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@Raynos Have you tried Aptana? (yeah, I'm 22 hours late, but anyway)
@aditya aptana was messy. Tried eclipse, tried webstorm, tried cloud9ide, now trying netbeans
@Raynos With great power, comes great messiness
Aptana auto complete was a pain in the ass.
netbeans is good
I know a couple of people who swear by it
netbeans looks polished in linux. It just doesnt really auto complete my OOp structure
I also know a couple of people who swear at it, but I swear at those people, so ...
Tbh what I want is code bubbles support for JS.
TextMate's macros are beyond awesome
I dont really use macro's
What do you mean by 'code bubbles'?
snippets of code for re-use?
@aditya its a layer ontop of eclipse. google it. It looks really impressive
Also I would be happy if cloud9ide had an intellisense engine build in :P
You need a BIG screen for code bubbles
@aditya 1920x1200 is big enough
Besides thats what zooming in and out is for
I prefer to think of these things spacially instead of a file by file system
All you need is groups and two-way links attached to other groups
@Raynos It's pretty interesting, I will admit
jumpy jumpy jumpy :)
something like Eclipse can do this because of the way it works, but I don't like Eclipse ... too much point and click :/
I can see this coming. Did I mention what I did to the last guy that said "use Vi"
@Raynos Javascript isn't as tight as languages like Java ... bubbles might find it a little hard to understand and break it down
@aditya it should try HARDER
I wonder if Vim can do this using ctags
might be a little difficult to code out, but hmm...

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