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ah, yeah, I guess that makes sense to include them
"can you think of an C++ std RAII wrapper except the entire standard library"
The only part that doesn't have RAII in it is... maybe std::array?
so all types in the standard library are RAII wrappers?
std::array has RAII built-in.
wrapper around what
my dick ... badum tss
RAII wrapper => resource management
all types in the standard library that have a resource use RAII yeah
the easier question is what doesn't use RAII, and I don't know how to answer that.
right, so let me rephrase, what types in the stdlib manage a resource
I think even std::regex stores its own string copy.
Nope, regexen specifically are views.
Yeah, it's way ahead of its time in that regard.
always stay weird Andy, never not forget that
@ThePhD No it doesn't?
Or, wait. The MATCHES are views. Not sure about the regex itself.
The matches yeah.
That's fine.
But the std::regex object seems to maintain its own string.
5 mins ago, by Luc Danton
@Rapptz who even does that
as far as you know I’ve just woken up
it's 8 at Andy's place.
Q: Allow chat rooms to define their own rules within limits

Mad ScientistChat rooms can have very different policies and cultures, which leads to issues due to the global nature of the flagging system. One example that regularly causes confusion and drama is the question whether profanity is allowed in chat or not. Many chat rooms have a very informal atmosphere, and ...

I wasn't referring to that
Oh by the way
I think inkdoc is pretty feature complete.
As far as 'core' features go.
As in like it does its one job of turning C++ comments into .rst.
iunno what else to do with it
Nov 28 '12 at 2:59, by Xeo
Sleep typing, secret German skill.
Yes your memory is also scary
no that’s the robot
that's because he never not forgets to be weird
Oh hey.
It's Pubby.
no that’s the andy
well I guess I'll have to add the entire std lib to my list of standard RAII wrappers then
wow that chat log is so old
I was actually using VS2012
@Pubby Come back
Pubbyc hair
@ThePhD noob :P
@Pubby come on @Elim's back
@ElimGarak q_q don't judge me
Pubby is pretty RIP by now friends.
It's been centuries.
actually I'm too new to even know him, hope he doesn't mind
Pubby's bus was less forgiving than Domagoj's
Oh it's Cicada.
I'm like who the fuck is gregor
Jesus Christ, ahahah. I just noticed. I wanted to ask whether Gregor is really a peasant.
oh wow
lmao you would have fooled everyone if it wasn't for me eh
yesterday, by Andy Prowl
is gregor cicada
I suggest we just address Cicada by his approximate rep.
hey I've been RIP for a couple of days
so what features should I add to my shitty Sphinx extension
@LucDanton I love your cold cynicism
I try to blend in through mimicry
Whenever I see someone with the default gravatar, I always think it's Luc.
Even if it isn't green.
lol, season 2 of True Detective shot the series rating down on IMDB from 9.5 to 8.9
4:50 and on
aah I still have to watch it don't spoil it
they die at the end
> According to one news report (below), the house’s second floor caught fire. Tthe 40 year-old live streamer as well as his 73-year-old mother, 68 year-old father, and a 62 year-old relative sustained injuries. We hope that they were not serious.
Ugh. Critical Listening report time...
All facecam streams are total failures
Well, he's 40 years old and still lives with his mom. Basically, ThePhD in 2 decades. ahahah :D
What the fuck did he try to do with that cardboard box tho
I love how everything he does just makes it 10x worse. If he had just left it on the floor and went for the water, it would be over in a minute flat.
@ElimGarak HEY!
@ElimGarak what a moron
If he wasn't a moron and had a goddamn extinguisher ready it would be over in a minute flat
Hey let's play with fire and oil and be totally unprepared for fire control
How do I get a core dump of a process that's running at 100% CPU
Or rather how do I get a dump of a running process
No there are no debuggers on that machine
take it to the bathroom and clog the toilet
I give up
If you're on linux, pkill -ABRT <name> will get you a core dump
WTB crappy shitty Medieval music.
Thanks guis that worked
@CatPlusPlus Send it RAGEQUIT
why google-imaging "ok" gives me icons with the OK symbol, while google-imaging "ko" gives me cows everywhere
is "ko" some english slang for cow?
or is there a famous cow named "ko"?
same happens with "kuh", weird
> From Old High German kuo, from Proto-Germanic *kūz (compare Dutch koe, Low German Koh, English --> cow <--, Danish ko), from Proto-Indo-European *gʷōus (compare Latin bōs, Ancient Greek βοῦς ‎(boûs)).
Boûs de vache
@LucDanton not really weird; unless you meant the lack of Buchstabierung
The mental masturbation that goes on when people listen to Purcell and all these other composers is astounding.
same happens with "you suck mcbain", weird
@ThePhD what's that sir
@sehe "Purcell ushered in the Golden Age of English Music at a time of intense strife, weaving beautiful compositions of astounding music genius..."
The book goes on like this for a few more sentences until it FINALLY starts tell you about their life.
What book m8
The Enjoyment of Music
And why are you reading it.
wow. I thought you were in college or sumtin'
Liberal Arts. q_q
> ... until it FINALLY starts tell you about their life
IMO the life of composers is usually the single most uninteresting aspect
