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9:00 PM
@daknok_t Yes. ;_;
@Luc what do you think of this: ideone.com/k7a6e?
@RMartinhoFernandes I think it's conforming. Laziness actually requires a lot of rigging.
Not that much really, but I was mostly questioning about which would be preferable.
Out of which?
Short-circuiting may avoid unnecessary instantiations, but it may also let "bad" ones slip.
@LucDanton That test case failing, or passing.
9:04 PM
based on first impression of e17, it could work, but is probably going to need a lot of tinkering with
@RMartinhoFernandes You can't make it not fail without the extra rigging because you put bar<double>. The extra rigging would look like e.g. lazy_invoke<bar, double>.
Oh wait. I have my doubts.
bar<double> is okay. Only foo<double> isn't.
Or is this GCC being wrong?
I'm actually not super confident about instantiation rules. Both could be fine.
Because I can certainly instantiate bar<double> if I don't access the value member.
I.e. passing a template parameter doesn't require the type to be complete, does it? So my reasoning is that that alone doesn't instantiate it.
9:06 PM
@LucDanton No.
I've used incomplete types as markers before.
I'm benchmarking either version and if one leads to better compile times I'll use it.
How do you benchmark compilation? I mean, what kind of junk do you feed it to get meaningful results?
In this case the benchmark is a program that apply's an expression to three variants.
Oh, that one.
27s compilation :|
9:11 PM
... versus ...
Well first I have to compile the library. Where approximately every header includes annex/type_traits.hpp which in turns includes annex/meta.hpp where there is And.
And that took 46s. I could keep track of that.
30s >.>
So, which one was which?
The library took 46s, the program 30s.
Silly me.
Hmm, not a big hit it seems (if any).
Compiling the library takes the same time for either.
I'm really not very sold on the relevancy of my test program lol.
I.e. my unit tests should already be stress testing And to some extent.
9:14 PM
Well, I wrote mine with short-circuiting to mimic &&'s behaviour, and that's what I'm sticking with :P
I will also be sticking with laziness I think. It's one of the major selling point of Boost.MPL.
Supposedly this laziness helps with compile-time and I really need that atm. Too bad the test program doesn't care.
nope, don't like e17
do people really like it when a folder opens in a new window?
@thecoshman I don't even like it when a web page opens in a new window.
or do they never make use of nested folders
@RMartinhoFernandes A second timing suggests that there is no marked difference.
9:17 PM
@LucDanton Maybe it only really matters a lot if there's a long chain in the traits.
so what's next? xfcd?
or what ever it is :P
@thecoshman What are you looking for in a desktop environment?
So can anyone explain to be about how to chose a school to go to for Computer Science? Why does it matter what school I go to, why don't I just go to the cheapest easiest school I can?
@RMartinhoFernandes I'd think so, too.
9:18 PM
@Maxpm more or less, AWN
@thecoshman AWN?
@Jordan some schools try to convert you into a die-hard Java evangelist.
Is that good or bad? Do I want that?
I used to use gnome with out any panels and just AWN. Avant-Window-Navigator, shit name to be fair. basically, just one dock bar at the bottom
I want that back :(
9:20 PM
You don't want to be a die-hard anything evangelist.
But especially not a die-hard Java evangelist.
I will be more specific
9:20 PM
Trying to make Or lazy breaks GCC. Is std::conditional<T::value, std::true_type, Or<Ts...>>::type correct?
@LucDanton That's what I have.
I think. checks
I suppose I could give gnome 3 a look in, whilst I am doing the tours
For me to get into the decent state university here will take me another extra 2 years or so, I could get into a crappy party school right now and graduate in 2 or 3 years instead of in 5 years. What do I do besides go insane?
template <typename... T>
struct Any : Bool<false> {};
template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct Any<Head, Tail...> : Conditional<Head, Bool<true>, Any<Tail...>> {};
@thecoshman I'm sure you can find something similar for any popular environment.
9:22 PM
@thecoshman Most DEs have customizable number and position of bars.
Bool<true> worked where std::true_type didn't. I'm not going to question it. Build time the same for the library, timing the program...
@Maxpm well, AWN still works with gnome-session-falback, but I don't seem to be able to get rid of the gnome panels, and compiz has run away
@thecoshman What distribution and GNOME version?
Same timings. No surprise here.
9:24 PM
No one knows about colleges at all?
std::true_type works fine here.
@Jordan We don't even know where you live. For all we know we're not even on the same hemisphere; then what kind of advice could I give you?
"My parents will murder me." Why not "I will birth my parents."?
@Maxpm 11.10
9:24 PM
I can go to any school in the USa that will accept me
@Jordan college?
@RMartinhoFernandes The error is still here. Not worth worrying about imo.
Is your Bool fancy? Hmm, no.
