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@Xeo I don't even invoke the lambda in this TU.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I guess something like this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-test would do for some of my cases.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why give them a name though? If they must be named they shouldn't have anything to do with the purpose of anonymous namespaces. Right?
@nhgrif: Nonsense - it's plainly obvious why the screen would blink when graphics are implemented on a console in this way. This question is not a code-level but a design-level question, so your demands for code ring particularly hollow ... and not to mention rude. That's particularly interesting considering your profile identifies you not as a professional, but a "student, wanting to become professional programmer". — Lightness Races in Orbit 1 min ago
@Pawnguy7 Tab indenting things under a {}
nobody liked my suspenders joke :(
@Jefffrey They must be named because they are in headers and anonymous namespaces are not a good idea in headers.
Is namespace A { namespace B { preferable for such things?
@Jefffrey They're "private to a class/feature/thing" rather than anonymous, but the link is that anonymous namespaces are used for stuff that's private to a TU.
@Pawnguy7 no
@Pawnguy7 Yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why?
Though that might be kind of strange, as I have braces on their own line.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Is PawnGuy confused??! [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [no-questions]
@Jefffrey Because you'll get duplicate symbols in different TUs
Anonymous namespace is named wrt to the TU, not the header
@Jefffrey Because they pollute the enclosing namespace, i.e. it makes them visible to any file #including that header.
@CatPlusPlus anything in anonymous namespaces has internal linkage - at least since C++11
@CatPlusPlus You won't because they have internal linkage.
@ArneMertz Since ever.
@R.MartinhoFernandes iIRC they have not in C++03
Well that's what I mean
Every TU will have their own internally linked copies
Not that there will be duplicate symbol errors
@ArneMertz Meh, effectively the same.
Thanks guys...I'll probably end up deleting my account now — legend764 16 hours ago
gods forbid I have a downvoted stupid question on my Internet account
To be fair, people were being asshats to him. Including user ashatte.
"Exactly what is says on the tin"
Good account history, young poster. People should be dicks less, especially you
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Are there missing comments?
One would think you'd already be familiar with the concept of "less dick than normal"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not to my knowledge
I exist to mock
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's not the size that matters.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's a myth
@CatPlusPlus Sounds fair enough. If I need someone to help me mock, I know who to call.
I'd believe you mock to exist, rather.
=~ s/ m/ c/; # FTFY
@LightnessRacesinOrbit huh?
@BЈовић What's wrong now?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit s/ m/ c/; ???!!??!?
^^ ^ ^^ ^^    ^^^^
      with this
             lol u
> I guess i should use "for" cycle, but i don't have any idea how to make this sort these numbers out in it.
> "for" cycle
@LightnessRacesinOrbit so, what will it be after regex? :)
to all the VIMers, is there something like o/O without going into insert mode?
Nah, you have to map it.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: good point: here is something splitting an array into words without using std::string. It uses a custom stream buffer to do so. — Dietmar Kühl 11 mins ago
Hmm ok, thanks anyway.
@BЈовић mentally apply the regex and find out
I don't agree. Just so you take note of that.
@bamboon Something like m'o<Esc>'' should do it.
No wait, I meant m`o<Esc>``. `` gets the cursor back to the exact same position. '' goes to start of line.
@nhgrif: I think it's hard to argue that the extent of the OP's understanding of the problem being solved is precisely minimal, so I don't know what you're going on about. — Lightness Races in Orbit 45 secs ago
@TonyTheLion False friends.
Yeah, it's just a language thing
This moronic student is being a total dick over it
For example, in Portuguese we call it a "ciclo".
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah that makes sense
> I work in the Apple system so was not able to figure out how to unzip the zip!
So that was the problem :D
arGDFgd debugging code with animations is a fucking pain.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why not debug it with a debugger instead? :D
God there is such a question-closing epidemic lately. Chris, I am sorry for my colleagues, who obviously think that they are not only too good to answer this question, but that they are too good to let anyone else answer it, either. — Lightness Races in Orbit 11 mins ago
@ArneMertz How does that help
The problem is the nature of the code.
Breaking at every frame doesn't help.
@ArneMertz Oh, joke.
@TonyTheLion That was fun
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thank you very much, haven't done vim hackery in a while.
@R.MartinhoFernandes was a joke on my first misreading it as "(debugging code) with animations" instead of "debugging (code with animations)"
> I am sorry for my colleagues
which colleagues?
we're not your colleagues
are we?
also, no need to be sorry for us
we're not sorry
we enjoyed closing that question.
I'm being a dick
Dietmar Kuhl is stream guy isn't he?
@TonyTheLion It's ok.
Ascribing your own values onto all others is the first step on the path towards having no friends left — Lightness Races in Orbit 4 mins ago
It's the first step on the path towards being Hitler.
He had friends.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh gosh, same guy commenting on another question.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Link?
Meh, somewhere above.
Hmm, just installed VsVim. This should be interesting
@Jefffrey Godwin Point reached. Congratulations.
@EtiennedeMartel I should have inb4ed that. That's not really an instance of that law though.
Meh I don't like Godwin's law
it's true with any conversation, on the internet or not :3
@jalf meh
@jalf I thought you didn't like vim. But maybe I misremember.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nah, I'm just not as proficient at it as I'd like
^ same with me
Not as proficient as I feel people suggest it is, althoguh I haven't been learning wrong
But it's my main editor for, well, pretty much anything where I'm not using VS
I switch between vim and gedit
@jalf Well, then you might like VsVim. It kinda annoys me at times because it doesn't support everything (can't really complain—it's a lot of stuff, but it's still annoying)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Talking about Vim, I think you recently posted about a Sublime Vim plugin, what does it do that the standard vintage mode can't do?
Hmm, dunno. I never used Sublime Text beyond a short "what is this thing?" run.
I'm gonna do a Snake clone myself now. Since it's so in vogue.
I just found it was interesting and retweeted.
A: Why have SO users with more reputation so few questions?

