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10:00 PM
@sbi Hey, Lame Pun Friday is still two hours away.
@RMartinhoFernandes But I will have to be in bed by then.
@sbi Lame Pun Friday lasts 24 hours.
Deja vu.
@Drise Pretty soon, you'll recognize the 'right answer' for a question. By then, it becomes a speed game: be TFGITW and 'harvest' 1-3 votes for any question (even though it may technically be a dupe). I used to do that a lot: I'd vote to close as a dupe, and simultaneously blurt 'the' answer out.
Today I bought a Bubble Eyed Goldfish, he went behind the filter and his eye sacs popped! :'( Also, I have a big tetra and he keeps pecking at the goldfish. My goldfish keeps hiding behind the filter, will he die?! D:
10:01 PM
> We love you Zurich. We love you. — Terry Pratchett
@sbi Nice
@sehe As all with the wonderful things I say, I didn't come up with this myself.
@sbi oh beer :P
@sbi I could tell (mainly because you quote the source with the quotations)
@TonyTheLion Ha, if you think this looks appealing, you don't know what Charles Stross had for Lunch today!
> Lunch! From which I have barely recovered. — Charles Stross
This really looks like the beer is the one with the most vitamins.
10:07 PM
oh wow
I don't know who Charles Stross is though
Obviously. Not surprising at all.
@sbi Hmmm, tasty. You can have the beer if you want.
@TonyTheLion And how could you know? It would require reading, after all.
sci fi writer
I see
10:08 PM
@ScarletAmaranth What? You ask a girl "Do you care what size/shape a p*ssy is?"? I reckon you get some mind blowing looks in return
I think we've come to a strange phase in society where people will post pictures of their food online.
I'm guilty of it too, but isn't it just a tad weird, when you think about it?
@sehe Yarr yarr, a good conversation starter ;)
@TonyTheLion Only if you consider beer to be food. Oh, wait, you're a Belgian...
pussy always starts a conversation amongst men :P
@sbi beer is food in Belgium :P
@sbi Wait, beer is not considered food in other countries??
10:11 PM
@StackedCrooked Well, not officially, no.
It's a strange world we live in.
whoever cares about official ?
Peeps, sleep well. I'm going to reorient horizontally for a while
oh good night
@sehe Have fun.
10:12 PM
Thx :)
> If I can't say the word vagina, why are we legislating vaginas? — Rep. Lisa Brown
Ha! Even better:
> If we truly want to make sure children are born, we would regulate vasectomies — Rep. Barb Byrum
@SamDeHaan you win
@sbi Oh gosh, you can't even use the technical terms? WTF.
@MooingDuck Wish I didn't
10:17 PM
Blasphemy, not being able to talk about vagina's. That's plain wrong, you should be able to openly discuss them anywhere and anytime :P
@RMartinhoFernandes Note that "WTF" isn't exactly a "technical term". Also note, that this is the US. Shrug. What did you expect?
oh yea, The Americas, truly a strange place
@TonyTheLion "...you should be able to open them anywhere and anytime." FTFY
@sbi yea, muff diving :P
I hope you don't have to look that up, cause it's fairly NSFW
10:20 PM
@TonyTheLion I can just about guess what it means.
@sbi Better :(
@TonyTheLion It's pretty explicit.
@sbi ok good
@RMartinhoFernandes Ow c'mon. That's god's own country, where they teach creation in school as a viable alternative to evolution.
why is no one on mumble?
I feel lonely in there
Well, guys, this was all fun and such, but I will have to be up and about in 7hrs, so I should pack my meatbag besides the facepalming polar bear.
10:21 PM
@sbi I don't want to give up hope :(
@sbi Have fun.
Hey @MooingDuck did you eventually get that UTF-7 thing working? Or did you give up?
@RMartinhoFernandes I totally gave up.
Wanna look at my attempt?
10:29 PM
what you trying to do?
@RMartinhoFernandes The problem was the aritificial limitations I was trying to use. Where the "meat" of the encoding would be in the utf_traits static class, but the traits classes would have minimal functionality. The basic_string class would use those simple functions to achieve the string functionality. Turns out inserting codepoints into a utf7 string requires a lot of additional processing that I hadn't expected.
@RMartinhoFernandes but sure
Oh. I get it. You wanted to have a string with a particular encoding but all the functionality.
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, it used whichever encoding internally. Nobody sane would use it in real code.
I just wrote an encoder/decoder.
@RMartinhoFernandes oh, yeah that's easy
10:33 PM
@MooingDuck Well, "easy".
It's still a pain to write all those bitshifts.
@RMartinhoFernandes how long did that take you?
@TonyTheLion Last night.
And by "last night", I mean, the whole thing.
From ~midnight to sunrise.
10:36 PM
@MooingDuck Just a random name.
It's a diacritic or something in some languages.
so you had to study the different types of encoding?
or you had a good idea how it worked?
@TonyTheLion Had to look up the specifics, but I had a vague idea of how they worked.
Now I kinda memorized them.
10:39 PM
nice one :)
It would probably take me a while to do that
there's no real special template wizardry in there, is there?