There are clear exceptions. But then it usually means their life was interesting /as well/, not much in relation to their music IYAM
Liberal farts
@ThePhD Did you check the wrong checkbox when enlisting?
I dunno, there's cool facts in here like he used to sing but his voice actually broke and he ended up cleaning organs and stuff and that's how he got his hands on his more instruments.
I didn't even know voices could just... break.
Like "Well, can't sing anymore."
They all do, in puberty
@ThePhD That will probably mean something like ~ "Teacher said: no good, not teaching you"
@sehe what kind of keyboard layout is that
You needed a lot of goodwill to get into music careers (still do)
@GregorMcGregor IDGI
@sehe No, I'm enrolled in the School of Engineering, but Liberal Arts Universities in general demand that you take X amount of humanities to become a "well rounded person".
"Well rounded" usually translates to "we shoved the Iliad and Beowulf and a bunch of other Western classical music/text down your throat".
@sehe Hey @everyone sehe didn't understand a cryptic joke!!!
Still don't get it
@sehe s/pub/qw (s/pub/az?) (is the joke) (I think)
Oh. In that case the question is impotent
Tomorrow I'm going to spend all my time trying to design circuits for Digital Logic.
Or, er.
Today. After some sleep.
Also it's fucking freezing cold.
@ThePhD Yeah. that language puts me off. It's funny to call Purcell medieval in any case
@elyse I slept over the issue and turned the error into a warning.
And I can't control the temp.
WTG DigID or "How ~not~ to do two factor auth"
In the future, a group of resistance fighters send me back in time with instructions to find the Skynet prototype and try to upgrade it.
@Feeds nice
Apparently, the woman behind Peeple asked on Facebook how to block unwanted comments on their company page.
Morning superior beings and other prodigies.
@sehe [translation needed]
How *not* to do #DigiD two-factor auth: Require fraudsters the opt-in for SMS verification @Logius_minbzk yeah #sure http://t.co/fm9oxgWOxU
@Griwes See highlighted: "Yes, I want to enable additional SMS verifcation"
@JohanLarsson I can block just fine, for I have green threads.
Added a translation in a reply tweet
@fredoverflow Force assignments to be warning-free, problem solved. :P
yield instead of sleep
@elyse Ok, I'll have to trust you on that. Green threads are yet in my future.
@fredoverflow wait... you said 'mike' too :\
it takes too long for a green thread to ripen
must be exposed to plenty of sunshine
Not too much though. They dry out and turn brown
@StackedCrooked Sleeping yields.
Spinloops are moronic.
Also, I wonder if rustc targets ARM.
Luckily, Rust has a language feature called "arms", making it easy to Google this.
Is there any work done on editor/tooling for Rust?
Yes, Vim plugins exist.
Emacs plugins also exist.
I'm thinking of going back to Emacs.
Hm, making a trip to Dublin this week for Intel DPDK talks.
Intel DPRK talks.
@thecoshman The UPS guy who delivered the mic was called Mike ;)
@elyse more useful if you RT that though
I need to sleep more
@Ell Don't we all ...
No. Sleep less.
For sleeping is a waste of time.
Every time you sleep you are dead. At least I heard someone say that one time.
auto time = now() + duration;
for (; now() < time;) // for sleeping
I like how in Go a while loop is written for condition { ... }.
And an infinite loop for { ... }.
That's a spin loop.
@StackedCrooked Yeah but every time I don't sleep I'm also sort of dead
So what is a move constructor?
T(T&& other)
it's a constructor
alternatively T(T&& robert)
@GregorMcGregor so it creates a wrapper?
@JohanLarsson say you have a vector of integers.
std::vector<int> xs{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
@JohanLarsson A wrapper?
@JohanLarsson it's a constructor that is called when the initializing expression is an rvalue
Now you want to create a new vector with the same integers.
std::vector<int> ys = xs;
This will copy all the integers.
However, if you already know that you won't be using the original vector anymore, you can write this:
std::vector<int> zs = std::move(xs);
why not point to the original?
Then it'll merely copy the pointer to the underlying integer array, instead of copying all the integers.
This will call the move constructor.
ok ty all
@GregorMcGregor you went all out with your bio
Being exposed to scary stuff while reading the rust book
Rust has no move constructors, though.
@Rapptz That bio is pretty great.
It mentions stuff, or maybe it is just that I read it here all the time
The owning borrowing thing would be a nice fit for editor support I think.
@fredoverflow ¬_¬ nice try
Bring down opacity of things that cannot be touched.
@Rapptz @sehe said I wasn't making enough efforts on the previous characters so there you go
love the regex bit
pretty good
Rapptz McRapptz
I really love the aliasing restriction of Rust.
@GregorMcGregor Do you only use them in chat?
@GregorMcGregor Do you only use them in chat?
@GregorMcGregor :D
You won
Custom move constructors would be a pain without templates btw.
It'd require reified generics.
Crooked StackedCrooked
ITT Cicada loves potatoes
@StackedCrooked No match
Why can't I do my critical listening report on this:
I can report you for listening to that
* emacs-common-gentoo-1.5.tar.xz SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL size ;-) ... [ ok ]
> ;-)
@JerryCoffin I ended up with 6 effect categories:
enum class Effect {

