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@ThePhD sounds like a useless class
@ThePhD It's a functional language. (ML)
@StackedCrooked seen the last epi of LH?
Dec 26 at 17:43, by Cat Plus Plus
https://github.com/rabbitmq/erlando is awesome btw
@ScarletAmaranth yep
@StackedCrooked it was pretty good! :) just finished watching it
@AndyProwl Holy shit, import as ?!
That would be CRAZY useful when developing your own shit.
y no one else think of these things. u.u
@ThePhD Haven't checked it out yet
@ScarletAmaranth Good to know :) I was starting to think you didn't like the series.
@harold WHAT? I made popcorn for nothing?
@StackedCrooked I was very puzzled by the fact that they didn't freak out about suddenly being stuck in an alternate world, but the way it's now (NPCs being the "natives" of the world, etc.) is pretty cool
@Jefffrey popcorn is never for nothing
imma shop for some food now
enjoy, buy mustard
Just wondering what show is LH? (I am on the lookout for a good new show to watch)
'Python is based on C++ and it's it like improvement.'
@Lalaland Log Horizon
@Jefffrey Yeah, sorry - should'a got the link from 'share' :(
@ThePhD I think Haskell (and python?) has it
@Lalaland great show
but keep mind
it will simply make you a much better programmer as you will simple understand what living in the database means.
@sehe Well, it's another feature stuck on my good language design page.
@sehe I think Haskell doesn't allow you to rename functions when importing them
If it ever comes to a point where a uni asks me to implement a compiler, I'll show them the page.
@ThePhD what page is that?
is x86 assembly much different than x64?
@harold My hidden page. :D
@Luka you replace all Rs with Es
@Mikhail Not really.
@Luka A bit. More registers, some additional instructions, but it's mostly the same.
you have a few more registers to work with
pretty neat
(still not too many registers :()
The biggest change is that segmentation is really limited to CS, FS and GS.
Well, SS cannot be 0 on iretq, but unless you are writing an OS, you couldn't care less.
Thanks guys
the biggest change is that for "casual stuff", you have enough registers :)
32->64 means less?
If you are going 64->32 you will notice that you are often doing stuff to ecx/eax to make function calls work
@ScarletAmaranth Some people used segmented memory model in protected mode. For some unknown reason.
an other difference: x86 has decimal math instructions (which you'll never use)
So the fact that segmentation is mostly not used now is a change worth mentioning.
ehh, still, I write assembly only to do vector stuff - and that only when I can't use intrinsics properly
I can't say I like the intrinsics, they're more obscure than there actual mnemonics
thanks for the assembly info
@harold Not really, since you have to either write the assembly in another file (and fail at inlining) or use inline assembly.
@Griwes that's something else, though true
And since 20 minutes ago, I no longer trust myself to ever write inline assembly correctly.
@Griwes x64 inline assembly? good luck :)
I mean, reading the intrinsics.. they're just so damn long and full of cruft
@ScarletAmaranth Nah. The real problem with IA is that the general syntax sucks donkey balls.
asm volatile ("mov %%gs:0, %0" :: "r"(ret)); <- spot the mistake
AT&T syntax sucks donkey balls
I agree, AT&T syntax is trash
But it's not the bad part here.
The bad part is GCC's inline assembly syntax.
The correct version of that line is: asm volatile ("mov %%gs:0, %0" : "=r"(ret));.
GCC's inline asm syntax also sucks donkey balls
you don't really need inline assembly anyway
you can just extern "C" define stuff
I spent four hours before I found that the bug is in that place.
and then write it separately, whatever
@ScarletAmaranth Then you fail at inlining.
@harold AT&T syntax sucks for Intel, but isn't all that horrible in general. gcc's inline assembly syntax is horrible in general.
@JerryCoffin fair enough
@Griwes everytime I do NOT inline I kinda fail at inlining, yes :)
@ScarletAmaranth Really, I would rather prefer to avoid the call overhead when all I want to do is read the value at [gs:0].
@JerryCoffin I took your advice at heart and did a 2 hr afternoon nap today ;-)
how assembly is written?
@Luka Wat?
@TemplateRex Did I advise that? I usually advise that you start drinking heavily...
@Griwes my god, obviously, I am just saying there are alternatives to writing assembly inline that are very acceptable
@Luka with a text editor
@Luka on a keyboard?
@Luka Usually fairly slowly.
@ScarletAmaranth They are sometimes acceptable.
Like for a routine that's called once or twice.
I mean, C is written in assembly I guess.
C compilers are written in C, usually (although isn't GCC C++ nowadays?)
18 hours ago, by Jerry Coffin
@TemplateRex In that case, I'd advise sleeping, as you'll get very little sleep for a few months after the delivery.
Not for one that is called, say, every time the CPU receives an interrupt.
