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You're bad at this.
Correct response is "because I need money for hookers".
no, no
@DeadMG Are you really doing that just for the money?
it's hookers and blow
@EtiennedeMartel Why else would I do what someone else tells me to instead of working on Wide or something?
answer: because they pay me so I can live somewhere that isn't with my parents, and get a new graphics card and shit
I'm kidding.
@DeadMG I'm saying that because it doesn't sound very good.
You get a notification if an answer of yours gets edited!
I mean, you might as well be saying "as soon as I got enough years on my CV, I'm out of here".
the recruiter in question didn't even specify where "here" is.
or if there even is a "here".
he didn't ask me why I was looking for a specific job, or even a software job- he wanted to know why I was looking for any job.
"No worries, I'm too lazy to go through that recruitment nonsense again"
he also wants to know if I've had any other interviews recently...
tempted to put "None of your damn business"
well, strictly, I did the phone thing with Google, I guess
"I've had an interview on a radio about my parrot cannon invention"
but I'm not gonna tell him that.
"I interviewed myself about how fucking awesome I am".
"It shoots parrots you see"
what other companies has my CV been forwarded to, directly or indirectly? I have no idea. It's in the public domain.
This is more entertaining if I pretend you both are role-playing your avatars. :)
What's more interesting is
Are you having a job interview at 2AM in the morning?
responding to some cock recruiter
but this guy is clearly an idiot.
Also, it's 2AM aah.
Sleep. Bye.
@CatPlusPlus Exactly, bye!
@R.MartinhoFernandes Good thing I instinctively checked the url before clicking it, you could've gotten in trouble.
evening everyone :)
I didn't accept any license.
O great, we're fine then.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Me neither.
but that is such a lolz URL
Honestly if you don't want web content to be shared, lock it behind some sort of login gate
just another example of how CS guys don't understand technology
This guy...
ah bit mah tongue
three recruiters, one government person, and two websites
oh, I need to speak to recruiter #4
that's enough for one morning
Where ever you work, make sure the hours are in the contract...
I recently discovered I made that mistake
@DeadMG It's 1:36.
No, its 20:36 :P
is anyone still awake? :p
still at work :/
ahh :)
just learning a bit more of c++ :)
@MohamedAhmedNabil sup :)
anyone uses haskell here?
Is haskell used in the market?
Q: What is Haskell actually useful for?

Sergio TapiaI really hope nobody deems this question as closable because it's a pretty straight forward one. I Googled this question, but not much information was found that was concise and informative for me. For instance, if I start learning Haskell, what can I find myself using it for. What are some com...

@ITNinja it seems nice? your thoughts?
You should google "Tabs vs Spaces"
It'll be fun.
@MohamedAhmedNabil I dont really use haskell often. I never really got past the basics :P
@ITNinja How were the basics?
@MohamedAhmedNabil Very interesting :) It makes math quite fun lol
I <3 its list comprehension though
@ITNinja hmmm, i might actually.. but what can i do with that language. What are the limitations
It isn't multi-paradigm. So it's only a pure functional programming language.
Its functional programming. If you have never done it before, it will take some getting used to. However, GHCI makes it very easy to get familiar with it :)
is it actually used in the market?
@Rapptz I mean in job requirements.
do people actually seriously use it, or do they just learn it for fun
Why does it matter?
@Rapptz The "pure" in the "pure functional" description of Haskell often refers to function purity.
I don't use Haskell. A lot of people in this room do though, but I personally never thought the language was "popular" or widely used in the industry. I'm probably wrong though because I never really looked at it and I really don't mind either way. Languages shouldn't be used just because they're popular.
@MohamedAhmedNabil well, even if it isnt, it gives you a different perspective on ways to accomplish something in another language (other than haskell).
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know.
What about "Scheme" ?
@MohamedAhmedNabil Scheme is used a little more than Haskell, but it's still largely in the same class -- used more for education than production code.
@JerryCoffin financial niche often use functional languages
at one time i was peppered with recruitment mails urging me to learn ocaml (i think it was) and become a star programmer in financial something.
A lot I know use R.
that's mostly just statistics, iirc
finance i think much about predictive models, robot trading, that sort of thing
What is oracle all about?
@MohamedAhmedNabil database, java, virtual box
the last two from ackquisition of sun
OpenOffice too.
Sun was pretty neat.
I still see their old monitors every once in a while lol
they made work stations too. spark station
The SPARCstation, SPARCserver and SPARCcenter product lines were a series of SPARC-based computer workstations and servers in desktop, deskside (pedestal) and rack-based form factor developed and sold by Sun Microsystems The first SPARCstation was the SPARCstation 1 (also known as the Sun 4/60), introduced in 1989. The series was very popular and introduced the Sun-4c architecture, a variant of the Sun-4 architecture previously introduced in the Sun 4/260. Thanks in part to the delay in the development of more modern processors from Motorola, the SPARCstation series was very successful a...
I used to use a SPARCstation at one of my jobs. What a slow piece of shit.
Of course at that time it was somewhat old.
If I have a class on a namespace, should I make the methods definitions out of the class itself or can I keep them in the class definition.
@Rapptz Probably out of the class definition so that they can be in a separate compilation unit.
I'm keeping it into a single file.
Sun also made some awesome large servers back in the day.
Q: Setting a value from function paramater const string(&)

