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> Ginette, c'est un peu comme Jésus. Lève-toi, et va la mettre top net.
Lift me, go the distance?
"Stand up and put it in the top of the net"
You know, a hockey net.
@EtiennedeMartel OK, je ne parler frog :)
..or just parle - I'm conjugation-unfriendly.
Anyway, before I embarrass myself any further because of my lack of language skills and general pissedness, I goto bed :)
A: Dynamic generation & safe usage of spsc_queues

seheYou're basically proposing to use 2x(cores-1) spsc_queues in their intended fashion. Yes, this would work. I don't see how you would obviously handle the responses ("incoming queues") on the main thread though. Bear in kind there is no "waiting" operation on the incoming queue, and neither would...

Turd polish or not. I'm learning a lot here :)
@StackedCrooked Thou Shalt Fear Thy ADL /cc @Borgleader @Rapptz
5 messages moved to bin
@Rapptz she provided an answer, not a question. Not sure why you moved them to bin...
because it's self-promotion regardless
@Rapptz So if you're a regular it's ok?
there wasn't even anything after dumping it
like "is this right?"
it was just an answer dump
makes sense...
Maybe we/you should add it to loungecpp.net/w/Newbie_hints ?
it's already there
> Therefore, we have removed all automatic Wiki conversion triggers from the software. No longer will answers with more than some arbitrary number of edits, or questions with more than a page of answers suddenly lose their owners.
@Rapptz why you move it message to bin?
because you just dumped your answer here for no reason, no discussion point, etc.
@Rapptz I have just a question about it. So...
@Rapptz ????????????????????
@xiaodongjie So what's your question? Is it something that should be chatted about, or is it something that should really be a question on Stack Overflow?
Oh, It's my first answer on stackoverflow.
I guess
So, I am going to ask you about it.
It's good? or bad?
@xiaodongjie It isn't terrible by any means, but could still be improved. In particular, it would be improved considerably by adding some real explanation about the code and how it works so a reader gains real knowledge, not just a rote example to copy and paste.
And once again on the #stackoverflow team call, the biggest design problem to conquer is @jonskeet
@JerryCoffin Oh, you mean I just copy and paste with out my explains?
@sehe ... o.o wat
@xiaodongjie No, I mean add some explanation. It currently just has code and a couple of links (and the code doesn't seem to contain many comments either).
@JerryCoffin Oh, When I found a answer about it question, In this case, what do you do?
as know some pages.
@xiaodongjie you explain things.
The result of a good answer should not be code I cut and paste into my program, but understanding so I can write code.
@JerryCoffin Oh, I see. I'll reedit it.
@xiaodongjie Don't get me wrong--that doesn't mean it can't (or shouldn't) include demonstration code; it just means it should also include explanation (and code is usually optional).
Any Haskellers online willing to let me pick their brain?
maybe I should post a SO Q...hmmm
@Code-Guru what, you mean so others might benefit from the answers you get? Nah, noooo, nothing good lies down that road. :p
Who cares about everyone else? I just want my answer!
@Code-Guru Okay, how 'bout: "What, getting answers from everybody who's qualified, not just whoever happens to be in the chat room at this particular moment?"
meh, who wants answer from the experts?
Oh hey, the Canadiens won.
hi guys
i want to know how to migrate stored procedures on the SQL Server database to the Oracle database
@nirudyogi Why would you ask that in a C++ room?
there is no DB room out here.... :)
1 hour later…
How can I forward port on my test network application https://www.dropbox.com/sh/en916t9qsvm3vnz/BWoya3xCRE

(for internet)
@dev-inside Do you want to set up port forwarding statically, or are you talking about using something like uPnP? The former you do however your router says to. The latter you quickly find is such an utterly insane mess that you probably move on to something else.
I can do so by adding port forwarding on my router but that won't work on user's computer (or mobile device) so even github.com/mkhan3189/AndroidIM works but the issue is i can't seem to find (it's a fork) where it's dealing with forwarding data to correct server/client
@nirudyogi You will simply have to rewrite them, IMHO.
@Feeds It's like it was drawn to comment on my attempts to wake up earlier today.
has anybody here tried the gn buildsystem?
in iOS tutorials, 16 hours ago, by DeadMG
4 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@Alex gn?
it looks a bit like maven to me and is less of a nuisance than cmake, autotools
I'm generally looking for a build system that is suitable for C++ (linux environment). allowing cross-compilation. and a deployment system that is coupled with the build system if necessary. to fetch dependencies from git repositories and builds them.
currently we are running cmake and some python glue code in the middle to do the rest.
