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12:00 PM
Speaking of barns...
@DomagojPandža Horn, perhaps :)
Q: Validation of input in c++

Robert KilarI have a big problem. I would like to validate input in the program. I would like to input some numbers, but if user will type NOT a number, for example:12aha the program will send a message and ask for value again. Please help me it's new to me.

So dramatic
stern, torn, churn
12:02 PM
Is there an OpenGL tutorial that you guys could recommend to somebody who knows zip about 3D graphics programming?
OpenGL is the simplest thing when 3D graphics is concerned. You need math. Lots of it. :Đ
you'd need to find a non-trivial wrapping library too
@DomagojPandža Lol.
Meh, wrapping OpenGL.
It's a necessary evil, best to abstract away the ugly C-ness of it.
@DomagojPandža I can cope with maths.
12:04 PM
nobody should have to deal with that implicit state and horrifically weak typing
Then rolling with the OpenGL shouldn't be difficult, just a matter of abstracting it away (if you're a C++ purist like most of us) or just strolling around the danger zone for simple projects.
In the end, you're just shaping a computer-acceptable vision of a mathematically defined world and OpenGL is your C-like wand.
oh, Domagoj
TIL there's a Beep function in WinAPI
in my exam on Monday, I was given a rotation matrix formula and asked which axis it rotated around
12:06 PM
would you be able to answer that?
me. no
I have no clues.
Actually, yes, do you have a copy of the matrix?
@TonyTheLion Yup. And there is a system service to actually make it work. So to silence beeps do net stop beep
Was it represented with Euler angles (easy to decompose) or quaternions?
12:07 PM
I simply found it a rather silly question, considering that we didn't cover extracting the axis from the matrix
so the only way to answer it is to know off by heart the formulae for x,y,z axes
> is giving up. It's your turn care and my turn to not give a shit.
some girl on my FB just posted that
any witty response?
@TonyTheLion To also silence the piezzo speaker, disable the 'hardware driver' for it (Non plug-and-play drivers/Beep)
@sehe that's hilarious :P
@TonyTheLion y u no spell properly?
@TonyTheLion It would be if it were a joke :)
12:09 PM
that would be my response
@sehe lol
"I care: y u no grammar properly".
although I feel kind of bad about my exam today
I don't see a spelling mistake :(
it really wasn't that bad
@TonyTheLion Grammar. My mistake.
12:10 PM
'turn care'
could have done it quite easy if I'd prepared properly, IMO
y u r grammar nazi
sumbitch save our design doc from last night?
@DeadMG It's a goddamn google doc. Revision is futile automatic!
@sehe It was a sync.in or something last I checked.
but I no possess link
12:12 PM
@DeadMG Check more often
@DeadMG tinyurl.com/bww63ga coshman tried
to make it look more appealing.
Readable and shit.
I've started organising it and stuff
give me an email and I can add you to editors
started being the operative word
@thecoshman WTF. I organize you a stuff
You're out of breath
@DeadMG EPIC email
12:14 PM
hah :Đ
@DeadMG The source is a German magazine article about the Human Microbiome Project (HMP). According to the article, there's 10^12 critters in a single gram of bowel content (and there's as many microbes on 2cm² of skin as there are humans on earth). I suppose they are much smaller than your body's cells, which is why there can be so much more of them.
@DeadMG added
@thecoshman I agree.
you're one of those lucky few who get to a decent email first
12:15 PM
you should have one [email protected]
I was in the gmail beta
although, I guess it was in beta for years, wasn't it?
I mean the invite-only phase
@DeadMG Recorded for all eternity.
@thecoshman luck has nothing to do with it
@sbi yeah, it's funny how open people are with bot friendly version of their email
I wonder who was the first prick who designed a bot for such purposes.
Then go back in time and torture him slowly.
12:19 PM
@thecoshman He could have deleted the message the moment you had copied it.
@thecoshman gmails spam filters are good enough that I don't care.
also, I realized I forgot to delete it and flagged for a mod, hopefully he'll cut it
@DomagojPandža You have to go back a long way. I remember websites putting mazes for email address harvesters on top of their pages in the 90s, probably mid-90s.
@DeadMG true, gmail is pretty damn good, but I still get the odd trickle
@sbi mazes? like oddly worded bits of texts that confuse bots?
Yes, but as with every automated system, there is a lingering chance of a false positive, no matter how good. And your inquisitive nature will always force you to check out the junk in order to prune possible important stuff.
@thecoshman Some script that generated a list of fake email addresses plus a list of links, which where generated when you clicked on them, linking to another such page...
12:23 PM
@DeadMG it's funny being able to see you reading through the doc :S
you can see me reading it?
Just when you click somewhere accidentally, probably.
> have you ever noticed that a womans 'i'll be 5 minutes' and a mans 'i'll be home in 5 minutes' are the same? — Debbie Howard
@DeadMG I can see you moving through the doc, as you click in various places I think
@thecoshman Ah, she's good again.
@thecoshman Im clicking randomly just for your pleasure too :P
12:25 PM
@ScarletAmaranth That's what he said to her. :Đ
@sbi thanks for something to C+P, I was running out of time
Perhaps you could inform the gentleman personally what year it is.
@thecoshman Suprisingly, research shows that, despite the apparent synchronization, man and women don't often come together
@sbi that did get a honest giggle out of me
why me?
12:27 PM
This game you guys are making sounds pretty cool
@sehe A gentlemen always let's the lady go first
"imagine trying to debate if the opening braces should be on a new line or not! They of course should NOT be on a new line :P"
