month && month <= 12);
switch (month)
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 8:
case 10:
case 12: return 31;

case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11: return 30;

case 2: return 28 + !(year % 4);
Can we have pics of the meetup?
Ooh, then we can photoshop ourselves into it
yeah, that was my idea
or we can draw dicks
whatever fits best
Such giant walls of code.
Also eww adding a Boolean to a number.
I love adding booleans to numbers. It's my favorite.
It is horrible.
you don't write haskell do you
return 28 + (year % 4 == 0 ? 1 : 0);
what are you doing in Lounge<WeActuallyHateC++AndLoveHaskell> then?
(I love c++)
@YoussefBouhjira switch is for pussies. Here's an implementation for real men:
no you don't
@rightfold Ew, if you're doing that, make the choice 29 : 28, not 1 : 0
int month_length(int year, int month)
    return (month == 2) ? 28 + !(year % 4) : 30 + (((month * 9) >> 3) & 1);
@R.MartinhoFernandes This is one place I miss Pascal. type months = (jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec); var foo : array[jan..dec] of integer;
@FredOverflow hahahaha
@FredOverflow meh.
@rightfold What's not to like? :)
@FredOverflow You forgot to check for year % 100 and year % 400...
@FredOverflow can you explain (((month * 9) >> 3) & 1)
@FredOverflow I’m writing a better solution.
Gimme a second.
@ScarletAmaranth wishing i wrote haskell, of course
@YoussefBouhjira month & 1 oscillates between 0 and 1, but we want another 1 starting at 8, so we multiply the month by 9/8.
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh? What, in June? As if I plan that far ahead :D
@jalf That's ok. Marking you as FILE_NOT_FOUND for now.
but it could be fun. Put me in the "Confirmed maybe" column :D
27 mins ago, by Youssef Bouhjira
I will use for years from 1901 to 2099
@R.MartinhoFernandes my favorite Boolean value.
@jalf Done.
also, I can't stop playing XCOM, please send help :D
@jalf I can send you a COM file via email that will stop your computer from operating normally if that's what you wish.
@FredOverflow what does the >> operator do plz
Stabs you in the eye
Stream out, amirite?
@YoussefBouhjira It shifts bits to the right. x>>3 divides by 8.
@FredOverflow I’m almost done!
@rightfold That's what she said!
public class April extends Month
You already had me there LOL
public interface MonthFactory
@YoussefBouhjira monadic composition that discards the return IIRC
C has Monads?
> (>>) Sequentially compose two actions, discarding any value produced by the first, like sequencing operators (such as the semicolon) in imperative languages.
posted on January 21, 2014 by Eric Battalio

Before reviewing the excellent standard template library resources on MSDN (including Channel 9), did you know Visual Studio 2013.1 (Update 1) is available now? Brian Harry writes about the release on his blog, mentioning that the release is smaller and...(read more)

@BartekBanachewicz , operator!
@FredOverflow I actually wrote an implementation of it. :v
@Feeds And I thought there was a new STL video. FUCK YOU!
@rightfold could use a Singleton MonthFactoryFactory
I need to add Javadoc to all of the interfaces, classes and methods.
And I need to add a default constructor to YearMonthFactory and I have to make it serialisable.
Otherwise it wouldn’t be good because it wouldn’t be a bean.
why are you writing java code again?
for the lulz
@BartekBanachewicz Read the code.
It’s obviously very serious.
The whole idea of writing java code for fun seems wretched
Actually, I should have two abstract classes ThirtyOneDayMonth and ThirtyDayMonth to eliminate code duplication.
Q: Trying to understand templates

jliv902I wrote a short example of the confusion that I'm having here: #include <iostream> template <typename T> T Add (T t1, T t2) { std::cout << "<typename T>" << std::endl ; return t1 + t2 ; } template <int> int Add (int n1, int n2) { std::cout << "<int>" << std::endl ; return n1 + ...

Well, shit.

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