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Good Morning
good morning...:)
Good Morning People :D
good mrning
very good morning all :)
morning, people
Good morning
let suppose we have a tablayout in home screen like instagram
on click of + button
what does instagram do
open dialogfragment or opens fragment
if opens fragment then whether it replaces the homefragment?
if it opens fragment on click of + then why bottom tablayout is not shown
@nawaabsaab It opens a new Activity
goodmorning all
no it seems it donot opens a new activity
@nawaabsaab Why so?
do you mean the transition effect?
It can be managed
can be managed but in activities it do not give this much of smoothness
It can give
using overridePendingTransition(0,0);
when starting new Activity
@NarendraJi @nawaabsaab yes it's activity
Activity name is MediaCaptureActivity
extracted its code? Good good :P
nope, just check log :P
I see xP
ok ok
1 hour later…
whoa! people are dissecting Instagram! :O
Has anyone updated Android Studio to 3.1?
I am not able to build my existing project
Could not resolve com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java-util:3.4.0.
> Could not parse POM https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util/3.4.0/protobuf-java-util-3.4.0.pom
> Could not resolve com.google.protobuf:protobuf-parent:3.4.0.
> Could not resolve com.google.protobuf:protobuf-parent:3.4.0.
> Could not get resource 'https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-parent/3.4.0/protobuf-parent-3.4.0.pom'.
> Could not HEAD 'https://jcenter.bintray.com/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-parent/3.4.0/protobuf-parent-3.4.0.pom'. Received status code 504 from server: Gatew
@chinadoll @AnshulTyagi @nawaabsaab @curiousMind @NiranjPatel
I am using 3.0.1
I was also using this earlier but today I updated to stable 3.1 and gradle is not building
not updated
@NakAndroidDev yes, just updated
but no issue yet
@NarendraJi ok can you tell me why the above issue is coming while building project
@chinadoll yes, you're
who sends me text messages everywhere -__-
@NakAndroidDev need to ask Mr Google about that. :P
@chinadoll :O
are you the stalker? xP
Google baba haven't updated for this version too
have you already asked?
@NakAndroidDev check your proxy
@Rahul internet is working fine; what else need to be check in proxy exactly ?
@NarendraJi Googled allot from morning
Q: Gradle project sync failed after Android-Studio (3.1) update

Jayakrishnan MenonAfter an update I made on 27-03-2018, my gradle sync is failing.I am getting the error Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.1.3-2. I am posting my gradle files below. I have tried cleaning and rebuilding the project, but it is still not working. Project level gradle // Top...

> Invalidate cache and restart
tried that too?
i am not using Kotlin but having same issue
@NarendraJi yes
There solution also
yes, even I used kotlin
after a few minor issues, it got resolved
> Update Build Tools version and sync project
did that too?
build tool version is 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.1.0'
> buildToolsVersion "27.0.3"
yes it is that only
compile sdk 27+
why using + symbol?
why not 27?
can you show your gradle files?
so that I can have a look.
Okay, app gradle too
@chinadoll yo trying to understand how instagram handle center tab
@NakAndroidDev Why targeting 22, instead of 27?
@NarendraJi for not asking permission at runtime; it ask all permission at play store install only; client requirement and working fine too
Q: Android Studio update to version 3.1 error

Ioana P.I just updated my Android Studio to the lastest version 3.1 and I cannot do anything because of the following error: org.gradle.internal.resource.transport.http.HttpRequestException: Could not HEAD 'https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/org/jetbrains/annotations/13.0/annotations-13.0.pom'. I...