@Jordan I'm a prof at a University in Sweden
9:26 PM
that is a socialist country
Seems to me tuitions are the hurdle many times.
@thecoshman Ubuntu, then?
In America you basically go to the best school you can afford and get accepted into, and if you are rich enough any school will accept you
@Jordan Yes we produce communists like Henry T Ford showed us =)
9:27 PM
@RMartinhoFernandes std::integral_constant<bool, B>. The error stems from the expressions, i.e. the stressful parts of the library.
@Maxpm yeah
I guess I can make the question more basic, why does a good school matter for computer science? Do you literally learn better/more or does the recognition of that university help get a job?
So, it's probably just one of the usual fits.
@Jordan I find that very sad.
9:28 PM
In America you basically memorize and test. This is apparently how people measure each other's intelligence.
@thecoshman If you want to keep your desktop shiny like Unity, I suggest trying KDE. You'll definitely find something dock-like for that.
Well our schools are all based on money, schools need to sell themselves and look more appealing to more people so they accept students with higher test scores (that is the only quality a school is measured on) and make it very difficult to transfer into schools. They get bigger and better sports programs to advertise their school and make it more appealing to 18 year olds
Oh, "dock-like" means "like that thing MacOS has on the bottom with the embiggening icons as you hover"?
@Jordan Schooling is not differentiated among neither intelligence nor wealth, it aught to be about interest. We also have a business/economic interest.
@Maxpm is it possible to remove the unity crap? the side and top bar? and return the windows back to normal, so the each have their own 'file | edit | etc' menus
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, except I don't require the icons to enlarge to size of a coaster to see them :p
9:30 PM
In America education is guarded and protected, because is everyone is educated who will work the farms and factories?
@thecoshman Not without the GNOME fallback thing, no.
The number of spots available for a particular topic, be it CS or applied coding should be up to the guys holding thos prognosises.
Which is one reason why I don't like Ubuntu.
Canonical is lucky it makes such pretty stuff.
Seriously, you meatbags are screwed. We tin cans will steal all your jobs except robot design, programming and maintenance.
9:31 PM
@Maxpm in 11.10 is gnome fall back gnome 2 or 3?
@thecoshman I think 3.
@daknok_t It's Turtle Graphics 10.0 :)
I think so too
Dudes, the battle has already been treatied. BSD came out first. No need to dwell upon unity nor gnome 3.
So no one here knows anything about american schools? In the context of helping me
9:33 PM
@thecoshman Do as I did: I installed Linux Mint 12. Problem severely solved.
@Jordan No.
@Jordan Yes, at college level, move to sweden apply be happy! =)
@sehe from what I have seen, I don't like to look a Mint :P
Carnegie-Mellon seems nice, but they made Alice. So....
what is it running?
9:34 PM
I can only speak english, and I hate communists
Even the wife was happy since I just copied over the /home/wifename folder and she got all here tabs, bookmarks, recently used docs, thunderbird plugins (incl. google calendars and addressbooks) etc. at her fingertips
@thecoshman Fall back to gnome then :). Do you really think Canonical's offering is prettier than Mint? Or isn't that the point you made?
9:34 PM
@Jordan You'd be in good company, we pride ourself in our mostly well spoken english.
Uh, anyway, @thecoshman, I think Mint either runs Xfce or KDE. Both can be made to look like GNOME or OS X.
@sehe Your wife's username is "wifename"? How devoid of creativity.
@DeadMG Hi.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well sometimes I make up stuff. I bet you can guess my username. Now, guess my password
@Jordan And of course, I presume you heard the news about russia falling in 1989.
9:36 PM
@sehe hunter2?
When American defeated the communists, because we are too cool probably
@sehe before this unity thing came along, I used ubuntu fairly stock. not much different, removed the panels from gnome (not just hidden) and used a dock bar (so or like you get on Mac)
Russians are cooler than you.
@Maxpm almost. Try again
@Jordan Yep, that or all the cat pictures over the internet.
9:37 PM
Canadians and Greenlanders too.
@sehe *******?
Oh well I just came here to bitch
Woah. That's scary. How did you know my password?
I think I ought to flag that.
because I have to go to school for 8 years to get a 4 year degree

user1325146Write a public static method that takes two integers and returns true if they are equal. Test both equal numbers and inequal numbers in the main method. must be written in java. im not sure how to proceed or what exactly this question is asking. Thanks

-5 in < 1 min.
9:38 PM
@Jordan whoa there Mr, America defeated the communists?
@sehe T2FPXFaKx6hq4mA9FRLQPfmvTacLF6TeHWqG2Vxg5Z2TG6wfMEH4ZsfwveunPRN4MC8ccVan7XgMXbRp‌​8P8GJy93RQZPgX5Z9K4kVEMTdXz5jczBnnYbkJvz?
@Mysticial The question title floored me.
