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sorry for the intrusion.
I've written a script that lets you see who plonked you
highlights the user red
didn't know if the ROs in your room were interested, didn't feel like opening it to the users would be a good idea :P
I don't know good applications for this, but if I ever get curious :)
I know you room is big on the "plonk" or w/e you guys call it
so I figured some people would be interested. feel free to share. I just don't know the atmosphere as much as you and don't know if it will cause problems
@rlemon Not really. We are repeating the mantra to encourage people to just keep silent and ignore bad trolls.
But I honestly think only a minority of not-so-regular users have long plonk lists
alright. well, enjoy I suppose :) I enjoy lurking in your room. the conversation is often intriguing.
@rlemon I don't think it will actually. I'll inform some peeps. I'll just lure them here :)
@rlemon how to use, by the way
f12, paste in console
@rlemon I don't get out much :L
works in Chrome at least
the compiled version is run through babel, the raw won't work in the browser yet
you didn't plonk me :)
heh, did you run it in this room?
neither does anyone currently in the lounge apparently
@rlemon does that not work?
run it in this room and I'll show you. the bug is only that when I unignore you it doesn't trigger that
Ok. Let's have it
you have to run it in each room you want to see it in
and I should be red now
You are
that indicates ignore
I sort of expected a list of uids in the console
I've unignored you now, that is still a bug but easily patched
Refresh helped
cool. Good tool to have. Thanks!
the biggest issue is that I have to post to the API (there isn't really one) to see if you ignore me
so that happens every message posted
if you're concerned about that sort of thing
So we should not advertise too much (attracts mod attention?)
Madara knows
they can't patch it
they need to post that info to see if you can join a room with me
you can't join a room with someone who ignores you
Cool hack
alright, well, enjoy. if you have any questions feel free to ping me
I'm usually in your room anyways
Invited some co-owners who might appreciate this too.
I prefer to assume that everybody loves me so much that nobody would ever want to plonk me. :-)
stylesheets are mostly read-only (I can't replace rules without regexp tmk) so the un-ingore fix means I have to cache the status and rebuild the entire sheet on un-ignore. not a big deal.. just saying incase either of you decide to do it
Mere facts, of course, have no effect on my assumptions.
someone in the JS room pointed out that you can't join a room with someone who has ignored you, it compelled me to write a script to see who has ignored me
@rlemon I don't think I'd use this enough to care. It's something to keep in the back of my mind

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