I am writing a µkernel-ish thingy, so I really want to spend as little time in interrupt handlers as possible.
@Luka No. A typical C compiler is written in C. A little bit of the standard library may be written in assembly (but usually not much).
@JerryCoffin although you also advised a 24hr drinking session before I explained why I had to stay sober ;)
I believed, each x level language is written in one x-1 level language. So PHP is written in C, C is written in assembly, so assembly is written in what?
@TemplateRex Ah, so I did.
@Luka you assumed wrong
@TemplateRex Sounds much more in-character for me.
@Luka Machine code on punch cards.
@Luka You are about as wrong about it as you can be.
@Luka Assembly is the language of the CPU, the actual instructions the CPU executes
well, in human readable form anyway
@Griwes :(
CPU doesn't execute "assembly", assembly just happens to map 1:1 to machine code instructions (almost always, or always, not sure now)
nanosticks > punch cards!
Punch cards in 2013.
those 30cm devils of programming still relevant
@ScarletAmaranth Hell, Intel CPUs don't even execute machine code! :D
I am actually not that old. I remember those from my mother's work though when she and I were both younger.
@Luka You're sort of correct about how things were initially boot-strapped in most cases, but that's about it. More recently, you typically start with a compiler on one machine, write a cross-compiler to target the new one, then re-compile the cross-compiler with its own output to get a native compiler on the new machine.
who writes those low level instructions who convert assembly to CPU language (machine code)?
I do, for one
it's not that difficult, you just translate instructions / mnemonics to opcodes
@Luka Low level?
no big deal really
Assemblers are usually written in high-level manner.
@Luka: At some point it was like you mentioned including the punch cards. Before that, people were just setting switches on and off to set bits in memory.
@wilx what do you do in Czech republic if you don't mind my asking? something interesting? I've been looking to get something decent to work on in Slovakia but I am kinda out of luck
@Luka: At some point, both software and computers were capable enough to allow bootstrapping one new computer from existing one using cross-compilation. After that, you could use higher level language to implement the whole stack, like C to implement assemblers and linker and also other C compilers.
meh, C is still very close to being a "portable assembly"
I once wrote a z80 assembler in z80 machine code - not because it was necessary (I'm not that old), but for the heck of it.
@ScarletAmaranth You should be able to get a job in Prague. Dunno how good/bad is the situation elsewhere but in Prague it is hard not to get a job. :)
how can this be
does anyone know PPC assembly?
@ScarletAmaranth That is not true for a long time, at least since the first C standard, IMHO.
@Luka A typical assembler is written in C. Could just as well use C++, but most assemblers are old enough they're still in C. For one example: nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.11rc4
thanks, I didn't know that
you could write an assembler in PHP :P
@wilx well, if I were to leave Slovakia (which I will), I'd rather go further away than to Prague, just wondering whether there's something interesting going on there, rather than "being able to get a job" :)
PHP is a terrible language... not even variable type
PHP is a banned word here, gtfo
@ScarletAmaranth That depends on your definition of interesting.
@Luka I once tried my hand at a tiny portion trying to port mono to PPC. I think it's just supported these days
it feels like "please make this language as slow to execute as possible"
Hmmm. Might have been the multi thread primitives in zfs-fuse really. Damn. Memory
C++ code: 3 seconds. PHP......
@wilx something beyond "we do web portals and software for accountants" :)
@ScarletAmaranth Google does not have R&D here. IBM, Oracle, CA Technologies, Barclays, Akamai do.
(and yes, i did it rigth)
@Luka needs citation (inb4 hiphop)
@ScarletAmaranth As long as you're speaking of it in a sufficiently disparaging tone, mention of PHP is allowed. Generally "sufficiently disparaging" translates to characterizing it as the worst possible language for any possible task (i.e., being accurate).
@ScarletAmaranth There are some opportunities in Brno as well, if you don't want to move too far
@JerryCoffin still one edit required
why PHP is so terrible, please explain?
php is a fractal of bad design
@Luka lol. troll on
@sehe Is that what you meant?
@harold that's an old quote
Google, Facebook and other are hiring for their overseas and European R&D centres as well, if you want interesting. :)
@sehe I thought I'd dust it off and use it again :)
@JerryCoffin mostly :) (anticipating something else I might spot ifff I read to the end of that message)
@sehe can we talk about reverse engineering other people's stuff?)
@wilx mm, there's AT&T in Kosice for example, but it seems they only do some networking crap here, most of the job listings require some cisco certificates and crap, so you can still work for someone who does generally interesting stuff yet you do something entirely void of challenge :P
@Luka Sure why not
I'll be gone for dinner in... apparently a few seconds only. Hmm. Good. Prolly 10 more minutes
@AndyProwl na, I want to go far away, was just wondering :) that said, you're from Brno?
