Inline keyword is mostly useful for preventing linker errors. It's not useful for performance enhancements because the compiler will inline certain functions anyway if optimizations are turned on.
And it will ingore your inline declarations if it sees fit.
I remember playing Age of Empires II online while my computer was transcoding a DVD to DivX file using a program named VirtualDub. It caused lag for everyone. Ah the memories...
In the future you can have [[ msvc::super_duper_msvc_attrib, gcc::super_duper_gcc_attrib_that_does_the_same_but_with_a_different_name, clang::and_the_super_duper_clang_version ]] int x;
So, I will be hosting a lunch and I am looking for an interesting activity. I remember having seen a google tech talk video that, in the beginning, had a series of "what will this code do" puzzles in c or c++, and I thought it would be a good idea to do something similar.
Do you know which that...
One example might be a game development library. It might include facilities to play sounds, draw graphics and simulate physics. They can be used together, or independently of each other.
Up until now, I had thought UI design was for creative artsy people. It's really more straightforward than "back-end" code, though, isn't it? Which is more intuitive: A button here, or a button there? It's testable. It's scientific.
Actually "artsy" people make for absolutely awful UI developers, remember the craze of skinned windows not following any recognized standards... that was artsy people at the wheel.