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2:51 PM
Hi @sehe! :)
I have a question for you (hoping to not annoy you :P):
How I can change the font and make the modify permanent? I'm trying to set a different font (since the default one si really unreadable), but each time I close Vim, on the next open the font is the default again...
@unNaturhal Assuming you use the Edit/Select Font way to change the font, do this:
:se guifont=<Tab><CR>
:tabedit $MYVIMRC | $put : | wq
Job done. In effect, it uses tab completion to detect the effective guifont setting, picks it up out of the command line history and appends to your vimrc.
There. I simplified it too
In fact, you could probably do: Goset guifont="<C-r>=&guifont<CR>"<Esc> to insert the relevant setting, but I trust the other approach better
@unNaturhal (are you awake?)
Yeah, I'm awake
I'm trying to follow your way
Bug Vim gives me some errors xD
@sehe Ok, I added a '!' to 'wq' and now it works!
Thank you very much :D
8 hours later…
11:06 PM
@unNaturhal Hehe, now I'm going to bed and I notice your response :) Glad you got it working

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