@Feeds Pff, just use different songs for calls and alarm
@Xeo Which, of course, any halfway reasonable alarm app will do by default.
Good morning!
@nirudyogi Ask @sehe. He probably knows.
@rightfold thank you so much, chap
Geen probleem. :D
> This is the article that first got me thinking about my own requirements for a serialization implementation. Interesting and worth the read if you can overlook the arrogant tone of the prose. This implementation fails 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
^ trololol dat arrogant tone :/
always choose the most annoying stuff as alarm song
@cHao ba-dum-tsssh
(I should download some Bieber)
@nirudyogi and the answer is: you rewrite it in PL/SQL. Have fun!
@nirudyogi "Hey greengrocer, got some ham for me?" "Why ask me? I'm a greengrocer." "There's no butcher nearby."
Morning folk!
@rightfold Apart from the fact that he ran into the greengrocer on the golf court!
@sehe Write a T-SQL stored procedure interpreter in PL/SQL.
Ah. I forgot.
Dementerende opa.
I wish you could pass strings as template parameters
I wish you could pass identifiers as template parameters
why not pass char... and write a macro to expand strings into {'a', 'b'} forms if you really need it
I wish you could say what you want to do and the computer writes the program for you
because I like to keep my sanity while programming
I wrote it, I can share vOv
It's been done before but it's shit API IMO
I agree
but I needed the functionality
well, I'm off, laters
I need a way to let the user specify a string without adding an extra parameter to the function because C APIs suck.
templates save some of the struggle :(
@LukeMaciak mmm... grabs checklist: [x] Motive? [x] Opportunity? [x] Means? I think we can close this case :)
I don't want to return IEnumerable here, but not a mutable set either. gist.github.com/rightfold/9c979dc9ff8deb98482e
Is there any other option?
@ScarletAmaranth tag structs are the closest thing
I found ReadOnlyCollection but it doesn't provide a set interface. :<
dat pun
Zo ver gezocht. :v
Also, the pre-.NET #4.0 readonly collection interfaces are meh. Just broken
@rightfold readonly/set? Doesn't get any closer IMO
In mathematics, a set is a collection of distinct objects, considered as an object in its own right. For example, the numbers 2, 4, and 6 are distinct objects when considered separately, but when they are considered collectively they form a single set of size three, written {2,4,6}. Sets are one of the most fundamental concepts in mathematics. Developed at the end of the 19th century, set theory is now a ubiquitous part of mathematics, and can be used as a foundation from which nearly all of mathematics can be derived. In mathematics education, elementary topics such as Venn diagrams ar...
ISet has impure Add. :<
Oh well, I guess it doesn't matter here. Up to the user of the function what it does with the set. It's not used by the function after it is returned anyway.
> I am not writing this to make you made, Open Source. Let’s just be clear, Google is in it for the money. I am writing this because I care about you. You’ve been subjected to very well executed Openwashing by Google. But every time you get in bed with G, you get hurt and end up less powerful than before.
> G has just been using you all along. How do you spot whether G is lying to you? You can see their libs moving. Stop it OpenSource! Google Ain't Gonna Care About You Ever
Why the fuck do so many globbing libraries not support recursive globbing. :|
Which ones are there even. I have been looking for a truly portable one a little while ago
Ruby standard library, Python standard library, glob, OTP, ....
Ahaha. I would never know this was a racial slur:
> As an Asian man was seen walking along the bridge, Clarkson said: "That is a proud moment, but there's a slope on it." Hammond replied: "You're right, it's definitely higher on that side." theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2014/apr/23/…
Okay. So Cavemen were Awesome Parents because: "..., more than a third of Neanderthal burials are those of children aged under four.”
Wait what?! I've been doing this parenting thing wrong
is it too late?
@Jefffrey yeah :(
Ninja y u indentation-based syntax.
Such a pity.
Because... ---> ninja <--- stealth, durrr
I need a sanity check.
What am I seeing here?
Is that the removal of the explicit operator bool?
Why would this ever be a good thing?
You are witnessing an utter idiot.
> Patch reverted. Better simply do this in the next ABI.