@nawaabsaab hmm...haven't used the app much
Instagram is a very good app
its benchmark for most of the developers
@NarendraJi you tell me. Last I checked, he was the one trying to find me on the social media and trying to get me to call him! 😡
@nawaabsaab okz
@chinadoll are you from china?
sometimes, the names are just to create confusion :P
Haha. I'll commit suicide for her :P
seriously buddy?
@AnshulTyagi lols
@AnshulTyagi +1
may be she like chinese products
@NiranjPatel amigo, do me a favor and go check out my bio
@chinadoll ohh Anand Nagar ??
@NakAndroidDev also try changing compile to implementation
@NarendraJi everywhere?
at least in app module
for me, one of the issue was probably that.
still not fixed updated this too
show exact error log
why underscore?
@NiranjPatel what's anand nagar?
@chinadoll area
@NarendraJi there's no underscore in my gradle
@NiranjPatel my bio is an area?
@chinadoll company name :P
I'm quite confused
@chinadoll me too Hettich
@NiranjPatel oh! Hi, colleague! :P
@chinadoll so is it correct ?
I was confused because it's not like IT company :P
@NiranjPatel is what correct? :/
8 mins ago, by Niranj Patel
@chinadoll me too Hettich
hello Please suggest me any library for change bg, add text and square crop on image
change bg ?
@curiousMind why do you need a library for that?
use tint
@NiranjPatel how should I know whether you work with Hettich! :O xD
@chinadoll any other solutions are also invited
@chinadoll from inner soul (anteratma se )
@Rahul O_o why do you always speak gibberish? -_-
@chinadoll LOL, I'm not working there.
@NakAndroidDev may be in some other module's gradle?
@chinadoll you don't understand the joke
@NiranjPatel but you said you do :/
oh, you said you're confused about Hettich!
@chinadoll really you are china doll, everything going confuse
13 mins ago, by Niranj Patel
@chinadoll me too Hettich
me too confused....about Hettich :P
thank god, you got it
@Rahul No tengo un alma. Yo soy el Walking Dead. xP
btw, you do work at Hettich? @chinadoll
I do
but not directly
is it IT company?
I see..do you really work there?
I work with an independent contractor who works with Hettich
@NarendraJi no where in any other lib
@AnshulTyagi @kId
the main Hettich office is across the country from where I live xD
@NarendraJi -_-
@NarendraJi आपको थप्पड़ मारा जाएगा
go ahead :P
@curiousMind no
we're not interested in her talks
I'm also getting bored like you're :P
@AnshulTyagi she asked something -_-
@Shruti खट्टे अंगूर xD
I hope I didn't translate something horrible :(
hey @curiousMind what do you need?
to place a text over an image?
@NiranjPatel so you are working at prahladnagar
@VishalThakkar no but in same city :)
does every area in India end with nagar? xD
@chinadoll almost yes
@AnshulTyagi same here
omg lol
@chinadoll is it not in your country?
@NiranjPatel huh?
Please suggest me any library for change bg, add text and square crop on image @AnshulTyagi
@NarendraJi Could not initialize class com.android.sdklib.repository.AndroidSdkHandler
@chinadoll not only nagar , pura also
@curiousMind mate you asked for other solutions too
now getting above error
@chinadoll may be you are from different planet :D
but you didn't told me :/
@NiranjPatel please stop confusing me _/\_
If you have then suggest dear
2 mins ago, by chinadoll
hey @curiousMind what do you need?
@NakAndroidDev Okay, lets ask google
2 mins ago, by chinadoll
to place a text over an image?
Image cropper
thanks @Shruti
background change also
@NiranjPatel Nah, I'm as much from Planet Earth as are you
@curiousMind define background
change background of any image and add text dear @chinadoll
@chinadoll ok
@curiousMind Not sure about background and text but it will work for cropping image in square
@curiousMind I didn't used use any library
this is an "image"
@curiousMind create other canvas on of tp
now tell me what's "background" in this
@NakAndroidDev have you tried other mentioned solutions as well?
@curiousMind if you're setting the image to an ImageView, you can set the same height and width and set scaletype to centercrop and it won't need to be cropped 🤷
hey @NarendraJi does @AnshulTyagi have long legs? xP
everytime I restart studio it has different error; now getting this:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
> javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema
show me build.gradle file
i need to generate one image - there three layer will be there so one image will be in middle and one image we will set as bottom layer(called as background)
i need canvas for bg also @Rahul ?
its okay @Shruti @kId
@curiousMind that's how you describe a problem :)
 repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://github.com/QuickBlox/quickblox-android-sdk-releases/raw/master/"
@Rahul ok
@curiousMind so you have two image and one text layers?
before as after & after as before
@Rahul still getting error
@chinadoll you better know :P
@curiousMind so why can't you swap the bottom image with something else?
@NarendraJi aww, you didn't ask "why" :(
I dont need to.
and then how to merge them?
@NarendraJi :(
A: How to combine multiple images into a single image in android?