Aditya VikasYou gain more reputation Answering the questions than asking questions That's how they do, which obviously implies they are great repositories of knowledge They Answer more and Question less

We question everything, we just don't ask you about it :) — Lightness Races in Orbit 11 secs ago
Silly question.
Lesson number one: std::lexical_cast; there's no such thing.Lightness Races in Orbit 15 secs ago
uhm, what
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ?
> Like every programmer they too should get stuck at some point of time.
Reminds me.
When I want to ask a question on SO, I usually find the answer elsewhere before I hit "post".
You're stuck?
@EtiennedeMartel Meh, I'm never stuck at some point of time.
Sometimes I'm stuck at a point of space, but never of time. :(
Iron Man 3? Really.
I heard it's meh.
I think I saw it
Can't remember though
@LightnessRacesinOrbit My question was more about: Why the fuck comment twice with the exact same thing?
@Xeo Oh. OH. Oh my god.
I didn't even see the older comment, let alone see that I'd posted a comment before, let alone remember it
fuck me sideways
We're not into fucking sideways
but thanks for asking.
You might not be but Cat is
How many people often accidentally presses Print Screen button while typing ?
oh, he is?
@NeelBasu No one?
@NeelBasu Never, it's to far out of range
@LightnessRacesinOrbit What about doggy-style?
@NeelBasu Absolutely never
@R.MartinhoFernandes at least one. because I do
to accidentally press
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Is that really necessary?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Its near backspace
@NeelBasu what kind of keyboard are you using?
Get a non-braindead keyboard.
@TonyTheLion Well I'd prefer not to take my chances
@NeelBasu "in same universe" you mean?
@NeelBasu Take a photo, so that we may more accurately calibrate our mockery
Vote with your money. Don't buy shitty keyboards. Don't buy things with shitty keyboards in them.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's racist.
@TonyTheLion donno how to define. it have a really small backspace
My god, my aim sucks today.
@EtiennedeMartel dogist
@EtiennedeMartel Wait, you're masturbating?
@Abyx In the same multiverse
@TonyTheLion Not at work, no.
(See how I dodged that one?)
@EtiennedeMartel Being you is racist
@EtiennedeMartel it's so racist that I see that my star is black (gyazo.com/0f204f8ea8195d7d6df5790d3c3b23bb)
The word of the day is: "fuck".
@EtiennedeMartel In that case, perhaps a link to an old post:
Oct 13 '11 at 16:58, by Jerry Coffin
The many uses of Fuck

Noun: A good fuck
Verb: Fuck you
Adverb: fuckin' great

To express:

fear: Oh fuck!
happiness: Fuck yeah!
Anger: Fuck you!
Despair: Fuck me.
Excitement: Fuckin' A!
Injustice: Fuckin' shit.