That was GCC 4.8.
Hey GCC 4.8 is broken because we messed up. Let's break the future GCC 4.9 instead.
I am so glad I am not touching gcc and libstdc++ outside of work (where we aren't on C++11 yet vOv).
You prefer Borland/RogueWave?
No, I just stay safe with clang and libc++ and their bugs :P
Oh, now I remember! You're the pathological GNU basher. Carry on. Yawn
Safer than disappearing operator bools. :D
@sehe It's not me who is pathological, it's GNU! :D
Go on? You know you can do better than that
Nah, two GNU related discussion in a day is way too much, and I have already had one.
See. Who's pathological :)
Furry noise
> CreateProcess failed: The system cannot find the file specified.
Fuck you Windows.
@rightfold why don't you just give it the file?
@Xeo Oh my.
@rightfold Check required dlls (and/or manifests) :)
No, it's because of this: github.com/martine/ninja/issues/675
hehe. Morons writing unportable scripts :/
def write_rule(build_file, name, command):
    if os.name == 'nt':
        command = 'cmd /c {0}'.format(command)
    build_file.write('rule {0}\n    command = {1}\n'.format(name, command))
Feels like a hack. :[
thetaoofbadass.com/special/goldfish This is comedy gold (mildly NSFW)
> ninja: error: mkdir(build/static/js): No such file or directory/static/js\admin\graph.coffee.js
dat error wat
hello @DeadMG
hello @rightfold
hello @user3066819
inb4 gtfo
anyone can review ps script?
@Abyx ehehehe
@user3066819 I'm sure someone can. I'm also pretty sure nobody in the Lounge wants to.
is it that bad?
@sehe It's super annoying because you can't mute or seek or even stop it from playing.
It's not even starting for me, so whatever
@DeadMG lol
if os.name == 'nt':
    target = target.replace('/', '\\')
    sources = [source.replace('/', '\\') for source in sources]
Even rightfold's exception box is more interesting than reviewing scripts.
I really need to do something better than this. :L
anyway I've been listening for like 15 minutes and I'm not really feeling the comedy yet
unless the bit at the end is just "Screw you, loser, this shit doesn't exist" or "Be yourself" or something.
Boy that's tiring.
Don't be yourself. You suck.
Women might like that.
well, I am a genius,so there's that
That helps. You can explain why women should all crave your genes
my children would probably have IBS too
I'm a genius too, but women like me for my beard.
and I'd be a terrible father
You're no caveman!
> It's been secretly tested by 100s of guys who are in my "inner circle"
@sehe Alright, seriously, how long is this video? It's been like 20 minutes and I'm looking for the comedy gold but it just ain't happening
:D That /is/ the comeduy
oh right.
you could have mentioned that
I've not reached the end yet.
I mean, that just cracks me up :)
It sounds terribly boring.
It is
Something like this would be handy dandy. gist.github.com/rightfold/82aed89fbb06ebb0c4fd
Okay. I bailed. Didn't make it to the end. The animation should have been done all the way :)
You're not doing a good job of selling it.
You've earned the "stl" badge noooooooo
@LightnessRacesinOrbit :D
That must be particularly painful in your case :D
but now I have 111, which is pleasing
that can't be right
ah, 111 unique
@R.MartinhoFernandes 507 total :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit hahahahaha
> syntax error : ','
inline workaround_msvc_stl_support(A&& a, B&& b, C&& c, D&& d, E&& e) : T(std::forward<A>(a), std::forward<B>(b), std::forward<C>(c), std::forward<D>(d), , std::forward<E>(e)) {}
Don't even.
> , , std::forward<E>(e)
@sehe KARMÆ
// sometimes, MSVC detects, at compile time, that the argument x
// in std::vector::resize(size_t s,T x) won't be aligned and generate an error
// even if this function is never called. Whence this little wrapper.
                    x); // aligned x
schtasks /create /F /TN "VPN Connection Update" /TR "F:\Desktop\routes.bat"; /SC ONEVENT /EC Application /MO " *[System[(Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=20225)]] and *[EventData[Data='Corporate VPN']]";
ERROR: The specified query is invalid
thanks, Windows
ah, those semicolons shouldn't be there
is SQLAlchemy worth trying?
Worked around a workaround: check.
I can die happier now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oakydoaky, I'll call the bus.
