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2:33 AM
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn Why do you want it changed? Companies shouldn't waste time on security.
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn cyber security for 3 letter agencies is three tiered: you have contractor who basically steal money from the government who don't do much of anything, bigger shops who implement solutions that contracts asked for, offensive or more interesting work...
anyways most stuff in the security space is scam, where people get paid if nothing happens and are not liable if something does
2 hours later…
4:22 AM
Here @Mikhail, there is someone who share your passion of wanting to re-distribute the wealth - 31 billionaires are worth more than the US Treasury has in cash
4:39 AM
Must say ChatGPT is quite good with commonly asked questions.
9 hours later…
2:04 PM
@Mikhail isn't entering the field of offensive cyberstuff very difficult from a legal perspective? I can imagine some govt agencies might be interested, maybe. But that looks a bit shady to me. No?
I don't mind shade, it's just that I don't know anything about this from a formal/legal perspective. I'd think that maybe DoD could reach out to a firm specialized in cyberattacks, but if they get in legal trouble the DoD will probably not come rescue them
5 hours later…
6:42 PM
posted on May 30, 2023 by Blog Staff

There are many well-established patterns used in the concurrency domain. They deal with synchronization challenges such as sharing and mutation but also with concurrent architectures. Today, I will introduce and dive deeper into them in additional posts. Concurrency Patterns by Rainer Grimm From the article: The main concern when you deal with concurrency is shared, mutable

4 hours later…
11:07 PM
@LandonZeKepitelOfGreytBritn companies occasionally pay small shops for penetration testing, nobody has really gotten into any legal trouble.
but I gotta keep stressing this, the security field is mostly a scam

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