Depression: Fucked again.
Breakup: Fucked Again.
Reunion: Fucked Again!
@EtiennedeMartel of every day!
> Variadic macros are used, where possible, so that, e.g. you can write a TEST_CASE with just a name - or even no name at all (making it an anonymous test case).
Oooh, nice.
This was a tad annoying.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is this an update to Catch?
@JerryCoffin Yes. From 4 months ago, but only now did I check it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess I should look at it too. I probably don't keep track of updates as well as I should. Either it's usable, and I tend to leave it alone, or it's not, and I ignore it completely.
I guess github.com/rmartinho/ogonek/tags.atom would be a reasonable alternative for projects that don't use the "Releases" feature on GitHub.
Though philsquared/Catch has no tags. github.com/philsquared/Catch/tags.atom
No alternative for projects that don't even use tags.
Ooooh, looks like a nice bookmark graphpad.com/support/faqid/1790
Writing properties in C++/CLI makes me want to hug a land mine.
That's writing anything in C++/CLI
Or C++ for that matter
Why are you doing this
Speaking of dotnette, are there any standalone XAML engines?
You mean XamlReader ?
(In other words, define standalone XAML engine)
Well, using XAML outside of WPF (i.e. for an internal UI)
I don't know, I'm just wondering
I was recommended this amazon.de/dp/0393929728 but holy fuck it's expensive.
Okay, time to check out The Stanley Parable Demo
The problem with WPF is that it's closed and doesn't work on Mono
@CatPlusPlus Yes, recent releases include xaml parsers/writers.
Still in PresentationFramework assembly though
@Xeo You should buy it. And read this.
@CatPlusPlus what for?
I'm mentally revisiting in-game UIs
(Someone mentioned Awesomium some time ago and I'm really slow you see)
I should get better at FRP, too
I don't have much practical experience with it, but from what I've seen, QtQuick/QML seemed a lot like a less painful WPF/XAML
@CatPlusPlus Hmm, no.
@EtiennedeMartel Does the blog post spoiler anything?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh
@Xeo Only a tiny bit from Gone Home that every reviewer on Earth has already spoiled.
Before you read...
Getting interesting
What do you think The Stanley Parable is?
A HL2 mod
That's like saying 1984 is a stack of paper.
(They should stop reusing game titles)
I'm not sure how frp is different to anything currently available but I don't do ui so
@EtiennedeMartel It's a year.
@CatPlusPlus The new one is a remake of the old one. So it's alright.
No, it's not
Don't reuse titles dammit
Have you guys ever thought about pursuing a career in maths?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Perhaps this is marginally less expensive?
@Ell FRP is not an UI framework
It's a paradigm
@JerryCoffin Is it good?
@EtiennedeMartel I'm with the cat on this one, games (and movies and books) should not reuse titles
> C, above all. C is a wonderful programming language, it's well-balanced between a high-level and a low-level language. It has enough but not too much abstraction.
I hate shopping for technical books. Reviews are horribly unhelpful.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think so, but I may be biased (one of the authors is my sister).
Whenever I read stuff like "For example, Hayter makes too many assumptions." I have to wonder: is this due to a dumb reader, or a dumb writer?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...or something else with the intelligence of a dumb waiter.
Oops wow I just looked at the page and boy was I misinforned
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hayter's gonna hate.
@MohammadAliBaydoun How can you bee too abstract?
@MohammadAliBaydoun I always thought it was sad that the C standard library basically only has two algorithms.
@EtiennedeMartel Low level programmers are dumb
@Rapptz Sort and...?
@JerryCoffin oh, which one? :P
@DeadMG bsearch
designing and specifying generic algorithms in C would be beyond tedious
@CatPlusPlus there is a place for low level programming
@Rapptz Two algorithms should be enough for everyone.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you buy the Statistics book out of sheer interest or do you need it specifically in a job?
@thecoshman Doesn't make them any smarter.
@thecoshman That place is compilers
@CatPlusPlus It is?
I was going for "the stupid corner" or something to that effect, but what ever
@thecoshman Let's see. Out of "Peter R. Nelson", "Karen A.F. Copeland", and "Marie Coffin" which seems most likely to have somebody named "Jerry Coffin" as a brother?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I only noticed because I compared this page with this page and man it was pretty small.
