@R.MartinhoFernandes You're such a loser. Have you ever heard of such a thing as a "calender"? People use this to... Oh. Right. People do. Sorry. I take everything back. It was a fun night, though. I ended up with DK (yep, the same) in some gay bar in P'berg...
@sehe Because I was there and wondered whether the poor furriner is, after hours, still running around the block, not finding the venue.
@JerryCoffin Well, just from reading that meta question, its answers and all the comments I got the impression he got a pretty good beating at the mod's chat. :)
@Borgleader Really? FF's spill chucker accepts "calender". Weird. Well, the robot is still trying to learn German (where it's "Kalender"), so I can always say I wanted him to get more used to the German spelling.
@sbi Probably -- but despite it, his "answer" on meta seems to indicate that he's learned little (if anything) from it. He continues to defend his actions and says he'd do it again, even though other mods and at least one SO employee have made it pretty clear that it was a mistake.
@JerryCoffin I chose to interpret it as "I'm too proud to admit that I got a scolding over this, so to you schmucks, I'll keep pretending I was in the right"
@jalf Maybe -- I'd like to think he's learned enough to at least proceed cautiously if something similar arises again, but can't say I'm confident he will.
@Frank Not to be too hostile, but what made you think it would make sense to mark a question as being about SQL, C#, and other things that aren't C++, then ask about it in a chat room that's pretty clearly marked as being related to C++?
@sbi actually was probably more like a year and a half, either way, you helped a lot even if you didn't realise. So did everyone else here, which I appreciate :)
@Ell I am sorry I forgot about that. It seems I radiate a certain ability to take others crying on my shoulder, especially when it's about females. I have lost track of who of you already did so.
@Tony I've only been to London twice, but while I was there I loved it. I loved the business and how diverse it was, people from all around the world all in one place