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4:27 AM
7 hours later…
11:09 AM
Anyone lend me a pair of eyes and explain why plotmath might not be working in a call to legend()?
A: How to include MEAN and SD in Legend in R Plot

Gavin SimpsonThis gets pretty close: dat <- data.frame(V1 = 1:6, V2 = c(11613, 6517, 2442, 687, 159, 29)) addMyLegend <- function(data, where = "topright", digits = 3, ...) { MEAN <- round(mean(data), digits = digits) SD <- round(sd(data), digits = digits) legend(where, legend = list...

4 hours later…
3:09 PM
@JoshuaUlrich Hehe, good one.
@RomanLuštrik Thanks. I'm ornery (there's a new word for you).
...and I was also wrong.
Which is it, bad-tempered or stubborn? :)
3:26 PM
not to be confused with honey
or horny
3:46 PM
Knowing Joshua only via internet, I feel pretty safe.
4:24 PM
I only exist on the internet.
5:03 PM
If you've not seen War Games (the movie) then that might not make any sense to you... and you should probably see it :)
5:39 PM
This one?`"A young man finds a back door into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game-playing, possibly starting World War III."
Yes. It's the one with WOPR.
We have thunder and lightning. How very frightening. I think I'll log off and go play with less expensive electronic equipment.
2 hours later…
7:44 PM
Vote to delete, please (it's a verbatim copy):
8:05 PM
Thanks for keeping it tidy around here, @joran and @GavinSimpson.
@JoshuaUlrich I'm like a butler for SO: I help keep things tidy.
@JoshuaUlrich welcome. thx for the heads up.

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