Anton Bitmap[] parts = new Bitmap[4]; Bitmap result = Bitmap.createBitmap(parts[0].getWidth() * 2, parts[0].getHeight() * 2, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(result); Paint paint = new Paint(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { canvas.drawBitmap(pa...

this is one way ^^
@Rahul TypeError undefined is not an object (evaluating 'nativeVersion.major')
@NarendraJi @Rahul got it fixed with several restart and setting gradle version to 3.3 instead of 4.4
@Rahul please help :(
check import
any moudle may be undefined
Never mind
It's running on Android, but not on ios :(
@NakAndroidDev (Y)
How to fix UI hidden behind navigation bar in Galaxy S8 (infinity screen devices) issue?
any suggestion / solution for that?
@IshitaSinha any good example of Room with live data and persistence storge
i want to learn
@chinadoll not yet
then it's time you try and see if it works ;)
I want some garlic prawns 😒
@Rahul let's go on a date and you order garlic prawns for me :P
I am getting this warning when updating my app on playstore
Add the permission in your release notes
though, I dont need READ_PHONE_STATE permission, and nor defined in my manifest.
but why?
even if I am not using that permission in my manifest?
if you didn't add it then did you add any other permission dependent on that permission?
may be other library need this permission
or did you add any lib that needs this permission?
I didn't made any major changes today
@NarendraJi the truth debate? :O
just updated the android studio
and gradle version
nothing else
playstore never lie
hmm...check the manifest once
and all your dependencies
then why it didnt tell while the last update?
just to be sure
checked once again
and try to install the app on your phone too
see if it asks for that permission
A: How to remove specific permission when build Android app with gradle?

Johan StuytsAdd attribute tools:node with a value of remove to your manifest: <manifest ... xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"> ... <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" tools:node="remove"/> ... </manifest> See http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-b...

let me try this one
@curiousMind there?
this is very old code but you can take ref from it
@chinadoll where
@Rahul ah. La Recova maybe? :P
@chinadoll what will be the return gift for Rahul
return gift?
@NarendraJi may be you are using library for play video and it's using that permission
No, I am not using.
and if that was the case, then it should show the same warning, when I updated it the last time (yesterday).
@NarendraJi any thirdparty lib
A: Warnings Your Apk Is Using Permissions That Require A Privacy Policy: (android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)

Lalit Singh RanaThe dependencies you have in your project, will add their own permissions. Please do the below to find from where "READ_PHONE_STATE" is coming. Rebuild your android application Press "Ctrl+Shift+F" in android studio (basically do a search all in the editor of your preference). Search for "READ...

try that
@NarendraJi did you change the minSdkVersion or targetSdkVersion?
@Rahul nothing
just updated the buildToolsVersion as per my new AS version
and a minor text change
are you using PlayServices version 9.6.0?
or you can try adding this to your manifest: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" tools:node="remove" />
@Rahul I'm hungry. I need some calamari. :(
@chinadoll btw, I shared the same thing, didn't I? :P
19 mins ago, by NarendraJi
A: How to remove specific permission when build Android app with gradle?

Johan StuytsAdd attribute tools:node with a value of remove to your manifest: <manifest ... xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"> ... <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" tools:node="remove"/> ... </manifest> See http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-b...

Ah. True.
sorry, been distracted today...
And I'm hungry now :(
that I know
Hunger is the reason
I wouldn't even refuse some curry now xP
btw, u know any PB?
What's a PB?
Is that an abbreviation for a chef in India?

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