    fun harmless(): Boolean = this < UNKNOWN

    fun max(that: Effect): Effect = if (this < that) that else this
@fredoverflow Is the effect of reading a volatile variable IO?
@sehe It's fun, though. ;~;
@elyse I will probably never implement volatile semantics.
But if you would.
hmm, good question
@JohanLarsson What do you mean
It should be, as reading it may have side-effects.
Read-once memory. :D
@GregorMcGregor Is it only for use in this room you create characters?
No it's a condition called altitis
Not to be confused with all titties
We already established that
I wish there was rock and electric guitars in the 1600s.
some rock was probably there
Gregor McGregor, Norfolk, CT
23.6k 3 44 80
Cicada confirmed.
We didn't need no confirmation
20 hours ago, by sehe
This gregor guy knows his way around chat. Welcome, brother
@Xeo Mooorning.
I feel embarassed
@ThePhD Hm, .. Mozart was yet to be born (1756). And he didn't even do rock.
You are embarassed
You are embarrassment.
I wish AWK had a larger standard library.
I wonder if anyone was jamming out in the 1800s.
I just want something that has energy to it. For very long periods of time.
Yeah, hard to tell a difference between feeling embarrassed and being embarrased
Distinct punches.
@ThePhD electric guitars are a little useless without power outlets.
@ThePhD waltzing perhaps
@ThePhD Maybe Wagner or Grieg.
@StackedCrooked ik ga naar Bels dit jaar

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