zetametroidVery noobish, simple question, which hopefully has an easy answer. My issue basically comes down to a single line of code on a function parameter that is: void className::read(const string &) { ....function code } The input is established in main as a string, fname (i.e object.read(fname)....

Any idea what he's talking about?
I think my question would be offtopic for StackOverflow
@Rapptz What question?
13 mins ago, by Rapptz
If I have a class on a namespace, should I make the methods definitions out of the class itself or can I keep them in the class definition.
What's the difference?
I don't know, that's why I asked
If you're trying to keep it header only, keep it in the class definition
If you're keeping them all in a header file, to pick the former you'd have to make them explicitly inline. If you pick the latter, they're inline by default.
That's all the difference I can think of (other than syntactic woes).
What about operator overloading?
You mean member vs nonmember?
That's unrelated to in-class vs out-of-class.
If you're implementing them as member functions, then again, it doesn't make a difference
If you're trying to decide whether they should be members or non-members, then refer to that article by Scott Meyers
Oh they're members. I just don't know if I have to make them out of the class because I usually friend them, but I didn't this time.
I think you can even define friend functions within the class itself
Yes, but that is different from doing it outside. Sadly.
How so?
It makes them discoverable exclusively via ADL.
@Chimera There's a rather funny/sad story about that. When Silicon Graphics bought out Cray, they found Cray was working on a SPARC-based server. Since they didn't do SPARC, they did a quick inventory of the parts and such lying around, and offered to sell the lot to Sun. Sun bought it, looked more carefully, and realized it was a nearly finished design for what looked like a good server, so they finished it, and sold them as "Enterprise" servers -- killing SGI in the process.
@JerryCoffin Wow... excellent story
Omg that homework again
Did someone keep count of how many questions we've had on this one?
That's a completely different user too.
I think that speaks volume of how the teacher is.
They have no idea how pointers work at all
if you look at how he tried to pass the array into the function
Granted I'm not excellent with pointers either but with good reason. I avoid them
@Borgleader the tag is dead.
They should at least mention it is homework somewhere in their post
either title or someone in the text
and for a dead tag I've seen it a few times today
It's still used.
You're just not supposed to use it
@Borgleader Just read its tag wiki.
I still maintain they should mention it is homework.
Even if it's not through the use of the tag
Q: Why static and global variables of class type are dangerous?

updogliuhttp://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml#Static_and_Global_Variables Static or global variables of class type are forbidden: they cause hard-to-find bugs due to indeterminate order of construction and destruction. If a global variable of class type doesn't lean on ...

Holy shit.
"As a result we only allow static variables to contain POD data. This rule completely disallows vector (use C arrays instead), or string (use const char [])."
Why is that?
@Rapptz I think that's just worded weird. I'm pretty sure you're allowed to use vector and string in non-static or non-global contexts.
The Google C++ Style Guide is crazy, but it's not that crazy.
I'm interpreting that as:
- Only PODs are allowed at static and global scope.
- `vector` and `string` are not allowed at static and global scope.
- Everything is allowed at local scope.
plain old data
plain old data
no structs, no classes, no objects
To some extent, trivial structs and classes can act like PODs
By trivial, I mean:
1. Contains only other PODs or other trivial structs.
2. Non-polymorphic
3. Rule of zero
4. No RAII
among other things
Q: What Does THIS Do? C++

spryno724I have just received a header file in a C++ program, and I cannot figure out what this line of code does: Card(Value faceValue=deuce, Suit suit = clubs): suit(suit), faceValue(faceValue) {} What does the : mean, and why does replacing it with a ; (as I thought I should) break the code? Sorry...

Close votes please
Is my answer correct?
I think I'm wrong because I didn't get upvoted
I'm 99% sure of it but it's been a while since I've looked into this stuff.
I always thought it was because it allows const members to be initialized.
No one's wrong, but this question has been asked several times before this
also, can someone please reject the edit on this answer?
A: What Does THIS Do? C++

Mark RansomThis looks like a constructor for the Card class. The part after the : is an initializer list, initializing the values of member variables (or parent classes, but I don't think that's applicable in this case). The body of the constructor is empty because everything it needed to do was done in the...

