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Fun fact: v doesn't need to be movable. — Xeo 14 secs ago
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Always fun
Especially after waiting 10mins on the packaging
Just asking out of curiosity, is this ~> an operator in any major language?
er, in any language?
of course it is.
I just defined it, it's called "lolwatyourquestionisunderconstrained", and it consists entirely of ~> at various spacings.
@DeadMG It's the sperm operator.
nah that'd have to be ~~> I think at least.
also s/at/in/
@DeadMG There, changed it, any major language
In his head, it's a major language
@GamesBrainiac Yep- "lolwatyourquestionisunderconstrainted".
C, C++, JAVA, c#, Ruby, Python, Haskell, Scala
1 min ago, by Xeo
@Xeo What does it do in Haskell?
Whatever you want! It's a wishing operator.
@GamesBrainiac So every other language is just a minor nothing? Objective-C? PHP? All BASIC variants?
C, C++, JAVA, c#, Ruby, Python, Haskell, Scala
ML, Scheme, OCaml, JavaScript
@DeadMG PHP is a language? And who cares about Basic. Sorry I missed out Obj-C
all forms of assembly language
@DeadMG Come on, don't bring Assembly in man
@DeadMG hahahahahhahahahahahhaha
@GamesBrainiac I think that the fundamental point I'm making is that your question is very, very dumb.
@GamesBrainiac I have a feeling it has some meaning in Perl.
Perl has a "patent pending" on ALL the operators.
there's no useful definition of "major".
It's like porn.
@DeadMG Dead, for a dead guy, you sure are serious. I asked simply because, I'm making my own little fucked up langauge. And I wanted to make this an operator. Its just for lulz
@GamesBrainiac Then other languages' use is irrelevant.
There it is: glyphic.s3.amazonaws.com/ozone/mark/periodic/… ~> is a multiplicoid operator, and it means "shift buffer right".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dammit, I just wanted to point that out!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Shift buffer right?
Don't ask me. I don't know Perl I'm not crazy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes But the table was awesome though! :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes you are.#
:/ What did I do?
It says my bandwidth is 100mbp/s, but why i never achieve that?
i am really curious, please help me
Because the Universe is not simple.
does the information go through all kind of pipes, and pipe from my isp to my home can transfer only 100mbp/s?
what do you get?
aw, not a "bit != byte" error :<
well to be fair isps could be more clear
what do you mean more clear?
please help me i am going insane
they advertise speed as if in bytes
@Griwes: I don't understand why you get the comment upvotes :<
My fact seems to be funnier than yours ;P
Yours is implied by mine!
@Griwes link ?
Fun fact: there is no move happening in this code. — Griwes 13 mins ago
yeah, Griwes' is funnier. sorry Xeo
how isp works? when I type google.com, I connect to my ISP, then ISP server connects to google, google gives response to isp, and isp gives information to my home?
Not by the way at all, I have a design question.
not at all? then how?
text<whatever> t = f();
auto storage = t.extract_storage();
assert(t.empty()); // should it?
@Xeo Sure it is :P
@evening Sorry, that was not meant for you. I meant it as the opposite of "by the way..."
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Extract" sounds like "take it away".
@Griwes Yes, that's the point.
So it would be more natural if it made t empty.
I am sorry too, I actually knew you didn't mean me, I just wanted attention...
seems unnatural if it's not necessarily empty after extract
But the question is, should I guarantee it empty, or just unspecified but destructible like the standard stuffs?
Is there any reason why it shouldn't be guaranteed? If no, go for it.
Because the container used for storage may not guarantee it, i.e., it requires the implementation to explicitly clear it.
@evening from a high level yeah
Extracting the storage is meant to be a temporary thing and in the motivating use case it is supposed to be put back in soon after.
@A.H. Thanks
no one actually gets the advertised bandwidth
I know, I am just curious for the reasons why not
In that case it probably makes more sense not to make guarantees.
I don't complain btw
@evening truth in advertising <grin/>
But then I don't have a guarantee that after the move the storage moved from is in a state that holds text invariants.
Ugh, horrible answers here
Q: c++ const pointer with operator[]

JavaBetachar* const p = "world"; p[2] = 'l'; The first statement creates a string pointed by a const pointer p, and the second statement tries to modify the string, and it is accepted by the compiler, while in the running time, an access violation exception is poped, and could anyone explain why?

