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very good morning all :)
Good Morning
Hi Friends Good Morning
I have a question I want to store the JSON into the Sqlite database
I have gone through JSON1
can any one help me
@Sanjeev do you want to map table column with JSON or you want to insert it into any column?
@JaiprakashSoni I want to insert into column
4 hours later…
hello need a free weather forecast api which provide hourly basis temp
@Kaushik yo
Hi everyone! The navigation between activities and fragments has suddenly become very slow. It was not like this before. I am unable to understand what the problem is. Can anyone suggest what's wrong? Thanks.
hey all good noon
    data class RequestUtil<T>(@field:SerializedName("request") var request: T)
    data class ResponseUtil<T>(@field:SerializedName("response") var response: T)
@Rahul RequestUtil is dataclass and it can be of any Type
json for that
fun hitApi(@Path("urlPath") urlPath: String, @Body reqUtil: RequestUtil<Profile>): Call<ResponseUtil<PojoResponse>>
val request = RequestUtil<Profile>(jsonString)
fun hitApi(@Path("urlPath") urlPath: String, @Body reqUtil: RequestUtil<T>): Call<ResponseUtil<T>>
> Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In /home/ubuntu/SVN/SafeMotos-v4.0-master/node_modules/babel-preset-react-native-st‌​age-0/decorator-support.js

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