@Prætorian The owner of the answer approved it. So let it be.
From what I've seen, when the owner of a post reviews an edit, it's binding.
I remember unilaterally rejecting a stupid edit on that branch predictor answer.
@Mysticial I don't understand why he would, it's an invalid edit. I rolled it back
@PhilipWhitehouse There's a pretty big difference between initializing a member in the initialization list and doing it within the body of the constructor. Doing the latter means that the object is first default constructed, and then assigned some value within the body. — Prætorian 39 secs ago
Will he get notified?
I agree its an invalid edit.
Theres a big difference behind the scenes
@Mysticial What was the "stupid edit" about?
It wasn't really that stupid. But it's too minor, and it would've unlocked about 800 of the upvotes on it.
What does that mean? unlocked the upvotes
@Prætorian If you cast a vote and you let the 5 min. grace period pass, you can't undo the vote until the post it edited.
The last edit on that answer was at about 2000 votes.
So the first 2000 votes are all unlocked.
But the last 1400 votes are locked.
ahhhh... I forgot Java used "boolean" instead of "bool"...
@Mysticial I see, so approving the edit would've given all those people who upvoted a chance to descend upon an excellent answer and undo the upvote :)
@Prætorian Yes. :) I'm cruel.
More like, I've been getting about 1 or 2 unupvote events every week. So yes, people do come back and rethink their votes.
People also change the accepted answer, in one thread I got it, lost it, got it back, and lost it again
I'm starting to think he's giving us split custody of the accepted answer
Guys, Is it possible to get email notification when somebody answers your question on stackoverflow
@Borgleader Of course it benefits no answerer when you do that.
I know
The edit that I made on July 1st was one that I had to think very hard about. That edit unlocked about 800 votes. But I absolutely had to fix the size of the image as well as a typo in the last sentence.
Q: Instant e-mail notifications of answers to questions

Piotr DobrogostI'd like to have Instant notifications by email of answers to my questions. Can this be implemented?

@Mysticial: rofl serisously?
People don't really undo upvotes though do they
@Insilico lol @ the original question.
@Borgleader The original image was 3 megapixels. It was breaking every scraper that didn't auto-reduce the size. (including careers)
Do you mean megabytes.
@Rapptz "It's the year 2009. The world is CONNECTED." LOL.
@Rapptz 2,048px × 1,536px
Most of the scrapers would display the image at full-size.
Including both careers and StackMonthly.
StackMonthly doesn't update with edits. So that one is "ruined" forever. But at least I could fix the on careers.
I find it surprisingly hard to research synchronization primitives and other issues like memory reordering in a coherent manner (especially with respect to C++).
@Insilico thanks but damn.. survival is really tough without the email notification
@HariOm That just means that you don't visit SO enough. :)
It doesn't help that people still don't realize that volatile is useless for multithreading except for Visual C++ compilers. -__-
usually only when I need an answere
@HariOm Just check every 24 hours.
I can't even avoid SO even if I wanted to.
I'm doing a networking project in Java right now. Everything I google for leads straight back to SO.
@Mysticial For a class project or something?
24hours is too much .. really.. but everything out there works like that.. an email notification is so necessary
And yeah... I end up upvoting everything that ends up being useful... Java or not.
@Insilico Yeah
@HariOm Wow, 24 hours is too much? That's only one day.
We had a choice between C, C++, or Java. I picked Java because it has a cleaner networking interface - and it's harder to shoot yourself in unfamiliar territory.
@Mysticial True, and there isn't a de facto portable C++ networking library I know of.
isnt there something in boost?
Perhaps Boost.Asio, but I don't know how well that works for general purpose networking.
Let's just say that a Java Exception/Error is much more descriptive than a C/C++ seg-fault.
@Insilico I guess you must be a tech guy when you are here in a c++ lounge .. So it should not be difficult to understand that a coder does a lot in 24 hours.. waiting is like wasting..!!
@HariOm You use that 24 hours to sleep on it or talk to a duck.
You'll be surprised how often that works.
Besides, email isn't even that "instant" anyway. Servers usually handle emails via chron jobs.
I find it hard to believe you can't work on something else for 24 hours.
When I conduct science experiments for research I often have to wait 1-2 weeks for materials to ship to my door. And another couple of weeks to put it together.
@HariOm If you have nothing else to do while you're waiting for an answer, there's two things you can do: #1 repeatedly check if someone posted an answer, or #2 search for an answer yourself.
haha.. rubber duck debugging is awesome.. but its not about doing something else when you wait for an answer
its like when the system can help you by instant notification
it should
@HariOm Perhaps the SO team is intentionally avoiding Facebook-like features? :-P
but here on SO.. the system is trying to create a new philosophy and not implement this feature keeps them a little back step..
thanks guys
for your time..
have a nice day
Wow! Can we not think for ourselves anymore. Gawd
@Chimera Eh?
@Insilico Commentary on @HariOm wanting a notification when somebody posts an answer to a question.
Give mah the codez! Can't think for self!
Q: c++ insertion node in single linked list

M WCan someone help me understand what I'm doing wrong. I need to insert a character into a linked list. it takes an input like a name of person, than it reverses it. then it tells user to choose a position to add a character. void insert_char(Node* plist, char x, int p){ Node* d=plist; for (i...