@ScarletAmaranth I'm not, but I do live and work in Brno
@AndyProwl I've got a few friends there, studying, I've heard it's packed full of students :)
@ScarletAmaranth It is, I was told students are about 1/4 of the population
if not more
and many are Slovaks
:13783856 We could, but our discussion would all be in grey text on a grey background, so you couldn't read it.
deleted to save my reputation.
you have no reputation
haha, was about to say :D
@sehe :(
don't break my bubble
Yes, sure we can talk about it. Butttttt. Surely that would be a better fit for IRC/a homebrew forum
you have no bubble either
@MartinJames "Are you sending files to the server, or by files you meant data?"
I was merely reading it myself and allowing myself to respond to it :)
@ScarletAmaranth poor fella
let's talk about other things: how many monitors you have?
@Luka Do you prefer tab or space indentation?
Anyone know of a list of top-level domain names where any individual can buy them? I want a fancy domain name like bit.ly and will.i.am ;)
define i
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hahahahahahahahahah
what cat is saying is simple, you need to rotate it 90degrees into reality
@rybo111 I owned mil.ht for a while
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :(
our friend Vlad is at it again: stackoverflow.com/a/20843623/819272
that's his job
Ahahaha he's on his way to getting "called out on bullshit by literally everyone in " badge
let's try not "lounging" him this time
what's this guy doing there? trying "write code as bad as possible, as long it works?"
@TemplateRex lol
I have no idea what the fuck is decltype there for
@ScarletAmaranth aww
@Luka Yeah, he's well known for doing that
@AndyProwl he has the Unsung Hero badge, which is quite hard to get
Oh, right, anonymous structs
Dec 24 at 18:33, by Jerry Coffin
I'm starting to wonder whether Vlad isn't a twisted genius, deliberately posting the worst possible "solution" to any given problem. http://stackoverflow.com/a/20765111/179910
At least it's not horribly bad, it's just awfully inconvenient for anyone who tries to do that
Meltdown in 3.. 2..
@JerryCoffin Was looking for that
@JerryCoffin he is code-trolling, but not in the right way
Trolling is trying to get people angry, not laughing at you
@CatPlusPlus Yeah - I'm staying well away from that weirdness-soaked question/answers.
@rybo111 If you look at the precedent set by some western superpowers, "mil.ht" looks like "the Haitian military". I thought I might be able to use that for ... something. But I was drunk
@CatPlusPlus Both can happen at the same time - depending on which part of the audience
Ah, lol
Thanks for keeping me party, I must now eat my little food.
Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to extreme incompetence, or something
Never attribute to bad luck what can be attributed to Vlad from Moscow
(What I'm saying is that he's terrible)
yesterday, by Mysticial
@JerryCoffin Sufficiently advanced ignorance is indistinguishable from malice.
he's just a guy trying to get some reputation (and live i guess)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit He's not reacting, I'm disappointed
I have a feeling we're seeing quite an influx from other rooms lately. I wonder whether Christmas was the dry spell that completely desolated those rooms?
Oh there he goes
@AndyProwl Yeah :(
Ah, yay
@CatPlusPlus Thus the "I'm starting to wonder". I'm starting to wonder whether (and if so how) anybody could come up with such consistently horrible answers without its being intentional.
@Luka He's not. I'm pretty sure "just a guy trying to get some reputation" doesn't go on and ruins that reputation by proposing and arguing complete sillyness on the isocpp forums :)
Well @LightnessRacesinOrbit, You have serious problems with the logic.
@sehe define "other rooms"
Not sure. I'd guess C#
@harold I didn't even see the "the"
@ScarletAmaranth bin.
@sehe Well, he is getting a reputation--just a deeply negative one.
@sehe We're famous!
very rarely do I ever bother repwhoring, we have LRIO for that, who has the standard on stand-by to be the first to answer, also good internet connect and a very short cable from his GPU to the monitor
We're just the last room standing
@ScarletAmaranth I see you've been out of touch for a while :)
@ScarletAmaranth \o/
5ns lag, baby
Over the last 1.5 years, clearly Andy would deserve this title a lot more. And before that we had Luchian etc. Kerrek has been picking up steam a bit (mainly commenting, though)
My Christmas had been anything but dry. Given the rain and the beer, it's been pretty soggy.