@Jordan You did a Bang up Job dear sir. Hope to see you again soon!
Yes America defeated the communists, in a boxing match so epic is ended their civilization
9:39 PM
I was expecting to find an anagram in the username I was dissapoint.
@RMartinhoFernandes Had to sneek in another Unicode mishap, did you? I think the eery rhythm of upper/lower/digit betrays a little bias or is that just an illusion?
firstly, communism is not just Russia, as I think you are implying. Secondly, America did not cause the USSR to collapse, they managed that on their own. Thirdly, communism is still alive and kicking in plenty of countries.
@sehe No, that's a random password generated from entropy from my machine.
Only the ASCII plane or whatchamacallit was used. No advanced Unicodes were harmed.
@thecoshman Jordan is quite successfullly trolling ok?
9:41 PM
@thecoshman But with cancer.
It isnt really trolling, I was just joking
I thought it was absurd enough that everyone got that
@Jordan Yep s/troll/joke/ for all practical purposes
to me you just came across as some douche bag racist
9:42 PM
Hahaha. I still gotta get used to Alt-F2 not working with Mint, I think. I suppose it should work, but currently doesn't. Gnome 3 launcher is pretty nifty though
How is that racist?
@sehe What WinManager?
you do not have to directly say anything racist to come across as some one who is racist
@RMartinhoFernandes there's <200c><200b> at column 81
"I am a racist." is not a racist statement, and yet it does make you come across as a racist.
9:43 PM
Thats a niggardly tough statement to prove
@RMartinhoFernandes Stop it, Gödel
dats racist
@CaptainGiraffe Embarassingly, I don't know. It works well for me, though. Let me with xlsclients
@sehe I'm kinda racist against Gödel
9:44 PM
@sehe Holy watermelons, that was not intentional.
@CaptainGiraffe here you go:
mint12  gnome-session
mint12  gnome-settings-daemon
mint12  gnome-screensaver
mint12  gnome-shell
mint12  nautilus
mint12  nm-applet
mint12  mintUpdate.py
mint12  thunderbird-bin
mint12  gdu-notification-daemon
mint12  applet.py
mint12  opera
mint12  operapluginwrapper-native
mint12  gvim
mint12  gnome-terminal
@sehe That goes along ways,
@sehe whats your uname -a?
Linux mint12 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
osname, I bet.
^ I'd say not very relevant
9:45 PM
Damn, too slow.
@RMartinhoFernandes This is not facebook is it now?
I think I'm lacking the Facebook know-how to understand that question.
@RMartinhoFernandes Good, me too
this room needs more americans
@Jordan Go buy some. Merkins are cheap :)
9:48 PM
I am american I am too poor
@RMartinhoFernandes Really? Maybe I'm just extrapolating but facebook would have asked you to cat /etc/passwd
@Jordan Well, Europe is almost bankrupt, so join the chorus
@CaptainGiraffe Extrapolating by quite a big margin
Not a facebook authority in any way, just extrapolating from 1984. Might be I'm doing it wrong
@sehe Opps, my bad then.
9:49 PM
> This article is about pubic wig.
are schools in europe easier to bribe than in the US? Americans are so greedy they want like $5,000 for an A but I can only get out loans of a couple thousand
Anyways, if anyone can make out what wm is running there... It's a default Linux Mint 12 64bit installation. It is crazy smooth and pretty, but I don't know what WM is hidden there. Did it get integrated into a gnome-session* thing?
9:51 PM
@Jordan Give me $5k and I'll give you an A in any of my A courses.
@Jordan in Europe we like to educate our people
@thecoshman We like to think so, at least.
@thecoshman Don't shatter the dream.
@sehe Compiz Fusion.
Or Metacity.
9:54 PM
@Captain If you can get me accepted into your school I can get you money and American stuff like patriotism and liberty
@Maxpm If I was ladbrookes, it would be Compiz 1.02 , 18.6 Metacity
@Jordan and TV
@Jordan OOhh liberiy! I like that!
I am such a bad american, I dont own a TV
@Jordan My apartment has 2 TVs! We have no channels though. Just consoles.
9:56 PM
Do you know that the word liberty comes from the Roman emperor Liberius?
Mint also has a GNOME 3 fork called Cinnamon.
It is very pretty.
I'm considering a new Mint installation!
He never freed anything though he captured Apollo and Gallileo Gallilei
@Maxpm well, can't confirm either of those.
@Maxpm Are they not doing any of the phone/table ui in there?
The Romans were gay
9:58 PM
They didn't have rock and roll
"Origin of LIBERAL
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lēodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free
First Known Use: 14th century"
oooh I think this is what I am after! at long last :D
@CaptainGiraffe Huh?
@CaptainGiraffe Not in my opinion. It has a 'dock' that pop ups with the Win key (or top left corner) but it is rather nice

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