How does that even compile?
i<p and 0!=d
#define and && ?
@Borgleader That's certainly possible. It could also be the OP just typed it from memory
and is an alternative token for &&.
(Why they didn't just do a copy-and-paste instead baffles me)
No need to #define anything.
Learn something new everyday
@Borgleader Yes. It was one of those things that was made because keyboards way back in the day didn't make it easy to type out some C++ code.
(e.g. digraphs, trigraphs, alternative tokens)
Well what do you know, I've never heard of those.
@Borgleader Good. Welcome to the 21st century. :-P
I'll keep using &&, ||, ...
@Borgleader The lack of braces and the Yoda conditions in that question really bother me. :-/
0!=d <-- Yoda condition?
@Borgleader Yes.
Hahaha, nice I love that name
such a silly question with funny conversation
Does anyone know of an <atomic> implementation for Windows I can go study?
(Unfortunately I don't have access to a C++11 compiler with <atomic> right now. :-/)
I think, the <tag>homework</tag>
Fuck it. Not going to work anymore. I'm now retired.
well first of all how does one write a tag so that it appears as taggy, here?
tired or re-tired?
lol.. tired
re-tired implies some earlier tiredness?
ah, how did you do that?
[ tag : tagname ]
without the spaces
so, i think since the tag divided questions into first-class and second-class, and so was unsuitable
for SO
oops... no space between : an h
we should consider whether the language tags and also serve to divide questions into first-class and second-class, and so should be removed (by Tim Post)?
Really, did Tim say that?
i don't know what he said, but he's apparently been busy removing tags everywhere
yeah, I did some of it on Friday.
Not sure if I agree with it though.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf To help out with the purging of the tag.
i think it's useful
I do to,
Watching how Peterbilt trucks are built in the factory... very interesting
there was once a nice game called "the incredible machine"
i think you would have enjoyed that
Haven't heard of that game.
To google I go
The Incredible Machine (aka TIM) is a series of computer games that were originally designed and coded by Kevin Ryan and produced by Jeff Tunnell, the now-defunct Jeff Tunnell Productions, and published by Dynamix; the 1993 through 1995 versions had the same development team, but the later 2000–2001 titles had different designers. All versions were published by Sierra Entertainment. The entire series and intellectual property was acquired by Jeff Tunnell-founded PushButton Labs in October 2009. Gameplay The general goal of the games is to create a series of Rube Goldberg devices: arrang...
Looks awesome!
Kind of like a mechanical version of Lemmings
Wow, parts of the chasis are still painted by hand....
and cab panels, sides top and bottom ... not welded together .... glued.
I'm lonely... lol
@Cheersandhth.-Alf TIM was an awesome game back in the days!
No Android version though?
@Rapptz Haskell is far from popular, and a lot of C++ fellows seem to love it.
@FredOverflow I figured. I just didn't wanna pass it on as fact.
I don't know anyone outside of SO who uses Haskell.
Morning gents
@FredOverflow ???
Hey guys, I am trying to make a magnitude operator for a vector class that I just made, it is obviously a unary operator, I want it to operate on a const object , but I am unsure of how to specify that a unary operator operates on a const, can someone hePL ?
R f() const;
Q: Why can't I find myself in the User Reputation Leagues?

veredesmaraldClicking on the "Top <x>% this <period>" link on my SO profile takes me to the relevant page of the User Reputation League for <period>. However, if I subsequently change to a different period (say week to month), or even just search for myself on the same page, I get: No users...

^^ Somebody misspelled their own name.
93 rep
oh meta
If your attention to detail doesn't even extent to the spelling of your name, computers might not be the right career for you. — sbi 11 secs ago
Isn't that a bit too harsh? Almost comes off as inflammatory.
It depends on whether it's taken as a joke or a serious comment.
@Rapptz I'm all for criticizing friendly, but unveiled.
@Mysticial However the guy takes it, it was certainly meant to be taken serious.
@R.MartinhoFernandes When I sleep, then I sleep. If I dream while sleeping, I have forgotten about it in all but extreme cases by the time my feet hit the floor and I started to think about what I have to do in order to bully the kids out the door.
androids, electric sheep
@sbi the postal service is not IP
@thecoshman It's all mail to me.

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