@Xeo now that's funny
@KonradRudolph classic
@sehe Well, they can't write any number they want, can they?
@MarcClaesen Thanks for rubber ducking. I don't really have a choice in this. I must guarantee it as empty is the trivial valid state. I can't leave it to the container to pick the state it is left in because my invariants are stronger than a general purpose container.
@Xeo out on a limb: finger exercises (I do)
At least I believe they can't... :D
@evening hmmm? I didn't follow it. Just coming in
@sehe Then finger-exercise in silence :/
@sehe You said 'truth in advertising <grin/>', so it means they write some truth in their plan. I just don't know anything...
@sehe isp say n bps , you get m where m is < n
@R.MartinhoFernandes quack
@Xeo nah. no reward
@evening it was in response to your own message, specifically
I can add some traits (say empties_on_move) and use that for some optimisation, but for the general case I have to clear it manually.
@A.H. I'm pretty sure you wanted to say that to somebody else
A moved-from std::string is not guaranteed to be .empty(), right?
was explaining context for you
@Xeo I would say a moved from temp is invalid , no ?
@Xeo That's my conundrum (I don't really know the answer to that specific question, but I know the answer for an arbitrary container)
@evening everybody
I'm asking because of the second snippet here
@Xeo Oh, lol, I thought it was about my rubber ducking session above (it fits perfectly!)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know
What ISP means by bandwidth? The speed which goes from ISP to my home computer?
fuck MSVC
complains about copy constructor being inaccessible -> doesn't tell you what part of your code tried to copy it.
> In the second form, str is left in a valid state with an unspecified value.
@A.H. No. It has to be somewhat valid because it is about to be destroyed.
But it doesn't need to have any particular given value.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well then to be properly destroyed it needs to know that its empty
please clever people, help me, i am going insane
It doesn't have to be empty. Hell++-style implementation coming up.
@evening Over this bandwidth thing?
Dude, chill out.
yes :(
The bigger the number, the faster it gets.
Other than that, it's a mess.
at least you made me lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Yeah -- the flooding and mud slides are mostly where the fire happened last year. Now we're getting some pretty heavy rains (around 3 centimeters in under an hour) and there's no plants there to soak up the water or slow down run off. At the same time, I think a little of it is excessive caution. There was a pretty nasty mud slide in August (killed a couple people) so now (it seems to me like) they're basically closing that section of road almost any time it starts to rain.
current bush fire in NSW ... looks like the whole state which Sydney is located in is on fire
@JerryCoffin Oh good to hear that :)
@evening Let me elaborate on @R.MartinhoFernandes's statement: the number they quote correlates loosely with download speed, and much more tightly with the size of bill they send you.
Hmm, actually it seems like what I wanted to implement for Hell++ isn't possible.
It amounts to copy on write.
CoW can be useful and usable, even in a multi-threaded world.
you just need to have an interface designed to minimize write accesses.
@DeadMG It's not feasible for std::string.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's because std::string's interface is such that practically every operation, ever, looks like a write, even if it isn't.
@DeadMG Yeah, exactly.
@Telkitty猫咪咪 wtf
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not any more. Was supposed to be possible in C++03, but I don't think they figure it's really even supposed to be possible under the current standard.
well I doubt that text has such a mutation-heavy interface.
yeah, wtf ... only become aware of this because I am going for a overnight hiking trip again next weekend.
@DeadMG Oh, but I was talking about making a std::string that retains the original value after being moved.
I can make it retain some fixed value, but that's it.
turns out I didn't build this test project for a long time.
Hey, Steam is 10 years old today.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Can't you just keep the pointer with a flag "I don't own it", without the "copy" thing? Since the string is not an owner anymore
@Xeo What about op[]?
@R.MartinhoFernandes fuck the string interface :|
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd think that would happen with almost any string taking advantage of SSO.
@R.MartinhoFernandes unspecified state, invalid to access
I want to generate a sequence of growing values for those that will fit in an int. Can I use SFINAE?
15 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
> In the second form, str is left in a valid state with an unspecified value.
if(s.size() > 0) s[0] = 1; has to work for any non-const s,
People still use Caml. wow....
@GamesBrainiac F# is a Caml derivative.
@JerryCoffin If it's small enough, yes.
@EtiennedeMartel Why use F# when you have Scala or Haskell?
@GamesBrainiac Because you want to target the .NET framework? Or interop with a .NET lib?
@R.MartinhoFernandes sure -- but Hell++ obviously defines "small enough" as anything under about a megabyte...
@EtiennedeMartel Ah, I forget .NET sometimes.
@JerryCoffin hehe
@GamesBrainiac Life is tough in Fanboy Land.
awww, balls.
I seem to have accidentally erased my CLI driver.
F# is cool.
that's what source control is for, fortunately.
@DeadMG You lost your balls?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What makes it special?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dunno. I just opened the folder and there's no code there.
@GamesBrainiac Powerful do-notation!
@R.MartinhoFernandes I gotta try it out sometime, after I get done with Haskell
found it
@DeadMG Will version control save your ass?
@Xeo Only if he's using git or mercurial
> I'm dynamically creating threads:

auto thr =new std::future<void>(std::async(/*some callable*/));
Fuck this. Fuck this shit. I come in this morning and it's raining like fuck, and now it's sunny outside.
@Xeo I never deleted it. I simply misplaced it. I renamed the project but forgot to move it into the new folder.
@EtiennedeMartel Are you trying to rap or something? :P
@DeadMG Told you everything would be alright.
@EtiennedeMartel Same kind of weather here.
@EtiennedeMartel Bob Marley
@EtiennedeMartel Finding this one small source file is far from everything being alright.
@DeadMG Hey, could be worse.
I wanted to ask, will Lisp ever stop having so many dialects? I mean, there's Groovy, there's Scheme, there's Common Lisp, I'm sure there are a lot more I dunno about.
You could have been hit by a car.
@GamesBrainiac Clojure.
@EtiennedeMartel Yes, there's clojure too.
@EtiennedeMartel They could take my gallbladder out whilst they're at it.
@DeadMG He's a surgeon too now?
@GamesBrainiac Well, the car could have hit it.
@DeadMG No scope gallblader snipe. With a car. Now that's accuracy.
@DeadMG Its amazing how you keep rising back from the dead.
Q: can't use uniform initialization in constructor initialization list with try/catch

catscradleThe following code does not compile with gcc: struct test { int x; test() try : x{123} { } catch (...) { } }; int main() {} Errors: prog.cpp:3:25: error: expected unqualified-id before ‘{’ token test() try : x{123} { ^ prog.cpp:5:5: error: ...

asgilahgjuahaghaö the answers here
@Xeo D-d-d-downvoting.
@Xeo How come all the noobs are answering?
@EtiennedeMartel I'm frankly not sure how a scope would be of much assistance if attempting to snipe a gallbladder with a car.
@DeadMG I just remembered you're not a CoD player.
@EtiennedeMartel He's more of a herring
@EtiennedeMartel Noscope is part of the CS:S jargon so I still got it.
@GamesBrainiac Reputation, yo.
@DeadMG Really.
Well, the thing is: any sniping is more impressive without a scope.
Or at least the high pitched teenagers will not shut up about it.
yes really, and yes, I'm quite aware of that fact
needs more 360
@Xeo It compiles fine on my PC
@EtiennedeMartel I would say in a moving car it's harder to do it with a scope than without.
@GamesBrainiac It seems to be a 4.8(.1?) regression
Notice the link, it says "language: C++11"
@Xeo It works fine on 4.7.2, why does it not work on 4.8.1? Something in C++14?
Look up the word "regression"
yay internets!
@BartekBanachewicz internets are nice.
Measured peak 236 Mbps In / 19 Mbps out
pretty decent
@BartekBanachewicz Can I get one?
@EtiennedeMartel That's cool.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you already have one
I had to get the ethernet cable to the top floor myself
that shit was scary.
Sigh. This just feels like bad design.
the cable? dunno, it is nicely routed through the walls
Anyone here a fan of Scott Lynch?
How do you assign to an existing std::array<float, 4> in VS2012?
foo = {{ a, b, c, d }};?
Or what?
Does std::array even have an assignment op?
Oh wait, yeah
@R.MartinhoFernandes std::array<float, 4> foo2 = {...}; foo = foo2; :D
It's an aggregate.
@Xeo Meh, that's what we ended up with.
foo = {{ ... }} would need braced-init-lists, no?
I was hoping for a decent solution.
For Snake, what do you think Level would contain?
foo = std::array<float, 4>{{ ... }} doesn't work either :/
Not sure you can brace init in 2012
That's aggregate init!
On temporaries? I don't think so.
Oh well.
At least we know there isn't a better option.
OH: we are running out of issues.
For arrays, I usually brace init a raw array and then init the std::array from it xD
@Borgleader This is assignment not init.
Initializing std::arrays works fine.
int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::array<int, 5> myarr(std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));
The only reason we're not moving up to 2013 is that we have a release milestone in November.
that's assignment? Oops
@Borgleader Erm, that... doesn't work.
I suspect you are thinking of emulating vector+initializer_list instead.
std::array doesn't have such a ctor since it's an aggregate.
Oh right I was thinking of vector
posted on September 12, 2013 by Scott Meyers