@sehe I forgot how to repwhore properly and no longer find joy in answering "you forgot to null terminate your const char* nonsense"
It's especially joyous when you leave the "nonsense" part inside the answer
That's a variable I've not seen before (const char* nonsense)
non sequitur, if you will
@sehe I see it all the time ;p
I do not bother what fantasies you have. — Vlad from Moscow 57 secs ago
@ScarletAmaranth If any question code has 'strlen' in it, I no longer bother.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Because you write it. But I make it a point to avoid your code :)
Kerrek is an odd one, I don't know anything about him other than he knows C++ like it's noone elses busieness
@sehe Zing!
ooh, bus in 11 minutes
I answered one of Kerrek's questions just to be proven it can be done in a much more elegant fashion, with him knowing the answer all along :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit solong
Bus error, service terminated.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit bus error is signal 11 too, right
(I wrote like 100 lines of template specializiations for promoting types, turns you can simply just unary plus on the expression which will trigger the promotion and then decltype, + some fluff)
@sehe 10
and the bus is now 10 minutes away so I really do have to go
or i'll have the aforementioned error
@LightnessRacesinOrbit your fantabulous hat now renders for me, weee
take care of Vlad the Impaler for me
Vlad has the tendency to taking care of himself
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not that guy again
#define lenght length
@JerryCoffin Never underestimate The Stupid
@ScarletAmaranth :iabbrev lenght lenght
The Stupid is infinite
I do not bother what fantasies you have. — Vlad from Moscow 6 mins ago
" C++14 doesn't even have sequence points, @Vlad.," (LRIO)
i don't even know what sequence points are
@CatPlusPlus Well, you do have a point there.
@Jefffrey They're where the buses stop.
@Jefffrey A fine example of the old saying: "Ignorance is bliss".
Sequence points are like burritos
@CatPlusPlus Sequence points are more like taquitos.
@JerryCoffin Is that a burrito with a shot of Tequila?
@CatPlusPlus lol
@MartinJames No. It's smaller than a burrito, and deep fried.
@VladfromMoscow Not sure why you call a concrete assessment of your answer "a fantasy". I think on SO you should bother whether your answer seems helpful to others or not. If you don't bother about this consider starting a private blog or focusing on it if you have one already. — BartoszKP 39 secs ago
@JerryCoffin Oh, right. TIL that a taquito is a thing.
@BartoszKP Imbecile in 3.. 2..
I'm off to the kitchen before Vlad detonates.
I can't do my job because Vlad exploded
somebody needs to defuse Vlad
@MartinJames It helps to live somewhere that around 20% of the population is Mexican.
Ugh this new year is going to be the worst
Every year is the worst
Did I mention Space Station 13 is amazing
@JerryCoffin Yeah. It's good to know that I can order one now without any risk of Tequila-poisoning. If I see them on a menu, I'll try.
‘Vlad from Moscow’ was raising some serious alarms. Yup, that’s the one from the asylum.
It is leaking
Also apparently he has a history with cplusplus.com; nowhere is safe.
I'm super fucking hungry and my family are cooking something super tasty.
He's from Chernobyl orignally.
do you have a vlad questions feed plugin or something?
@MartinJames Just remember that they are deep-fried--I take no responsibility for them breaking any diet you might be attempting.
He worked on something to do with 'core overtemp management', whatever that is.
@JerryCoffin OK, but gotta be tried at least once:)
It shut down the reactor by blowing it up
Technically shut down
It wasn't working anymore
@MartinJames Yup--well worth a try (or a trie?)
@CatPlusPlus :D
Order picking is exhausting.
A few samples of Vlad's ART: dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/green/gfd34/art
> acronym-driven products
@rightfold Don't pick on orders. They're your income
@rightfold vakantiejob?
I am just waiting for Vlad to appear in Lounge
or on meta
metarage posts are fun
I've lost 1/3rd of my starting weight.
@DeadMG over what period of time? don't you feel fuzzy?
bout the last nine months
and yes, I feel supremely fuzzy.
my parents suggested that I can no longer count on operating without food and having hunger be the only effect.
@ScarletAmaranth Would be so much fun.
Only thing is I hope @jalf is there when he does.
Don't fuck with the jalfinator.
yeah it kinda makes sense, when I was like ~14, i grew up like 40cm in a year and I had major weight problems because I was fairly slim before the "instant grwoth" happened, my head was spinning 24/7
personally I think that between, say, myself, jerry, jalf, and lightness, we can rip this guy a pretty large new one.
cat has been left out :D
@DeadMG To quote the TF2 engineer: "A structurally superfluous new behind".
Cat wouldn't have the patience.
he'd just be like, "You're fucking terrible" and then leave.
Shouldn't we be past the "It's almost the end of the semester, so I'd better do my second week's homework." questions by now?
@JerryCoffin he kinda forgot any kind of lopping ^^
or "pow", for that matter
You are first including a C++ Header, then you are including a C Header and then again you are including a C++ Header. I hope this code does not come from your teacher. — Machtl 1 min ago
This is really important!
@ScarletAmaranth Not to mention doing a square root instead of a square. But other than obviously skipping class the whole semester, so he's done nothing and has no clue how to start, he seems to be doing well.
Why does he even want a while-loop if it has to be counter controlled?
because noob?

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