I have a list view, and some data which i want to put in it. normally that data i populate using a "SimpleCursorAdapter". but now, i want to add/ append 1 more element which is not in the database and, the layout for this particular item is different than the other items. My question: Is is possible to create a list view with such data using "SimpleCursorAdapter" or do i need to use the custom adapter only? The list view may contain as much as 8000 records.
@AgarwalShankar I need to use a webservice multiple times so for that I need to pass sessionId and username these two variables are I’m updating the concept called Application, when ever I got these values I’m updating those with the ((Global) getApplication()).setGlobalSessionId(sessionID);in the same way username also.
My ListView (two TextView, one Icon) have more than 4000 rows and It sroll very slowly. The problem is "For{} statement" with "Cursor" make my program worse.
I want to get the "First Character"(from one of two TextView) to display when User Scroll. So, any solutions to archive this and make my pr...
@AMH if (TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK == state) { in this block u need to start the time counter then when u'll get 30 minutes then u need to end the call by using telephonyService.endCall(); this . just try this
Please look at this picture
Basically you swipe your finger down in that area and it shows more.. how can i do this?
I am planning to implement Honeycomb tablet application based on WebView (so, basically it'll be a HTML5 web based application made only for tablet).
I am looking to implement horizontal and vertical scrolling by swiping finger. For better understanding I created sample outline.
This image ...
try it "first use a flag ,thn make it false, make it tru whn ny one select nything from the list,thn of selected make it tru nd make the status of the selected of them as selected till nother one is selected by the user "
@Pallavi yes under that line .Yes i need to use much knowledge of mine because i haven't worked on DB Code till now. But i'm capable of this because now i need to work on JSON .
@Pallavi i need to populate the spinner view after onclick of the button
bcs in cursor it may be happen that say first time u have 10 value and after that if u are updating data means adding two more record than inplace of overwriting it will take 10older+10newer+2=22
it may be the case so array is better i think array will solve ur issue@Pallavi