@thecoshman ^come
Took me too long to figure out not wanting races meant not wanting different races of beings not races around a track :-P
Sometimes, newliners look sexy and sometimes they don't. It's a curse.
12:28 PM
@Collin lol
They should not be on a new line for everything but functions and classes
@sehe hay!
@sehe ¬_¬
12:29 PM
what are you having for lunch?
12:31 PM
Bacon here.
@DomagojPandža :( can haz ?
@DomagojPandža I hate you.
I have way too much of it in the fridge, I'm thinking about frying some on a pan or perhaps being more primal with just bread.
Or just bacon.
As for name, I thought we where running with 'Kryostat' for now. With 'Bacon' being the engine side of things
Bacon works very nicely, "the meat" of the game.
12:33 PM
We are certainly going to have to wrap OpenGL in Bacon if this is going to work.
I'd honestly wrap everything in bacon, including bacon itself.
@ScarletAmaranth That would tear the fabric of spacetime!
@DomagojPandža Embodiment of awesomeness!
@DomagojPandža Chuck Norris could do it.
12:38 PM
I'm not happy with the splurging of Bacon all over everything
it's a chat meme- it does not go in our fucking design document
I am absolutely fine with having bacon in ALL the design documents.
@DeadMG fair enough, though can we still not call the engine side of things the bacon?
it does need to be toned down though
12:40 PM
I don't care if we call it the Vampire Dick of Destruction, as long as we make it work.
Vampire Dick of Destruction, damn, what a great name for an engine :P
But, engines are serious business. And deserve a proper names. With that said, we shouldn't bloat the doc with bacon, but with time we could place a mesh of bacon to appear as a "production replacement" until we figure out the simple modeling system.
o btw
notice how the lasers do not light up the nearby ships
can we have that in real time?
@DeadMG why would they? and yes, there's no reason we can't do that in real time
If we go with the deferred pipeline, yes. Then anything can be a lightsource.
12:43 PM
@DeadMG Notice how the lasers can be seen in vacuum!
@DomagojPandža Good stuff.
@sbi Artistic licence.
@DeadMG Nonsense.
basically :P
@sbi firm sci-fi
12:44 PM
Star Trek labeled their phasers as a special type of matter which actually propagates a certain medium with it.
Collimated, of course.
@sbi I rofl'd.
But if we want to go a bit realistic, l4z0r like effects could "charge" along a path for a split second until they hit the target.
Then it will look like tiny collimated particles.
@DomagojPandža no 'leet' speak
@DomagojPandža Not really interested in the realistic.
Then just awesome pew pew
12:46 PM
Reality sucks if you want awesomeness.
the first priority is for the game to look awesome, and we can write some fluff for those people later.
@dead please don't add stuff below that tied mark. The idea of moving to Google docs was that we can format it properly and put things in sensible sections. That sync.in dump is just to save all the ideas
Well, there's only so much awesome we can do I daresay. But maybe Domagoj is a mage and will indeed conjure up some serious breathtaking-ness.
Not having lighting come from the lasers would be easier. Actually nothing would have to be done for that to happen
@thecoshman I'm not adding. I'm just reading.
12:47 PM
But again, I'm about good gameplay, not realism, so I think there should be lighting, so long as there's a fairly efficient way of going about it
@DeadMG oh right, my mistkae
if you want realism, putting a really strong laser pointer on a ship might turn a small portion of the outer hull of a ship slightly darker
Well, I can implement a realtime radiosity solution even, but that will only work on DX11 enabled hardware with DirectCompute capabilities and adapters ranked pretty high in the computing prowess (senseless here). This is just almost direct local illumination which is really trivial to implement. As a kid, I've always thought making the tech side work is the hard part, but it's actually hard to make a game worth playing.
are you making a game together, or what's going on?
I've tried playing Crysis games, but that simply is not fun.
12:50 PM
@DomagojPandža Design is just as important as making the sodding thing run :)
To hell with cascaded light propagation volumes, it doesn't feel nice.
@jalf Lounge<C++> making a game called Kryostat aka the Bacon game
You're welcome to assist if you want
nah, I think I'll watch from a distance :)
Are you using DX for that game?
So do you have some kind of consensus on what kind of game you're making?
12:52 PM
There's an entire design document WIP on the project, it's an RTS.
@Fanael It will probably end up being both openGL and DX.
Full 3D orientation (think Homeworld), pew pew from all the angles.
Also, shields.
@DomagojPandža I'd really need for it to be OGL 3.1 compat, I think.
Also, bacon.
if we can't make it work there then we can just scrap the idea
12:54 PM
@jalf Absolutely none. But we're working on that
MRTs are OpenGL 2.0, so everyone has it... 3.1 works just fine.
I've seen a nice tutorial for that sweet blur with things like laser beams and glowie panels
Does anybody have a GPU with <512 MB of video memory?
@DomagojPandža I think I fall into that category... though it might be =512
Then most have sufficient memory for a gbuffer and very likely sufficient fillrate and transfer rates.
= awesomeness blowing up in your face
12:58 PM
we really should aim to scale the graphics such that people with low end machines can play, but with out the bells and whistles
Btw, I want planets accelerating nearby ships (not pull, just acceleration). :(
We have to make it work @DeadMG :P
The high end graphical effects should not give a player an advantage, just make the game look nicer
@ScarletAmaranth WTF acceleration do you want if not gravity sucking ships in?
because anything else is just totally illogical

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