I can't help it. It sticks. It's annoying sometimes, because I memorize stuff I don't care about.
@TonyTheLion Nah, just a couple of specializations. It's mostly ugly bit twiddling all over.
@TonyTheLion I see CRTP
Oh, yeah, and some CRTP.
ah yea, I know about that
it's interesting you guys write a lot of stuff like that with templates
is that just to make it generic?
I'm broken. Can't write code without templates in it.
10:41 PM
oh, clever making ByteOrder a template parameter, saves a lot of code. I can't believe that never occurred to me, with all the other random template stuff I did to save code >.<
@RMartinhoFernandes it's probably a good thing, I hardly ever write template code
@TonyTheLion Sometimes. I used templates to accept any kind of iterator, for example. But also to reduce duplication.
@MooingDuck lol
@RadekSlupik Can you let me into the Kyrostat room. Seems like an interesting project that I would want to participate in.(Even if all I can do is write documentation).
@RMartinhoFernandes hmmm, I just find it hard to find real good things that I can write templates for
@EthanSteinberg It appears that no more people are allowed to access the files unless they pay more money, which they are avoiding for obvious reasons.
10:46 PM
Paying money would involve actually paying money :P
(I know, it's a shocker.)
@TonyTheLion Well, the "wizardy" things don't come up everyday, but the simple use cases do come up fairly often.
@RMartinhoFernandes I guess I don't have the trained eye yet for these use cases
this cracks me up every time
@ScarletAmaranth Well good luck anyways.
@EthanSteinberg Honestly, I'd say the more ppl the merrier, but it's not up to me. I'm sure our bitbucket repo is full simply for that's the only thing we (deadmg) paid for, but the room invites and stuff around the projects ... hold on a minute.
10:55 PM
@EthanSteinberg It would so seem that as of this very moment, no, but I'll ask when there's more members present as to how big we want this thing to really be,.
Mindboggingly space-big.
I honestly wouldn't mind any loung-er to join.
If you're open-sourcing it like you mentioned, anyone interested can just fork and request pulls, I guess.
yea but they can't do anything, cause we can't add people to the bitbucket team
unless we cough up more money
@TonyTheLion If it's open, you don't need a private repo.
10:59 PM
ah, didn't know
Would be a bit annoying for the puppy, I guess, since the money is already shelled out.
Hey guys
@TonyTheLion That's twice I saw that link and was a hairsbreath from clicking it :/
stupid short attention span
11:03 PM
How has everyones day been?
Full o c++ goodness?
Spent the afternoon having a nice chat with some old friends.
Well that's good to hear
oh funzies
My game is actually getting somewhere at all
11:06 PM
You're writing a game? Nice.
What kind of game?
You can now move a cursor thing over a terrain and place the same building on different tiles
Well I'm trying, and strategy
@Ell I'm cold, sick, and fucked my exam.
Oh, poor thing. The exam, that is. :P
@deadmg oh :/ if it makes you feel any better I fucked my exam too
11:08 PM
It's a clone of a game called trade empires
I prepared for completely the wrong one
walked into the exam and had no idea what the question was even asking
Basically, you have merchants and you have to establish trade routes between trading posts and trade commodities in order to make money
@deadmg really that bad, huh? :/ can you resit?
@DeadMG Oh, that happened to me once. It was incredibly frustrating, because I was quite confident in my abilities.
this exam isn't the problem
it's my project, and the signal processing module
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm pretty confident I could have done quite well on that exam if I'd been more prepared.
yet another reason why exams blow donkey cock
11:10 PM
Is signal processing digital signals on a wire? Reading serial data etc or have I Mae that up?
@Ell It's "Memorizing the instruction set of an ADC from 1980".
where within this stdargv.c pastebin.com/raw.php?i=FpDTjfud is the line that gets the command line arguments? the file is from ms visual c++ express i thought it'd have GetCommandLine but i don't see it
Ahh I see
@barlop urgh, that's fugly code
can hardly decypher it
for some unhappy reason
I woke up at 5am this morning
so I'm off to sleepses
nighty night nubbinses
11:12 PM
@DeadMG Have fun.
wet dreams
*       Arguments are retrieved from the program command line,
*       pointed to by _acmdln.
though that's the name of a function it seems
It's in the comments.
11:13 PM
long live comments
where is _acmdln set and how?
wouldn't it use the windows api or something to get the command line? how does it do it without that?
11:16 PM
That's the Windows API.
Or the CRT or soemthing.
or borken
That word is borken.
Knowing you passed your final exams feels like infinite freedom.
Not anymore forced to go to school.
now you have to find a job and work
sucks worse
I need to do college first.
oh college
still some form of schooling
so you ain't done yet
11:21 PM
No, but at least the government doesn't force me anymore.
I can get a job, no problem. A good friend of mine runs a software company.
11:38 PM
What header has std::begin?
@RMartinhoFernandes isn't it functional or something rediculous?
Hmm, <iterator>.
I guess that makes sense
Woot, refactoring successful.
11:43 PM
Nah, not quite like that. Pretty safe.
When you know all the code involved it usually goes well.
nice one

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