In 1999, Addison-Wesley and I collaborated on a CD version of two of my books, Effective C++, Second Edition and More Effective C++. The CD was designed for contemporary browsers--contemporary to 1999. That was a time of rapid browser evolution, and it wasn't too long before browsers "progressed" to the point where the CD content didn't display correctly. In 2003, Ian Roberts described how th

Does MSVC lie about __cplusplus__ being 201103?
Hey, anyone here watch Vooza videos?
Sent Asylum feedback on invoke being unSFINAEy.
It feels horrible to add preffixes and suffixes to that thing.
> Well, I used to stand for something / But forgot what that could be / There's a lot of me inside you / Maybe you're afraid to see
lol, it's always impressive to see inmates proposing C++98 features for C++17.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hu?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Dafuq.
A: When, where, and why should we use "BigObject&& rv = std::move(big_obj);"?

Sebastian Redlhttps://www.google.ch/search?q=rvalue+references+introduction This yields a lot of good articles: http://thbecker.net/articles/rvalue_references/section_01.html http://www.cprogramming.com/c++11/rvalue-references-and-move-semantics-in-c++11.html http://www.artima.com/cppsource/rvalue.html http...

Ugh, WTF.
What kind of crappy answer is that.
That "answer" is really just a glorified RTFM. — Etienne de Martel 10 secs ago
Btw, am I the only that thinks none of the answers here is really appropriate?
Q: What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues?

James McNellisIn C++03, an expression is either an rvalue or an lvalue. In C++11, an expression can be an: rvalue lvalue xvalue glvalue prvalue Two categories have become five categories. What are these new categories of expressions? How do these new categories relate to the existing rvalue and lva...

There's a lot of standard quoting, but if you ask me, the standard descriptions suck.
@R.MartinhoFernandes A prvalue (“pure” rvalue) is an rvalue that is not an xvalue.
That one's my favourite.
Quite often any answer that doesn't quote the standard gets downvoted quickly on such questions. It appears there's a clique of standard junkies that act that way. Attempts to provide a clearer, more intuitive explanation aren't always rewarded.
I find it sad that Fred's comment is sort of forgotten stackoverflow.com/questions/3601602/…
(And the link is dead now; should be stroustrup.com/terminology.pdf)
yay food
I bought a lot of food
food = happinness
you sound like a hungry man
but I generally forgive those who share common interest(s) with me
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Hey! :D Its been a while Kitty, howv you been?
@BartekBanachewicz Donate at least half of it to me.
om nom nom
I'm having a kapsalon today.
@GamesBrainiac I have been alive, you?
@Telkitty猫咪咪 Pretty good. Still at it with the pics I see! :D
So I'm reading an computer architecture book and they ask a question but refer to something as w-bit word... what is a "word"? From their examples, it looks like they mean some sort of hexidecimal or pointer thing
iirc, word often refers to an opcode
hm, the question says they want you to write a method like replace_byte(unsigned x, int i, unsigned char b) where unsigned x is the "word", int i is where you're replacing, and b is what you're replacing with
@Telkitty are you really asian or is that the online equivalent of a chinese character tattoo?
(i don't read mandarin so i'm not sure what the characters are)

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