I'm British, and I've never said "go to hospital" - sounds strange to me. Some of the others are familiar though. — UpTheCreek Apr 6 '11 at 6:41
guh just found this old gem again
You try spending four years on SO and staying positive about life. — Lightness Races in Orbit 24 secs ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well said! Well said!
Going back to C++98 is so painful
did anyone else see that exchange with Liam before it got nuked?
> put up or shut up
little twat
> Why would a person waste his days for something he is not being paid for?
It baffles me how altruism is baffling to some people.
Doing something you're not being paid for is often the opposite of altruism
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's sad, isn't it?
@sehe how are the two related?
@sehe Huh?
@sehe If you're about to make some point about motivations and how people often have selfish goals even for seemingly selfless tasks, I would note that everything we do is self-serving. Everything. Even a truly selfless task is only performed because it imbues the tasker with some sense of satisfaction or pride.
@rubenvb That's my point
@sehe That the thing you just said is internally inconsistent and describes a non-existent relationship between orthogonal concepts is.. your point?
@sehe Your use of "often" implies a connection.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yet the chance that something we do for pay is essentially selfish is smaller, in my view, than the chance that something we do /for free/ is
@rubenvb Well, I sure hope you can read the context too. It's only 3 lines up.
@rubenvb I don't deny I made a connection. I was making a point.
hello, I have a question. I am reading some input line by line from standard input. Whenever I receive an input I put it into a thread. When I run that threaded function, I can see only the output of the last input. Why is it so? I didn't ask in the website because code is really long.
You can hardly "accuse" me of implying a connection. That was the point. I was balancing the preceding statements.
@sehe I wouldn't argue with that.
@jason If the code is really long, then reduce it to a SSCCE. Also, read this please.
@jason So the chat is the correct place to ask about the long code you don't want to ask in the proper place?
Do you think this logic is sound?
@sehe I think you failed utterly, because no one seems to have understood it.
@sehe I wouldn't posit it, either, because it could be an observation bias of some kind, but I wouldn't be surprised if you were right.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're welcome
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I specificly stated it to be "in my view" :)
I think @sehe was being altruistic in his comment.
@sehe You've now spent 80% of your time inside this conversation saying "I was making a point", and only 20% of your time writing other words which, incidentally, did not constitute any kind of evident point.
@sehe and I'm letting you in on my matching view!
I like how we're having two different conversations about two different topics at the same time and the interactions between them are remarkably different
omg now it's three
Yeah. I see little wrong with the conversation. Lightness was making good points, and we're agreeing on some hypothesis.
RubenVb was being a bit dense/impatient and I pointed out he neglected half the context. Wow. Not very complicated. Also, not very important
I feel you neglected half the context as well.
That's possible
@sehe Now you insult me as well for trying to understand your ill-make point (I couldn't care less, but still, WTF?).
fight fight fight
user image
@rubenvb Oh well. If that's an insult... I must be missing lots here
@sehe Please choose the definition of dense you think applies to me (for lulz).
Someone seemed to be equating "wasting time for no pay" with "altruism". I offered that doing stuff for no pay might often be more selfish than the things for no pay. (In reality there's a balance and it's not black and white; I tried to let that image "emerge" between the two extremes)
^ woot
(FYI: I understood what you were talking about, I was trying to subtly point out to you that your phrasing was too direct)
I merely considered altruism as a justification for wasting time for no pay, something the author of the quoted message appeared to be unable to grasp.
Oh good. So, there. It was all just appearance and the clarification was simple.
@rubenvb Good point. I seem to not be aware of the official meaning of the word. I had distilled from years of internet communication (notably the lounge) that "being dense" meant - predominantly - to take things overly literal, often jumping to conclusions. I agree that the wording was effectively too direct, then :)
@rubenvb Thanks. Appreciated.
@sehe It's not offensive when used as "intentionally dense", which seems to be what you meant it as.
Well, I would no longer want to assume that it wouldn't be offensive to everyone.
There might be a subtle difference between "you're dense" and "someone is being dense" at play. But hey, it's subtle
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yup that's the "being dense" sense, for me. "being an ass" -> "acting like an ass" etc.
lol. This is Lounge<C++> after all :)
huh, why does VS2013 Express require Windows 8.1? What is it doing?
Because otherwise nobody will ever use Windows 8.1.
oh, there's a variant that supports 7

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