@JerryCoffin Peter R Nelson
@JerryCoffin ¬_¬ much?
@JerryCoffin Karen A.F. Copeland.
I see our starwhore is still around
I hate git submodules
yeah, who is doing that?
I'm never using them again.
@DeadMG Never!
@Rapptz what!? why? they are so nice
Such a pain in the ass.
@bamboon Itch-scratching. I passed Stats class in university but didn't learn anything. I have been regretting it ever since (wouldn't be the first time I skipped an exam because I didn't feel like I learned something—not sure if that's awesome or stupid). From time to time I think "I should learn statistics", but never really go past it :S
not really... well, having to init the submodules is an extra step sure
and updating them
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's probably not worth it. I would tell you if it is or not, but don't know enough about statistics.
anyway git submodule init isn't working
so I'm annoyed
@R.MartinhoFernandes You can probably learn is faster on your own
@thecoshman I'm pretty sure it is worth it. I know enough to know how little most people know.
@Rapptz opposed to what?
@CatPlusPlus Yes, that's why I'm shopping for a book.
@Rapptz That should be like, only once.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, there is a lot to it. In school we had the choice of stats or 'mechanics'... I know I made the right choice.
@CatPlusPlus Point is, even though I could learn it on my own, I didn't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and it isn't working.
I'm a fan of learning things when you need things
@CatPlusPlus shut up, your not a fan of learning at all :P
@Rapptz where you calling it from?
I like learning interesting things
where else? the top level directory
I hate forced curriculum and shitty exams
@CatPlusPlus You're a special case, though—you have allergy to curiosity.
@Rapptz What's the output?
@R.MartinhoFernandes No I don't
@DeadMG for this combining file things, what was the why?
@Etienne: The demo is great so far
I mean, the demo for the demo
and now time for the demo
I can't even tell you how much I experimented with stuff that looked remotely interesting
That's how I fucking learned everything
@CatPlusPlus Erm. Well-known proverb reference.
WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST LEARN! ~~~Apparently~~~ in 'murica 'coffee cake' is not specially cake made with a coffee flavour, but more or less any cake you might eat with a coffee
@Pawnguy7 What combining file things?
@thecoshman You're bad at squiggles
@CatPlusPlus You're bad
@DeadMG not having separate files for things that cannot be used separately.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know, point stands
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah ok, I now that feeling, though there are so many other things which I would like to learn that have higher priority.
@Pawnguy7 The why is that if you don't do it that way, you waste nothing but your own time repeatedly including the same dependencies over and over again.
@CatPlusPlus You didn't need to make a point. I was joking.
And anyway, what if I find it interesting?
@DeadMG Yes. Does this only apply to C++ somewhat, though?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd question you
Q: No submodule mapping found in .gitmodule for a path that's not a submodule

Ben ScheirmanI have a project that has a submodule at lib/three20 My .gitmodule file looks like this: [submodule "lib/three20"] path = lib/three20 url = git://github.com/facebook/three20.git I have cloned this in the past without errors, (git submodule init followed by a git submodule update) and ...

@thecoshman More or less correct. Cake flavored with coffee would deserve a different name: inedible.
@Pawnguy7 Well, DRY applies to basically everything, everywhere.
@JerryCoffin you monsters
@thecoshman Question me on what? Statistics? Did I mention I haven't learned it?
@R.MartinhoFernandes motives, really? stats?
What's wrong with it?
> The exposition is clear and straightforward. Read the text twice and the examples three times, and you should have no problem understanding the concepts. — from a five-star review
@DeadMG I had a thought last night, not sure what it is. There is also part of me thinking, it is easier to find/read an enum all by itself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm sorry, I was so frigging bored I forgot what we were talking about
Sarcasm detector got confused.
@Pawnguy7 That part of you needs to get its head screwed on properly.
also holy fucking shit I'm so sick right now
want to buy doctor.

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